The cannon fodder beauty who quickly traveled through the world was pregnant and gave birth to a bab

Chapter 314 Atlanta Demon Bee

Even though Fernando and the rest of the drones brought by Yaxi were extremely reluctant to leave, they still returned to the hive obediently for the sake of White Jade's plan.

The only ones left were Elian and Assi.

There's a reason they both stayed.

First, before Elian was transformed, he was a member of the Kochi bee tribe like Yaxi. They had no sense of presence in the hive and did not hold important jobs. Even because of the weak relationship between the drones, few people knew about it. their names.

In this way, even if they "disappear", there will be no consequences and they will not attract the attention of senior officials or even Fei Ji.

Secondly, although Elian has now transformed into a Lot bee clan and has the ability to protect white jade, he may not make any extraordinary moves that will offend the noble Queen Bee. This point was proposed by Fernando. , he clearly distrusts Elian, so another overseer is needed.

Fernand and others had a high status and could not stay here to play the role of supervisors, so they left Yasi behind.

In this small greenhouse that once gave birth to all the drones, Elian went to the area not far from the edge and found some small beasts. He relied on his ability to control the wind and his extremely fast flight speed to bring the furs of these beasts to Simple animal skins were tanned by the river.

Then we went to the place where we saw Bai Jade for the first time.

There are also white jade "eggshells" there.

Elian used the wind element to hold up the shell. Due to the birth of white jade, only a complete semicircle remained in the shell, but the space was large enough to be used as a "bed".

He looked at the shell and couldn't help but soften his eyes when he thought that His Highness would sleep soundly on the bed he made himself tonight.

Elian would be happier if Assi didn't get in the way.

Thinking that His Highness was now accompanied by Yaxi, Elian accelerated his flight speed, and his traces in the air were almost invisible to the naked eye.

Just as Elian thought, Yasi is now seizing every opportunity to cherish the hard-won moments of solitude.

Yaxi knew very well that with his racial qualifications, if Bai Yuzhi could not see his value in the shortest time, he would soon be replaced by Fernando and other high-level bees, and would be forgotten by Her Highness the Queen Bee. An insignificant person deep in memory.

If it were before, as a Kochi bee, it would be his fate not to be able to contact the queen bee.

But now, if Yaxi does not fight for himself at all, it is obviously impossible.

"Your Highness, would you like some water?"

Regardless of the fact that Bai Yuzhi already has the ability to spiritually connect, it seems that she has completely become a mature queen bee, but in fact she is not.

Judging from the time of her birth, she is still a little queen bee who needs further nutrition.

Yaxi's eyes were full of heartache. He knew that Fei Ji, who was considered to be stronger after accepting the inheritance, had enough honey to consume every day during the period when she was just born. The honey from the bee clan is not just pure honey. To put it simply, it contains almost all the essence, blood and gentle energy of the honey-maker, and every drop is priceless.

It is an indispensable food for the queen bee who has not yet fully developed.

With honey, the queen bee's physique will be nourished to the greatest extent.

But Assi cannot make honey.

Not only him, but even Elian of the Lott bee tribe and Fernando of the Ji Pei bee tribe can't do it.

There is only one group of bees that can make honey.

Atlanta Demon Bee.

There are five upper-level bee tribes, namely the Ji Pei Bee Tribe, the Lot Bee Tribe, the Danchie Bee Tribe, the Yaqi Bee Tribe and the last Atlan Demon Bee Tribe.

There is no need to go into details about the Ji Pei Bee Tribe and the Nuote Bee Tribe. They are good at defense and speed respectively.

The Danchie bees are good at healing. Each Danchie bee has exceptionally strong vitality. It can not only heal its companions, but also ensure its own survival in various extreme environments. If it is a Danchie with outstanding strength, The bees, as long as their hearts are not broken, can regenerate. They are also famous among the bees as immortals.

The Yaqil bee clan sounds very familiar. There is only one word difference with the Yaqile bee clan where Mengshe is from, so it seems very related.

It is indeed true that the Yaqil bee clan is more than a hundred times more numerous than the Yaqil bee clan, because the Yaqil bee clan is a mutant species of the Yaqil bee clan.

The Yaqil Bee Tribe is an assassin-type fighting bee species, naturally good at attack and speed. A very small part of their population will mutate into the Yaqi Bee Tribe. The combat effectiveness of the Yaqi Bee Tribe is far greater than that of the Yaqi Bee Tribe. The Lefeng clan are born with humanoid weapons.

The last type is the Atlan Demon Bee.

It can be seen from the name that the Atlan Demon Bee is very different from other bee species. There is a word "devil" in their species.

This "demon" does not mean how evil they are, but it illustrates their strength, which is so strong that they are almost called irresistible demons.

At Bai Yuzhi's request, Yaxi told her about the internal structure of many bee clans, but when he talked about the Atlanta bee clan, he couldn't help but pause for a moment.

"The reason why they are called Atlan Demon Bees is because they were not a traditional bee tribe at first, but lived in the Atlan Snowfield," Yaxi said. The Atlan Snowfield is the coldest and most dangerous place on the continent. In this area, except for the Atlan Demon Bee, almost no race can survive there: "The reason why we became part of our bee clan is also because of Her Majesty the Queen Bee."

This is no secret, and many bee tribes know this cruel history.

The Atlan Demon Bee once had its own queen. However, on the icy snowfield, such a cruel natural environment caused the Atlan Demon Bee's queen to become weaker and weaker. Until the last generation of queen bees, she could not even survive. The remaining female eggs lose their life.

From then on, the Atlan Demon Bees withdrew from the Atlan Snowfield, integrated into the bee tribe, and gradually became the leader of the five major groups.

After all, the combat power, vitality and explosive power of the Atlan Demon Bee far exceed that of ordinary bees, and they even have the means to make honey.

There was no such thing as honey-making among the bee tribe before, because the honey they brewed was just an ordinary tonic and had little effect. Over time, the tribe degraded this part of its talent and turned to evolve other aspects.

But the Atlanta Demon Bees are different. They originally lived on the snowy plains, and without other creatures for food, they had the means to make honey.

They don't need any raw materials to produce extremely precious magic honey, which is a great tonic for any species, especially the queen bee.

The white jade is thoughtful.

"Besides the queen bee of the bee clan, the leader of the Atlan Demon Bee is the first person in control, right?"

She seems to have some idea of ​​the main mission's strategy objectives.

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