The Castle in the middle of nowhere.

231. The Princess of change.

Tuvarin had fallen, and its fall was a defeat that crushed the pride and confidence of its people. The Princess observed the city from the height of HMS Victory, and she felt her stress evaporating from her body, leaving a strange emptiness. She yawned and crossed her arms on the railings, then leaned over, exhaling nervously. Next to her on the deck sat Pyonta, pressed against the side of the railings. She was in the same state of mind as Elisabeth. Both young women kept sighing heavily, closely watched by Major Raphael and Captain Fraser.

"Ummm... What's with them?" Fraser finally broke the uncomfortable silence.

"I think they can't believe they have won." The Wolfkin shrugged. "Well, it's not like the war is already over, but without their central government, the enemy lost the little coordination they had."

"Mhmmm..." The Captain rubbed his neatly cut beard. "How goes securing the city?"

"I took care of it." The Major waved his hand dismissively. "Princess Elisabeth doesn't have the heart for it at the moment. Anyway, progress is smooth, but the administrative nightmare will only start from here..."

Raphael's eyes dimmed, and he laid back his ears somewhat fearfully. Fraser didn't push the man but simply patted his shoulder in encouragement.

"How bad is it?" the Captain finally asked when he noticed that Raphael wanted to elaborate but hesitated to explain how.

"Very, very bad... Most of the Bernan population is eligible for execution for their slavery practises." Raphael covered his head in despair. "I have no clue how even to resolve the issue... Then comes the issue of freeing the slaves. While some of them will simply leave Berna, some harbour deep grudges, and I can easily picture them taking their revenge on the Bernans."


"But that's just the beginning! We can't even use their former soldiers since most of them committed so many crimes that even Korkas would be impressed!" The Wolfkin snarled angrily. "Thank the Gods for Count Nova and his army. Without him, we would be screwed."

"Good thing it's not our problem. His Highness will have..." Fraser's haughtiness died down seeing Raphael's flat stare. "What?"

"I expect him to use this situation as a test for the Princess." The Major leaned heavily on the railings and looked down.

"Naaaah..." The Captain huffed in disbelief.

"Wanna bet?"


"I thought so," Raphael chuckled. "While he won't leave us alone with the problem, I think he will leave us to find a solution before he gives us any pointers."

"I wouldn't trade with you." The Captain grinned as well and patted Raphael's back. "However, Prince Raphael..."

"Oh, c'mon, Fraser! You too?" The Wolfkin slammed his forehead on the railings.

"What? You never know when you will need the help of Royalty," the Human laughed. "Besides, you should have connected the dots before proposing to her."

"*sigh* fair..." The Major slightly turned his head towards Fraser without lifting it from the cool wood. "So?"

"I suspect that Victory will be ordered to stay in Berna, most probably until the new Iowa-class is ready." Fraser turned back and leaned on his elbows on the railings near Raphael. "There is still a lot to do before we conclude this campaign, and even I know it will be far worse than it was back home."

"I know what you are talking about." The Wolfkin straightened and let out an exhausted breath. "Back home, the vast majority... No, everyone, except for the nobles, celebrated the fall of Cridia. Here... The people are going to hate us. Bernan citizens will form resistance groups, and they will see us as occupants."

"Good thing that the Gods of these lands are on our side. That ought to smooth some things..."

"I'm not going to argue with you," Raphael nodded. "Wait, wait... How sure are you that you are staying?"

"I haven't got the official order yet, but the admiral basically told me to get used to the idea..." Fraser shrugged.

"I didn't know you were promoted!" the Major complained in shock.

"A long time ago, when Lady Admiral appointed me as the new captain for Victory."

"You were promoted but still called captain…” Raphael was confused.

"Huh? How else they could call me? Skipper?" Fraser replied in kind, presenting his own confusion.


"The captain of the ship is a Captain no matter if they are Lieutenants or Captains. That's tradition! Even if you call Admiral Sparrow on her ship Captain, it's all fine!"

"Ohhh... So what's your current rank?"

"Rear Admiral..." Fraser sighed. "That's another reason why I think we will stay here. The province of Berna is big enough to need its own fleet."

"Oh, Gods..." Raphael facepalmed.


Elisabeth was sitting on the throne of Tulva wearing one of the most impressive dresses she received during her brief stay in Avalon a long time ago. After all this time spent in the field wearing her armour, she felt almost naked. Thankfully, the ten Praetorians and Raphael were standing nearby so she wasn't defenceless. Her perfectly tailored dress glittered in the bright sun. The delicate and elaborate white lace and incredibly light and soft silk fabric in vibrant blue and green looked stunning on her, according to a deeply blushing Raphael. On her head was a light, golden tiara, almost invisible compared to the crowns of the Queens of Arcadia, but Elisabeth felt strange wearing it anyway. She observed the main city square from the height of the specially made platform, watching most of Legio Victrix parade through the city. She saw the uncertainty of most of the people, but some were openly hostile. She could clearly see the hatred and tears in their eyes as well as their clenched fists. However, they were in the minority; most of the people looked at her with hope in their eyes. These people watched the Immortal Legion's soldiers and their uniforms and perfect gear with awe. Elisabeth stood up when the last cohort stopped and took its place along the square. Suddenly, she realised what she had to tell them.

"People of Tuvarin, my name is Elisabeth Berna." Her soft and melodic voice surprised even her. The people looked in shock at her, even those who previously cast evil gazes at her.

"The rightful ruler of Merixia!" An incorporeal voice like thunder rolled over the crowd.

"The rightful ruler of Tulva!" Another manly voice crashed over the people like the waves of the tide.

"The rightful ruler of Novatis!" A woman's voice was like the wind humming over the entire city.

"The rightful ruler of Kalstatia!" The fourth incorporeal voice of a woman reverberated between the city walls.

"The rightful heir to the throne of all of Berna!" All four voices boomed in the unison.

All the people, except for her and the Guardsmen of Avalon, kneeled. She felt strange just as Ertu, Akh'ila, Kaal'nai, and Tuul'kara appeared beside her. The four remaining Gods of Berna stood silently, and she saw the fear in the eyes of all the people. The freed slaves were afraid that cruel laws would return, and the people who hated the Princess were afraid that their Gods supported her. She straightened proudly and made another step forward.

"Indeed, I am!" Her clear and proud voice echoed through the silence of the entire city. "However, I came here not to reinstitute the old but to be a herald of the new! I'm not here to brag about the victories because I have yet to end this war." She moved her gaze over the anxious faces. Elisabeth smiled and clasped her hands to her chest, her gaze hardening as she crossed it with those looks that were hateful. "The evil Gods of Berna are dead or enslaved. Jukk'nala has died before my very eyes, executed by King Theon Avalon for the crime of attempting to murder Queen Lavender va'Theon."

A nervous murmur rose from the crowd. However, it was cut short once the enormous Phoenix descended from the sky in absolute and revered silence. In front of everyone, he transformed into a small golden bird before softly landing on Princess's bare shoulder.

"So far, I have humoured you and played along. But I am not Jukk'nala. My name is Twirll of Avalon, and I am the familiar of King Theon Avalon!" the golden bird announced.

"Hur'zhun and his army attacked Avalon and they paid the price," Ertu informed everyone, showing everyone Hur'zhun's cut-off horns and not giving anyone a chance to speak. "He was captured and sentenced to millennia of hard labour. He will never again be seen outside of the fields of Avalon."

"The Holy Kingdom of Berna has fallen!" Elisabeth exclaimed with power. "All its laws are invalid; all its customs must be revised. From now on, Berna is the province of Arcadia!"

The shocked people looked at each other and couldn't believe what they heard. However, they were not given time to fully process what the Princess had told them. An even louder crack of thunder emanated from behind Elisabeth, raising a wave of terrified cries of shock. However, the Princess stood unharmed as another three divine figures appeared, shocking and convincing many more people that Elisabeth was chosen by the Gods.

"We are three of the five Gods of Arcadia," the man declared. I am Zeus! With me are Goddess Hera and God Zephyr! We have come to testify that what Princess Elisabeth told you is true. The war's twilight is near, and with it, new laws will bring justice and peace to all the people of the Grand Kingdom of Arcadia."

"However..." The Princess lowered her head, and when she lifted it, everyone could see tears in her eyes. "There are still people who wish the old order to remain. They wish the times of slavery and injustice to return. I solemnly promise you all that will never happen again! There is tremendous work to do, people of Berna, to ensure our bright future. Ahead of us are trying times, during which we must prove ourselves be worthy to be called Arcadians. I see this is a shock for many of you. You all can see one of the Immortal Legions of Avalon in all their might and glory. You all can speak with the Guardsmen of Avalon and see for yourselves the stark difference between them and the Paladins of my foolish father. The times of old oppression have ended! We must forget about old teachings and traditions that hurt so many people. We must forsake hatred and resentment. Let's all work for a bright future, together!"

The tears of the Princess shocked and moved everyone. The people looked at the single person in chains brought in front of Elisabeth. Everyone recognised Hagon Je'wrha. He was slightly scared but tried to stand proudly. He looked around, with the accusation of betrayal in his gaze, but the people discovered they were no longer afraid of him. Behind him stood two knights in pitch black armours, without a single distinction or a symbol of rank. Their weapons cast a dangerous-looking, ice-cold glow that seemed to freeze the air around them.

"The last person responsible for this war stands before you. Hagon Je'wrha of Tulva, its last tyrant and last of the Apostles of the so-called true Gods..." Elisabeth spoke without emotion, gesturing towards the man. "He brought this war upon you. If not for him, many more Bernans would be alive today. However, in his cowardice, he refused to pay for his crimes to avoid punishment. He gave all of your lives just to save his own."

Many people looked at the condemned noble angrily, and even some who had previously cast their hateful gazes at Elisabeth found a new target for their fury. The Princess lowered her slender arm and let the people shout their disdain. She let them verbally abuse the man who had caused them so much pain. However, no one could raise their hand against him. The people were still pinned to their knees by the mere presence of the Gods. After a longer while, Elisabeth slightly raised her hand and silenced the crowd.

"His trial will take place in Avalon, and while none of you will see it, I want to assure you he won't avoid it. He will answer for all his crimes, and his punishment will be most severe. Even death won't save him from responsibility." An uncomfortable silence spread among the people. The panicked nobles of Tulva had seen the gaze of the Princess, who promised them no pardon. "It is up to you whether you decide to pay for the harm done or whether you will be forced to pay." She slowly moved her gaze across the crowd and after she was done, the Princess waved her hand. "Take him away."

Hagon was surprised when the hands of his captors clamped down on his shoulders. He was unceremoniously hauled away without a chance to address the people he still considered his. He kicked and screamed but was powerless to stop the knights of Arcadia. He was taken onboard an airship, but his screams could be heard long after he disappeared from the sight of the people. Only a few of them looked at the noble with pity, and they even turned away once his screams stopped, undoubtedly muffled by the wood of the brig. Most of the people looked at Princess Elisabeth in anticipation. They wanted to hear more, but she turned around, surrounded by the Gods. Everyone could feel the power of blessings bestowed by the divine on the young woman. They had initially expected to see a young girl who was a puppet of the foreign monarch, but instead, they saw a mighty Princess who wanted to lead them into a bright future. The people felt a strange spark growing inside them. Their fears were replaced with anticipation, and against all senses; with a hope to see a promised brighter future. The aura cast by the Gods in front of them was far different from what they could have ever felt before. These Gods were open and benevolent as if they wanted to hear people's problems and help them. The very souls of the gathered crowd were touched by the tremendous differences between the hubris and unpredictability of the old lords and how direct and honest the Princess was.

Their Princess...

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