The Bloodless Legend: A LitRPG Apocalypse

34: Surface Tension

The entire cavern shook, causing Kai to wake up with a jolt. Dust fell down from the ceiling.

“What was that?” he blurted. His bleary eyes roved around the cavern, resting on Hawkin. Ugh, I’m still underground.

“You’ve been out a few hours. I think something bad just happened on the surface, we must head back!” Hawkin said. “I stabbed the remaining eggs and… the petrified bodies”—Hawkin averted his eyes from Kai—“to end their suffering.” His eyes returned to Kai. “Thank you for avenging my son. I received a promising vital trait and am forever indebted to you. I will aid you in any way I can.”

Kai gave a slight head bow. “That's not necessary, and I'm sorry about your son. Let’s get going, I’ll check my rewards while we make our way back,” Kai said getting up, Hawkin nodded.

Kai absorbed a crystal as they ran, it was second nature by now. He cycled aura densely around his core, compressing the amount he could store further, since he kept running frustratingly low in fights.

He’d gone up two more levels, bringing him up to level 29 with 9 stat points to assign. He reviewed his notifications.

Congratulations, your struggle for supremacy has yielded results!

You have glimpsed the fathomless deep, and understand a fraction of hydrokinetic combat.

You have created an aura trait!

Water Pierces Rock (Flawed): Your palm strikes cause vibrations that bypass a portion of most armour and damage reduction traits.

Kai grinned as another piece of his identity returned. I need to start looking for opportunities for all my techniques and traits to work together better.

Finally having the presence of mind to ask about the sensation he felt on his back after a primal was slain, Kai voiced his concerns to Hawkin as they rushed through the tunnels.

“Hawkin… is there something on my back?”

Their pace slowed as Kai tossed aside the ragged remains of his shirt and showed Hawkin his back.

“No… unless you mean the tattoo?”

Kai stopped short. “Tattoo! What tattoo?” He grabbed Hawkin. “Please tell me what you see?”

Hawkins stammered, surprised. “Well… there’s an empty circle in the centre of your back with seven lines pointing towards it. Three of those lines end in a circle that has a creature… no… a primal?” Hawkin said, recognising the Broodmother in one, and as the Rakin continued to describe them, Kai realised it was the Magma Wyrm, Amarok Kitsune, and Broodmother Viper.

“Do you know what it means?” Kai said, his face ashen.

“Not really,” Hawkin said with a shrug.

Kai let his frustration slip, frowning as he practically shouted, “Haven’t you guys been integrated for a long time! How come no-one seems to know much?” He’d had to figure out almost everything himself, jumping to conclusions and bumbling around in the dark more than just literally.

Hawkin blanched. “…The fusions, rules and traits change for each integration, also we’ve never been on a fresh world, we were born into an established world, the opportunities mostly gone. So whatever it is, it’s probably quite rare,” Hawkin finished, then added, “But it looks like once all seven are filled, the only one left is the large circle in the middle.”

Kai let out a long sigh to calm himself. This had all started when he had unlocked his Primal Eyes trait.

Vital Trait: Primal Eyes (Flawed)

Details: Discern more details about primals, and sense their presence nearby.

Fusion: Scales with senses

That didn’t explain much. He concluded that once the seven lines were filled something would happen with the centre circle. Something to do with the trait itself or primals perhaps? He just didn’t know if it was going to be good or bad, either way he was still going to hunt down more primals since the rewards were so good. At least until he could learn more.

Kai realised he’d stood still for a few minutes rubbing his temples in quiet contemplation, while Hawkin gawked at him. Kai apologised to Hawkin for his outburst and thanked him for all his help, then read his last notification as they continued their brisk pace to the surface.

Slaying a primal has triggered a discovery! Choose a vital trait from its heritage.

Apex Bloodborn: Rarity upgraded by +1!

Apex Explorer: +1 choice!

Vital Trait: Broodmother’s Call (Flawed)

Description: You are able to communicate with and command most arachnids and snakes a grade below you.

Fusion: Scales with Mind

Vital Trait: Limb Regrowth (Flawed)

Description: Regrow lost limbs slowly over time, faster with aura usage.

Fusion: Scales with Body

While Broodmother’s Call was interesting, it did not really fit in with the rest of his skillset. With the amount of vital traits he could slot limited to 10, he’d really need to start refining his path soon and find ways to fuse his traits. After a brief discussion with Hawkin, Kai learned that when you upgraded your Body, Senses, or Mind, it only improved functionality that species—in this case human—already had. This made the ability to regrow arms or legs quite valuable for humans, especially if he could make the process faster with aura as the description said. Being in close-quarters combat all the time, he needed as much survivability as he could get and selected Limb Regrowth.

Kai was proud, he’d gained power and helped the Rakin at the same time. He was pondering how to best ask the Elder for assistance for his next attempt at going through the wormhole as he and Hawkin climbed the gnarly root staircase out of the Hearthshroom, leaving the colourful roots, vines and mushroom reefs behind when they finally stepped outside.

Kai’s tired smile from a successful venture and his belly’s desire for mushroom pie turned to ash in his mouth from the view that greeted him.

They had stumbled into hell. Rakin bodies littered the ground while the village smouldered, dying flames licked the ruined remains of thatch homes and the ashen ground bore gouges upon its surface like a wounded animal. The water mushrooms he’d bathed with, were now shrivelled charcoal embers.

Kai gaped at the scene of carnage while Hawkin fell to his knees. Whatever happened, they’d been too late.

He clenched his fists. Who did this?

Kai was grateful the fire wasn’t green, otherwise he may have suspected Algrom. After some frenetic searching and shouting they found and helped some survivors. Kai was currently looking for Mattahaius, his sense of dread growing in the pit of his stomach with every corpse he turned over. He’d promised the young Rakin he would be safe above ground.

Kai spotted the bruised and beaten form of the Elder, a trail of blood and fur showed how she’d dragged herself up to rest against an unblemished water mushroom.

Kai yelled for Hawkin, then rushed to the Elder’s side and rolled a healing crystal into her paw — he hoped that since she had an aura she could use it.

Her one good eye opened abruptly to focus on him, the fear and anger on her face palpable. However her features softened in recognition of his dishevelled appearance. A raspy wheeze escaped her lips as she clutched her side and coughed blood.

“I’m not the one that needs to be saved, the rest of the Rakin!”

“It’s okay, tell me what ha-happened here?” Kai asked, kneeling beside her.

“…they set the fields ablaze, revealing our position.” She glared at him, even the eye so swollen she couldn’t open it pivoted towards him.

“They came here for you!” she spluttered.

“W-what? Who?” Kai stammered.

“Some redscale bastard left me alive with a message for you: come beg for mercy.”

Realisation dawned on Kai’s face as the Elder ground her teeth before continuing, “The redscale also carted away most of our tribe!” The Elder spat out viciously, then failed her attempt to stand. She clutched the healing crystal but otherwise ignored it.

“I’m so sorry,” Kai said. She’s not going to use that while the other Rakin are in danger. He dumped out more healing crystals.

“The Broodmother is dead.” At that she stopped her fidgeting and narrowed her eye at him, as if thinking.

“I never imagined something like this would have happened. It’s all my fault. What do they want from me?” Kai said. Did my offer of mercy insult their honour or something?

“Where is Matthias?” Kai choked out, his sense of guilt compounding.

“They took him too,” she said, with a pained grunt.

Kai clenched his fists till they went pale. Seeing this she seemed to make up her mind about something. Healing aura streamed into her from the crystal.

“I’ll go get them back,” Kai said, standing.

“Oh, don’t be foolish, boy!” she grumbled. Kai’s tense shoulders relaxed. If she’s got enough energy to scold me, she’s feeling better.

“It’s not your fault. While I’m mad at you, I’m even angrier at myself. I failed my kin while you actually helped us below.”

Before Kai could respond, she beckoned him to sit back down with her mangled paw. Right, she doesn’t like looking up.

“If you’re going to get them back, you should take this.” She hesitated, before she pried open his fist and placed a tiny yellow mushroom in his palm. It was smooth and jellylike, with folds that reminded him of a brain.

Witch’s Butter (Giant Tremella Mesenterica)

Details: A unique mushroom cultivated by the Rakin among their underground coral reefs.

Reward: Temporarily increases size and body stat efficiency on consumption.

Rarity: Mythic.

“That’s my last one,” she said, mournfully. “The root fiends ruined the rest of our tribe’s secret weapon. There were so many Lizardfolk — you’re going to need it. It’s going to be a while before I’m healed enough to give chase, my body is old.”

“That’s okay. I will get them back — and I won’t waste the mushroom,” Kai said, then bowed his head in appreciation.

“You better not!” she quipped, only making Kai smile.

Kai could see Hawkin was torn between his recent oath to Kai and his obligation to his people, so he nudged him in the right direction.

“Help the Elder”—she glared at him—“I mean any survivors in the village first, use the healing crystals then come after me,” Kai said. Hawkin nodded, his relief evident.

Kai got up to leave and give chase after packing some provisions. Something began to snap deep within him as he followed the bloody trail they had obviously left through the burnt fields of wheat.

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