The blood of the Anti-Japanese War stained the mountains and rivers

Page 103

Puff puff puff - there was no way to hide at a distance of more than ten meters, and several devil soldiers exposed to the bright light of the flares were beaten to death, trembling and covered with blood mist.

Before the grenade in their hands was thrown out, a chain explosion occurred immediately, and they were instantly engulfed by the scorching flames, and a rain of flesh and blood rained down from the sky. He still has lingering fears about the number of devil soldiers.

"Yang Dashu, don't be dazed, cover the company commander!" Liu Yidao came out of the room in a disheveled manner, and shouted at Yang Dashu at the top of his voice.

In fact, without Liu Yidao's reminder, Yang Dashu had already seen a group of people rushing out of the collapsing building. He immediately turned his gun and began to suppress the devil soldiers diagonally opposite.

Damn flares!The night was the best cover to break out, but the devils fired flares continuously, and the surrounding area was like daylight. Yang Ling and the others were directly exposed to the firepower of the devil soldiers.

The devil soldiers around also spotted the people who broke out from the broken building, and they hurriedly pulled the bolts to shoot towards this side, but Yang Ling and the others ran sideways, and the devils fired a row of bullets in a hurry, and almost missed them. Stay back and worry, because if they fire, it will be their own riflemen who will bear the brunt.

"Kill and change!" Seeing that the shooting was ineffective, a devil lieutenant drew out his saber and directed the devil soldiers to start an assault, trying to entangle the people who broke through.

Facing the ghost soldiers rushing tens of meters away, Li Tiezhu who fell behind subconsciously wanted to hang a bayonet on the gun, but a little anxious, the bayonet slipped from his hand and fell into the blood puddle on the ground. He squatted down to pick it up. .

As soon as his hand touched the bloody bayonet, a devil soldier with the bayonet yelled frantically and had come to him. He could even feel the icy glow of the shining bayonet. It was over, Li Tiezhu had no time to stand up and meet The enemy seemed to be able to hear the sound of the bayonet piercing the flesh.

Puchi!A big knife appeared in the air and slashed fiercely on the devil soldier's head. Li Tiezhu only felt that the warm and sticky thing spilled on his face, and then he heard a muffled plop, and the ferocious devil soldier had rolled away. to his feet.

"Hurry up and run!"

Li Tiezhu was pulled up from the ground by a big hand, stepped on the sticky and uneven ground, and ran along an alley in a hurry, the front was dark, but he could vaguely see the burly and strong figure of the man who rescued him, really strong, Li Tiezhu muttered to himself, but his footsteps did not stop, because a large number of devils behind him had already rushed over frantically.

The madness of the devil's charge made one's scalp numb, as if there was a sea of ​​swords and flames ahead, and they would jump down without hesitation. Li Tiezhu would not fight hand-to-hand with these lunatics if he had to, so he accelerated his pace a little.

After stumbling and running for tens of meters in the dark alley, suddenly, firecrackers rang out from the roofs on both sides, and the sudden explosion caused Li Tiezhu to stagger and fall to the ground, his hands were broken There was a hole in the rubble, and he hurriedly hid at the base of the wall, thinking it was a devil.

Liu Yidao heard the muffled groan from Li Tiezhu's fall behind him, turned around and pulled again: "That's our own, let's go quickly."

Only then did Li Tiezhu realize that all the violent bullets were pouring towards the devils, and the devils who charged madly from behind were blocked by the death barrage to the center of the alley, screaming and moaning, which made Li Tiezhu feel a lot better , the footsteps also became lighter.

Running out of the dark alley, Li Tiezhu suddenly saw a lot of people dressed as ghost soldiers standing on the street in front of him. gun.

Whether it is an ambush or a rescue operation, the most important thing is not how to deploy troops to maximize the firepower advantage, but to find a way out in advance, because in this way, no matter whether it is successful or not, it can be safely withdrawn.

The battle here caused sirens to sound in the city of Suzhou, and a large number of devil soldiers were coming towards this side. Yang Ling made a decisive decision and immediately ordered Wu Jiang to retreat along the established route with the brothers who broke out. He led Yang Dashu and others. More than a dozen brothers died.

Without the slightest hesitation, Wu Jiang waved his hand and led the people into a courtyard, and went straight to the back door without stopping.

Yang Ling raised his gun and shot at the devil soldier who had just popped his head. With a bang, the devil soldier fell to the ground.

"Ba Ga!" Yang Ling heard the devil officer's scolding in the darkness, and random bullets whizzed past the wall.

"Go, retreat along the alley!" Yang Ling bowed and jumped out. Yang Dashu followed closely behind with the hot machine gun in his arms. They wanted to lead the devils to another direction and cover the others to evacuate.

Yang Dashu has been following Yang Ling's footsteps, holding a machine gun, dangling the ammunition bag, and began to pant after taking a few steps.

As soon as Yang Ling stepped out of the alley, he suddenly shrank back. Yang Dashu lost his balance and hit his back. He staggered and almost fell. Just as he was about to ask what was going on, he suddenly heard the roar of a motor from the street ahead. Voice.

A few beams of strong light illuminated the street clearly, it was the motorcycle of the devil soldiers, Yang Dashu suddenly turned pale, and panicked, now there are wolves in front and tigers in back, mother, it looks like the boat is going to capsize in the gutter.

"Don't be nervous, we're wearing devil's clothes." Yang Ling remained calm enough: "Line up! Let's go out!"

My mother, if you don't run, you have to go out now. Isn't that a living target? Yang Dashu is worried. If the devils recognize them and directly attack them, none of them will be able to escape.

Yang Dashu was frightened, his legs were a little weak, but sooner or later the ghosts would catch up to him, so he simply bent his neck and followed Yang Ling and the others out.

Text Chapter 151 Search

The spire of Beita Temple in Suzhou stands high enough to overlook the entire Suzhou in the darkness. Most of the city is burning, billowing black smoke covers the sky, making the deep night even more hazy.

Blackout has been implemented in the city. Except for the burning flames, the whole city is shrouded in darkness. The young man Su Er and his father and mother who are hiding at home hide under the window in fear, watching this seemingly beautiful city through the gap. In a city as dark as hell, fear spreads in my heart.

The streets are full of discarded sundries, large parcels and small baskets are lying casually on the wet ground, and the bloodied corpses have swelled in the muddy water, including civilians who were killed by stray bullets and soldiers who resisted bravely.

No one dared to collect the corpses. The devil soldiers of the brigade marched through the street from time to time, their leather shoes trampled the ground loudly, harsh and arrogant, and they trampled the city to the ground.

Under the light of the torches, the ghost soldiers' thick and gleaming steel helmets, the bright bayonets hanging high on the gun heads, and the incomprehensible chatter with grim faces all scared Su Er who was hiding at home.

In the dark night, these chattering ghost soldiers are like ghosts from hell in the legend, so powerful and terrifying that Su Er's mother kept kowtowing to the worshiped Guanyin Bodhisattva, praying to Guanyin Bodhisattva in a low voice, hoping that these ghosts would soon Leave, I hope this night will fade away soon.

Gunshots still rang out in the city from time to time, and the scattered Chinese soldiers relied on the cover of the ruins to attack the devil soldiers who invaded the city, but corpses were dragged out by the devil soldiers and thrown into the street. getting weaker.

Su Er's heart was also clenched tightly. Whenever the gunshots rang out outside, he couldn't restrain his excitement. Those soldiers in the government were still resisting, and they were still in this city. The fear in my heart dissipated a lot.

But every time he was excited, the gunshots would disappear into the night again. He hid under the window and began to worry about the resisting government soldiers. Did they run away?Or is it dead?

Su Er used to hate those government soldiers so much. Every time he went to his restaurant to eat, he would always eat for nothing, and he was rude and loud, scaring away other guests, but now he somehow felt that those government soldiers made them feel Safety, every time he couldn't hear the gunshots, he couldn't help worrying about them.

Now Su Er is very worried. He is very afraid that these government soldiers will be killed or abandon the city. The stragglers also feel at ease.

"Second son, come here, don't lean against the window, be careful that the bullets don't have eyes."

Su Er's father is kind-hearted and well-mannered, he is in charge of a restaurant all the year round and he is considered a well-known figure in the city of Suzhou. He has experienced many storms and waves in recent years. Although there are constant gunshots outside, he is sitting on the grand master's chair at this moment, but he is calm calm.

He opened a restaurant on Beitasi Heng Street. Over the years, he has maintained an attitude of making money with kindness. Although it is not prosperous, he has not caused any trouble. If there is no accident, this family business will be left to Su Er and passed on.

However, since August, the business of the restaurant has started to plummet, especially after the planes of Guizibing came to Suzhou to bomb several times, many people began to flee, and the business became more and more difficult to continue, but this is the accumulation of a lifetime Family business, I can't bear to lose it like this.

Although they closed the restaurant and returned home, they did not leave Suzhou City. Su Er's father was a man who had seen the world. bandit.

He is used to the various forces in Suzhou, who have been tossing back and forth for so many years, as long as they stay at home and don't go out to cause trouble, even if his side wins, they will still do the same. Able to open the door to do business and make a living.

So this time, even though there are rumors that the devil soldiers are vicious and cruel, and they kill people without blinking an eye, to Su Erpa who has seen the world, it is just a rumor. Two shoulders resting on one head, it's not that scary, so this time he didn't take his family with him to escape.

First, he has seen the world and doesn’t think the Japanese are so fierce. Second, his entire family business has been here. This family fortune would make Su Er, a single seedling, a good daughter-in-law.

"Second son, listen to your father and come quickly." Su Er's mother, who believed in Buddhism, knelt on the bunk and chanted, praying to Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, seeing Su Er still lying by the window, she also hurriedly called out.

"Father, what do you think about those soldiers? Were they killed by the Japanese?" Su Er lay there without moving, still worrying about the Chinese soldiers who were fighting guerrillas in the city.

Su Er's father scolded: "Why do you care so much, come here quickly, their life and death have nothing to do with us ordinary people, it's better to die, so as not to come to our restaurant for free food later."

Although Su Er was stupid and couldn't read books, he went to private school for a few days and came back, but the parades on the street a few days ago shouted loudly, "Down with Japanese imperialism, and don't be a subjugated slave." But isn't the Japanese a subjugated slave?

Su Er came out of his mouth inexplicably: "Father, I think it's better for them to come and eat free food than those Japanese, at least they don't kill people, you see those people on the street were all killed by the Japanese. "

Su Er's father wanted to reprimand Su Er again, but suddenly there was a squawking sound from outside, and a group of devil soldiers came over with torches, and the room fell into silence.

"Open the door! Open the door! The imperial army is going to search!" A majestic broken gong sounded on the street, accompanied by the sound of knocking on the door.

Su Er looked out through the hole in the window, isn't that the black cripple who is knocking on the door on weekdays?How did he get mixed up with the Japanese?

The door on the opposite side of the street opened quickly. It was the home of Su Er's childhood playmate. Several devil soldiers with guns broke in, and there was a sudden panic inside. Su Er saw his childhood playmate. The black cripple beat his playmate to the ground with the butt of his gun, and he didn't get up again. The black cripple was still cursing and saying something.

An inexplicable anger surged up in his heart, and he was about to rush out, but was caught by his father: "Second son, don't cause trouble, they are just looking for those soldiers, it has nothing to do with us."

"Shopkeeper Su! Open the door!" The black cripple quickly led the ghost soldiers to the door of Su Er's house, and began to knock on the door.

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