The Bounty Hunter

Chapter 91: First Day of School

September 1st, 2089

Terra’s POV

Today is the long awaited first day of school.  Kira and Veronica were so excited that they didn’t sleep at all last night.  And since they didn’t sleep, neither did I as we passed the time with our usual nighttime activities.  “Terra!  Are you ready yet?  We don’t want to be late!”  Kira called out as I finished putting on my uniform.  Rin, having refused to be left behind, had decided to merge with me as a tattoo so she could come along to school.  “Jeez, Kira.  Relax, we still have an hour until school starts!”  I replied as I finished and stepped out into the hallway. 

Kira was fidgeting in front of the door and it felt like she was a racer waiting for the start signal.  Veronica stood beside her calmly, although her ears were flicking about, signaling her own excitement.  Both had their schoolbags and supplies and they were looking exceptionally cute in their uniforms.  It’s a good thing that I updated their illusion magic artifacts to make their looks different from before. 

It’s best to start with a clean slate, especially since Kira now has contacts in the underworld who know what her previous illusory appearance looks like.  I made sure to make them look ordinary, with no remarkable features to speak of.  No one would call them ugly, but neither would they call them pretty.  I have enough on my plate as it is, killing horny high school boys that hit on my girls would be a pain.

“Alright, let’s go.”  ““Yes!””  Hikari was outside, having patiently waited for us to emerge.  We walked together to Reiji’s place to pick him up.  Our talk yesterday seemed to have invigorated him enough to come to school today.  The magic artifact I gave him helps soothe mental trauma.  It can’t heal the trauma, but the magic makes it easier to cope with.  I also know that at least 65% of his desire to go to school is because he wants to see Kira.  He truly is obsessed with cat-girls.  But upon hearing the reality of the situation, he agreed to restrain himself.  Nevertheless, I chose to demonstrate just how potent my fire magic is to reinforce the “Yes Look, No Touch” policy about Kira’s cat appendages.  And so, Reiji has been gifted an additional enchantment to his wristband that lets him see through the illusion artifacts.

“Morning, everyone!”  Reiji skipped out his front door right when we arrived.  “Hey Reiji, allow me to reintroduce you to Kira and Veronica.  Kira is the blond cat-kin, Veronica is the silver-haired dark elf.  Ladies, this is Reiji from the anime expo.”  Kira gave a cheerful wave, while Veronica gave a small nod of acknowledgement.  Reiji had a broad smile on his face as he politely responded “I’m Reiji Okamura!  Please take care of me from now on!”

With the introductions over, we proceeded to school.  I had used my magic beforehand when enrolling Kira and Veronica to ensure that all of us were in the same class together, that way Hikari and I could keep an eye on Kira and Veronica to make sure nothing happens. 

I know I’m breaking my self-imposed rule to minimize magic usage here, but my stealth casting has improved to the point where a wizard could be in the next room and not notice.  Besides, keeping a low-profile on magic has kind of become a lost cause with a band of demons now roaming around.

Kira and Veronica split off from the group to meet with the homeroom teacher before class, while the rest of us headed to homeroom 2-7C.  I took my usual seat in the back corner of the room, Reiji took the seat directly in front of me, and Hikari took the seat to my right. 

I surveyed the rest of room indifferently as I waited for class to start.  Hikari started chatting with some of the other girls in the class, while Reiji was reading a book examining the mythology and origins of demons.  Hmm, I guess that’s better than simply lying in bed in a terrified state.  Whatever helps him deal with it.

“Alright class, take a seat.  It’s time to start.”  Kurou Kawaguchi, my homeroom teacher from last year, walked in with Kira and Veronica following him.  “I’d like to introduce two new students transferring in this year.  Come on girls and introduce yourselves.”  Kira stepped forward cheerfully and said “Hello everyone, my name is Kira!  I like sword fighting, tinkering, and bartering!  It’s nice to meet you all!”  It was Veronica’s turn next.  She stepped forward and simply said “I’m Veronica, I look forward to getting to know everyone.”  Both then went to their assigned seats, which were next to Hikari in the back.

Amongst the many artifacts I had given the two when they moved here, one was a translation artifact.  Although they’ve started learning Japanese, it’s nowhere close to day-to-day conversation yet.  It also translated their names into some common Japanese names.  Those unaffected by the illusion will hear their names as Kira and Veronica, everyone else will hear Akane and Aiko something or other.  It’s more secure this way, since there won’t be any mix ups involving their real and false names.

“Now you may be wondering about some of the empty seats in the class.  A few of our students were involved with the Pandemonium attacks two days ago and have been excused until they feel fit to resume classes.  When they do return, please be sensitive to the difficulties they’re going through.”  There was a chorus of “Yes, Sensei.” and class started after that.

During breaks, Kira and Veronica were swarmed by curious students and had to answer all their inane questions.  Or rather, Kira answered them all.  She was taking to the whole social scene like fish to water while Veronica was like stone.  Poor thing has no idea how to deal with so many talking people. 

“How are you holding up, Veronica?” I asked her telepathically.  “I feel… uneasy.  I don’t know if I can make friends mingling like this.” Veronica thought back.  “I understand.  There’s more than one way to make friends at school, so don’t worry. Eventually you’ll find the right fit.  Let me know if I can help.”  “Ok, thanks Terra.”  She had a ghost of a smile on her lips as we finished our brief conversation, imperceptible to all but those who know her the most intimately. 

Kira and Veronica’s hard work and study these past few months paid off as they had no problems following the material in class.  Both of them were well-educated to begin with by other world standards since Veronica was the daughter of the Prime Minister and I tutored Kira whenever I could.  The translation artifacts allowed them to breeze through Japanese, since it also covers written language (reading it and writing it).  Damn, I’m brilliant for adding that function.

At lunchtime, Kira went off to chat with Hikari and a small group of girls who she seemed to really get along with during the breaks.  Veronica chose to keep me company and take shelter in the bubble of silence and solitude that surrounds me due to my reputation amongst my classmates.  School hasn’t been as fun for her as it has been for Kira, it seems.  Reiji came along as well, choosing to focus on eating and reading his book rather than talking.  Again, this is extremely out-of-character for Reiji, but understandable given what’s he has gone through.  It seems like his chipper attitude this morning was simply a front.

Nothing eventful happened in the early afternoon classes, although it was rather fun to watch Kira and Veronica’s reactions during the physics and chemistry classes.  Science to them is like what magic initially was to me, and it was hilarious to see them restrain themselves from oohing and ahhing as the teachers did some simple demonstrations.  I had to answer all sorts of questions from Kira telepathically throughout the classes.  Her curiosity is definitely cat-like and she just couldn’t resist asking “How?” repeatedly.

We were on our last class of the day, physical education, when I realized that I had made a mistake.  Things were going well at first, the teacher had decided to just have the class play a game of basketball after showing everyone the basics.  I wasn’t concerned about Kira and Veronica showing off too much physical prowess, since I had decided to add the same restraining/training seals on them that I wear to hide my physical strength.  Hikari had them on as well, at her insistence when she saw me applying them to the others.

Half of the class was resting while the other half were playing 5-on-5.  Veronica was on a team with Hikari, a girl, and two guys while Kira and I were resting.  I had no clue who the two guys were, but I think the girl is on the school’s basketball team.  Adachi something is her name, I think.  Hikari inbounded the ball to the other girl, who dribbled up the court before giving it up to Veronica who was just within the opposing half-court.  The dark elf was just given the ball in a game that relies on long-range accuracy.  Oh shit. 

Elves in the other world were among the weaker species based on raw physical strength, but they compensated for it with excellent agility, dexterity, visual acuity, and hearing.  These characteristics give elves a natural advantage in archery, fencing, and other such activities.  These traits also happen to align extremely well with basketball.  I saw her eye the basket with her extraordinary elven eyesight, while shifting her grip on the ball.  She went into the shooting motion and smoothly launched the ball, resulting in a short, crisp “swish” as she made the shot at a half-court distance with ease.

“Woah!!!!”  The spectating half of the class cheered as the opposing team just stared at Veronica.  My attempt to contact her via telepathy to cut off what I knew was going to be a basketball clinic failed, as the other team turned the ball over almost instantly after inbounding.  The ball bounced over to Veronica, who was again far beyond the 3-point line, and she picked it up and shot it without hesitation.  It flew in a perfect parabolic arc and another crisp “swish” sounded out in the gym.

I was half-tempted to freeze everyone in the room and perform a memory wipe before the memories got too embedded to remove easily (Note to self:  work on a better way to wipe memories).  I instead chose to settle for telepathically warning Veronica as originally planned.  But of course, it was at this time that my migraines chose to return.  Splitting pain radiated in my head, I smelled blood and burning flesh mixed with floral undertones, tasted the acidic aftertaste from vomit, heard metal-on-metal clashing, and saw hazy black images in front of me. 

My poker face held, but I was in no condition to intervene as Veronica proceeded to demonstrate why she was considered a sharpshooter even by eleven standards by not missing a single shot from anywhere on the court.  2-pointers, 3-pointers, free throws, and half-court heaves all ended with the same “swish”.  The game ended on a mercy rule with Veronica’s team winning by 35 points.  The unknown girl on her team approached as they left the court. 

Due to my ongoing migraine, I was unable to hear what they talked about.  My migraines only ended as Veronica approached me with a large (for her) smile on her face.  “Haruko asked if I would like to join the girl’s basketball club.  Apparently, it’s a gathering where they play this entertaining pastime all the time.  I accepted.  You were right, Terra.  I think that I found my fit.”  Veronica’s outpouring of words showed that she was really excited about finally making some connections at school. 

I promptly forgot any irritation I had at failing to stop her as I returned her smile with one of my own.  “Good to hear.  Just be sure to tone it down a bit.  Aim between 40 and 50% accuracy from now on, okay?”  I got a nod from Veronica as she understood my point.  It was now my turn to get out on the court with Kira, Reiji, and two other guys I’ve seen before but whose names I never bothered remembering.  The game was going on and I gave it the usual minimal effort.  The worst of the migraines was over, but I still had a lingering headache.  This distracted state of mind is what I blame for what happened next. 

One of the unknown guys attempted a lob pass to me down in the post as I was fronted by a shorter player.  He screwed it up, sending the ball flying higher than intended.  It was going to overshoot me and go out of bounds.  I was too distracted by my headache to notice and adjust, so Reiji decided to yell to get my attention “Minato!! UP!!”  I looked up, saw the ball headed near the rim and thought what any American person who watched the NBA would think.  Alley-oop.  I released from my defender, took a few steps, and jumped.  My two hands extended to grab the ball and I then proceeded to slam the ball through the hoop with authority as I descended.

There were various gasps of surprise and awe after I landed, and Reiji ran towards me.  The fool was yelling “That was so cool!” and decided that the best way to celebrate was to do a chest bump with me.  I declined by dodging said attempt, allowing him to fall onto the floor.  Why was I concerned about this idiot being traumatized again?

One of my nameless male classmates tried to approach me, likely to recruit me for the basketball club, but I gave him a glare that promised death, despair and general unpleasantness should he dare try to disturb me.  He scurried away, leaving me to deal with the rest of the class who started crowding me to ask about my athletic display.  Apparently, the awe from the play was enough to overcome the general intimidating aura that I exude to keep people away.  Help!  I don’t know what to do with this many people in my personal space that aren’t trying to kill me!  I must have made an amusing face during my discomfort, because Hikari, Kira, and even Veronica were all giggling at my misfortune.

The bell finally rang, signaling the end of class and of school for that day.  We hit the showers, got our things, and left.  “So how did you like school?”  Hikari asked Veronica and Kira on our walk home.  “I can’t wait to go back!”  Kira exclaimed.  “Yes, it was very entertaining.  Especially when poor Terra was mobbed at the end.”  Veronica deadpanned.  All the girls and Reiji (who looks enough like a girl to count as one) laughed at that as we walked home.  First day is done, only the rest of the year to go.

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