The Castle in the middle of nowhere.

33. Next raid plan.

I grinned at the visibly shaken Kitsune. She downed a glass of juice and put it back on the table with an expression suggesting she need something stronger than juice. Girl... I can relate, trust me. I sighed and returned to my armchair, and looked at Luna more carefully. She saw my gaze and started fidgeting a bit in her armchair.

"Luna, if I understand correctly, your sanity protection defends us against mental attacks and our... mental health deterioration?" I asked her gently, which immediately made her relax.

"Yes. As a Kitsune, my powers and racial ability are connected with the spiritual world. What is less known is that we can influence minds. However, by combining these two powers, I have the ability to protect not only your memories, but also preserve your personality."

"That's incredible," I admitted. "But how exactly?"

"I can show you..." She clapped her hands, excited to show off her ability.

I nodded in agreement and she swiftly came close and... and she kissed me. And like the poets like to say, the darkness claimed me.


Amber and Irene watched as Luna kissed Theon. They looked at each other and raised their brows at the same moment, which made them laugh. However, their laughter was cut short when Theon fell limply on the floor.

"What have you done!?" Amber yelled while Irene dashed towards him.

"What do you mean? He is just asleep!" Luna answered, dumbfounded.

"Amber, he really is sleeping... But that's… bad." Irene checked Theon and began to breathe normally again, relaxed now that she knew he was fine. "I don't know what will happen if he stays in this condition. What will his denizens do?"

Irene tried to lift Theon's body, but she just as well might have tried to move Avalon itself. Luna quickly ducked down and tried to help her, but even then, it was hopeless. Amber, after she calmed down, stood up and went to Theon as well, but instead of trying to lift him she simply touched him and teleported them all over the bed where he just... looked like he was sleeping, which he was... But he had told them so many times he couldn't... She was regaining her calm. Irene reacted with laughter when she realized her folly, while Luna was impressed.

"You can teleport yourself?!" Luna exclaimed.

"You can as well. You will quickly get used to it, Luna. Now tell me, what have you done?" Amber asked calmly.

As the First Queen of Avalon, she 'felt' the entire dungeon and, while it was incredibly draining, she quickly confirmed that everything was in perfect order. With that in mind and knowing Theon was just sleeping, she could stay calm without killing Luna in one of the thousands of ways that had just come to her mind.

"I don't know what I can tell you about him... But he..." She tried to find a good way to avoid saying too much.

"But he was not always a dungeon core?" Irene interrupted Luna's dramatic pause.

"Or the fact that he was reincarnated?" Amber sighed.

"Umm..." Luna's jaw dropped, sitting near Theon with a raised finger, as if pointing in confusion at the ceiling while she slowly pursed her lips. "Yes... Anyway... He was a human in his previous life and that's why he needs to sleep from time to time. The more used to his new form he becomes, the less he will need this. He may not even remember what he is dreaming, but this is very important for him. Thanks to this sleep, he will be able to rest properly. He will wake up tomorrow morning fresh and happy, I promise!"

Irene fixed Theon's dark hair and patted his head. Amber sat down on the bed as well, relieved it was nothing serious. Luna looked at them, very surprised.

"You love him?" she asked timidly under her breath.

"Luna... He saved my life. Quite literally he was a gift from the heavens. Then he not only gave me food, clothes and a home, but also did everything to protect me. I can say that I was with him from his earliest moments in this world. I haven't known him for long, but in my heart, I started falling in love with him even before… but when he gave me a true name... Well, I can say that you and I are quite similar, Luna. I also was rather willing to take my chances as his wife." Amber smiled. "And I'm happy to report that I don't regret anything."

"He saved my life as well," Irene said with a sweet smile, softly putting her hand on Theon's broad chest. "If not for him and his decision, slavers would have killed me and others, but he saved my mind from despair. Without his and Amber's support, I probably would have ended myself a long time ago..."

"I see..." Luna looked a bit sad. "I don't have any other particular reason to be his wife besides my selfishness. When I woke up in that incredible room, I couldn't believe I was still alive. But when I saw the monsters... I mean, the denizens that were my jailors, I was sure I would die. Then I saw him and you both, so when the World Words gave me... Can you imagine? I was given a choice! When I was given a choice, I... I... I was so afraid to return there..."

She pulled up her legs and hugged them, covering her feet with her fluffy tail. She looked miserably at the window, and in her eyes, Amber and Irene could see the same fear they once had. They sat in silence, looking out of the window at the world covered by night, knowing that somewhere out there, people were struggling, suffering and dying while they were living in unimaginable comfort and safety. It was depressing and might be hard to understand, but they had no one there. Everyone they knew and cared about was safe in Avalon.

"I don't think you have to be ashamed, Luna." Amber said carefully. "Everyone wants to be safe and live comfortably."

"But what should I do? Everything I know or planned to do is now pointless. In fact, he doesn't really need me!"

"Nu-uh..." Amber purred with a soft smile. "You are wrong. Not so long ago, we were attacked. Really, we’ve been under constant attack since Theon came to this world. Someone or something was stealing his memories and recently Stella, his Faé scion, was the only one able to prevent this. Or we hope she managed to prevent it. But your ability allows you to protect him, and us, from this threat even better. So don't say he doesn't need you."

"Also, you are now bound with him. If he dies, we die as well. He needs us to stay who he is. With us, he is stronger, Luna." Irene looked at Luna and smiled as well. "He will not hate you, but he will not take you as his right away, Luna. He will give you time, use it and think about your feelings."

"He will?" Luna looked at Irene in surprise.

"Of course he will! Since he showed up, he was for me more than just a friend. When Irene joined as his second Queen he did everything to make us both happy. He doesn't order us around and doesn't demand anything from us. But we know he is not shy or dislikes us. No. He still mourns, parting forever from his old family. Maybe mourn is the wrong word..." Amber let her hair loose and shifted her legs to sit more comfortably. "I never met a man like him before. But he insists that his behaviour is nothing special. He says that's how a real man should act; be respectful, caring and protect the lady he cares about. Irene and I were his special persons. He loves us and we know he is not joking."

"I was born to serve him..." Luna looked at the sleeping Theon.

"His ego doesn't demand our servitude. He told us once if we want this to work, we all have to put our hearts and effort into our relationship. We are his Queens, Luna, and so are you. He doesn't want us to be his mindless servants or helpless damsels. No. He wants us to be his Queens, to support him and help him. To even criticise his actions if necessary," Irene patiently explained. "He is nothing like any hero you might have heard of before."

"Thank you, Lady Amber, Lady Irene..."

"No! You are now a Queen, Luna! We are Amber and Irene. During official affairs, we act officially, but besides that, we three should be like sisters."

"Official affairs?" Luna smiled softly.

"Mhm. Officially I'm Amber va'Theon the Queen of Avalon, Luna. The World Words recognized me as the ruling Queen of Avalon. You and Irene are Arch Princesses, which made you the second and third wife of the King. I know it sounds strange, but after a few days, the World Words will teach you everything you should know." Amber dismissively waved her hand and yawned. "It was a long day. Let's take a bath and go to sleep as well."

"Bath?" Luna's ears wiggled in excitement.


"Is this real?" Clovis yawned, laying in the bed of his own room within a big house they had received from the King.

"Yes, Clovis. I can't believe that as well. We are alive, free, and safe." Dahlia was sitting on his bed, delicately patting his head.

"I like all the people who live here..." Clovis fell asleep with a delighted smile while still being patted by his sister.

Dahlia silently left his room, leaving behind the dimmed bedside lamp, closing the doors behind her. She went downstairs to the kitchen, where she washed the dirty dishes left after supper. After that, she sat silently in front of a small kitchen table and looked outside the window. It was already dark outside. The stars were shining brightly in the clear, cold air of the cloudless night. But their home was nice and warm so she was comfortable just wearing a light nightdress. She wiped the tears that started flowing from her eyes. Out of her entire family, only her brother had survived... She quickly opened one of the drawers and took out the white long candle. She then found a lantern in the living room and put the candle inside. She then lit it and prayed to Eriar.

Miss Wendy had told her about Eriar, who sent Lord Theon to save the world. She never believed in gods before, but after seeing Avalon, after being in the presence of King Theon and his Queens, and after seeing that even the feared Kitsune would choose to serve him... She at least could try to pray to Eriar. If he could send such a mighty Champion, then he could as well lead the souls of her family to the afterlife.


When I opened my eyes, I noticed a few things. First of all, I was in the bedroom, which was strange since I last recalled sitting in the living room. The next thing... Well, the next person I noticed was Luna, who was sleeping on top of me with an absolutely innocent look on her face. She was smiling while dreaming. Amber and Irene were sleeping on their usual slides of the bed. I received multiple readiness reports from every corner of my domain. With a clear head, I used this precious moment of silence and processed all new information in a heartbeat. Wait... I was fully rested for the first time since I discovered I couldn't sleep.

"Theon?" A delicate whisper, like a soft breeze amongst the branches of the tree, made me look into her shining green eyes.

"Good morning, Amber." I smiled and stretched my body with pleasure, effortlessly lifting Luna in the process. "I have almost forgotten how incredible sleep was."

"How do you feel?" Irene asked as I felt her snuggling into my arm.

"Excellent, to be honest." I managed to cover my yawn with my right hand, but a sudden realisation terrified me. "I was out for the entire night?"

"Mhm... But don't worry. I checked everything before I went to sleep and everyone and everything was in perfect working order." Amber giggled and kissed me, burying my face beneath her magnificent hair.

"Thank you, my Darling." I exhaled, relaxing a lot. Amber's eyes were shining like stars. "So, what do you think about her?"

"She is as scared as I was when we met, Theon." Amber replied, fixing her hair.

"She is not a bad person, Theon." Irene admitted, moving her face closer to mine.

"You think so, Honey?" I was in an incredibly good mood.

I looked at Amber and Irene, who blushed, and it struck me. This was the first time I was talking to them like that. Luna was sleeping soundly, absolutely ignoring our little chat.

"I think she is cute." Amber rested her head on my shoulder and she started patting Luna's head.

"Hahaha." I genuinely laughed and, with a swift move, I caught Amber and Irene, hugging them both. "I think I can get used to waking up like this."

Luna started twitching, and I could hear her rumbling stomach. That girl had a serious iron sleep. Irene and Amber were giggling, and now both of them ruffled Luna's hair. She finally woke up and when she noticed she was sleeping on top of me, she tried to move away quickly. Which inevitably made her trip and straddle me, making Amber and Irene laugh. When she looked down at where she was sitting, she started covering her face with her hands.

"Well... A bit lower and we would be in an awkward situation, Luna." Now I laughed, and that made her turn red.

She whimpered softly in embarrassment and she quickly tried to stand up, but Amber and Irene held her this time.

"Thank you, Luna." I said with a warm smile. "Whatever you did, it worked perfectly."

"No problem, my Ma..." She looked at me through her fingers and corrected herself. "No problem, Theon."

"So what do you say, my Ladies, about breakfast?" I asked, but I felt I needed to take a shower first.

"With pleasure..." Amber yawned, letting go of Luna.

"I want scrambled eggs today..." Irene added with a stretch.

"Can I have scrambled eggs as well?" Luna looked at me with hope.

"Then scrambled eggs for today!" I nodded and waited for happy Luna to stand up properly this time. I smiled, looking at three women who quickly jumped into the bathroom. After getting out of bed, I then went into another bathroom for my own use.


After breakfast, I left Luna with Amber and Irene. My scions were sitting around a big round table in my war room where a map of the known world was placed. Sebastian was chatting with Arani while Stella was sitting silently, listening to their conversation. Thor was sleeping near the fireplace. My war room was quite large and could be used as a briefing room, but mostly it collected dust. I made it because it was needed to unlock expeditions outside my domain and I maxed it out to be able to lead my armies personally from here. Galahad stood up to welcome me, and everyone turned to look at me.

"My King! Did you want to see us all?" Arani asked, bowing his head and almost touching the table with his beak.

"Indeed. I wish to personally listen to your reports. Let's start with the defences. Stella?" I sat down on my throne that had a fireplace behind my back, offering additional comfort.

"Our runic shields seem to work. I noted many breach attempts, but the multilayered system works as you anticipated, my Lord. Now that Lady Luna is your Queen, I will humbly ask her for help. I'm currently working on protective charms that our expedition forces could use."

"Before Luna will be able to help you, she must level up. She is grossly under-levelled." I lightly smiled.

"Yes, my Lord. I want to report that Queens Amber and Irene are progressing at extreme speed right now. In a few months, they will master harnessing their powers and will be ready to unleash their potential. Also, I recommend allowing Priestess Lanka to take a class progression Quest."

"All right. I'll make the quest for her as soon as the kids finish their class missions." I nodded, satisfied with the progress we had made. Stella's report was quite short, but I guess that's the curse when your work goes smoothly. "Sebastian?"

"With winter here, all spy activity is basically zero and thus Avalon is just being guarded against any enemy agents' infiltration. My agents in Queen Josla's palace reported she is preparing for a big campaign right after the winter monsters retreat. She and General Korkas won't want to wait for spring. According to your orders, my Lord, we are observing their army and we are trying to figure out their plans without raising even a shade of suspicion. However, Korkas has guessed you are more than just a dungeon, and we believe he will try something nasty."

"Any guesses?" I asked carefully.

"Not yet. But she is preparing massive forces. She already posted Raid Quests in every guild in the capital, so we can expect adventurers and mercenaries amongst her forces." Sebastian opened his arms, apologising for his lack of knowledge. "As soon as we find out anything you should know, my Lord, we will inform you."

"Very well. Galahad?"

"Our field army is growing, my King. Depending on how large the forces Queen Josla will rally against you, we could fight them in the field or just defend Avalon. Right now, after upgrading guardians to legionaries, I can safely say we can fight most opponents in the field. We have one legion ready, my King, with thirty-three hundred legionaries, half a thousand longbowmen, a thousand knights, two hundred fairies and two hundred paladins supported by three hundred Hussars. We are almost done with forming the second legion as well. I estimate we will have three legions ready by the end of winter, my Lord."

"Hmmm. I think we must stop at two Legions for now, Galahad. While I would gladly garrison legions throughout Avalon, the element of surprise is our biggest weapon. No one should know about the Legions before I use them in the war against Cridia. I don't want to spend too much on expanding the underground training grounds right now. Also, building a dedicated legionary skeleton spawner was quite draining." I said with a sour face. "How about the castle’s defences?"

"Our real defence forces are two legions strong without the Cavalry. Arani's eagles and Thor's wolves took their place instead. We also have mock guards at the outer gates where Adventurers can freely enter." Galahad looked very proud, as much as a skeleton can be, of course.

"Is this working?" I looked at Sebastian.

"As far as we can tell, yes, my King. Most reports that Queen Josla and the Guilds receive about our forces tell them about a few thousand level fifteen max guards."

"Very good. I wonder how the level difference will translate to a real combat situation."

"My Lord... They don't have any hope to win against even just two or three cohorts. Against two Legions? No..." Stella shook her head and sighed. "A level one Skeleton has about twenty health points and is a fairly tough opponent. A level ten skeleton guard has one hundred twenty health. But a level thirty-five Legionary has two and a half thousand health points. And that's our average amongst Legionary Skeletons. The Knights in the legion are level fifty, with almost five and half thousand health points. The Legion is on average at level forty-five. Cridia’s Kingdom Army is on average at level twenty."

"Hmm..." I rubbed my chin but nodded, accepting her explanation. "Arani?"

"We control the sky near Avalon. A few dungeons tried to challenge our supremacy but we not only fended them off, but utterly destroyed their forces."

"I noticed. It was a very tasty influx of mana. What about the mission I gave you?"

"We were driven out from two villages, Lord. Even when I personally tried to talk with villagers and convince them we meant no harm. In the other villages we were sent to, people thanked us for your concern but said they should survive the winter. But if we could check on them next month, they would appreciate it."

"We can do this... Or check on them weekly." I nodded. It would be better to bring them here, but nothing by force. "Anything else?"

"Not at the moment." Arani bowed toward Thor.

"All right. Thor?"

"By the end of next week, we will be able to perform a raid on the bigger slaver base that is a half day by wolf dashing toward the north. The spiders we used told us that slavers hold about thirty adult slaves and there are one hundred slavers and mercenaries there. I advise bringing at least ten skeleton paladins. Arani is sure we can hit them without alarming other camps," my Fenrir Scion reported.

"Can we attack faster?" I know we could, but I wanted to hear why Thor thought otherwise.

"Dahlia will not be ready..." he started, but I sighed.

"Thor, those people must be saved. I don't want to attack all slavers at once, but we can't postpone attacks just because you want the Inquisitor ready."

"In that case, we can attack anytime." Thor nodded his large head.

"Do it, Thor. Arani, what about Ian and the Flower Girls?"

"They are having fun." Galahad shrugged.

"Yes. They will probably return tomorrow, my Lord. But forgive me, Ian asked me to not spoil their surprise. I promised not to tell you what they tamed," Arani apologised.

"All right." I nodded, then looked at my scions. "What about the Goblin Dungeon?"

"Unfortunately, it's reinforcing its domain. I do not think it will attack us again." Thor said as if he wanted to apologise to me.

"Hmmm... After raiding against the slavers, we will tackle it. I want our raid to look like a scouting party accidentally stumbled upon it." I crossed my arms.

"As you wish, my Lord."

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