The city is invincible, and my Godzilla will be armed and domineering

Chapter 072

Although from the information searched on the Internet, the comparison of pictures, and the decaying wood fragments, Chen Chu could already confirm that these porcelain were genuine.

But when he heard the affirmation of this antique shop owner, Chen Chu still had a smile on his face, and then raised his eyebrows.

“But what?”

Boss Gao looked at Chen Chu and muttered slightly: “This porcelain, called Thousand Flowers and Green Xia in the Song Dynasty, consists of a set of thirteen pieces, which can be said to be of great value.” ”

“But if there is only a single piece, the collection value is much lower than that of individual porcelain such as bottles and celadon dishes.”

“It’s actually a set.” Suddenly, Chen Chu’s face showed flesh pain.

“Why, did the little brother find other porcelain at that time?”

Chen Chu nodded: “Yes, when I picked up this porcelain plate, there were many other porcelain fragments around, but unfortunately, only this one is intact.” ”

“…… That’s still a shame. Boss Gao paused.

Chen Chu nodded: “Yes, it’s a pity.” ”

Thinking of the tail of the monitor lizard and smashing a set of thirteen pieces of porcelain plates of great value, Chen Chu was very sorry.

“Forget it, let’s not talk about this, Boss Gao, what price can you give for this porcelain plate?” Chen Chu changed the topic and asked.

“The price…”

Boss Gao’s gaze swept over Chen Chu’s clothes and Patek Philippe on his wrist, and he muttered slightly: “In our business, naturally we all want to buy low and buy high.” ”

“However, this store has always operated with integrity, and it has been opened here for ten years, so let’s have a thorough understanding with the little brother today.”

“The value of this Song Dynasty blue and white porcelain, especially the official kiln, is very high, and eleven pieces appeared at the auction the year before last, and the lowest price was 1.8 million sold.”

“And the highest three pieces were auctioned for a sky-high price of 120 million.”

“Little brother, although this piece of yours is not a set, it also belongs to the official kiln, and it is a fine flower mouth plate, and there was a similar one at that time, and it was auctioned for a high price of 6.75 million.”

“But this is the auction price, if I sell it directly, I can only sell it up to 4.5 million.”

“It depends on whether the little brother wants to sell it directly, or find an auction house to send it.”

“If you send an auction, the autumn auction in XG City has just passed, and it may take two months to wait until the winter auction in November.”

“Four and a half million.” Chen Chu groaned slightly.

Boss Gao said very confidently: “Little brother, I dare to say that 4.5 million is the highest price on this street, if you don’t believe it, you can go to other stores and ask.” ”

Chen Chu smiled slightly: “Boss Gao is so sincere, of course I believe you, but this price, I will go back and discuss it with my family.” ”

“If it’s sure to sell, I’ll come back tomorrow.”

Antiques are not bluefin tuna, how can others believe as much as they say.

Moreover, Lin Xiu also has Li Tianrui’s reason there, and the other party will give a sincere price, otherwise he will still find various reasons to lower the price.

“No problem.” Boss Gao said with a smile.

And when Chen Chu and Boss Gao were talking, Su Lengyue next to him kept silent.

It wasn’t until the two walked out of the antique shop and drove around in a circle to the door of another store that Su Lengyue wondered: “Boss, didn’t you say that you want to go back and discuss with your family?” ”

“Discuss a ghost, my parents are not in N City.”

Chen Chu shook his head and said: “Antiques are a test of eyesight, of course, you have to ask a few more, it is impossible for him to say how much money, it is how much money.” ”

After speaking, Chen Chu looked at her with strange eyes.

“Old, boss, there are many people here?” Being stared at by Chen Chu like this, Su Lengyue couldn’t help but blush slightly, and subconsciously took a step back.

The corner of Chen Chu’s mouth twitched, and he said angrily: “What do you think, I’m wondering, you actually don’t understand the truth of shopping around.” ”

“…,” Su Lengyue.

There are many people here, which means that it is okay when there are few people. When he turned around and walked into the shop, the corners of Chen Chu’s mouth rose slightly, it seemed that this little secretary could not escape his palm.

Next, Chen Chu went to several antique shops, two of which wanted to deceive him, saying that the porcelain was an imitation, but the imitation skill was very strong, and he was willing to pay 30,000 to buy it.

This kind of Chen Chu directly gave a ‘roll’.

The remaining one, although it is said to be genuine, picked some flaws that had been soaked under the sea for too long, and the oil paint was missing in some places, and gave a price of 1.3 million with pain.

Chen Chu smiled at this, loaded the porcelain plate and left.

“Boss, it seems that the old high board is indeed very honest.” Su Lengyue sighed with some emotion.

“Integrity!” Chen Chu’s eyes narrowed slightly, and a hint of playfulness flashed.

Although the boss surnamed Gao was very sincere, Chen Chu felt different emotions from him, greed, excitement, excitement and so on.

This was very contrary to his apparent sincerity, and it was obvious that he had something in mind.

But I would be afraid of the conspiracy of an ordinary person?

Thinking of this, a sneer flashed in Chen Chu’s eyes, and then drove back to Enronju, and smiled after walking in: “Boss Gao, I called and asked, and said that it can be sold.” ”

“Haha… Don’t worry, little brother, my price will definitely not pit you. Boss Gao laughed when he heard this, and seemed to believe Chen Chu’s words.

Since the sale was agreed, the two parties naturally paid with one hand and delivered the goods with the other.

However, during the transaction, Boss Gao took out a form, saying that when the antiques were taken to auction operation in the future, they needed to be used as an appraisal of the source of the complaint, and let Chen Chu fill it out.

Seeing this, Chen Chu smiled slightly, and filled in his phone number, residential address, and thirty simple narratives describing obtaining porcelain from the sea.

However, when filling in the residential address, Chen Chu wrote the place where he originally rented the house, not the warehouse dock.

Su Lengyue on the side did not notice this, she only knew that her boss had earned more than four million yuan, and she didn’t know what to say except for marveling at his ability to make money.

From knowing Chen Chu in the talent market to now, in less than a month, Chen Chu has almost earned nearly 20 million.

This speed of making money is simply scary.

When the beautiful secretary was in a stirring mood, Chen Chu drank tea with the boss again and chatted for a while, until his mobile phone received the information of account transfer of 4.5 million.

Naturally, this time it is just an ordinary transfer, there is no invoice, so there is no need to pay extra.

Chen Chu did not mention this, and Boss Gao naturally did not take the initiative, and both sides saved a lot of money.

“Boss Gao, happy cooperation.” Chen Chu stood up.

“Haha… Happy to work with. ”

“In the future, if the little brother has another harvest in his hands, remember to take care of the old brother’s business.”

“No problem.”

The two sides shook hands, and Chen Chu carried the empty backpack and left with Su Lengyue.

Sitting in the car, Chen Chu looked at the beautiful secretary on the side, and was in a good mood: “Say, what do you want to eat, I will treat you at noon today.” ”


Just when Chen Chu took Su Lengyue to eat, the boss Gao, who had purchased the porcelain, had already taken the goods and drove to a high-end villa.

Under the gaze of two bodyguards in black suits, the black Audi stopped downstairs of the villa, and then Boss Gao got out of the car with an excited look and walked in quickly with porcelain.

Meet several bodyguards along the way.

However, Boss Gao seems to be a frequent visitor here, and these people did not ask after seeing him, and they kept coming to the study on the second floor of the luxury villa, where there were also two bodyguards guarding the door.

In the study, four meters long, completely cut from gold silk nan wood, behind the solid wood desk with a dragon carved on the right, a middle-aged man with a gentle look but invisibly exuding compelling majesty sat sitting.

Looking at Boss Gao who eagerly walked in, Du Hong’s eyes were sharp, and he said without hurry: “Old Gao, you just said on the phone that you found the clue of the shipwreck?” ”

Facing Du Hong, who exuded coercion, Boss Gao, who was talking and laughing with Chen Chu in front, was a little in awe, and said respectfully: “Yes, boss.” ”

Looking at Boss Gao, Du Hong said slowly: “It has been five years since you got that old route map, and the manpower and material resources spent on searching at sea over the years have cost at least 40 million. ”

“If it weren’t for the fact that you have been following me for years, I would have thrown you into the sea to feed the fish.”

“Now, you came to me again and found a clue?”

Boss Gao was very excited: “Boss, this time there is really a discovery.” ”

“Don’t say four thousand five, as long as you find the shipwreck, with the three thousand pieces of noble official kiln porcelain loaded on it, it is worth at least two hundred million.”

Looking at the very confident boss Gao this time, Du Hong took a deep look at him before nodding slightly: “Say, what clues.” ”


Lao Gao came to the Golden Dragon table, carefully took out the porcelain that Chen Chu had sold him, turned it over, and pointed to the mark on the edge of the official seal below.

“Boss, this is the goods I received from a young man today, and there is a faint smell of seawater on it, which is obviously just salvaged from underwater.”

“And most importantly, this footprint.”

“Now the island of Mara in the Philippines, that is, when the small country of Harla paid tribute to the Song Dynasty, it used a large amount of gold and silver jewelry to officially customize the porcelain.”

“In order to distinguish the difference between ordinary official kilns and customized products, it was specially requested that this footprint be added on the side of the official seal to distinguish it.”

“It’s just that later, when the Harla envoy returned with that batch of precious porcelain and a large number of other goods, he was caught in a storm at sea and finally sank in the Batang Strait.”

“These secrets are recorded in the genealogical miscellaneous records of my hometown, and my ancestors used to be a branch of the Gao family who held the official position of the Ministry of Rites for many years at that time.”

“On my family genealogy miscellaneous records, many deeds of the Song Dynasty are recorded, but most of them cannot be verified.”

“If it weren’t for the repair of the ancestral house in my hometown that year, I wouldn’t have believed the sheepskin route map I found in a rotten cabinet.”

“Now with the footprints on this piece of porcelain, I can already confirm that the ship really exists and has been found and salvaged to begin.”

“However, this fleet is definitely not good at antiques, so they will first take a piece of porcelain to explore the way.”

Du Hong picked up the porcelain, facing the sunlight outside the window, his eyes slightly squinted at the official seal at the bottom, and the small mark next to it, which was slightly uncheckable, like a beast claw pattern.

Looking at Du Hong, who was silent, Lao Gao took out the report that Chen Chu filled in: “Boss, this is the information of that young man.” ”

“As long as we monitor him, we can find the salvage team behind it and know where they found the wreck.”

This is the purpose of his asking Chen Chu to leave personal information.

“Two billion…”

“Good, good job, old high.”

Du Hong laughed, the tiger’s eyes shone brightly, and said in a deep voice: “Come people.” ”

“Boss.” A bodyguard outside walked in.

Du Hong pointed to the form on the table and said in a deep voice: “Give this to the fox, I will know all the information about this person in half an hour.” ”

“Yes, boss.”

As N City has been whitewashed, but Du Hong, who used to be a big man on the road, his power is very amazing.

After a while, the information about Chen Chu was placed on the table.


Du Hong knocked on the table, holding the information about Chen Chu in the other hand and looking at it, groaning slightly.

This information is very detailed, with Chen Chu’s grade, which department he studied in Ning University, and this month suddenly opened a marine god shipping company.

In addition, there is Chen Chu’s purchase of more than two million Land Rover consumption, and there is a record of cooperation with Li Tianrui, deputy general manager of Tianhong Group.

“An ordinary college student suddenly took out three million to buy a luxury car and opened a shipping company, but he didn’t have a freighter.”

“And I also helped the Li family transport those machines back from country R earlier, which is interesting.”

Lao Gao’s eyes narrowed slightly: “Boss, this person must be the white hand of some dark ship fleet, whether it is the Li family’s goods or salvaging porcelain, it is obviously the work of the fleet behind him.” ”

“Boss, do we want to contact the fleet behind him and cooperate?” Lao Gao was a little jealous.

“Cooperation.” Du Hong’s eyes were a little playful.


In the afternoon, in the company, Ning Naixin, a beautiful woman at the front desk who had nothing to do, ran to chat with Ye Xiaohui for a while, and then came to the secretary’s desk at the door of the office.

Looking at the accounting book in Su Lengyue’s hand, Ning Naixin said curiously: “Sister Leng Yue, aren’t you an electronics major?” How to read the accounting book. ”

Su Lengyue ruffled a strand of hair in her ear and explained: “The boss said to let me work part-time in finance, but I haven’t studied accounting, so I can only buy a copy and watch it first.” ”

“I’ve signed up for a quick study class online and I’m going to study every day after work.”

After speaking, Su Lengyue looked down at the book again.

Following Chen Chu today, watching him make more than four million yuan in an understatement, Su Lengyue suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

She feels that if she does not work hard, she may not be able to catch up with her boss before long, and she will be left far behind, and in the end, she will not even be qualified to be a secretary.

So in addition to accounting, she is also ready to learn about finance and enrich herself.

Sitting in Su Lengyue, Ning Naixin put a pair of pandas on the table, held her chin and pouted: “Sister Leng Yue, you work so hard, it makes me feel like I’m eating and waiting for death.” ”

At this time, the office door opened, and Chen Chu, who heard her words, smiled and said: “It’s okay, I can raise it when I die, and you are responsible for being a beautiful vase.” ”

Ning Naixin raised her head and blinked her big eyes: “Boss, say okay.” ”

“Well, that’s it.” Chen Chu nodded casually.

Looking at the three beauties of the big and small, Chen Chu smiled and said: “Yesterday I picked up a plate by the sea, but I didn’t expect it to be an antique, and it sold for more than four million.” ”

“I’ll treat you in the evening, say, what do you want to eat.”

“What, boss, you picked up a plate and sold it for more than four million!” Ning Naixin’s eyes widened in disbelief.

Even Ye Xiaohui in the distance was very surprised, and subconsciously said: “Boss, where did you pick it up, can we also go and pick it up?” ”

Su Lengyue was a little speechless: “Don’t listen to the boss’s nonsense, what plate, that’s Song Dynasty porcelain.” ”

Chen Chu smiled and said, “In ancient times, weren’t these porcelains used as plates, there is no difference.” ”

“As for the location, it’s on the beach around the dock warehouse, so if you want to try your luck, you can go at any time.”

It’s a mudflat, and you can find antiques to be ghostly. Chen Chu smiled secretly in his heart.

PS: Today the 2nd change, there are still later, brothers, remember to vote for flowers, and vote for ah …

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