The cheating lord

Chapter 22

"Lord Wang Yi, look, there is Qingshi Town in front.

An entourage beside Wang Yi pointed to the mayor not far away, and Wang Yi followed the entourage's direction.

I have to admit that Roosevelt's old guy is very good at governance, and the development of this town is not as large as that of a small town, but this place will soon belong to me.

"What do

the scouts say?" "My lord, Bluestone Town has been alerted, and the scouts dare not approach, but it has been observed that the defenders in the town should not exceed fifty people, and they are all in poor condition.

Wang Yi nodded, and motioned for the troops to stop and rest first, after all, in the battle of Gray Valley, his side lost nearly a hundred people, even with the army of Lord Viscount, now Wang Yi can only command more than a hundred people.

"Phew, if it weren't for those bitch-bitched orcs, they'd just be gone. But I also admired Roosevelt's courage, and he didn't even run away, and he was going to defend it?

Wang Yi took a sip disdainfully, dismounted himself, grabbed the barbecue meat prepared for him by the attendant and ate it.

The attendant also took the opportunity to pat a wave of sycophants at this time: "Maybe Roosevelt was scared away by you, my lord, and this place is just for show, and they will open the door and surrender as soon as you enter the town gate." "

The depression of Qingshi is naturally for Wang Yi to see, and now there are more than 100 troops near Qingshi Town, and Chen Mo has also transferred the fire qilin troops.

"It's strange, why haven't Wang Qi and the others come back yet? Could it be that they have defected? No reason, I remember that Wang Qi's loyalty is more than ninety.

Chen Mo, who was staying on the city wall, sat there talking to himself, he received the information of the enemy's attack for the first time, but he did not see Wang Qi and the others for a long time.

"Lord Chen Mo, is this time to let the Fire Qilin troops cooperate with the defense?"

Angela on the side looked at Zhao Lijun and the others who were staying under the city wall, and her heart was full of anticipation, what was the combat effectiveness of the Fire Qilin who was praised by Chen Mo.

"No, not to cooperate with the defense, but to take the initiative to attack, and when the time comes, let you see the power of the musket.

Angela nodded, but she still didn't believe it in her heart, there were only forty people, even if she mastered that powerful weapon, she wouldn't be able to defeat the opponent's team of more than 100 people, right?"

Not only Angela, but Mousse's heart was even more bottomless, Angela had seen part of the power of Type 95, but Mousse didn't believe that this kind of iron pipe could defeat the opponent.

For two hours, Wang Yi didn't give Qingshi much time, and two hours later, he commanded the soldiers to drive towards Qingshi Town. Of course, Wang Yi would not be so brain-dead that he would be tough head-on, but quietly divided the team into two waves, and he led a large army to put pressure on the other party at the gate of the town, while Snake Fang sneaked in from another city gate with another elite.

"Is Roosevelt here? There are guests visiting, and you don't open the door to greet them?" Looking

at the nervous soldiers on the city wall, Wang Yi secretly refreshed, thinking about how he was overwhelmed by Roosevelt at the beginning, and now he wants to get it back with interest.



Wang Yi didn't expect that the door really opened by itself, it couldn't be the door that the snake teeth sneaked in to open it, not so fast, surrender?

Soon, the other party answered his own question, and a team of strangely dressed people walked out of the town, and then lined up neatly in two rows, the first row squatted down, and the second row stood.

Lining up to shoot was originally a tactic in the flintlock musket era, and when Chen Mo proposed this formation, Zhao Lijun was against it, but now it seems that this formation can put the output to the maximum, which is suitable for the current situation.

Wang Yi was furious, with such a thin line of defense, holding that strange iron pipe, he wanted to stop my

cavalry charge?" "All ready, charge!"

Wang Yi gave an order, and the team moved, the cavalry at the front, the pikemen and swordsmen who followed closely behind, and the archers at the rear, this momentum was enough to crush the people on the opposite side.

Only they think so, Zhao Lijun looked at the cavalry rushing over, not only did he not feel pressure, but he was ecstatic in his heart, and he was firmly targeted.


A hundred meters, the distance between the two sides has been reduced to a hundred meters, and with Zhao Lijun's order, the members of the Fire Qilin pulled the trigger.

"Da Da Da!" There

was a loud bang, accompanied by the firelight, and the war horse that rushed to the front fell to the ground in response, not only the war horse, but also the cavalry and the infantry behind were also hit, and they fell to the ground after splashing blood pillars on their bodies.

Suddenly, the charging formation was chaotic, and the people in the middle saw the terrifying lethality of the fire qilin and wanted to retreat, but the people behind didn't see it, and continued to charge forward. The horses that were still alive were so frightened that the cavalry could not order them at all, and as they fought with the horses, bullets hit them.

"What's going on?" Wang Yi, who was commanding in the back, couldn't see the situation in front clearly, but only heard a loud noise, saw the firelight, and his own soldiers falling in pieces.

Chen Mo stood on the city wall and looked at the results of the battle with satisfaction, then turned to Mousse and asked, "Do you think I am bullying them like this?" Mousse stood

behind and was silent for a long time, and it took a long time to spit out two words: "Musket?"

Obviously, he mistook Type 95 for a musket designed by the dwarves.

At the same time, Wang Yi, who was in the rear, finally reacted, and squeezed out two identical words: "Muskets!" "

Everyone retreats!"

It's terrible, those people are definitely not Roosevelt's soldiers, I didn't expect Roosevelt to have such a hard backstage, you know, the number of dwarven muskets sold to humans is extremely low, and it will not exceed five hundred a year, and the most important thing is that most of these muskets are now in the hands of those big families.

Hell, if he knew that Roosevelt had such a big backer, he wouldn't come, Wang Yi regretted it while manipulating the war horse to retreat.

In fact, without Wang Yi's order, his troops also began to break and flee, just kidding! People who have not yet come into contact with themselves have fallen down like wheat harvesting a large area, can this battle be fought?

Break and escape, is it useful? The Fire Qilin troops are not musketeers who queue up to shoot in the era, but soldiers who have undergone modern training, and not only have strong collective firepower, but also have a single combat capability.

Seeing that the enemy was fleeing, Zhao Lijun raised his hand above his head and waved, and the Fire Qilin troops immediately divided into eight groups to pursue the enemy. I have to say that Wang Yi chose a very good time, it happened to be evening, and it would be very troublesome to chase at this time.

It came quickly, and retreated quickly, and it took less than three minutes in total from the entire charge of the mountain wheel soldiers to the rout. It's just that less than one in five people can escape.


a shout came from both sides, and as the mountain wheel soldiers retreated, a group of swordsmen and cavalry suddenly appeared on both sides of the road.

"Damn, all obey the order, break through!" For

Wang Yi, today is really so exciting, it can be described as a big ups and downs.

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