The Bounty Hunter

Chapter 116: Invite Accepted

January 8th, 2090

Irene’s POV

It’s been several weeks since the boss left to go on his rampage.  He checked back in every once in a while, but most of the time he was absent.  And the fucking, pussy-footed, ass-licking, dick-sucker didn’t bring me along with.  I may sound calm, but it is only because my anger emotion reached incalculable levels and triggered the circuit breaker in my emotional router.  Back-up sub-routines took over until the router could be restored.  In biological terms, I think I suffered the equivalent of a rage induced stroke.  Peh, I’ll give the boss the beating of a lifetime when he gets back.

“Irene, you’re done for the day.  Good work.  Now get the hell out of here.”  Ratface told me as I finished throwing the last of the gamblers out the door.  “Alright.  Later, Ratface.”  I waved my farewell and left as he made a rude gesture in response to his nickname.  His shitty casino looks even shittier than ever after Pandemonium paid a house call.  Of course, Blondie was the one working security at the time.  Tch, I’ve haven’t had a good fight since London!  I’m horny for a brutal life or death brawl, and nothing since then has been able to satisfy me! Even Doll-face and Caramel had their own fun deathmatches!

That’s not to say I’m not concerned about Doll-face, quite the opposite in fact.  The boss’s harem has grown on me and I might even start openly admitting that I consider them friends.  But I know Minato will heal her, so I don’t see any reason to worry.  My creator is incredible in almost every way, although I’d rather be permanently shut-down than to tell him that.  The dense fuck doesn’t need an overinflated ego.

I strolled into the apartment, greeting Rin who was standing guard.  “Hey furball.”  “Hi, boiler brain.”  I looked over at Rin who was lounging on the couch.  She was in her human form, but she no longer had 3 tails.  There were four of those fluffy abominations now.  Her age had also changed, now she looked to be around 11.  Apparently, her familiar’s connection with Minato resulted in her channeling the massive amount of negative emotions he was experiencing.  She had already been close to growing another tail and that was the tipping point.  She’s gotten stronger as well, although I will not lose.

Our relationship is as antagonistic as ever, tempered with a mutual fondness from living together for so long.  Our rivalry stems from the fact that we are both creations of Minato.  Neither of us is willing to be considered second-fucking best.  It’s the natural desire of any creation to want its creator’s affection.  Although in my case, I want far more.  Yeah, I’ve said it.  I fucking have the hots for Minato. 

No, it was not pre-programmed or any of that shit.  I always had a fondness for him since he was my creator and all, but gradually I just fell in love.  There’s no specific moment that made it suddenly click, I just booted up one day and realized the truth.  He’s cool, tough, ruthless and attractive as hell.  And… he’s kind.  It’s not that sickeningly sweet kindness that goodie two-shoes spew at everyone they see.  It’s a kindness that warms your being and makes you feel special since it’s only shown to you.  It’s all the more precious for its rarity and all the more heartfelt because of it.

“I’m back.”  Minato reappeared in entryway, covered in blood.  ““Welcome home, boss/master.””  Rin and I greeted back.  “So, you done with your damn angst-ridden rampage?”  I asked grumpily.  “Yeah, I’ve run out of people to kill for now.”  He responded as he took off his bandana and overcoat.  Tch, dense fuck can’t even tell that I’m mad.  I’d deliver my promised beating to him now, but I don’t want to disturb the others.  A warm, calloused hand interrupted my violent thoughts as Minato placed his hand on my head.  He looked into my optics with a small smile.  “Sorry I didn’t bring you along.  I know you wanted to come, but this was something I had to do myself.”  He apologized.

Damnit.  I could feel the pigmentation composition of my skin changing to be bright red.  His hand felt really pleasant on my head.  Our beautiful moment, however, was interrupted by one annoying little furry fuck.  “Master!  I missed you too!  Look, I’ve grown another tail!”  Rin shouted softly (it was the middle of the night) as she inserted herself between us.  “That’s amazing, Rin.  Good job.”  Minato patted her head, much to Rin’s delight.  I saw her little smirk as she glanced back at me.  The vixen’s gotten more devious now that she’s older.

“How have things been around here?”  Minato asked me.  “Doll-face is the same.  Blondie and Caramel have gone back to school, your magic has made no one notice Doll-face’s absence.  Furball’s done a good enough job fooling your parents.”  I reported dutifully.  “Thanks for holding down the fort you two.  I owe you guys.”  He said.  I perked up at the promised favor.  Okay, let’s do it.  When things get better, I’ll make Minato take me out on a date.  An official one, not the ones I’ve been getting him to do so far.  Then one thing will lead to another, and I’ll jump him on the 3rd date.  I’m not a whore, so I won’t put out too early.

I returned Rin’s earlier smirk back to her with interest, enjoying the small vixen’s agitation as she realized what I was likely going to do.  Ha, the stupid little loli is at a severe disadvantage when it comes to physical attraction.  The boss is not a lolicon, and no amount of childish cuteness will be able to compensate for the lack of breasts, curves, and adult femininity.

My victorious moment was ruined when the golden light of a summoning circle filled the room.  “Those bastards really are persistent, aren’t they?”  I commented as Rin and I waited for Minato to cancel the ritual like he’s done before.  He sighed in exasperation “I have to take care of this problem permanently.  Eventually this thing is going to appear in a public place and then we’re screwed.”  “So, you’re accepting the invitation?”  I asked.  “Just long enough to tell them to fuck off.”  Minato responded.  “I’ll be back soon, you guys will have to watch the place for a bit longer.”

On an absurd impulse, I decided to do something bold.  I dashed up beside him, and planted a light kiss on his cheek.  “You owe me a date when you get back.  A real one.”  I felt a surge of amusement at Minato’s gobsmacked face.  I quickly back away from the summoning circle.  One would think that the dense fuck would have learned by now how to pick up signals.  “Have a fun trip, master!”  Rin waved good-bye as Minato vanished into the golden light.

The furball then turned to me, glaring with all the ferocity of a plushy.  “Cheater!”  she accused.  I crossed my arms, intentionally pushing up my already respectably sized bust.  “You’re still 2 tails too young to compete with me.  Come back when you’re not jailbait.”  I stifled a laugh as I watched Rin’s outrage.  I wonder what her reaction will be when I do something more with Minato than just a chaste kiss.  Fufu, I can’t wait to find out.

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