The blood of the Anti-Japanese War stained the mountains and rivers

Page 45

The old smoker sighed, and shook his head helplessly. The new and old hatreds add up to several lifetimes, and he doesn't know when it will end.

The fat man struggled to get up from the muddy water, looked at the distant position where the cannons were rumbling, and then turned his head to chase Yang Ling and the others.

He calmed down. He felt that what Yang Ling said was right. It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years. As long as he is alive, his injuries heal, and he lives well, he can kill devils better, avenge the dead Luo Ziqiang, and countless dead Brother revenge, his eyes became firm and mature.

Text Chapter 68 Camping

The light gradually faded, and the darkness descended on the land again. In the twilight, six Japanese aircraft with bloody plaster flags roared across the sky amidst violent explosions and flames, and disappeared into the sky, ending the day's bombing mission.

The dilapidated village standing on the bank of the river was already in ruins. The broken walls and walls were covered with rubble. The fire was crackling and burning, and the bloody corpses lay in the burning ruins, long gone.

The surviving soldiers were busy in the flames, rescuing the surviving wounded, shouting, cursing, and moaning in pain made the place noisy.

In fact, the continuous bombing by Japanese planes had already turned the village into ruins. The retreating soldiers thought that the Japanese planes would no longer pay attention to this place, and they used it as a camp.

Who knew that the bomb was thrown by the passing ghost plane again. Many people thought that the day was over and they could finally live another night, but fate played a joke again, and they still couldn’t make it through in the end. This is fate and there is no escape. , can't earn it.

The corpses were lifted out of the ruins one by one, and the seeped blood flowed into the mud pond. The water in the mud pond turned blood red, and finally seeped into this land full of blood and tears.

Yang Ling and the others' tired bodies appeared at the end of the muddy road, and slowly approached this nameless village that had been turned into ruins. Looking at the new graves erected by the side of the road, their faces were blackened by gunpowder and showed no expression. .

Such scenes along the way were repeated in front of their eyes like a black and white movie. People they knew and didn’t know died, some died in the wilderness, and some lay in a cold and damp pit. The original anger had turned into numbness. , no more emotional fluctuations.

On this battlefield like a melting pot of flesh and blood, they are so humble and powerless. When people are wiped out in batches by artillery fire, they really understand what it means to be human life, and their anger can no longer be expressed. Deep pain in the heart.

The only thing they can count on now is to survive, even if they can survive for one more night. Compared with the allies who are desperately fighting on the front line, it is already a great honor for them to be able to withdraw.

"Which part are you from?"

Looking at the remnants of soldiers standing in the mud and walking towards them like walking corpses, several soldiers of the Supervising Team with black armbands on a white background blocked their way.

The old smoker wiped the cloth strip on his chest to prove his identity: "We belong to the 61st division, and we are ordered to retreat to rest."

The platoon leader of the supervisory team took a step forward, carefully inspected the sign covered by gunpowder smoke and mud, and finally waved his hand to let them go: "Go straight forward for a few hundred meters and you will see a house that is the shelter of your 61st Division."

The old smoking gun originally had a military officer's card, but he didn't know where he dropped it during the fierce battles. Even the dry smoking gun that he always kept in his hand was blown to pieces, which made him miss it very much.

The road became muddy due to the heavy rain, and the low-lying puddles were filled with dirty mud and blood, mottled.

Walking along the side of the ruined village that was emitting green smoke, and walked along the dirt road for several hundred meters, the house that the supervisory team mentioned appeared in their field of vision.

The house was built on the bank of the river 200 meters away from the dirt road, and it looked a little blurry in the heavy twilight. A fire was lit around the house, and groups of soldiers gathered around the fire, and the air was filled with the smell of clear porridge.

The smell of clear porridge made Yang Ling and the others, who were hungry, quicken their pace. They didn't care about stepping on their shoes in the mud. They urgently needed to fill their stomachs.

The wound on Fatty Tian San's butt burst, but he gritted his teeth and stood firm. He has a special emotion for food. He used to want to eat enough so that he would not be hungry.

Now Fatty has a different definition, that is to live well, eat enough to beat devils, and avenge the death of Luo Ziqiang.

The person in charge of registering the withdrawn troops was a division clerk, with dark eyes that made him look less like a soldier and more like a scholar.

"Which regiment are you from?" The clerk raised his head, pushed his black eye sockets, and stared at the ragged soldiers in front of him and asked.

"I am a supplementary company of the [-]rd Battalion of the [-]st Regiment, and I am the company commander Zhou Fugui." With the support of a disabled soldier, the old smoker reported himself, pointed to the rest of the people and introduced: "They are also all [-]st group."

The clerk was slightly taken aback. In his memory, Old Smoker and the others were the only ones who reported to the [-]st Regiment.

But after a little astonishment, he lowered his head and immediately picked up a pen to register them one by one on the straw paper.

The entire 61st Division suffered heavy losses, and many battalions and companies were basically killed. Only a few were able to withdraw here, but there was no other way.

After the registration was completed, each of Old Smoker and the others successfully received two taels of millet and two pieces of grain cakes, although the clerk told them that this was a three-day ration and asked them to save some food.

But as soon as he took a few steps, the old smoker couldn't wait to stuff the multigrain cake into his mouth, looking like a starved ghost reincarnated.

While swallowing the multigrain cake with his mouth like a jujube, he spoke vaguely: "Damn, I'm starving to death..."

The rest of the remnant soldiers were not much better, they all wolfed down food to themselves. They fought fiercely with the devils for days and nights, and they had long since run out of food.

The devil's artillery blocked the ground too hard, and the supplies behind could not be sent up. They were already hungry, but now that they were withdrawn, they felt that they could eat a cow.

"I want to eat enough to live and fight devils, fight devils..." Fatty Tian San tried his best to bite the multigrain cake, as if the multigrain cake had a grudge against him, and muttered indistinctly.

Yang Ling is the one who eats the most elegantly. Although he feels his stomach is empty, he still resists eating small pieces of multigrain cakes. He knows that he has been hungry for too long, and his stomach can't absorb it if he eats too much suddenly. , maybe it will swell to death.

"Eat less, don't make it too late." Yang Ling watched Old Smoker and the others stuff them into their mouths hungrily, and stopped them.

Fortunately, Yang Ling's words were more effective. Although everyone was very hungry, they still didn't swallow the second piece of multigrain cake in the end.

There were remnants of soldiers lying down on the river bank, all of them were unkempt and exhausted. Some people fell asleep lying on the ground after eating, and some wounded soldiers couldn't help moaning in pain.

Yang Ling and the others searched for a long time before they found a small dry place on the edge of the river bank as a campsite.

"Xiao Jiao, go over there and pick up some firewood, let's make millet porridge." After sitting down, the old smoker pushed a disabled soldier next to him and ordered.

Although the old smoker was injured, he was still the company commander, and his authority was still there. After he ordered, the disabled soldier immediately unloaded his rifle from his shoulder and ran to pick up firewood.

During the day, the devil's plane was hovering overhead. They didn't dare to start a fire, fearing that the fireworks would cause bombing, but at night, without the devil's plane, they could safely and boldly light the fire for cooking.

The remnant soldiers were busy making millet porridge, while Yang Ling wandered around their temporary camp, knowing the surrounding situation by heart, which was a habit he had developed over the years.

There is still a distance from Dachang Town. They camped by the river in Zoumatang, several miles away from the battlefield, so they could sleep peacefully.

After confirming that the surrounding environment was safe, Yang Ling cut several large bundles of reeds and returned to the campsite. The ground was very humid, and it was better to have reeds under his body than to lie on the wet ground.

Text Chapter 69 Tranquil Night

Boundless darkness enveloped the land, and the sound of guns and artillery in the north and east was still fierce. From time to time, light bullets flashed across the night sky to illuminate the night sky, and the battle was still anxious. ????

However, for the officers and soldiers of the 61st Division who had withdrawn from their positions to rest, they could finally sleep soundly after fighting for days and nights. They didn't have to worry about the devils coming up at night, after all, there were friendly troops blocking the front.

Yang Ling and the others withdrew late. When the rest of the sleepy and tired remnants fell asleep after a full meal, they were sitting around the fire cooking porridge.

Everyone only received two or two taels of millet, and it was impossible to eat dry rice, because they didn't know when the next supply would come, and there was no next meal after eating. In order to avoid starvation, they could only save some and cook porridge.

Besides, they hadn't eaten for a long time, and only porridge mixed with multigrain cakes would not hurt their stomachs. The lunch box for cooking porridge belonged to the captured Japanese soldiers, and it was steaming on the fire at the moment.

The gruel was steaming in the lunch box, the remnant soldiers stretched their necks in a circle and waited for the meal to be served, Fatty Tian San kept swallowing his saliva.

The aroma of millet porridge boiled in the boiling, dispelled the smell of gunpowder smoke and blood in the air, and made the stomachs of the remnant soldiers growl.

"Deputy Lian, should you be able to eat it?" The fat man stared at the porridge and asked anxiously.

Looking at the fat man who had turned his attention back to the food, Yang Ling finally breathed a sigh of relief, worried that he would not be able to get out without eating or drinking because of the smoldering hatred in his heart because of Luo Ziqiang's death.

But it was obvious that Yang Ling felt that his worries were unnecessary. Even in the face of the deep hatred for Fatty, he still didn't forget to eat. As long as he knew how to eat, at least he didn't need to waste his time trying to enlighten him.

Yang Ling carefully took off the porridge lunch box and distributed some to each remnant soldier. The remnant soldiers couldn't wait to put the hot porridge into their mouths. Their hot mouths grew big and they let out a sigh of relief.

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