The Castle in the middle of nowhere.

14. Adventurers.

Idna was sitting in the guild hall, still unable to believe what happened a few days ago, but the happy barks of a wolf pup who played with a stick too big for him reminded her it was not a dream.

She met the Queen and was shocked to receive the shadow wolf pup from her as a gift. The little wolf accepted Idna as his master and allowed her to tame him. The shadow wolf. Not a regular wolf she hoped to tame or a fierce dire wolf that would strike fear in anyone. This was the beast of darkness feared in legends her mother told her about long ago when she was a little girl. This wolf was a legendary creature, and she never heard about anyone taming such a creature... Well, the exception would be that Phantom Ranger girl she heard about.

Although, her beast of the darkness was right now an adorable fluffy ball of ash-grey fur.

After the quest was over, she received an option to pick up a sub-class which was previously unheard of on such a low level as she was. One of them looked very interesting- the Phoenix Knight. She never heard about that class before and was sure she could choose it only because of her connection to Avalon. She accepted it, wondering how her sister would react upon her return.

She also received a set of coloured pencils and a big pile of incredibly smooth and snow-white paper sheets she fell in love with. She was now drawing the picture of the Queen and King from her memory, which looked great so far in her own opinion.

"This is incredible!" Idna was startled by the excited voice of a small girl.

The young, maybe five-year-old girl was sitting on the counter near her and with shining eyes gazed at the picture Idna was drawing.

"I... Ekhem. Thank you. Excuse me, but who are you? I don't recall seeing you around." Idna wondered how the girl was able to enter the guild without ringing the bell over the doors.

"Oh, sorry Miss Idna!" The girl jumped down from the counter and fixed her cute dress with an embroidered wolf pup on a big pocket at her chest. "My name is Marie. I am acting as a messenger of King Theon today."

"Miss Marie the Phantom Ranger?" Idna straightened up in shock and looked at the little girl, before smiling brightly. "It's a pleasure to meet you! How may I serve our King today?"

"That's right! You heard about me?" Marie responded happily, forgetting about her mission for a moment.

"Yes! Fuellar was talking about you all the time before their journey and my sister, Lanka, told me about you as well."

"Uhum." Marie nodded and gasped with the realisation that she should convey the King's message. "The King told me to tell you that an adventurers' party of five people is heading this way. They have passed trials of the Avalon so they can stay in the village and wait for the return of the Guild Master."

Marie was walking towards Idna's wolf pup who looked at her, tilting its head from side to side as he panted, tired from towing his big stick around.

"Thank you for the news. When should I expect them?"

"Any moment now, I think," the girl answered as she started rubbing the pup’s belly. "Who is a good boy? Who is a good pup?"

"Umm. Miss Marie, this wolf only looks normal, but this is a Shadow Wolf. You should watch out!" Idna warned Marie coming out from behind the counter.

"I know! He is so sweet!"

"You... You know?" Idna was shocked.

"Yhym. I can tell, Miss Idna." she turned her head toward the women, grinning and clarifying. "One of my passive skills identifies all beasts I encounter."

"You can do that?" Idna was surprised.

"Besides, he is just like Mr Fluffles!"

"Mr Fluffles?" Idna couldn't help but giggle, as it was such an adorable name for a wolf pup and very expected to be given by a five-year-old girl.

"Mr Fluffles, come and say hello!"

Idna suddenly felt a crushing dread deep inside her soul and felt cold sweat covering her back. She just knew that some unimaginable nightmare was sitting right behind her, but she was too terrified to turn around. Idna was breathing slowly, trying to not burst into tears.


A menacing aura was gone at once as Idna heard a voice so deep and full of dignity that it was so captivating she could swear it belonged to some noble lord. Her pup was wagging his tail and happily barked while Marie was still playing with him as if nothing happened. When she managed to turn around, she saw an enormously big and magnificent beast with long black fur that looked like it was made from darkness itself. She was looking right into dark-gold eyes in which she could see the incredible intelligence of the wolf.

"Hee... Hello..." Idna swallowed loudly. "I'm Idna. Nice to meet you..."

"Mr Fluffles." Wolf politely bowed his head to her. "I'm sorry I scared you, the child of Nekota. It sometimes happens when I use someone's shadow."

"I must admit that was scary, Mr Fluffles." Idna was a little ashamed by her feelings of dread and still was pale from the experience, but at the same time thrilled by the thought that one day her own wolf would be as magnificent as Mr Fluffles. She was wondering what he meant by calling her the child of Nekota, as her race is called Nekomi.

"There is no need for shame, Miss Idna. There were many before who called themselves mighty warriors but couldn't stand my presence even remotely as well as you," Mr Fluffles told her, and Idna felt really proud of herself. The great wolf licked her face, this time making her giggle. "Take care of the young one. If you raise him well and you will be a good master, he will also one day receive the voice."

When the bell over the doors rang, she looked in the door's direction and saw five people entering the building. When she turned back, there was no trace that Mr Fluffles was ever there, but Marie was still playing with the pup.

"Welcome to the Village under Avalon. I'm the receptionist, Idna..."


I was looking at my kingdom from above and thinking. Am I really just a dungeon? Am I just a structure? I could feel, I could smile, and I could love. But I was no longer just a human or an ordinary mortal as well, and I was fully aware of that.

I was happy when the girls unlocked their incredibly rare classes. I was proud of Marie and how wisely she developed herself. I was in awe of Verni, Ragnar and Bjorn when they brought to me recreated items I summoned from the Earth or when they created their own works. I enjoyed the clothes that Wendy made especially for me. I could spend every day eating the incredible food that Annika and Sally prepared. Or I could talk all day with Irene about philosophy and listen to her tales and legends of this world. I laughed at the jokes made by Iris. I cried to the music played by Rose that captivated me, and listened to Lilly's wonderful voice as she sang along to it.

And I had Amber. In her bright smile, I could always find respite, and in her warm embrace, I could find peace. I truly loved her. She really was a very special person to me and I just knew that I would do anything for her.

It sometimes made me wonder about my old family and how they are doing. Would they be upset, watching me from above? But I felt the Angel's behaviour was clear enough back then that I suspected my family would get some cover-up story and never see me again. Until the end of times then.

When I look around now, I could no longer see the poor excuse for a castle that lay in half-ruin, a legacy of pure mockery. It was no longer a mere dungeon or the mighty fortress I created with the best of my knowledge about medieval warfare. I made this place and filled it with my army that shaped itself to my will. My skeletons were clad in majestic, golden gilded armours made from advanced alloys and forged by a Dwarven warsmith of incredible talent. My Knights wielded tower shields that were made now from metal alloys that clad tanks back on Earth. They were my Legion inspired by the formations that ancient Romans used to conquer and create their great empire.

My Archers were made in an image of feared and famous English Longbowmen who could easily kill anyone long before they could see any threat. My Skeleton Longbowmen were unhindered by the limitations of my old world- their inhuman strength and dexterity made them even more deadly than any Longbowman on Earth could ever dream to be.

I had also brought cavalry to this world, which had never before seen the devastating cavalry charges during battle. My Skeleton Winged Hussars Heavy Cavalry was inspired by the mighty riders of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, who were once feared across battlefields, forcing every king across all of Medieval Europe to raise similar units, but never this effective. When I look at them now, they deserved every single capital letter in their name, as they looked magnificent with their long lances and big white wings on their backs. Their horses wore heavy armour, which was not a problem in this world as horses were unhindered by armour plates in the front and chainmail on their sides covered by drapes made of blue, white, and gold material. With fire in their eyes, they waited for the time when I would unleash them into battle.

I created a Kingdom ready for war.

But it was Amber who created Avalon.

Just one of her smiles was enough to brighten my day. Her presence alone could quench all my wrath or sorrow. Her single smile could change the fate of those who dwelled in my realm and trespassed the unwritten rules of my kingdom. Her laughter was relaxing for me and her single touch dissolved all my stress. A single kiss from her brought me bliss and happiness.

I don't understand how I could love her that much. Were these really my feelings or was it something forced on us by the system? I don't know, but the longer this lasted, the more afraid I was to find out. I wanted this to last forever.

What am I really?


Idna helped the newcomers register. Two Elven wizards, one Half-Orc shaman, a Nekomi tank and a Halfling druid. The halflings were rare in the kingdom.

"As I told you before, the Guild Master will soon return, and we will validate your status. But since you passed The Trials of Avalon, I don't think there will be a problem." Idna smiled at them.

"Thank you kindly, Miss Idna." The shaman nodded politely and looked around. "This place is magnificent. I still can't believe it's real!"

"No one can. I'm here for just one week and I still think I'm dreaming," she laughed merrily.

They talked a bit for a while, sitting near a big table, and Idna explained to them the basic information about living in the Village. The Druid, in the meantime, was looking at a very young girl playing with a puppy nearby. The animal fascinated him, so he stood up uncertainly and came closer to take a better look.

"That's a wolf! Is he tamed?" the surprised druid gasped, glancing at Idna.

"Yes! He allowed me to tame him." Idna nodded her head with a big smile.

The Druid extended his hand but Marie effortlessly stopped him. She looked straight into the eyes of the Halfling and very calmly informed him."It's very unwise to touch the familiars of other people. This wolf may look like a pup, but he could easily hurt you, Mr Tewrick." The Druid smiled, but then saw how the wolf looked at him. The little girl's grip was like an iron. How did she know my name?

"I didn't mean any harm!" the Halfling quickly assured her.

"I know, Mr Tewrick. But this pup is still learning how to harness his powers. If you even touch him, he might panic and drag you," Marie patiently explained. It would be a funny situation if not for a spark in her eye and a very serious voice that made Tewrick shiver.

"Drag me? Where?" He asked quietly, a little scared now but still curious.

"To the darkness," the girl explained, patting the wolf to make him relax a bit. She paused, feeling that further explanations were needed. "Right into the shadow realm, back to his true den, where you would be bound forever and never be able to leave it again."

The Halfling gasped and looked terrified at the pup. Idna was as terrified as the druid was when she heard what Marie had just told.

"And that's why I decided to stay longer, Miss Idna. He is a very good boy and I know he will need just a little more tickling before he gets everything figured out!" Marie smiled widely and let go of the Druid.

She returned to playing with the pup, who wagged his tail happily. The Halfling returned to the table where his entire party saw everything, their faces full of mixed feelings. Idna cleared her throat.

"Do you have any questions?" she asked with a warm smile and immediately, the Halfling raised his hand.

"What kind of wolf is your familiar anyway, Miss Idna?" Terwick asked respectfully.

"You may not believe it, but this is a Shadow Wolf pup." She saw five jaws drop at the same time.

"Are you serious?" Tassarion, one of the elves, asked.

"We are sitting in the safe zone of the dungeon. This is the Guild Hall, which was created by the benevolent Righteous Dungeon. I can assure you that this is just the tip of the wonders of this place," Idna explained slowly, accentuating her every short sentence and pointing at Marie. "This girl probably can effortlessly kill us all, and I'm not even ready to guess her level. She is not just allowed to stay in a safe zone like we are, but she lives in Avalon. She is one of the residents of Righteous Dungeon and trust me, her familiar alone is more than enough to conquer whole cities."

They looked at themselves, smiling at the ridiculous receptionist's claim, before they looked at the girl, trying to appraise her. They all failed, except for the shaman however, who turned pale.

"The Phantom Ranger. She is the Phantom Ranger." He scratched his head and gazed in awe at the little girl.

All of his companions looked at him as if he was crazy and they talked for a bit with hushed voices, so Idna focused on her familiar. Marie, for real, was teaching him something as Idna saw multiple bars filling up. She decided that leaving her pup under the care of Marie would be the best course of action for now.

"Excuse us, Miss Idna?" Tassarion asked politely. "Is there any place we could rent or stay?"

"Yes, of course! Marie, can I leave you here with my wolf?"

"Sure Miss Idna! We have a lot of fun here!"

"All right. In that case, follow me."

They entered the main square and headed towards the lovely tavern just on the opposite side of the square from the guild building. It had four small tables outside and big pots with planted flowers that created a small garden-like space to rest while drinking your favourite drink or eating in the open air. They looked in silence, still following the receptionist, who opened the doors to the spacious main tavern room with the bar on its other side.

"Hello, Alicia! Are you here?"

"Idna? What brings you here so early?" They heard the voice from the half-open kitchen doors near the bar counter that was followed by the head of a dark-haired half-elf woman.

"We have new people in the Village! This party of five has passed the Trials of Avalon!"

"Ohhh?! Welcome then, my friends! I'll prepare some food and we have to throw a party, Idna. I'm sure Waren will be happy when they all return." Alicia laughed and started to return to her kitchen, but Idna stopped her.

"Before you go, tell me where you keep the keys to the guest rooms! They are probably tired and need to rest, or at least refresh themselves!"

"Oh, right!" Alicia hit her own forehead and made a funny face. She quickly came to the smaller counter near the stairs and took out five keys and grinned. "There you go. Until the Mayor Master returns, you can stay at half price."

"Mayor Master?" Tewrick asked as they looked at each other. "And how much will this be?"

"The good King appointed the Guild Master Uvar Knys as the first Village Mayor so I started calling him Mayor Master," Alicia responded with a smile. "And that would be five coppers per head per night. Three if you decide to share rooms."

"For real?! In such an incredible Inn?" both Elves shouted together.

"For real. We are a small community, boys. And I'm sure you will fit right in." Alicia smiled with a soft smile.

"But you don't know us. How could you trust us?" the Halfling asked, concerned.

"That's true. But you have passed the Trials of Avalon and no one unworthy can do that. No one will ever ask you about your trials, nor should you tell any outsider. You were deemed worthy by the Righteous Dungeon and you can stay here. You can explore the dungeon areas. Would you forsake such an opportunity just like that by doing something stupid?" Idna asked, amused.

"That's... fair," the Halfling answered, putting five copper coins on the counter. Suddenly, one of them changed into a blue smoke that quickly dissipated. "What was that?!"

"Tax for the dungeon." Alicia grinned. "It's a fair tax and what's more, we don't have to worry about unfair or dishonest tax collectors. Avalon immediately takes what you owe it."

"But why?" asked Cyfax, a Nekomi tank who was surprised like everyone in his party. Idna told them about tax before but they were too tired to pay attention.

"Even if we choose to stay in the Village, we will generate mana for the Dungeon and thus we will help him protect us," Alicia explained, as the men nodded their heads.


Amber was panting heavily and brushed away the sweat covering her forehead.

"Again!" Stella yelled in a high-pitched voice.

Amber straightened herself and raised her arms a bit over her waist so that both her hands stayed in perfect line with her body line and focused. Her eyes shone with bright blue light as she rose into the air while her opened palms formed small magic circles. Behind her formed a much bigger magic circle of arcane power and ancient runes, forgotten long ago by the people. The magic circles burned brightly around her and encompassed her. Amber was focusing all her might and was tapping all natural mana available in an attempt to harness her immense power.

"Better! Now hold it as long as you can!" Stella instructed her.

Amber knew that Stella's teachings were invaluable and no one outside of Avalon could even dream of receiving tutelage from a Pixie. Magic was almost lost during ages of strife when the Dungeons turned on the people of this land. It was harder and harder to learn any magic, with only the few last forms of it remaining as magic skills granted randomly by the Worlds Words. Even the Elves, who were once so knowledgeable and versed in magic, were now but just a shadow of themselves.

And this was the reason why Amber and Irene were now yelled at by Theon's Pixie scion. She hadn't even started teaching them any spells, as Stella deemed both of them not ready.

"Irene, focus!" the Pixie yelled.

"I am, Master Stella!" Irene shouted back, clenching back again her teeth.

"So focus more! See the spell! Know its effect! Feel its range!" The Pixie explained, standing in front of Irene while forming six circles of different spells, each of them an arcane spell that roared with power. It was impressive that Stella was doing that not only effortlessly but also without chanting a single word.


I was still deep in my identity crisis when a massive explosion shook through Avalon. I looked quickly, alarmed at how this could have happened, and saw the crater where my main magic tower should be.

A magic tower?


In less than a second, I was inside it. Dust was swirling in the air and debris was falling around. I couldn't see anything, so I waved my hand and all the dust was blown away by a powerful gust of wind.

"AMBER! WHERE ARE YOU?!" I shouted in panic, abandoning all reason.

I knew that Stella died since she was respawning back in her spawner that miraculously survived the blast that gutted out the tower to its top and collapsed the northern wall. I saw a hand sticking out from under the rubble and quickly I waved my hand to dissolve all debris. It was Irene, who was barely alive, but still conscious. I never felt so powerless like this ever before.

"Can you heal yourself?" But she just coughed out blood, and I understood that her lung might have been pierced by a broken rib. "Don't fall asleep Irene! Stay with me, girl!"

"MARIE!" I yelled in the air and saw a little girl trembling in fear, kneeling on her right knee in front of me.

"My King!" she squealed, afraid she did something wrong, but when she looked around her fear changed to shock.

"Can you bring Priestess Lanka here?" I asked Marie with hope and gave Irene a healing potion while still looking around and searching for Amber. I focused all my might but in vain, as I didn’t possess a single spell capable of saving anyone's life. I had only potions.

"Yes, My King!" And she disappeared as fast as she appeared.

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