The Character I Created Is Obsessed With Me

Chapter 160

160 – Change (8)

When I first met Erina and arrived in the capital.

She asked me to do one thing.

‘Please be by my side no matter what the situation. ‘Please.’

Half a year has already passed since I met her.

Although I always doubted her, I stayed by her side.

Although she had previously threatened to expel her party.

In her sincerity, she had no intention of throwing her out.

But Erina was actually doubting my feelings.

“Please be honest.”


“If you don’t like me, please say no. I’m OK.”

She truly had doubts about me.

Could it be that he realized that I knew the truth?

It couldn’t have been that way. This is ridiculous.

If that were the case, there would be no reason to be so discouraged.

When I was talking to Catalina a little while ago and walking side by side with Kayla.

It was normal to be irritated or angry as usual.

Otherwise, it was more natural to push me and interrogate me.

At least you won’t be as depressed and anxious as you are now.

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“Erina. Come on.”

They were already hugging each other, but the distance was different from their usual distance.

I had to put a little more strength into my arms and overlap my legs.

But now he was maintaining an awkward posture.

“Are you not sick…” ?”

“This is okay.”

The wound was still throbbing, but it was bearable.

I didn’t have the luxury of not being able to accept Erina’s complaints.

As soon as I gave permission, Erina hugged her body tightly.



“If I hated you, I wouldn’t be lying down with you like this.”

It’s a natural thing.

I was able to be with her because I also love her.

Erina’s obsession was difficult to bear.

If she were to leave me, my heart would become empty too.

“I am always on your side.”


“It will not change until now and in the future.”

I spoke with emphasis so that she could feel at ease.

I don’t know why, but Erina was anxious.

“Do you have any complaints about me?”

Then Erina was startled and she shook her head like crazy.

“No! “I have no complaints at all!”

He stubbornly denied it, as if it truly made no sense.

It certainly didn’t seem like a lie.

At least it means that there is no problem with my actions.

Then what on earth is the problem?

“Have you made other people uncomfortable?”

This time the reaction was noticeably different.

I closed my mouth for a moment as if I was thinking about it.

He mumbled in my arms as if he didn’t want to talk.

“Do you hate me being around other people?”


I thought she would say no right away.

Surprisingly, she was able to keep her mouth shut.

But her expression was distorted and her face was flushed, so it was clear she didn’t like it.

“It’s okay to say no if you don’t like it.”

No matter how much I say it’s okay, the point remains the same.

He didn’t seem to want to talk at all.

“Do you perhaps not want to talk?”


“It’s okay. “I will listen to whatever you say.”

She swore from now on that Erina would not disappoint no matter what she said.

Erina quietly whispered in a low voice.

“Because you don’t like it…”


“Because you don’t like it when I get angry…”

For a moment, I suspected that Erina was lying.

It was difficult for her to think that what she said was her own.

Although she was treated harshly whenever she committed unexpected behavior.

Erina never changed.

She has behaved unruly until now, but now she appears to be calm.

He was controlling his words and actions while watching me.

Previously, I would have been glad to see her change.

“Erina. “Why on earth are you doing this?”

Rather, I felt unfamiliar and anxious now.

Although I wish I could get angry and scream like I used to.

Unfortunately, she has already changed.

“Why on earth are you doing this?”


Erina doesn’t answer until the end.

It was frustrating to see her so strangely stubborn.

If you act like a child, it would be easier to read your thoughts.

She didn’t even know what she was thinking right now.

If you are dissatisfied with something, we will resolve it.

If you want something, I can listen to it.

For now, all I could do was wait for Erina to open her mouth.



Kayla was peeking at the two people through a crack in the door.

Celica held her hand with sad eyes.

Serika also knew how much Kayla loved Seohyun.

Even when we talked alone, we mostly talked about Seohyun.

She never once said anything bad about him.

A love so deep that it can be said to be blind.

But her love was not properly repaid.

At least that was the way Celica saw it.

Looking at the person you love with sorrowful eyes.

Because Serika has never experienced true love yet.

It was impossible to guess how desperate Kayla’s heart was.

She just looked at him with her sad eyes.

“Kayla. “I have to go soon.”

“…Yes. All right.”

At Celica’s careful urging, Kayla barely took her eyes off the gap in the door.

My eyes were full of regret, but what could I do?

The more she sees Seohyun and Erina lying in bed together, the more her heart breaks.

And she had her own work to do.

“Let’s go and come back before dinner.”

“Yes. “I will take the lead.”

Kayla finally shook off her regrets and came out of the healing center with Serika.

The place the two are heading to is the elf camp.

It was not far from the entrance to Tarn Village.

There is one reason why they are heading to the elf camp.

It was to meet Tyria.

“Kayla. Are you really okay?”

Celica already knew about the relationship between Kayla and Tyria.

Also, I was able to predict what kind of conversation the two people would have.

An insult suffered by an elf several decades ago.

Until now, Kayla has lived with this in her heart.

In order to be with Tyria, I had to tell her my identity.

“…Yes. “I have made up my mind.”

Didn’t the lord already ask for it?

I ask you to get along with Tyria and forgive her for what happened in the past.

Kayla was ready to follow any command she had.

That’s why she decided to let go of her uncomfortable feelings.

For his master, not for anyone else.

“Serica. As I said before, you can bring Tyria with you.”

“Yes. All right.”

The only person who reveals her identity is Tyria.

Kayla’s identity could not be revealed to other elves.

She decided to have Celica meet Tyria and bring her out naturally so as not to attract attention.

After talking for a long time, we finally reached the elf’s camp.

Among them, I walked towards the largest barracks.

Is it because I have already been there several times?

The sentries standing on guard smiled and greeted the two people.

“Good luck!”

Celica smiled brightly and lowered her head.

The elf soldier also smiled and waved his hand at that sight.

In particular, Celica was well-liked among the elves.

She was always smiling in a kind and bright mood.

She once treated someone who was injured or suffering from the aftereffects of brainwashing.

To the point where I actually dislike her even more.

On the other hand, Kayla always wears her robe down and keeps her mouth shut.

She was under more guard than Celica.

“Serica. “I’ll be waiting on the other side.”

“Yes. Please wait a minute.”

As planned, Kayla headed to a quiet place where she could have a conversation.

Celica walked into the largest barracks to meet Tyria.

“Hello. “Is Tyria inside by any chance?”

The moment she asked the guard guarding the barracks what she said.

“Ah, yes! I am there. Come on in!”

Tyria must have heard people shouting in the barracks as she raised her voice.

As she entered the barracks, Celica could see Tyria smiling brightly.

“Serica. “What’s going on?”

Tyria welcomes Celica with a smile.

I could feel the closeness between the two people.

Although our time together was short, we talked a few times.

The two could instinctively feel that they were a good fit for each other.

“It’s no big deal. “I just came here to talk.”

“Oh, is that so? Then sit down first! And would you like some tea?”

Tyria tried to treat her as a guest, but Celica quickly waved her hand and stopped her.

“No. Actually, I want to go out and talk.”


“Yes. “Why don’t we take a walk together?”

Let’s naturally invite Tyria out for a walk.

Of course, there was no way Tyria could refuse.

“Yes. Great.”

Tyria immediately responded to Celica’s suggestion.

She immediately took her bow and arrows and finished preparing to go out.

When the two came out of the barracks together, the guards tried to follow them.

“It’s okay. “Because it’s just for a moment.”

Tyria refused to escort her.

Celica wanted to be alone with the two of them.

Tyria also noticed this and refused to escort her.

Anyway, the devil’s army has retreated, and there are no monsters near the village.

Even if there was no escort, there were no problems.

“Then where shall we go?”

“First, I want to walk in the forest.”

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At Celica’s words, Tyria energetically began to take the lead.

Since she was a colleague I would be working with in the future, it was important to build friendships with her.

Especially, Tyria liked Celica.

She was grateful that she first encouraged conversation and a walk.

While walking through the forest, talking about various things.

At some point, Tyria was able to instinctively sense her discomfort.

A very secret but delicate step.

Celica was guiding Tyria in her direction while walking with her.

‘What is it…?’

Because she felt strange, but at the same time, she wasn’t sure.

She had no choice but to follow Celica’s steps as she wanted.

In the middle of the forest, a little away from the elf’s campsite.

We arrived at a vacant lot at an ambiguous distance from Tarn Village and Campground.

And Tyria could see a person with deeply pressed robes.


Only then was Tyria able to understand Celica’s intentions.

She naturally arranged a place for the three of them to gather.

“Ah, hello. “Kayla.”


Tyria awkwardly waves her hand and says hello.

Kayla bowed her head slightly and accepted her greeting.

“Nice to meet you. Tyria.”

And then the silence that follows.

Unlike Celica, Tyria was awkward with Kayla.

Just in an atmosphere full of discomfort.

Tyria opened her mouth to somehow continue her words.

“First of all, thank you for accepting me as a colleague.”


“I will try my best to be helpful in the future!”

Although I forced myself to speak in a lively voice.

Kayla’s reaction was nothing but calm.

“Yes. I look forward to.”

“Ah, yes…”

Tyria smiled with an embarrassed expression.

I think it will take some time for us to become friends.

This time Kayla opened her mouth first.

“Tyria. “Do you mind if I ask you a question?”

“Ah, yes! “Ask me anything!”

Tyria smiles with her confident expression.

Seeing that, Kayla hesitated for a moment, but she soon gathered herself together and continued speaking.

“Do you know the name Bianca?”


Then Tyria tilted her head and thought, but she soon shook her head.

“Well, I don’t know. “I’m not sure…”

Of course, there was no way I could remember that name.

This happened decades ago.

How can we remember a relationship that only happened once?

For Kayla, it was a bad relationship that would scar her for the rest of her life, but for Tyria, it was nothing but her relationship.

With no choice, Kayla decided to reveal her identity on her own.

“Then do you remember Bianca, the leader of the dragon people?”

“Yes, yes…?!”

Tyria’s eyes shook greatly at Kayla’s words.

Only then was Tyria able to recall her old memories.

Dragons who were defeated by the Demon King and became fugitives.

Among them, there was a Yongin woman who requested asylum in an elf village.

And the moment when Kayla carefully takes off the hood of her robe.

Tyria’s heart began to fluctuate greatly.

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