The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 90: Preperation to the Finale

Parc had found himself sitting across from Esdeath not days after the fall of Mez and Suzuka. He and Esdeath now trapped in a battle of stares and silence, waiting for the other to speak up first.

Throughout the wait, Esdeath's fingers would rap against her cheek, eyes slanted down as she pondered upon the single question Parc had asked her not five minutes prior.

"Would you kill Honest?"

It was a simple yes or no question one might think. But for her, a general of the Empire it held behind it several issues. For one she had spent the better part of her life as a loyal dog for the Empire, second was the issue around her loyalties.

Esdeath hummed, dropping her hand to the table while leaning back in the chair. "I do suppose I would," she finally answered glancing an eye beneath the table where she could see a head of messy black hair pushed in between her legs before pulling them back up and onto Parc.

"Really?" Parc tilted his head curiously, "just like that? No loyalty or anything?"

Esdeath huffed, "I hold no loyalty to Honest nor this Empire. It is merely a means of entertainment for me." Her lips curled up into a cruel grin, "the only reason I have yet to slaughter that detestable pig is because he hands me some interesting hunts every now and then."

Parc leaned back into his seat, ignoring the slurping noises coming from beneath the table to say, "and when he doesn't have any more for you?"

"Then I would have to seek something more interesting. Perhaps I would challenge Budo to a death battle of sorts. See which of us deserves the title of strongest general."


Parc knew little of the man, only of his position as the leader of the Imperial guard and having a fearful strength. He was someone Parc had no doubts would be coming into the fray once the revolution started up in the future.

"That's a lot of past tense," Parc muttered out a groan as Mez's tongue struck a particularly sensitive portion of his glans.

Esdeath nodded in reply, "I have found something more interesting now, Darling~" Esdeath flicked a grape from the table into her mouth, casting Parc a small smirk. "simply say the word and I will lay waste to every being within the Empire and usurp the throne just for you."

"Good to know…" Parc mumbled, tilting his head back to stare off past the ceiling above. Hand traveling beneath the table to grip hand full of Mez's hair and forcefully bury his shaft to the hilt inside her throat, grunting as he made her drink his seed as he released it all inside her. Mez's lips still locked tightly around his shaft, her tongue snacking around his shaft lapping at his semen even long after he had finished climaxing.

Sucking in a deep breath through his nose, Parc shut his eyes. With Esdeath now confirming her loyalty to him and her willingness to decimate the Empire he could feel his time on this world coming to a swift end.


[Quest: Kill the King]

[Main objective]

[Conquer: Najenda]


[Secondary objectives]

--[Concubines: 6/10] [Kill: Honest] [Kill: The Emperor]


[Completed Objectives]

--[Conquer: Esdeath]


Truly, things seemed to be drawing to a close.

Honest and the Emperors deaths were all but inevitable at this point and he had more than just four women awaiting him back at night raid. 'four?' Parc thought bringing up another page of the system.



[The Conquered Hound: Kurome]



[The Lion of Nightraid: Leone]

[The Airheaded Assassin: Sheele]

[The Tsundere of Nightraid: Mine]

[The Devil of the Empire: Esdeath]

[The Demon Rakshasa: Mez]

[The Demon Rakshasa: Suzuka]


'Right… Kurome's a consort, not a concubine.' He thought, 'what do these even mean?' it was a question he would think about every now and then whenever he checked the system tabs. He knew that those he took as his concubines grew gemstones, but that was it. He didn't feel any particular telepathic connection or well anything at all. 'Is it just a title?' it could very well be but it may very well be something entirely different. But he would need to complete his missions before he could properly figure anything out.

"Would the Jaegers follow you if we started a war with Honest?"

Esdeath hummed, "no. Not without any proper incentivization. Wave has been shirking his duties to care for that Aina girl and Seryu has been… lacking, to say the least of her." She grumbled irritated at the supposed loyal hound of the Empire going through some pathetic midlife crisis.

Parc nodded along, "What about the others? Bols and Run?"

"Run is ambitious, he wishes for a position that would allow him the capability of providing change to the empire while Bols, his first priority will always be ensuring his family has a place they can live peacefully." Esdeath calmly answered, barely showing her own pleasurable sighs as Suzuka's tongue penetrated deep into her nether.

Parc completely agreed with Bols, his family should come first no matter what, especially with a six year old girl. "Then would they get in our way?" he didn't need to ask for Kurome as she was much too focused on being his loyal dog.

Esdeath paused, having to think a little over the five remaining Jaegers. "Unlikely, the most pressing issue would be Seryu if she hasn't already become disillusioned with the Empire from what you and that Tatsumi boy have been saying. Otherwise none show utmost loyalty to the Empire."

Parc sighed as Mez pulled his shaft from her throat, beginning to lick and peck along the underside of it with lavish, sloppy noises.

"But," Esdeath muttered out, "that also depends on what it is we accomplish, Wave is likely to challenge us if we harm innocents, Run as well. I can offer some form of safety for Bols's family so long as he does not attempt to stop us. Wave has also come to speak with me about taking some time off to help with his loves recovery from Bolic's drugging. If I allow that he should be of no issue to us."

"And what if we tried to get him to assist us?" Parc leaned onto the table, propping himself up with his arms atop the table, "Grand Chariot would be useful, especially if Honest has some other group we don't know about."

"That he does, I have been keeping some of my more loyal spies on the sidelines these passing months searching for any signs of Night Raid activities. Have you heard of Syura, Honest's son?" she asked.

"The name sounds familiar," Parc had heard it before but was struggling to put a face to a name.

"My informants say he has been forming some group of teigu users from across the kingdoms. My most recent reports say he has been approaching the borders of the Empire alongside several others. Likely returning to his father to officialise whatever it is he has been setting up.

"Returning to Wave," Esdeath backtracked, "it should be possible to have him assist us so long as we manipulate his sense of justice and provide some form of care for his love while he is working alongside us."

Parc's teeth chattered together, his mind falling to the images of his girls back at Night Raid. "I think I have something for that," Parc said, his expression growing grave as he locked onto Esdeath. "What if we work with Night Raid?"

In a simple second the room turned frigid and Esdeath grew just as cold in the way she stared at Parc. Attempting to see if he was being serious about that suggestion only for him to hold his stare with her.

Her cheek twitched but soon gave out causing her to let out a rough sigh returning the room to its usual warmth. "That would work, they could provide both security for Wave and Bols's family and give us enough man power to face off against Syura's group with minimal casualties."

Parc snorted, as if he was going to let any of his girls become one of those casualties. His chuckling soon came to an abrupt halt, recalling a single personage who completely eluded his thoughts these passing weeks. Someone he knew he should have been much, much more concerned about.

"Krave." Just that single word was enough to get Esdeath to pause and humm.

"He has been absent. I have neither seen, nor heard from him in weeks. I have no doubts he will attempt something or another in the future. He should take priority currently."

That was an issue, Parc chattered his teeth. Of all the irritants that could be around the psychopathic cannibal was his least favourite. "We need to deal with him. Soon." By now it was all but affirmed that Honest's days were numbered. The future for this Empire was looking bleak, at least while this war was going on. But the day it ended, the day Honest and the Emperor's head rolled a new light would shine upon this tormented land.

"Master," from the doorway leading to the room, Kurome appeared, a single hand latched onto the frame and a bright, hopeful smile on her face as she skipped towards him. "It's ready," she giddily blabbed coming to a stop besides him.

Parc nodded, reaching a hand up to pat and rub the top of Kurome's head, getting soft, mewling whine's from the girl as she leaned into his hand. "well done," he turned his eyes to Esdeath, "collect the Jaegers. No point beating around the bush. whether they join us or they don't."

"Understood, darling," Esdeath pushed her seat out, forcing Suzuka's tongue from her hole and causing the woman to nearly collapse onto the ground from the sudden loss of support Esdeath's crotch had been providing her bound body.

Watching her back as she left, Parc let out a soft groan, glancing down to the now two women lavishly sharing his groin. Soon turning up to Kurome seeing her staring jealously at them. Leaning his head back, Parc muttered, "not much longer…"



Thanks to Jack for the donation!


Considering we're getting closer and closer to the end of AkG and the begin of RWBY, I need ideas for Parc's semblance. (For those who don't know, all living organisms in RWBY have an Aura (manifestation of soul) and that gives them a special ability catered to the person in question. Normally strengthening a single aspect of the person, such as speed or gaining the ability to summon grimm they have killed in the past.) So toss out ideas that you think would fit Parc.


Let's add another question. I need three characters that could make a team name with an F or O somewhere in the mix. If you don't know what I'm talking about, It's like team RWBY, its made up of the first letters of Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang's names, so I need three characters with first letters that can make a team acronym.


As I'm dropping this early, no chapter tomorrow.

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