The Calling of Wrath: A Medieval LitRPG Apocalypse

B2 | Chapter 15 - A Meeting of Sins

The Capital City

Year 820 | Month 5 | Day 2

The moment Zachary’s eyes meet with the princess’s, he feels a wave of both Wrath and fear fill him. Fear from the terrifying monster marching through the streets in the parade, simply waving at the citizens. And Wrath from the Embodiment of Wrath in the form of a beautiful woman no older than he is with terrifying glowing crimson eyes.

That’s the princess?! That terrifying creature?!

Zachary quickly identifies her, only to feel his stomach drop at the sight of her id.


Name: Cassandra de Luna

Species: Embodiment of Wrath

Level: 30


A monster. She’s a monster.

Despite the fear Zachary feels even just being in an alleyway looking over the street she’s marching through, he understands that his best source of information and help is the very monster he’s looking at. So he takes a deep breath and begins making his way towards the palace. Then he waits all the way till the parade is over and the royal family has arrived at the palace, and even longer until everything has calmed down before he walks up to the guards at the gate.

Unsurprisingly, the moment the guards spot him, they immediately let him through, sending one of their own to guide him through the halls of the grand palace.

The palace itself is far less grand to him than the ones he’s seen in Ardene, and it’s built with a vastly different style and set of materials. One of wood, marble, and metal instead of the sandstone and metal palaces back in Ardene.

Eventually they reach a large set of double doors that Zachary can only imagine open to the throne room. Doors that are surrounded on both sides by two guards on each side, with each guard being at the very beginning of Tier 3, almost at Zachary’s own level.

Zachary feels his throat going slightly dry as he approaches the doors. But after a second he merely frowns and continues walking, not showing any signs of fear on his face or in his actions as his Pride takes over.

They’re humans. At most they’d make it a nuisance to escape, nothing more.

With that thought in mind, Zachary watches as the doors to the throne room open, revealing the hall in all its majestic glory. But to Zachary’s surprise, the only people in the throne room right now are Wrath and the king of Liathtria.

No princes or nobles?

After a second to think about that discovery, Zachary steps into the throne room, feeling the gaze of Wrath burning into him despite the impassive look she has on her face.

I hope I get out of here alive.


Year 820 | Month 5 | Day 2

I tap my fingers on my arm as I hold my arms folded across my stomach, simply staring at the Embodiment of Pride walking through the hall. A man who every bit looks the part of his namesake now that he’s calmed down a bit, after his initial fright simply from seeing me.

The guy really does look like a fish out of water though. Stands out clearly from the Liathtrians here without even needing to look at his inhuman parts.

I glance back at Dad, who is simply sitting on his throne without saying a word before facing forwards again as the man comes to a halt at the front of the dais. And just as is with law, he gives me and Dad a salute. One meant for royalty of a different nation done by a noble.

The salute is a simple curving his arm towards his chest with his hand laid out flat while nodding his head politely so as to not show real deference towards another nation’s ruler aside from your own. But one that still shows respect and honor towards the royal.

A few seconds pass as the doors to the throne room slowly draw to a close.

Then I finally state rather plainly, “Pride.”

He looks at me, meeting my eyes with a very faint shiver that he quickly squashes, and responds, “Wrath.”

Silence fills the throne room once more as we look each other over.

Eventually I ask, “Is it safe to assume you were kidnapped by the New Earth Alliance and managed to escape as well?”

Pride nods his head and says, “I did.” Then he asks, “Was it a general of the enemies who helped you escape?”

I nod my head, answering, “It was.”

Something I notice as we talk is that the man seems to be growing more and more calm and, if I had to say, perhaps even a little prideful as he stands there talking to us. Like any nerves he was feeling before was just washing away and he was simply talking to a regular person on the street.

My eyes narrow ever so slightly as I ask, “Have you heard anything about the other Sins?”

At my question, the man actually frowns slightly, a slightly disgruntled look appearing on his face when he says, “Yes. I have met one of them.”

That has me glancing at Dad, who looks just as interested as I am. So I focus on Pride again and ask, “Which one? And what were they like?”

“To put it simply,” Pride begins, “Gluttony is not even the slightest bit human anymore.”

I blink in surprise before frowning myself.

Gluttony? Does he mean…

“Does Gluttony still have their sapience from before becoming Gluttony?” I ask, and just as I expected, he shakes his head.

Looks like some of the Sins really do lose their sapience and become nothing more than mindless monsters.

“I saw Gluttony after I had already escaped, while we were both in the Dark Sea,” he says, a grimace on his face. “It’s turned into nothing but an abomination of a creature now. An abyss that will swallow up anything it finds within the sea, searching through the depths.”

Some sort of sea creature then. And it being in the Dark Sea would explain why we haven’t run into it yet.

“We can talk more on that later,” I declare before Dad stands up from his throne as I step to the side.

Then he finishes for me, saying, “For now let’s talk about where you stand.”

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