The blood of the Anti-Japanese War stained the mountains and rivers

Page 82

Yang Ling's eyes also wandered among the devil soldiers, and finally pointed to the left: "Did you see that? The middle devil soldier standing on the slope should be the commander of the devil soldier."

"But what if it's wrong?" Liu Yidao rubbed his eyes and asked back.

"I think several devils acted after listening to the orders of the devil soldiers in the middle of the station. They shouldn't be wrong."

Body 1 Chapter [-] Beheading Operation

The gloomy dark clouds obscured the sun, and the choking gunpowder smoke permeated wantonly. The gunshots in the town rang out, mixed with the explosion of grenades and mortars, and the smile on Captain Devil's face grew stronger.

Obviously, the dragnet search has reached the final stage. In his telescope, the defenders of China have been compressed to the North Street, where the smoke and dust of the explosion rises from time to time, and their men are attacking.

In fact, this is indeed the case. The speed of the ghost soldiers' suppression was very fast. During their street blockade and house-to-house suppression, more than 100 defenders had been completely compressed into a residential area on North Street and were resisting.

"Light it up! Hurry up!" Supplementary regiment deputy Liu Ming is no idiot either. Now they are compressed into a narrow area. The commanding height is the machine gun team of the devil soldiers. They have lost room to maneuver and can only create smoke to cover the devils. The sight of the machine gun crew.

Li Tiezhu led a group of people to rely on the thick courtyard wall to block the approach of the devil's suppression soldiers. Bullets flew randomly and smoke and dust splashed everywhere. The fighting between the two sides was fierce.

In several nearby courtyards, the ashen-faced soldiers were throwing all kinds of wood and torn bedding into the fire. Thick black smoke rose up, and the soot flying all over the sky was like a black snowfall.

Under the deliberate arson of the defenders, many places were set ablaze. As the wood crackled and burned, black smoke and green smoke filled the North Street, covering the yard and the sky, and choking a group of people. cough.

"Damn it, this is going to smoke us to death, you hit it first, I'll go down and get some air." Li Tiezhu lay on the courtyard wall, choked to the point of tears, cursed and got off the ladder.

Liu Ming, the deputy of the regiment, was also covered in soot. Standing on the steps, he looked at Li Tiezhu who came down from the wall and laughed: "Commander Li, what can I do? The devil machine gunner on the roof over there must be blind."

"Okay, I'm blind." Li Tiezhu pulled his hat and fanned it, and went straight to the big tank full of water, cursing Liu Ming's heartlessness in his heart. Although he blocked the devil's machine gunner's sight, They also suffered.

Li Tiezhu took several sips of cool water, feeling that his lungs finally felt better, and threw his hat into the water tank to get it wet before standing up.

"I'm talking to Deputy Liu Tuan. It's not a long-term solution for us to make smoke so hard. The devils will attack sooner or later. Let's break through as soon as possible."

"Ahem—what a fart to break out, the town is already besieged by devils, if you want to break out, you have to wait until dark." Liu Ming coughed.

Rumbling——The large tiles crashed down like rain as the devil's grenade hit the yard and fell to pieces. The smoke and gunpowder completely turned the yard into a fairyland.

A ghost soldier sneaked close to the wall to the gate of the yard, took out a grenade and put the safety on it, knocked it on the head and threw it towards the gate.

Crash!With the violent expansion of the grenade, the sawdust of the wooden gate flew and was blown into a big hole.

"Don't be dazed! The devils are coming in!" Liu Ming pointed the pistol at the hole in the gate and pulled the trigger continuously. A corpse rolled into the gate. It was a devil soldier who wanted to rush in.

There were rumbling explosions in several surrounding courtyards, and the devil's grenades flew into the courtyard along the high wall, spun around on the rubble, and then killed those who couldn't dodge.

But the people inside are not vegetarians either. Someone picked up the grenade that rolled in and threw it back. The devils also died and injured a lot, but the devils had grenade launchers and mortars, and several walls were blasted out of holes, but the devils They didn't dare to rush in rashly. The two sides fought fiercely around the gap, and it had already reached a fever pitch.


The ghost commander Ueno, who surrounded the town, held up his binoculars to observe the battle in the town. In the binoculars, he could only see smoke and dust rising from the explosion, and rubble and rubble were constantly splashing.

The line of sight in the telescope is not clear because of the diffuse smoke, and the specific situation of the attackers and defenders cannot be seen, but judging from the gunshots, their people still have the advantage.

Just as the ghost captain Ueno was thinking about whether to withdraw Lieutenant Yoshino's men from a safe distance and fire a few more shots, suddenly they fired shots from the left.

bang bang bang-

"Da da da da da-"

I don't know when two crooked light machine guns were set up on a small slope on the left side 200 meters away from them. At this moment, the dense bullets rushed like splashing water.

Both the devil's two artillery squads and the devil's soldiers standing on the hillside were stunned, and they hadn't reacted yet. How could there be a Chinese army here?

The trajectory of the machine gun bullets was like a ferocious long snake spitting out letters, trying to tear apart all obstacles along the way.

The ballistic trajectory continued to extend forward without stopping, piercing through one devil soldier, the second, and the fifth devil soldier was beaten tremblingly, and the ballistic trajectory changed to extend forward when the blood mist rose and dissipated. Swipe left.

The other ballistic was beating directly with the violent beating of the crooked light machine gun. The ballistic jumped irregularly, drilling into the soil from time to time, and hitting people's bodies from time to time.

Captain Ueno was thrown to the ground by a devil soldier, the bullet trajectory swept along the body of the devil soldier, and five or six bloody holes appeared immediately, warm blood flowed out along the hole, and the smell of blood wafted up.

The devil's two artillery squads are resting in the shallow pit. Their ammunition is only half of the base, and the battle in the town is coming to an end. The battle has nothing to do with them, so they are very relaxed. Some bodies lie on the ground and start to rest. , they have been fighting these days, they are also human, very tired.

At this moment, they were like live targets for the guns, and they became the targets of the machine gun's ballistic harvesting. There was almost no need to aim, and most of them were knocked down as soon as the bullets passed by.

Blood was splashing, smoke and dust mixed with gravel covered their bodies, and the surviving Japanese artillery wanted to avoid them like frightened rabbits, but the ferocious ballistic trajectory bit them like poisonous snakes until they fell down.

Yang Ling's dusty face could not see his expression clearly, but he was so calm at the moment that it made one's heart palpitate. He skillfully emptied one magazine and loaded the second magazine that had been prepared in less than five seconds to continue. Fire, the speed is so fast, so proficient that people think that the machine gun has never stopped.

On the other hand, the other machine gun shooter was reduced to a supporting role. From the start of the machine gun to the present, less than three devil soldiers have been defeated in total, and most of the rest were harvested by Yang Ling's machine gun.

bang - a

bang - two

Liu Yidao did not use his familiar red-tasseled broadsword this time, but held a [-] rifle and called the fleeing devils one by one, and some devils were knocked down from time to time.

Da da da - the devil's light machine gun also rang out, a string of bullets with infinite arrogance enveloped Yang Ling and the others head-on, but it only sounded for less than a minute, and the devil's shooter was shot by Liu Yidao Names were called.

There was a din of rifles mixed with machine guns, the flying weeds and rubble were covered with bright red blood, and the devil soldiers were harvested by ferocious bullets like harvested wheat in the diffuse gunpowder smoke.

Main text Chapter 121 The Cannonball of Vengeance

Amidst the smoke and barrage, Captain Ueno pushed away the corpse of the devil soldier on him in embarrassment. Looking around, it was red, and the two artillery squads had already fallen in a pool of blood. ??

The wounded ghost soldiers were curled up on the ground and howling in pain. The tragic scene on the verge of despair made the captain's facial muscles twitch and tremble violently.

"Damn the Chinese!" Captain Guizi pulled out the Nanfang pistol from the holster on his waist, and aimed at the gray figure rushing from the gunpowder smoke.


A Chinese soldier rushing to the front didn't notice Captain Guizi lying behind the hillside. The bullet hit him in the chest. He looked down at the blood hole in his chest and felt the strength in his body was passing away quickly.

Bang bang—there were two more blood holes in the Chinese soldier's body, and blood gushed out. He glanced at the ghost captain who was lying down more than ten meters away, his legs softened, and he fell to the ground unwillingly.

"Brother Zhang!" Liu Yidao yelled as he saw the brother who was rushing ahead was knocked to the ground and fell to the ground in a hurry.

Yang Ling fell a few meters away holding a light machine gun with a crooked handle. He also saw the devil officer hiding behind the slope, and angrily raised the muzzle of the gun, and a shuttle of bullets passed by.

Captain You was puzzled after killing a Chinese soldier. He was about to pull the trigger and aim again, but Yang Ling's machine gun fired, and the rattling noise pierced the eardrum.

Flames spewed out from the muzzle of the gun, and the bullets enveloped the devil lieutenant lying on the ground with vengeful anger. The bullet casings jumped and splashed out briskly. The blood mist dissipated, and another blood mist popped out. Finally, the pistol could no longer be held and fell to the ground.

After emptying out a magazine, Yang Lingyou was puzzled, picked up a devil's [-] rifle, pulled the bolt while walking and fired, each shot hit the body of the devil captain, and his body trembled and spattered with blood.

Captain Guizi was still screaming with a big mouth, but when Yang Ling shot out the five bullets in the rifle chamber, he was out of breath, his whole body was beaten to pieces, and his head fell on the ground unwillingly.

Pooh!The bayonet glowing cold was sharp, and it stabbed fiercely into the mangled corpse. After pulling it out and stabbing again, the bayonet was stained with blood. Only then did Yang Ling sit on the ground panting, looking at the unrecognizable corpse of the ghost captain, and then Can't help kicking hard.

Yang Ling vented the resentment and anger in his heart, he was just getting back some interest for countless dead brothers, and Liu Yidao and others watched Yang Ling stabbing the devil with a knife, and couldn't help shivering, mother, Too cruel.

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