The Calling of Wrath: A Medieval LitRPG Apocalypse

B2 | Chapter 11.2 - Catching a Shark Part II


Year 820 | Month 5 | Day 1

I can’t speak when transformed, but fortunately the others don’t need my telling them to move the ship further away as I start matching the giant shark bolt for bolt, lighting the ocean up with black, blue, and red electricity. And to my pleasant surprise, my lightning seems to be just a little stronger than its. Although from my experience in using The Calling of Wrath, that won’t last for the skill’s entire duration.

So I push forwards, trying to overwhelm it with my Wrath Lightning now while I can. But the creature just starts firing more bolts of its blue lightning to counter me.

Until spears and other weapons start flying through the water towards the shark along with bolts of magic. And while they don’t do much actual damage against the shark, they distract it enough that some of my bolts of Wrath Lightning make it through to strike its side, leaving black and red burns on its body. Meanwhile some red ash starts spilling into the water around it.

The shark lets out a low roar, albeit not very loud. But it continues throwing bolts of blue lightning at me while ignoring the others on the ship, apparently deciding that I’m a threat and they’re not. Which in hindsight is kind of true.

After a few more seconds of trading bolts of lightning, some of mine making it through and none of its making it through, the creature changes its tactics and charges directly at me again. And I immediately try to dodge it, but I quickly find that the creature, while less flexible than my current kraken form, is far faster. So while I avoid taking any fatal wounds, it manages to take a large chunk out of one of my tentacles.

I ignore the wound as I send several of my tentacles at the monster, smacking into its side as it’s still moving past me, letting my Wrath Lightning jump onto it from the contact.

The shark lets out a roar, dropping the tentacle it had in its mouth as it quickly begins to turn around and charge at me again.

Then we repeat the motions back to back, getting one it after another against the other. But the shark isn’t healing unlike myself, regeneration seemingly being a trait of krakens. And each burn is adding up.

Just have to keep this up for a while longer.

Somewhere Nearby

Sylvester nods his head in approval as he watches Wrath fighting tentacle to fin with the shark, not giving an inch while still keeping its attention firmly away from her compatriots and family. All of whom are still trying to distract the shark.

The girl repeatedly takes a hit, hits back, and regenerates her tentacle, trading blow for blow with the shark all the way till the creature is covered in wounds all over its body. But even then, the creature simply backs away and lets out a low roar, creating a bit of distance between them. Then the two return to trading lightning bolts with each other, filling the ocean water with electricity of varying colors.

She’s too slow compared to the shark to keep up with it. If it weren’t for the beast’s pride, I’m sure it would’ve already gotten away by now.

The Irregular watches on as the two trade bolts of lightning, neither of them giving an inch despite their own issues. Wrath having severely lost power due to her transformation having been going on for over an hour with her spamming Wrath Lightning and regenerating wounds constantly, and the shark due to its own wounds taking a toll on its body.

Gradually the abyssal shark begins to lose out on its lightning power, letting Wrath’s lightning overpower it. And along with the continued distractions of her compatriots and family, which is finally growing to be strong enough against the shark’s injured body to deal some real damage, Wrath manages to finish off the shark with one last breath attack that evaporates a massive amount of the ocean near them. But it doesn’t just stop there as the massive breath attack, one filled with both Wrath fire and lightning, fills the air above the ocean with red smoke and the ocean itself with red electricity.

Once more, Sylvester nods his head with a flare of approval in the black flames making up his eyes despite being underwater.

Then he sees Wrath’s transformation ending, leaving her floating up to the top of the water with a satisfied but tired smile on her face. Even after her compatriots and family fish her out.

If what Nidhogg said was true, then she must’ve just completed the optional objective for her current Tier Breach Mission. Something that should help her a lot in the future.

Sylvester spends several more minutes just watching over Wrath and the representatives of the Liathtria continent of this plane as he internally debates with himself about whether or not he should approach her now to begin her training or if he should approach her after she reaches Tier 4. But eventually he just shakes his head and turns around, deciding to wait till she at least hits Tier 4 to begin tutoring the girl.

Best to wait until most of the competition on the plane are behind her and after she deals with getting her crystal.

As Sylvester walks across the bottom of the ocean, uncaring of his old need to breath from before he was cursed with his current undead form, he completely ignores the various sea monsters trying to attack him. All of whom immediately die as soon as they cross an invisible barrier made of death mana spanning three meters in radius, with him at the center of it.

Once she handles her problems on her own, then she’ll be ready for training. For now I just need to keep watching over her.

He pauses as he senses a gaze coming towards her from far to the Northwest. Where he believes the Liathtria continent is.

And I might have to deal with some annoying bugs trying to bully those of a lower Tier until then as well.

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