The Castle in the middle of nowhere.

40. Nightmares and fear of tomorrow...

It was just before the morning when I woke up. Luna insisted that I should sleep more often and well... I agreed. I felt much better now, so I guess she was right. The girls slept carelessly around me, and I enjoyed these moments of silence before dawn. I once again spent insane amounts of mana, and the explanation that I had to spend it didn't help at all. I was still at four million mana actually with... Aha. There we go! One kid had already finished their class quest. I took a look into the guild hall. Right... One of the clerics. I had hoped for an alchemist, tsk.

So, anyway, my mana gains had stabilised to the point that I was confident I would live. I could take a break from my never-ending pursuit of mana. Finally...

It looked like most of the people in Avalon were progressing smoothly, which was excellent. I would most likely have to expand my influence over the nearby settlements, bringing all those people closer to my Domain. There was so much I had to figure out that I could only curse myself. I should have asked Eriar about it… However, would I ever have come up with these questions back then? I really doubted that. Also, there was a possibility that if I just sat and chatted with Eriar back then, I wouldn't have been able to save Amber. All in all, she was much more important than Eriar's answers to the questions I had no idea I should even ask. I internally sighed, but then brightened, seeing the reports from my spiders in the town. It seemed that the people from Everlight had started forming plans to protect my Queens. Good job, Knys and Sig. You really know whose life truly is important to me.

With better humour, I detached myself from the body and took a better look at Wendy's Emporium. It looked like it had rebuilt itself through the night; from the main street you entered a small courtyard, seeing a U-shaped building. Wendy's workshop was in the right wing and the fabric factory was now in the left wing, while in front of the potential customer was an impressive two-story tall shop with a stunning display. The courtyard was separated from the main road by a wonderful hedge from which beautiful birch trees grew, casting a wonderful shadow on the small plaza. A large oak tree took centre stage in that plaza, surrounded by comfortable-looking benches. Behind the complex was an internally located small garden that connected to Wendy's new home that faced another street on the opposite side of the quarter. It looked just awesome.

Also, the alchemist lab and shop look much better after nightfall. It was built in a similar "U" shape as Wendy's little queendom was; the lab was in the right wing and the shop was in the middle. What I was not expecting to find was an alchemy-enchanting workshop in the left wing, with a section dedicated to creating blessed equipment. While this building was two stories as well, it was shorter in the back, and it had a much bigger garden. On the courtyard stood the Naga spawner fountain, and the hedge and birch trees separating it from the road matched with the ones near Wendy's place. It looked like my shop district was going to be a legendary location.

The storage area was also incredible in its own right. Throughout the night, dozens of scavenger rats spawned, and they started the meticulous process of sorting everything that was just dumped on the surrounding piles and almost forgotten. I mean... I knew, more or, less what resources I had available, but less than more... Ok fine. They would finally sort out that mess for me. Wood was sorted by its type and size. Stones, bricks, and tiles were sorted in a way such that you could find them right away. Every single thing was sorted accordingly in the vast underground stockpiles. Armoury and all types of valuables were sorted as well. This was simply incredible. While not everything was fully sorted yet, I could feel the difference right off the bat. Given a few days, I would have enough rats to keep this running at full efficiency.


After I finished my inspection, I returned to my body. It was still early, and the girls were sleeping, so I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I took a shower, absentmindedly looking at the wall, thinking about everything. After the shower, I decided to sit on the edge of the giant ‘bathtub’, wearing my thick wool bathrobe. I looked at the ceiling, deep in thought. I considered my options and what I should do next when I noticed some new things were unlocked- namely, four resource nodes. With great interest, I indulged myself in the lecture of the short but for once informative descriptions.

An uncommon [advanced] grade ingredient/material.

One of the most versatile plants growing in the southern parts of the Aderon continent. It can be used as crafting material, food ingredient, or after processing, as a fabric material.

Unlocked as a bonus for building Master Seamstress Workshop.

A rare-grade herb/material.

Flax is an herb and fabric material in the same capacity. It's used for a variety of potions and medicines. After processing, it can be used as various grades of fabric.

Unlocked as a bonus for building Master Seamstress Workshop and Grand Alchemist Lab and having Master Seamstress and Herbalist.

An uncommon grade ingredient/material.

Aloe is a herb once widely used during potion production. It's valued for its health-replenishing capabilities as well as a desired ingredient used for brewing normal and higher-grade health potions.

Unlocked as a bonus for building the Grand Alchemist Lab.

An uncommon [advanced] grade ingredient.

Healing roots contrary to more common healing leaves yield better results, but require more careful processing.

Unlocked as a bonus for building Grand Alchemist Lab and having Herbalist.

This was actually awesome. Four incredible nodes and I can plant one of each of them for free. So Aloe and Healing Root went straight into the Alchemist garden, while the Flax and Green Bamboo went to Wendy's garden. Like, was there even a choice? I copied the nodes to have at least ten of each type. After spending millions of mana, I was no longer sure about the true cost of things. I was finally established and my mana income stabilised to the point where I shouldn't worry too much about mana until spring arrived, when my planned upgrades would be done.

However, I had received reports about the nearby dungeons. They were preparing themselves, but I didn't know if they were going to try to attack me or if they were preparing their forces for my attack. Their attempts were very chaotic and unorganised, but this might have been only for show, to give me the false feeling of safety, which was exactly what I would normally do. I was receiving even more disturbing reports from my agents that were sent to spy on Josla. She had skills that allowed her to fake her level, her statistics, and she could even use them on others. So far I thought that her army average level was 25, but recently my slimes found out her army average is more like 35, so the battle might be much more intense than we had initially thought. My army was constantly drilling, so with the spring I expect their average level to be about 50...

The sound of smoothly opening doors disturbed my thoughts, causing me to glance up and see Amber as she called to me with a sad, but soft voice. "Theon? May I join you?"

"Yes, Amber," I replied without hesitation.

She walked in, dressed in a long, fluffy bathrobe made from buffalo wool. Something was wrong; Amber, who was usually all rainbows and butterflies, was shaken and sad. She was also wet, and her hair was dripping from her recent shower. It was obvious she was trying to mask her mood, but she was betrayed by her own voice and the tears I saw in her eyes. She wiped at them before hesitating, placing her hands on her robe as she entered the small pool, which was barely knee deep on this side. Snuggling into me, she sat on my lap, and started crying like never before as her bathrobe continued to soak in the pool’s water.

"Theon! I saw them again!" she sobbed.

"Who? What are you talking about?" I asked, shocked, but without any clue what could have happened or who could have called on her. "You had a nightmare?"

"Yes... Hug me." She rubbed her face into my chest and hugged me even harder. She was speaking through her tears with a trembling voice. "For the first time in years, I saw the same nightmare I had when I was a child... When my parents were killed."

I hugged her, softly patting her head. We sat there for a few long moments in silence before she slowly calmed down. She never had a nightmare here in Avalon, not even once. On the contrary, every night so far was spent in safety she had always wanted so desperately. I gently scratched near her elf-like ear, making her softly sigh. She looked at me with her large, wonderful emerald-green eyes that were shining like two precious gemstones, and she smiled softly.

"Don't stop..." she whispered, raising her hand and combing my hair with her delicate fingers.

"I won't," I promised and kissed her.

She kissed me greedily with passion, letting go of any reservations she had and pushing me back so that I had to lean on my left elbow, holding on to the marble-tiled tiles. Little to say, I almost fell on my back but I managed to hold us, but because of that, my right hand, that had been holding her by her waist, had unintentionally undone her bathrobe belt. She stopped her kiss and breathed rapidly, which made her breasts move under her untied bathrobe, starting to reveal her marvellous, naked body. But before we could move any further, she sighed and put her head slowly on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Theon..."

"Amber, don't worry. It's not the best time after all..." I kissed the top of her head. "I love you, Amber, and I will protect you."

"Thanks to you, I finally believe in that. I love you so much." She relaxed a bit and kissed my cheek. "But you are right. After this nightmare awakened all painful memories, I'm just sad."

"Amber, where exactly did your parents die?" I asked her, with an idea brewing in my head.

Amber sighed. "I think they had gone to explore the Wolf Den Manor," she answered with her head on my shoulder. "But fortunately, they must have been killed outside the dungeon, since I never heard their call to save them."

I nodded and looked quickly at my war map. As I suspected; Wolf Den Manor Dungeon was one of the furthest dungeons southeast from here. I mentally ordered Thor to investigate the area with the Shadow Fenrir and at least thirty wolves. If anyone could find their bodies, it would be them. They would reach the area through the shadow realm so they would be there in just a few hours. But I would not tell her anything, in case my wolves failed to find any trace she could use to give her parents a proper burial. I could only hope that maybe, just maybe, my wolves would succeed. But I wouldn't give her false hopes.


We were sitting in the living room eating breakfast when Irene, followed by Luna, entered. Both of them looked rough after the previous night, with messy hair and frequent yawns. Luna was even more tired than Irene, but taking into consideration her training, that was to be expected.

"Good morning, my Sweethearts."

Their reply was unintelligible murmurs as both women took a few bites from their sweet rolls before heading to the bathroom, still yawning in turns. Amber was still sad, but at least she was able to faintly smile, seeing her barely awake "sisters," as they called each other.

"Theon, are you afraid?" Amber suddenly asked.

"Hmm..." Judging by her worried face and voice, she expected something more than just reassurance. "Yes, Amber, I am often afraid. To lose you, Irene or Luna. I'm afraid that through my actions, I will endanger all the people who trusted me."

She pursed her incredibly seductive lips, waiting in anticipation for what else I had to say as she clenched my hand in hers. "I know, Theon... But I'm afraid about spring. I'm afraid that we will die. Queen Josla is from the royal line that never lost a war..."

Irene and Luna entered the room in their full glory, ready for the rest of the day. But they looked at me, probably knowing well what was on Amber's mind. What was on their minds... Hmmm... I never told anyone about my field army, but I never intended to hide it before my Queens, either.

"I want to show you something. We can eat breakfast since it's not quite ready yet, but I hope it will help you sleep better."

They looked at me and ate in uncomfortable silence. I notified Galahad to prepare my Legions for inspection. I smiled softly at them, hoping it would even just slightly improve their moods. But it was in vain. After half an hour, they finished breakfast, and we teleported from the Palace. We stood on a wooden platform in a silence that was so deep, so total, it was deafening. I walked towards the small rampart and their loud gasps confirmed for me they had no idea...

Right below us, two full Legions stood in parade formation. When they saw us on the observation tower, the thousands upon thousands of undying soldiers snapped and stood at attention, their armors ringing out in a thunderous roar. The roar intensified as thousands of tower shields hit the ground, piercing the air before the climatic crash of thousands of swords hitting their shields reverberated throughout the now shaking tower.

Amber, Irene and Luna covered their ears, looking in silent awe at the rows upon rows of skeleton legionnaires who had started forming Centuries and Cohorts in a well-trained and swift manner. They soon moved under us, saluting us by hitting their breastplates with their right hands that held halberds. Unlike the red garbs of Rome, my forces wore the blue and gold of Avalon. My hastati and principes walked forward, wearing armours very similar to the late Roman legions, but with matching leg armour, since bare skeleton legs would just look stupid.

"Theon… How?!" Amber, in shock, grabbed my arm.

"You all really thought I was not preparing for the spring?" I asked them with a big grin.

They were speechless, watching the cohorts marching before us- six thousand and six hundred legionaries walked in an orderly fashion, thumping their armoured feet in unison. This military parade was probably the first one my girls had ever seen in their lives. After the Legionaries, the knights paraded in their heavy full plate armours. The knights formed my Triarii, the most elite units of each legion, and the strongest foot soldiers, right after the paladins. Instead of halberds, the knights wielded berdiche axes, and instead of gladius-type swords, they had arming swords. Behind them walked the archers. Their silvery chainmail shined like droplets of water over their cobalt blue and white gambesons as their lines passed our observation point, where they saluted us in XXI century style. Their large long bows rested in holsters where they were at the ready to always draw an arrow, with their condition preserved, thanks to the magic. They were monstrous bows that no living human back on earth could even dream of drawing, and were used to the same deadly effects as the compound bows back on earth.

After the infantry left the field, forming two legions once again in front of the observation tower, my skeletal winged hussars arrived for the grand finale. They galloped at full speed in battle formations on their armoured horses, heralded by the horrifying whistle of their wings and the loud hoofbeats of their mounts. Their long, lowered lances shined like deadly sunbeams in the light of the artificial sun. My Ladies watched this display of might and power in utter shock, knowing fully well how high the levels of these troops were. The banners and regiment insignias shone in the air. Over ten thousand soldiers were ready, better than anything I had allowed passers-by to see.

"My Dears... I never once joked when I promised you safety." I said with a smile, but my voice was cold as the atrocities of this world crossed through my memory.

I raised my hand, and the last formation landed in front of the tower. The most powerful of my Fairies landed heavily, wearing reinforced light armours that could put to shame most of the medium and even some of the heavy armours available outside of Avalon. But that would also apply to most of my troops, whose gear was upgraded by the mere presence of Ragnar, Bjorn and Verni. Amber rested her head on my arm as Irene took my hand. Luna leaned over the battlements, gazing at the vast field with sparks in her eyes.

"This is incredible, Theon!" She was so excited that her tail violently pulled at her dress, almost ripping it.

"Why haven't you told us about this?" Amber asked with hesitation.

"I never intended to keep you three in the dark. I wanted them to be more prepared to show you our legions." I hugged them both. "I've been forming them since that time we were attacked by the goblin dungeon. I trust you, my Ladies, and I hope you still trust me. I never wanted to put any of you in harm's way, but the storm that is brewing above our heads is bigger and more dangerous than I thought. I'm bound to Avalon. I can't leave my domain no matter what. And I'm so sorry... But I just can't let you go as well. Not until I'll make sure it is safe for you to go."

They looked at me now with shining eyes and soft smiles. They were not weak, not anymore, but they still needed someone who would protect them from the nightmares, and they had chosen me. This new life was a gift, one that I was going to protect. That's why I was prepared to unleash monstrous firepower, if necessary, upon this world. I would develop gunpowder if I had to. I would use knowledge about any weapon technology I heard or read about. Railguns, Coilguns, Laser or Plasma- with magic and runes, I could bring them to life. If it was necessary, I was ready to deploy tanks and heavy mechs.

But I would protect them. Even if I had to raze the world and rebuild it, so be it.

"I have made many mistakes and I am sure that I will make more of them. But you must point out my shortcomings. It's up to all three of you to tell me when I am doing something wrong. Can I count on you?"

"Always, Theon." Amber smiled at me with her gorgeous smile, once again invigorated.

"I never doubted you, my Darling." Irene giggled and kissed my cheek. "I'll try my best, but remember that I'm just a healer."

"I don't think that any Kitsune was so close to actually making a difference in this world. I have to make sure you will stay sharp, my Hero." Luna laughed as well.

"Thank you, my Queens." I smiled softly.

I looked at Galahad, the menacing figure standing nearby, watching his subordinates present themselves with the dignity and decor they should have as the armed hand of Avalon. He bowed to me with satisfaction upon seeing my smile and quickly joined us on the observation tower.

"You did well, Galahad."

"Thank you, your Highness!" His deep voice brimmed with happiness.

"You heard the news that Sebastian's spies brought us? Josla is faking the levels of her armies." I looked at my scion, who just shrugged.

"We will fight them." He was calm and professional, as only an immortal being could be. He looked at the Legions under his command. "WHAT IS YOUR DUTY?!"

He yelled, surprising me. Oh yes... I smirked grimly. This was a fitting quote indeed in this dark world. The ten thousand voices replied in unison.


They were my immortal servants that would never die as long as I was alive. The thundering voices of my army made my Queens look at them once more in awe.

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