The Calling of Wrath: A Medieval LitRPG Apocalypse

B2 | Chapter 19 - An Odd Reunion


Year 820 | Month 5 | Day 5

I slowly walk inside of my old cave and almost immediately find that it’s been inhabited by something at the very least. Now, what it’s been inhabited by, I’m not absolutely certain. Something not human considering the bed of twigs, fur, and other stuff that looks almost like a nest, but since the barrier is still there, no monster should be able to get in without my permission and guiding them.

So what’s…

My thoughts trail off when I find a letter carefully placed at the back of the cavern.


I walk over to the thing and pick it up before reading it.

Dear Wrath,

It’s been a while, huh? I wonder just how powerful you’ve grown since I found you in these woods?

I went ahead and gave your little friend control over the barrier just like I gave you, so I hope that makes up for the New Earth Alliance idiots messing things up.

Oh, and I gave the hockathrix something you can use to contact me if you wish.


The friendly invader, Leo

Guess that answers a lot.

I still can’t help but wonder who Leo really is though. All I know is that he’s from a different organization on the same world as the New Earth Alliance. One that’s supposedly opposed to the New Earth Alliance.

But anything else about him? Nothing. I don’t know anything.

Although I’m pretty sure he must be pretty high up in his organization if he knows all of that stuff about the Organs of Sin that he taught me.

I purse my lips as I continue looking at the note before storing it in my storage ring.

Well, guess I can always ask him. He did mention that he gave Thrix something to contact him with.

I look around the cave for a little while before eventually muttering, “So… where is Thrix anyways?”

My thoughts turn to the entrance when I sense something approaching the barrier. So I tense up slightly while extending and flexing my claws.

Only for a certain hockathrix to enter the barrier and begin walking lazily towards its nest, just to pause when it notices me. Then it quacks and charges straight at me before tackling me and rubbing its head against me.

I blink in surprise as I unconsciously pet the little guy, finding this reunion… not what I expected.

Didn’t I treat him like a pet? Why is he so… friendly?

Maybe it’s because I protected him as well?

I stare at the odd looking duck with really long legs and a very not duck-like mouth for several seconds. It looks just like it did the last time I saw it, with its two long, stick-like legs connected to webbed feet, along with its mostly bird-like body with two featherless wings, and a short neck that still makes its legs look almost comical.

“Hello Thrix, I’m back,” I tell him while patting the little guy. And he lets out a happy sounding quack at my words.

Or at least, I think it’s happy. Hard to tell with a quack.

I’m not really a duck expert. If he can even be considered a duck.

Out of curiosity, I go ahead and identify him.

And the result actually surprises me.


Name: Thrix 2

Species: Hockathrix

Level: 18


Huh. He reached Tier 2.

Wasn’t expecting that.

Also wasn’t expecting him to actually get the name Thrix 2 on his identify. Now I feel kind of bad.

But… I guess he seems happy? Still not sure why though.

I watch the little hockathrix nuzzling me with his head, and after a while I can’t help but find him kind of cute.

Yeah, I’ll be taking him with me.

He raises his head, looking directly at me with his glowing yellow eyes.

I pat him on the head.


Within the Cavern

Year 820 | Month 5 | Day 5

The great and powerful Thrix 2 was just heading home after a busy day of hunting, so he wasn’t expecting such a pleasant and wonderful surprise to find after arriving.

His great and powerful master had arrived! And upon further attention, he finds her to be even more powerful than he had thought! Bordering on Tier 4 powerful!

Thrix 2 feels immense excitement as he snuggles up to his master.

He knew she would return! She was his great and powerful master! The one who named him and left him to train on his own until the day came that she came to bring him back!

And now that day has finally arrived!

“Thrix 2, how have you been?” his master asks, making him raise his head again to quack once, then twice, then once more, feeling certain that she understands him.

A frown emerges on her face, but he’s sure that’s because she’s deeply contemplating his honorable words and the long trip he’s undergone to get this far.

Then she just smiles and pats him on the head, saying, “You did well.”

He feels extremely happy hearing those words from his most beloved master. Then he remembers the old man’s words and jumps up from his place half lying on her to rush over to his nest, where he digs into it until he finds the odd circular thing the old man gave him. And after grabbing it with his mouth, he rushes over to bring it to his master, dropping it into her hands.

His master smiles at him and pats him on the head some more, making Thrix 2 feel satisfied.

Thrix 2 sits with his head in his master’s lap as she messes around with the odd circular thing, but he doesn’t mind that her attention is off of him for the moment. After all, he is far more important than the circular thing.

He can give the circular thing time under her master’s attention, especially since it was the old man who gave it to her.

A peaceful silence fills the cavern for a few minutes before the old man’s voice suddenly fills it.

“Oh, so you did return after all?”

Thrix 2 immediately jerks his head up to find a mini old man floating above the circular thing, making him begin quacking at it, wondering how the old man got trapped in the thing.

But he knows that his master is great enough to get him out of the thing, so things should be fine.

She is his master after all.

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