The blood of the Anti-Japanese War stained the mountains and rivers

Page 84

"Such an iron bump, maybe it's a devil's grenade?" Someone asked uncertainly, and the person holding the can trembled in fright, and almost threw it away.

"Look at your knowledge, this is a devil's can, and it contains meat." Old Wangtou, who was a cooking squad leader, pulled out his bayonet, picked up a can, and pried it open. He took a piece and chewed it in his mouth for everyone to see. I have to swallow my saliva.

In the next moment, like hungry wolves with green eyes, they rushed at the only canned food left, punching and kicking without caring, mother, that was meat, how long had it been since they ate meat, they all remembered I don't know.

In fact, most of the dry food they seized from the devil soldiers was some polished rice biscuits and the like, and the chances of getting canned food were rare. Now that they heard that there was meat, how could they care about their own image? The scene was chaotic and hustle and bustle.

"The devil has touched it again!" The sudden shout of the soldier lying on the roof on guard finally stopped the crowd fighting for the cans, and rushed to grab their guns.

After Captain Guizi was attacked and killed by Yang Ling and the others, Lieutenant Takahashi, who took over as the commander of the Guizi soldiers, retaliated very fiercely. More than 300 devils from two squadrons surrounded him from three directions, and they were about to wipe out the whole town. Chinese defenders.

At this moment, the remnants of the supplementary regiment were compressed into several large courtyards on North Street, and there was no way to retreat, so they could only fight with their backs.

The mortars of the devil soldiers launched a bombardment first, followed by grenades and machine guns, and the devil infantry covered each other and leaped forward to attack the yard.

"Liu Yidao, take a few people to block the window!"

"Which pillar do you guys put the machine gun on for me!"


As the devils launched another large-scale attack, the atmosphere of the defenders in Jiangqiao Town became tense again.

Text Chapter 123 Signal Flare

The devil's attack was fierce. Mortars and grenade bombs bombarded the last few courtyards that Yang Ling and the others were defending. The collapsed gates, broken windows, and the cut-off courtyard walls were covered in gunpowder smoke and floating dirt. Among them, there was a mess.

Yang Ling and the others had nowhere to retreat, so they could only fight with their backs. Fortunately, the walls of the courtyard were high and thick. Unless the grenade fell into the courtyard or broke the roof and fell into the house, it would pose little threat to Yang Ling and the others.

The walls of several courtyards have been smashed through with hammers and connected to each other. The defenders of each courtyard can support each other in combat. They have turned this high-walled courtyard into a strong fortress. Surrounded to death, but can't say anything.

In fact, most of Jiangqiao Town has fallen, and the remnants of the supplementary regiment who are sticking to a few courtyards are no longer a threat to the devils. They can be surrounded and trapped to death, but the devil commander, Lieutenant Takahashi, has to order to continue the attack, because they have to die The captain revenge, in order to establish their own status.

Yang Ling clung to the thick and cold wall, letting the floating dirt fall to the brim of his hat, covering his whole body, and finally became ashamed.

The devil's grenades rumbled, the ground trembled, and the floating soil and gunpowder smoke filled the air wantonly, covering the sky, which was as dark as evening.

Yang Ling was very quiet at the moment. He unhurriedly took out the pointed copper core bullet and pressed it into the barrel of the gun, pulled the bolt with a clatter, and once again protruded out of the hole smashed in the wall.

There was no wave in his dark and deep eyes. His gaze passed through the hole in the wall, through the diffuse gunpowder smoke, and finally landed on a ghost soldier crawling forward amidst the rubble, without moving again.


There was a faint smoke from the muzzle of the gun. The moment the ghost soldier who was crawling raised his head, he was shot in the eyebrow, and he lay there forever, with blood flowing out slowly. splash.

"Damn, it's unlucky!" Li Tiezhu saw that the devil soldier in the front sight tilted his head and didn't move anymore, cursing the person who robbed him of his target in a low voice, moved his gun and started looking for the next target.

A light machine gun with a crooked handle was placed on the window and suddenly opened fire. Several devil soldiers who were trying to bypass were caught off guard by the rain of bullets, and they were beaten into blood gourds. They fell to the ground one after another, scaring the rest of them. The ghost soldier shrank his head back again.

"Damn, it looks like I killed five of them! This time I made money." The machine gunner poked his head out and said excitedly.

Another soldier replied: "It seems that there is still one moving, make up the shuttle."

Tom Tom!

Two grenades flew out of the cold grenade, and mixed with broken debris fell from the roof into the room where the machine gunner was staying.

Accompanied by the gushing fragments of rubble, the house trembled violently, and the two machine gunners were buried in the ruins. Several people nearby rushed to dig them out, but when they came out, they were already covered in blood and died. .

Losing the suppression of their machine guns, the ferocious Japanese soldiers rushed across the street corner. With a bang, the gate was blown open, and they rushed into the courtyard with bayonets in their hands.

Several defenders behind the gate were blown to bloody flesh, and they were still wriggling on the ground at this moment, watching helplessly as the devil soldiers rushed over with bayonets in their hands.

Pooh!The sound of the bayonet piercing into the flesh sounded, and the devil soldiers resolutely and fiercely ended several wounded defenders, and continued to attack inside.

"Damn, the courtyard on the left has been breached by devils, come and block the opening here!" Someone shouted amidst the gunshots, and someone rushed over to help.

A smoked grenade fell over the wall and fell into the rubble of a courtyard. The old Wang heard the sound behind him, turned his head and saw the grenade close at hand, his mind went blank, and his legs kept shaking. Push back, trying to stand up and run, but there is a thick wall behind.

Yang Ling rushed over in one stride, picked up the grenade and threw it back along the wall. The grenade exploded on the wall, chipped off two layers of masonry, and fell down with a clatter.

"You can't stay here anymore, retreat to the pillar." Yang Ling pulled up the old Wang's head and ran to the other side of the yard.

Behind them, several grenades smashed in over the wall one after another, kicking up a cloud of mud and dust, and several craters were blasted on the ground.

A bamboo ladder was leaning against the wall outside the yard, and before the ladder stopped, a ghost soldier was already climbing up the ladder impatiently.

The devil soldier just showed his head, and with the sound of a gunshot, he fell on his back at a faster speed, another devil threw a grenade inside, and someone climbed up...

Surrounding the compound with high walls like several fortresses, Yang Ling and the others repelled several attacks by the devil soldiers, but Yang Ling and the others who were trapped in the courtyard had run out of ammunition, and the situation took a turn for the worse.

Fortunately, the attack of the devil soldiers also stopped at this moment, because another lieutenant of the devil, Yoshino, suggested that the tanks be driven into the town to attack, and the devil soldiers had to withdraw to clear the obstacles on the road to make way for the tanks.

The devil soldiers stopped attacking in the evening, and a few signal flares rose in the distant sky, which was the agreed signal to retreat.

Seeing the raised signal flare, Liu Ming, the regimental deputy with a dark face, was about to shed tears of excitement. In order to wait for the order to retreat, they fought too hard, and too many people died.

"Everyone get ready, let's break out after nightfall!" Liu Ming was very excited at the moment, very excited, he could finally leave this damned place.

Yang Ling was still frowning. There were at least two or three hundred devil soldiers outside. Dozens of them rushed out like this, and they would be wiped out in a few minutes.

"Deputy Liu Tuan, if we forcefully break through like this, I'm afraid we won't be able to break through. There are too many devil soldiers outside." Yang Ling found Liu Ming and expressed his thoughts.

"That's something that can't be helped. Breaking through is better than staying here and waiting to die. If we can get out one by one, it's no one's fault if we're beaten to death by the devils."

Yang Ling hesitated for a moment and continued: "I have a way to ensure that most people can break out, but..."

When Liu Ming heard that Yang Ling had a solution, his eyes lit up immediately, and he hurriedly grabbed his arm: "Brother Yang, I knew you had a lot of ideas, tell me quickly."

"Abandoning the pawns to protect the car, we can break out in two parts. One part breaks out first to attract the firepower of the devils, and the other part covers the breakout from the other direction."

Liu Ming, the deputy of the regiment, fell silent after hearing Yang Ling's words. Although this method can ensure that most people can successfully break through and survive, the group of people who attract the firepower will definitely die.

Although this was a bit cruel, Liu Ming gritted his teeth and decided to adopt Yang Ling's method. After all, it could preserve his strength to the maximum extent.

Liu Ming raised his head and looked at Yang Ling and asked, "Brother Yang, who do you think is suitable to attract firepower?"

Yang Ling has also thought about this problem. The person who attracts firepower must go with the determination to die, be bold and careful, and play the posture of the main force to break through, so as to deceive the devils. If ordinary people go, the effect may not be good. I am afraid it is only him himself. able to do the job.

Text Chapter 124 Defeat

In November, the autumn rain fell again, and the gloomy sky was full of desolation and desolation. Teams of ragged and depressed soldiers were converging into a gray river, flowing westward in embarrassment.

Along the Beijing-Shanghai Railway, the road to the west of the highway was crowded with troops retreating from the Songhu battlefield. They fled in a hurry with their exhausted bodies, blood stains were faintly visible on the mottled and dirty military uniforms.

The wounded soldiers leaned on wooden sticks and dipped in the muddy water with one foot deep and one foot shallow. The blood oozing from the bandages covering the wounds had turned dark red and covered the gray mud. His dark face was numb and depressed.

The six elite divisions of the Tenth Army of the Japanese Army quietly boarded the 6th from Hangzhou Bay on the night of November 6th, and appeared behind the Chinese defenders on the Songhu battlefield. Along the south bank of Taihu Lake, they went straight to Nanjing, and another line of soldiers pointed directly at Qingpu and other transportation hubs.

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