The Calling of Wrath: A Medieval LitRPG Apocalypse

B1 | Chapter 101 - Tier Breach Mission Number 3


Year 820 | Month 3 | Day 26

After clearing the second part of the fourth objective of the mission, I finally stop killing the ice wraiths and begin jumping straight out of the vein, onto the glacier before running off. Mostly because I’m pretty I probably won’t be able to get out of there without my transformation, considering the remaining ice wraiths that aren’t looking at me in a friendly way. For obvious reasons.


Mission Complete

Title: Massacre at the Vein

Engage in a massacre at the World Tree Vein located in the continent known as Aulta.


1. Reward for killing the lich:

100,000,000 EXP and a Tier 5 [Random Item Draw]

2. Reward for killing the leader of the wyverns:

10,000,000 EXP and a Tier 4 [Random Item Draw]

3. Reward for killing the leader of the yetis:

500,000 EXP and a Tier 4 [Random Item Draw]

4. Reward for killing 100 monsters:

250,000 EXP

4. Reward for killing 1000 monsters:

500,000 EXP and a Tier 4 [Random Item Draw]

4. Reward for killing 10000 monsters:

1,000,000 EXP and a Tier 4 [Random Item Draw]

4. Reward for killing all of the monsters at the vein:

10,000,000 EXP and a Tier 4 [Random Item Draw]

5. Reward for escaping from the vein alive.

500,000 EXP and a Tier 4 [Random Item Draw]


I grin as I see all of the EXP I got from the mission, along with the EXP that I got from killing the monsters in the first place.

That’s enough to shoot me straight up to the next Tier Breach Mission with plenty of EXP leftover to spend on skills!

But I don’t stop just yet to spend it and instead continue running across the glacier in my werewolf form, using all of the time I can to get as far away as possible. And as I run, I can’t help but wonder where the leader of the ice wraiths went. Since it was one of the things I was most worried about the entire time, but the monsters just kind of vanished at some point without a trace.

Really bizarre, to be honest.

The last I saw it around the start of my rampage, the creature was sipping away at the ichor not even paying any attention to me. Then I looked at it again about midway through and it just wasn’t there anymore.

Then there’s whatever that 1% Wrath Transformation meant… because I don’t think I like the sound of that.

Maybe it has something to do with why all of my uses of the beast transformation effect of The Calling of Wrath has transformed me into a completely different type of creature? And how this was the first one that turned me into a humanoid monster?

None of the answers to my questions ever come before I reach the end of the glacier and leap off of it, landing dozens of meters away from the giant landform.

I finally stop after checking my surroundings and focusing on my status, just pumping 733,410 EXP into leveling up all the way to the Tier Breach Mission. Which leaves me with about 434,590 EXP leftover.

A powerful surge of both pleasure and pain spreads throughout my body from the leveling process. Much more than normal, probably because I’m jumping multiple levels at once. And when it finally fades? I find myself no longer in werewolf form while lying flat on my back in the snow.

I slowly sit up before raising my hand in front of me and clenching it into a fist, then unclenching it again.

But my attention is immediately taken by the Tier Breach Mission that appears in my field of view.


Tier Breach Mission

Title: Control the Wrath

Objective 1: Reach 5% Wrath Transformation.

Objective 2: Raise The Calling of Wrath to level 3.

Objective 3: Use your Wrathful Creation skill to create at least 100 monsters.

Objective 4: Find and integrate with your Wrath Crystal.

Optional Objective: Defeat a Tier 4 monster.


Tier 4 unlocked

Skill: Minor Wrath Manipulation

Optional Objective Reward:

15,000,000 EXP, one Tier 4 [Random Item Draw], and one Tier 7 [Random Skill Level-Up Card]


I frown at the Tier Breach Mission.

It’s different from the others. And easier? I think?

But what’s with that Wrath Crystal? And I’m guessing Wrathful Creation is the skill I got at level 30?

I frown at that before opening up my skills note.


Racial Skills:

The Calling of Wrath: Expand – Level 2/5 +

Claws of Wrath: Expand – Level 3/10 +

Fangs of Wrath: Expand – Level 3/10 +

Class Skills:

Siphon: Expand – Level 9/30 +

Wrath Infusion: Expand – Level 9/30 +

Wrath Shock: Expand – Level 9/30 +

Wrathful Aura: Expand – Level 9/30 +

Wrathful Inducement: Expand – Level 1/30 +

Wrathful Creation: Use your Sin energy of Wrath to create monsters that are unable to harm you. Three monsters may be created per day. – Level 1/30 +

Temporary Skills:



My jaw drops open at the sight of the skill’s description.

It really does let me just straight up create monsters.

Although in hindsight, getting a skill like that eventually would make sense. Seeing as monsters themselves come from Sin energy. And I’m an embodiment of a Sin energy.

Then there’s that Wrath Crystal… since it’s saying to integrate with my Wrath Crystal, that means it’s probably something important to me…

Wait a second.

My mind goes back to the red crystal I saw the intruder holding onto that almost made me lose my rationality before getting sent to Aulta.

Could that be it?

If so, that might be a bit of a problem. Since it’s in the hands of an invader.

One limited to Tier 3 right now as well. Meaning if I want to get it back, I’ll have to go find him as soon as possible and take it before his restrictions are lifted anymore.

Because once he is lifted back to Tier 4, I doubt I’ll be able to handle him.

But the thing on the objectives for this mission that might take the longest is probably the Wrath Transformation, since I only just reached 1% in whatever that is. Which I should probably ask a Sacred Beast what it is.

Well, anyways, I get up from the ground.

That was a lot to absorb. Although I think I’ll save the rest of my EXP to bring The Calling of Wrath to level 3 once I have enough.

I glance at the glacier once more, briefly thinking of the lich before turning around and beginning my march back to the capital of Aulta.

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