The blood of the Anti-Japanese War stained the mountains and rivers

Page 51

Yang Ling's guess was correct. The devils who infiltrated were timid and obscene. They were suddenly ambushed, but they didn't want to fight when they were surrounded, so they retreated after being surrounded.

However, for safety reasons, Yang Ling did not order the guards to go to the ditch to check the results of the battle. The little devils are cunning, and if they don't go far, they will be a living target if they go out.

"Xiao Jiao, take a few brothers to the east for 300 meters to guard." Yang Ling was silent for a moment and then instructed Jiao Ming.

Jiao Ming nodded, put away his gun, beckoned to the two soldiers beside him, and walked cautiously to the east of the small ditch.

Yang Ling sent a few more people to the west to guard. If the devils wanted to outflank them, they would definitely be able to find out in advance, so they wouldn't be dumped.

It's not a big mistake to be careful when it's dark and slippery on the road. After everything was done, Yang Ling retracted the gun that was stretched out, and took out the bullets again and pressed them into the barrel. Now they don't need to do anything, they just need to wait until dawn to be safe.

The head of health, Zhang Hongying, held Browning tightly in both hands and walked step by step towards the small ditch. Her tense face was full of tension. When she walked halfway, the gunshots in front had stopped, and the surroundings had returned to dead silence. She could feel it. His heart was pounding.

She originally wanted to come to help, but now the gunfire stopped, and she couldn't see anything in the dark area, and there was no movement, her heart was in her throat.

Did the devils retreat or Company Commander Yang and the others were all beaten to death by the devils?But there was no movement at all, she was in a dilemma now, she didn't know whether to move forward or turn around immediately and evacuate with the health team.

When Zhang Hongying was hesitating, the reeds in front of her swished and began to shake. She held Browning with both hands and aimed at the black shadow coming out of the reeds, subconsciously preparing to pull the trigger.

"it's me--"

A low voice came, and under the cold moonlight, Zhang Hongying could clearly see Yang Ling's bronzed face.

"Scared me to death, I thought you..." Zhang Hongying felt that it was inappropriate to say that, so she paused and asked, "Are you all right? Where's the devil?"

Yang Ling stretched out his hand and pushed the Browning gun aimed at him away: "The devils have been repelled, and we are safe for the time being."

Zhang Hongying put away the Browning she was holding in embarrassment, her tense little face finally relaxed, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

But then she asked with concern, "Is anyone hurt?"

Yang Ling shook his head. He asked Wu Jiang to lead people to dig foxholes on this side of the ditch. Heigulongdong was far away, and even though the devils were good at marksmanship, they could only shoot blindly, so they were lucky that no one was injured.

"Captain Zhang"

"Huh?" Zhang Hongying raised her head.

Yang Ling looked serious, and said bluntly: "The infiltration troops of the little devils have arrived here, and it is no longer safe here. I suggest that the health team move back immediately."

"I don't agree to the transfer." Before Zhang Hongying could answer, Lu Zitao, the deputy captain of the health team, had strode towards this side.

Although Lu Zitao looks talented and looks suave, but he has the guts of a rabbit. Just now, when the gunfire rang out, his legs were so weak that he couldn't walk. He was not as brave as Zhang Hongying.

He didn't react until the gunfire stopped, and hurriedly got up to check the situation. He happened to see Zhang Hongying and Yang Ling standing alone and talking together, and he felt a little uncomfortable.

He, Lu Zitao, came from a wealthy family and was knowledgeable. If it wasn't for the pursuit of Zhang Hongying, he wouldn't be bothered to come to suffer on this fierce battlefield.

In Lu Zitao's eyes, Yang Ling was a bad boss, and he didn't look down on him at all. Now that he saw his sweetheart staying with a boss, he immediately resented Yang Ling.

Yang Ling raised his head and saw Lu Zitao striding forward, frowning slightly: "Vice Captain Lu, I don't think we can last long. If the devil suddenly comes over, it will not be so easy to leave."

Yang Ling is not sympathetic, nor does he have any pity. His sympathy and pity have long been washed away by countless blood. If it wasn't for the needs of the mission, he wouldn't bother to care about the life and death of the health team. He just Want to live by myself.

But now that he is the commander of the guard company, he has to think about the safety of the health team and the brothers below. The devils have been attacking the right bank of Yunzaobang for so many days, and it will be a matter of time before they fall here.

You can get some clues from the encounter with the devil's infiltration troops just now. If the frontal defense is tight, the devil's infiltration troops will not appear here at all. Now that the devils have appeared, it means that the front can't last long.

"The task of our health team is to provide first aid in the field. So what if the devils suddenly come over, don't you still have your guard company? At worst, we will fight the devils desperately. Don't be afraid of the devils."

Lu Zitao held his head high and his chest upright, and his tone was impassioned and ups and downs. Even Zhang Hongying, who was standing on the side, couldn't help but change his opinion of Lu Zitao. honourable.

Zhang Hongying also spoke up: "Commander Yang, if we were afraid of death, we would not have applied to the front line to come to the battlefield for rescue. We cannot bear to leave countless wounded soldiers and transfer alone, and we cannot do it."

Seeing that the captain and deputy captain of the health team rejected his proposal unanimously, Yang Ling felt dizzy for a while. Do you think that fighting is just a joke? Countless bullets will kill people.

"Captain Zhang, Vice Captain Lu, please seriously consider this. This is related to the safety of everyone in the health team and our guard company..."

Before Yang Ling finished speaking, the deputy captain Lu Zitao interrupted Yang Ling with a wave of his hand: "There are no covetous people in our health team. If your guards are covetous and want to withdraw, we will not stop you. Just go away." gone."

Looking at Lu Zitao who was standing and talking without back pain, Yang Ling really wanted to rush up and blow his head off for a moment, but Yang Ling was well-trained and didn't bother to argue with him.

If he was greedy for life and afraid of death, Yang Ling would have been a deserter long ago, and he wouldn't foolishly return to the battlefield. The reason why he wanted to evacuate was because he didn't want these people to sacrifice in vain, because it was meaningless.

Fortunately, good intentions are being treated like donkeys. Since the health team is unwilling to evacuate, their guard company can only work hard, but Yang Ling doesn't want to accompany them to death. If the supervising team is treated as a deserter, it must be alive first.

The conversation broke up badly. Yang Ling returned to the small ditch and waited until dawn. The devil's infiltration team did not launch an attack again, and there was no movement on both sides. It seemed that they had really withdrawn.

They beat the unprepared with their preparedness, and all five devils who waded into the ditch were killed, and their corpses had been soaked in the water all night, and their bodies had swelled to nothing.

Five devils died, and the guards had no casualties. The soldiers excitedly fished out the dead devils from the ditch and began to divide up the spoils. Looking at Yang Ling who was standing in the distance, he couldn't help but give a thumbs up, secretly applauding in his heart Well, the company commander is really good at predicting things, and arranged in advance to dig foxholes here.

Text Chapter 77 Marching to Facing the Gunfire

On October 1th, the 1st Division of the Japanese Army crossed Yunzaobang again under the cover of powerful artillery fire. The positions of the Chinese defenders fell into a sea of ​​gunpowder and flames, and almost all the first- and second-line fortifications were destroyed. ?

The surviving Chinese defenders fought hand-to-hand with the Japanese troops crossing the river on the right bank of Yunzaobang. The fierce battle lasted until noon. After killing more than a thousand Japanese soldiers, the Chinese defenders were exhausted and forced to retreat to the third line of defense. By the time they retreated, the Chinese defenders were almost lost. Exhausted.

"The front is almost unstoppable, and the brothers who can still move will follow me and pick up their guns!" The blood-stained young staff officer rushed to the temporary camp of the health team and shouted hoarsely at the wounded.

Those wounded soldiers who had just been sent down from the front line grabbed their guns again and rushed back after the young staff officer.

"Their wounds haven't been bandaged yet. If they don't bandage, they will bleed to death!" The delicate body of Zhang Hongying, the health captain, stopped the young staff officer in front of him, preventing him from taking the wounded soldiers away.

The young staff officer pushed Zhang Hongying away, "I can't control that much anymore, brothers, follow me and rush up to block the devil!"

"Stop them, they will die!" Zhang Hongying fell to the ground, her blood-stained white coat was covered with dust, and shouted at the sanitation team members.

The soldier with the broken arm struggled to get up from the ground, his blackened face was full of determination, grabbed the only grenade left, and rushed back without looking back. The health team couldn't stop him. live.

More wounded struggled to stand up from the ground. Although they were covered in blood and scars, they rushed towards the position facing the direction of the artillery fire as if they were going to die.

The medical team members stopped and pulled, but to no avail. For these wounded soldiers, the battlefield was their life. They traveled thousands of miles to the battlefield. If the battlefield was lost, not only would they lose face, but they would also lose face to their elders in their hometown.

Zhang Hongying was so anxious that she was sweating profusely, and stopped the wounded soldiers who were rushing back one by one. Seeing these wounded soldiers rushing back without hesitation, she couldn't stop her, and she almost cried.

Yang Ling was changing the gauze of a soldier whose head was cut by shrapnel, but after hearing the staff officer's call, the soldier with a head wrapped like a dumpling also struggled to get up. Because of the struggle, the wound burst again, and blood flowed down Dark red gauze flowed out.

"Lie down, you will die if you move again." Yang Ling pushed the wounded soldier back, but the wounded soldier was still struggling.

The wounded soldier was struggling, crying: "I can still move, I can still shoot, I want to go back to defend the position, the position cannot be lost—"

Yang Ling finally gave up his efforts and let go of the wounded soldier. The wounded soldier struggled to get up, rushed out a few steps and turned around.

He took out a few pieces of blood-stained toilet paper from his arms, and stuffed them back into Yang Ling's hands: "Mr. Yang, you are a good man. I am dead. Please help me send this letter to my family."

After the wounded soldier finished speaking, he rushed to the direction of the fierce gunfire without looking back. Holding a few blood-red letters in his hands, Yang Ling felt so heavy for the first time.

"Company commander, it seems that the front can't stand it any longer. Shall we run quickly, the little devil will not be able to escape if he rushes over." The platoon leader Yang Dashu ran to Yang Ling worriedly.

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