The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 83: Something more than just M

She wasn't stark naked, not at all, in fact she was actually wearing something. But could he call it clothing? Good lord no he couldn't when what she was 'wearing' were chains connecting her two clamped nipples connecting to a metal ring with another chain hanging down to a clamp squeezing her bright red and moist clit.

Across her body were dozens of thin marks, scars he assumed just staring at the woman standing naked before. What was it forming on his face, surprise? Disgust? He was unsure. It wasn't quite disgust, infact he found it quite an erotic sight and it was most certainly a surprise. One did not simply get flashed by woman and not be surprised.

Pulling his eyes off her chains, Parc locked eyes with the woman with messy black hair, drool trailing down her lip as she seemed to writhe under his eyes.

"Ha-ahn~"she dropped her robe, wrapping her arms around her body squeezing her thighs together as a small tide spilled from her crotch. "Yessss, look at me more with those eyes," the woman approached him, hunger and desire in her eyes. Her hands reaching out to him as he stepped back away from the woman.

He may like women a lot, but this one seemed a little lost in the head. Which was ironic considering Esdeath. But this one just seemed off in another direction compared to Esdeath's psychopathic genocide type of 'off.' This one was just a blatant masochistic pervert with no shame to her name.

"Come back~" her legs wobbled as she hobbled after Parc, "I just want you to break me and turn me into a cum sucking whore."

Parc's eyes widened hearing that, "Jesus you are insane." Her eyes rolled and her thighs ground together like he'd just made her climax, her body twitching and squirming as she buried her hands between her legs.

"Moreee bully me more."

'She's… she's serious? Just what in the name of all that is holy is wrong with this woman?' a lot, the answer was a lot.

"How about… no." he said, turning on point and launching into a full blown powerwalk away from the woman.

Not that she was intent to just let him go. No, that's something a sane woman would do. Not one who thought it best to chase after Parc with her chest out drawing the eyes of passing worker bees, the men of which shot their hands to their groins and turned away from the woman.

'Go away. Go away. Go away.' He repeated on and on in his head as the woman kept trying to get past him and into his path. Sometimes when the hall was thin enough she'd bolt infront of him and press both her hands onto either side of the hall way with her ass pointed out to while say stuff like "fuck me like the whore I am." Or "chain me up and make me yours." It just wouldn't end.

With a twitching cheek, Parc had come to a stop somewhere in the garden of Bolic's manor. The woman on her knees with sparkling, lustful eyes before him. "make me choke," she uttered opening her mouth to let her tongue hang freely out it.

Parc had swiftly grown a blank look to his eyes at the woman. 'Should I just kill her now…' his thoughts somehow transferring to the woman who shivered and brought a hand to between her legs beginning to play with the clamp crushing her nipple while her other hand went up to massage her breast.

"You want to kill me? Do it! Break me! Kill me with cock! Do it!" she showed utter hunger in her expression.

By now Parc had been unable to prevent himself from looking down at her with a scrunched expression of pure disgust. Her masochism went far, far into the distance of the scale, farther than he could see and it was disturbing.

Not that his disgust bothered her, no, as it turned out the longer he looked down at her the faster her fingers twisted and massage her clit until she went into full blown masturbation, ramming upwards of three fingers into herself.

'It would be so easy… just summon a chain. And through her heart. Then I won't have to deal with this anymore.' But, who was he to stop a woman on the cusp of climax, and hey, who's to say he couldn't enjoy watching this degenerate break herself.


A simple word but enough to cause the woman to arch her back and shoot out a spurt of her fluids, watering the grass beneath her.

"You disgust me."

Her fingers ploughed deeper, eliciting harder and louder moans of ecstasy from her.

"More~" by now her eyes had grown cloudy and her hips began to buck in sync with her near fisting proportion of masturbation bringing her closer to her ultimate goal.

Parc's eyes grew a cold glaze, only looking down at her with a Cheshire grin with an upturned head. While it wasn't the first time he had brought a woman to climax with words alone, watching them do themselves while he offered only derogatory words was certainly… interesting to say the least.


The woman's eyes rolled, her mouth open in a wide, insane smile as she screamed, "yesyesyesyes. I'm so close. Moreee bully me moreee!"

Might as well go all the way. "Go die you wortheless waste of air. Your parents never should have conceived you, you offence to human decency."

"Cummming!~" she screamed, thrusting her hips forwards and arching backwards until she fell to the ground on her back. Her feet plastered to the floor, forcing her hips into the air, sending her squirt airborn, forming a miniature rainbow as it splattered against Parc's cheek and clothes. Him unflinching the released fluids.

"Hee~ haaa~" even as her body lay twitching on the floor, the woman whose name he didn't even know was left a quivering, orgasming pile of flesh and lust on the floor.

As he sucked in a breath through his mouth, he tasted a rich, fruity flavour trickle in from his lip. Realizing what this was, Parc frowned and spat to his side. He wasn't even going to bother tasting this degenerate properly. He had better woman he could spend his time sampling instead of a pervert so unabashed as this.

Just as he was about to leave, Parc's attention was draw to the chain of two nipple clamps and a clitoris clamp. A cruel smile formed on his face as he thought 'I could probably use that.' Approaching the woman's twitching side, she turned her head to look at him with euphoria.

Lifting a foot, he unceremoniously placed it on her belly. Pushing down with enough fore that he nearly sunk to half way up his foot. The woman grunting and moaning as he stomped on her. Though that was not his true goal as he bent over, reaching a single hand out to the silver ring the three chains were connected to.

Scooping it up into his palm, Parc straightened his body, slowly lifting the ring up until it was pulled taught and began to raise her bare breasts along with it. This would only go on for so long as her breasts and clit only had so much elasticity to them.

When he found them no longer raising, Parc grinned and clenched the ring down tight in his hand and shot his hand up. Snapping the three clamps from her nipples first, causing her to scream out in pleasure while the third, the one connected to her clit required a bit more force.

But when it did, oh the waterworks she let out were spectacular as she let out another torrent of fine, feminine mist that soon devolved into a fountain of yellow fluids. While her eyes rolled to the back of her skull.

"I'm going to have to disinfect this before I let anyone else touch this," Parc pocketed the chain, casting the cumming sack below his foot on last look before stepping over her body putting the full weight of his body onto her stomach even if only for a second.Leaving her behind alone in the field.

Not long later as the reverberation lessened to just minor, climactic orgasms. A rustle of footsteps approached the woman and a tan skinned blond squatted down besides her. A hand on her cheek while the other poked the exposed breast of the woman.

"Suzuka, you done fawning over him? Can we kill him now?" the woman asked, getting the now named Suzuka to tilt her head and lock eyes. "or do you want to fuck him first?"

Suzuka bit and licked her lips at that, "fuck him first Mez… I like his style…"

Mez snorted, rolling her eyes to her, "fuck it. Let's make it a threesome."


Meanwhile, not very far away in a hallway. Parc was struggling with a sudden onset Migraine leaving him hunched over against the wall holding his head.

"Master!" He heard Kurome call for him, now dressed in her usual black and red sailor uniform. Her eyes wandering around the area for any sucpicious naked ladies she'd heard had been following him around. "Are you alright? Do you need me to kill someone?" she asked with an unnervingly innocent tone, stopping just before him.

For some reason when he saw her, Parc felt a sudden urge, a powerful one. One that seemed to urge him towards her. Pushing off the wall, Parc grabbed Kurome's shoulders, flipping her onto the wall, pushing her body against it as she let out a small yelp.

"Master~" Kurome happily whimpered, her arms going to wrap around his shoulders. If her master was open to letting others see their relationship, so too would she be. And when his lips found purchase on hers, she herself went into her own vivacious kisses that could not even hold a dime to Parc's no matter how much she may try.

Just as Parc was about to lower his hands to his belt, and pull his pants down. A click and creak of a door not far away from them broke his thoughts from Kurome and drew his eyes to the figure emerging from the room.

A woman.

A maid.

Her head rose from the ground, locking with Parc's eyes for only a second before hers rolled into the back of her skull sending her collapsing to the ground, frothing at the mouth. A shiny silver platter, clattering and sliding towards Parc who found himself turning down to it, seeing his reflection.

'What…?' he thought noticing an off, red note to his eyes. Pulling away from Kurome, she let out a disappointed whine. But didn't truly complain as Parc knelt down and lifted the platter from the ground and stared himself in the eyes.

His glowing, near purely red eyes with only a single black dot of the iris at the centre. Just as he raised a hand to pull down his eyelid and get a better look, they fizzled out, receding into the depths of his sclera returning to puer white with just a few small veins adding some colour here and there.

And with the glow gone, so too did his migraine go with it. "What the hell was that?" he glanced to a silver window he had summoned, flipping through each and every tab he could think of only to come up empty handed.

"Master? Are you alright?" Parc' turned to face Kurome, no longer feeling that uncontrollable urge to defile her.

"I'm… I'm good… lets… lets just get something to eat." He rubbed his head a mixture of confusion and concern within him. Whatever it was that had happened, it was dangerous, if not for himself, then for others.

"Mmm…" Kurome cast him a worried look as he rubbed his head but as the good dog she was decided not to bother him when she could tell he was thinking. So she went for second best and grabbed his hand, leading him through the hallways.

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