The Betrayed Hero and the Idol

Chapter 4 – Outing

----- Ai POV -----

Seeing Cassius close the door shut with a blush on his face, I start chuckling while making my way to my apartment.

Fufu, he's quite fun to tease, with how stoic he normally acts.

Noticing my rapidly beating heart, I unconsciously let out a sigh.

Sure enough, I definitely like him.

Or maybe it's just slight interest.

Either way, it's the same feeling I felt with Hikaru.

But that wasn't love... even after having sex, it still wasn't love.

Cassius Anemoi... will you be able to show me?

Show me how to love, show me what love is.

Well, I guess I'll have to find out.

So he wants me to show him my true self?

Maybe that would be a step in the right direction.

'He'll leave you if you do, just like Mom did. Everyone now only loves you for your lies.'


He already saw through my facade, and he still wanted to spend time with me.

It's different... it must be.

Ah right! I have to tell my babies.

Opening my door, I give the two my usual greeting.

"Ruby, Aqua, I'm back!"

Seeing the two sitting on the couch, watching the recording of B-Komachi's last concert, my smile rises out of my control.

Ah, my kids are the cuteist!


"Ai, you're back."

Giving them each a hug, I then tell them the surprise news.

"Guess what? We'll be going shopping together!"

Both of them tilt their head in curiosity.

Uuu, so cute!

"Ai, isn't Miyako busy today?"

"Well, yeah, but remember Cassius? He said he'd pretend to be your dad for today! Hmm, now what do we need to get? Maybe some new clothes for Aqua..."

"Huh!? Wait wait wait. Ai!? You told him!? When!? Why!?"

"Well, you see... we met before our run and decided to go together, and then he revealed that he knew you were my kids when we first met. Whoopsie~!"

Huh, Aqua?

Why are you facepalming?

That hurts Mama's feelings, you know.

"Look on the bright side! Now we have a super strong bodyguard that can protect us, right?"

Giving me a deadpan stare, Aqua then releases a deep sigh.

"Haa, whatever. He already knew your address, so if anyone had to know, he would be best. Besides, it's good to have a trustworthy person in on the secret. You should tell Ichigo though."

Mou, don't be so mature!

It makes me look bad!

"So we'll be going shopping together?"

"Of course Ruby! I think he needs furniture and music stuff, but I'm sure he won't mind us stopping for some clothes."

"Hehehe, shopping with Mama. This is the best!"

"Well, let's get ready. Mama needs a shower before we leave."

----- 30 Minutes Later -----

Knocking on the door, it doesn't take long for it to open, revealing Cassius.

His dirty-brown hair, his natural curls dampened from the latent moisture of his shower.

His handsome face set in a slight smile, features sharp and masculine yet feminine enough to pass for a beautiful girl.

"Ah, you're here already."

"U-Uhh yeah! We're all ready! Meet my daughter Ruby and son Aqua, you're fake children!"

Squatting down to meet their eyes, he then rests his hand on both of their heads.

"Nice to meet you two. I know you probably don't know me that well, but let's try our best. Hopefully, midway through the trip, I can hand you two off to your Mother while I hold the bags, but until then try to stick with me, alright?"

Oh! I didn't even think of that!

Way to go, Cassius!

"Well, the furniture will be ordered to deliver but I have a bag for the music stuff. Did you want to go anywhere, Ai?"

"Hmm, well, we do need some groceries, but I'd like to go clothes shopping too!"

"Clothes shopping is a good idea, you can act like a doting Mother while dressing them up and people will pass it off as a woman thing."

Suddenly, his aura changed, giving off a feeling of warmth and security.

"Well then, let's get going Aqua, Ruby."

The door closing behind him, Cassius then takes hold of Aqua's hand while taking Ruby into his arms, both seemingly taken in by his aura.

"Ai, you coming?"

Breaking out of my stunned silence, I see that the three are already a few steps ahead, all looking back at me in confusion.

"Ah! C-Coming!"

Jeez, what's wrong with me?

----- Aqua POV - 10 Minutes Later -----

"So, Ruby, what do you like doing at preschool?"

"Umm, the playground is pretty fun! And-"

Looking up at the man walking next to me, I can only think back to the brief research I did while Ai was in the shower.

Cassius Anemoi.

Aside from his main title as a world-champion martial artist, there's something more interesting that I found.

He's an orphan.

I can only guess that this is why Ai feels so comfortable around him, growing up in similar situations.

...Or maybe it's because he's handsome.

There's also that odd charisma he has.

At our first meeting, he was nothing special, a handsome face with the usual foreign appeal.

But ever since our reunion earlier at his door, that changed.

Even I was dragged along without a second thought with his hand.

The only way I could explain it was a feeling of 'this is right'.

There's also the fact that he can so easily talk with Ruby, who normally cares little for anyone other than Ai.

Well, at least it seems Ai is happy.

She does need some friends after all.

Reaching the electronics store, he then makes his way to the PC area.

"Don't worry guys, I already researched and pre-ordered everything, so my stuff will be pretty quick."

So it seems like it won't take too long before we start shopping with Ai.

While Ruby is visibly ecstatic, I on the other hand, not so much.

I had only been clothes shopping with Ai once, and it was... an experience.

From what Cassius picked up, I guess he's moving on to music now.

Well, good luck to him.

----- Cassius POV - 20 Minutes Later -----

"And that's the last of it. Where did you guys want to go?"

My hands now full with various pieces of equipment I had gotten, Ruby had been transferred over to Ai while Aqua remained by himself.

Normally, one would be worried about not holding your child's hand in the city, but the two of them were extremely mature for their age, especially Aqua.

I guess Ai wasn't as crazy as I thought leaving them home alone.

Anyways, while the three couldn't go back to a completely normal family dynamic, it didn't look out of place for Ruby to be close to Ai.

It seems that she's very attached to her Mother.

"Let's go clothes shopping! But Cassius, are you sure you can hold all that stuff for that long?"

Ha, this is nothing compared to the royal knight training regimen.

That paired with my healing properties meant that I was able to be as strong as someone blessed with enhancement magic just with pure muscles.

So a few bags of weight is nothing to my superhuman physique.

"Yeah, I'll be fine."

"Is that so~? Well, if you need a break, just tell me."

Starting our walk to the store, Ai is holding Ruby's hand while I stand on the opposite side of the girl, Aqua walking a few steps in front.

"So Cassius... it seems like you want to pursue music now~ are you any good?"

Hmm, am I that good?

Creativity won't be a problem, I mean, as far as the people of this world see it.

As for my singing and guitar skills... they should be alright.

After all, I had been singing whilst playing guitar, or at least an instrument very close to it, my favourite songs whenever I had off time.

I also used to serenade Lili fairly often as she liked my songs quite a bit.

A familiar scenery flashes through my vision.

Rain washed the red blood off my hands, my arms futilely embracing her lifeless corpse.


I have... long since accepted her death.

I've moved on.

While I could easily say that, the pain suffocating my chest said otherwise.


Snapping back into reality, I see that Ai is wearing a frown of genuine worry.

"Huh? Ah, well, I think so at least. I'm confident in my singing and guitar. For drums and other things... while I have the ideas in my head, I haven't practiced the instrument."

"'Ideas in my head'... do you compose your own music?"

"Uhh, yeah, something like that."

Her eyes light up in excitement.

"Really! Hey, maybe you can make something for B-Komachi~ we've been getting ready for a new album after all~"

Remembering the songs I heard after looking up her group, my smile tightens.

"I don't think my stuff would really fit, but I guess we can see."

"Mhmm! Hey, you said you're confident in your singing... you wanna go to karaoke tomorrow?"

"I mean... sure, but don't you have work?"

"Mah, tomorrow is a training day and karaoke is basically vocal training, so don't worry about it! I'll find a place when I get back!"

"If you say so..."

Reaching the clothing store, Ai's eyes shine in anticipation as she drags Ruby and Aqua around the aisles.

Poor little man...

With Ruby doing her little fashion show that Aqua got reluctantly dragged into, Ai then turns to me with a face of expectation.

"Hey, Cassius~ the outfits I've seen you in are all kind of plain. Why don't we try to find you something~"

I feel a shiver go down my spine at her words.

Something isn't right... I need to escape.

"I-I'd love to, but unfortunately my hands are full right now, so I can't really-"

"Ah! Excuse me~ do you have a spot we can leave our bags while we pick out some clothes~?"

"Of course. Just notify the cashier when you checkout. Let me take those for you, Sir."

Resigning myself to my fate, I hand over the bags to the employee.

"Haa, here you go. Be careful, they're quite heavy."

Well, I needed some new clothes anyways.

----- Ai POV -----

"C'mon, try these on!"

Handing Cassius an outfit I had chosen, he hangs his head before going into the changing room.

Mou, don't look so disappointed!

Waiting for him to come back out, I turn to the other reluctant person on this trip, seeing Aqua staring at me with a curious expression.

"Oh? What's wrong, Aqua?"

Narrowing his eyes further, he then shakes his head.

"Nothing. You just... seem different. Happier."

Do I?

"Well of course I am! I get to spend the day with my sweet Aqua and Ruby!"

"Don't you mean my Aqua and Ruby?"

Turning to the voice, I see that Cassius has changed into my chosen outfit.

A white button-up, just tight enough to show off his amazing physique, along with light-wash jeans, a leather jacket, and a black belt.

Feeling my breath hitch as my face heats up, I struggle to voice anything, desperate to divert my attention.

"T-That looks quite good, Cassius. Mhmm, it really does. A-Anyway, how did you change so fast? That was less than a minute!"

"Hmm? I don't know... guess it's just a rare skill of mine. Well, is this all? I like the jacket but I think it's too hot for it. Maybe I'll look for one in the winter."

"I like the jeans... here, let's get you something to match with Aqua!"

----- Ruby POV - 3 Hours Later -----

"Thank you for everything, Cassius. Today was quite fun, wasn't it Ruby?"


"Don't mention it. I had a good time too. I wouldn't mind doing it again if you guys want. Anyway, see you guys later. Oh, and good job not slipping up kids."

With that, we enter our home, leaving behind Cassius.

Now separated from the guy, a feeling of loss overcomes me.


Originally, I thought nothing of the man, even after learning about his impressive feats, it was just a cool little fact about our new neighbour.

But today, it felt... nice, being with him and Mama.

Like a nice, loving family.

Something I could only dream of.

But why? He hardly knew us?

"Ruby? Is something wrong?"

Seeing Mama's worried expression, I shake away the thoughts that had been plaguing my mind.

"Nothing Mama! Let's try on the clothes we got!"

"Yeah... I'll have to thank him again for buying the clothes for us."

"Hmph! He should be honoured, spending his time and money on you! It's something normal people only dream of!"

"Really? I don't think that's how it works though-"


Turning to the now-open front door, I see Ichigo standing there with a face doused in sweat, Miyako standing behind him with a relieved smile.

"Where were you guys!? We were knocking for a solid minute and you didn't answer any calls!"

"Oh? Sorry president, I guess I missed your calls! Teehee~"

"Haa. Well, it's fine now."

Closing the door behind their entrance, he continues.

"So? What were you guys doing? You know you shouldn't be out without us."

"Oh! Don't worry about that! Cassius went with us, and we used the same cover with him!"

Silence descends on the area before...


Oh no, I'm gonna go to the bedroom.

I have a feeling this will take a while.

----- Ai POV -----

"So let me get this straight. You went for a morning run with the guy, learned that he knew about the kids, agreed to meet every morning, and then went to the store together. Is that right?"

"Mhmm! Oh! We also decided to go to karaoke tomorrow night! According to him, he has good singing skills!"

Hmm, I wonder if I should wear something special for that?

"Wha-? Know what? I don't care anymore. Do what you want. Just know if you mess up, it'll be you and the kids suffering the most."

"Hmph! I'm not completely stupid you know! Isn't it good to have someone trustworthy like him in on the secret? Plus, Aqua and Ruby like him, so it all works out."

"Yeah yeah. Anyway, tomorrow the kids have preschool, which Miyako will take them to, while you have a short magazine shoot in the morning, then a B-Komachi practice for most of the day, and then finally some dance lessons. I guess the usual vocal lessons will be replaced with your... meeting."

"Sounds good! Hey president~ If Cassius ends up a good singer, do you think you'll sign him?"

"Huh? Well, he can't be an idol, so his talent has to be very good to enter the scene. He can't pass by with looks like you did."

"Hmph! I'll have you know I'm a very good singer!"

Spinning around, I make my way toward the bedroom to put away the clothes we got.

Today was... fun.

A different kind of fun than normal.

A relaxing fun.

How interesting.

Cassius~ I'm not letting you go now~

----- Cassius POV -----

Looking over myself in the mirror, I run my hand through my short, curly hair.

Before awakening my solar magic, I would've never imagined being able to have short hair, as I needed to keep a length similar to the princess.

But with the healing properties of my magic, I could grow out my hair whenever I want by enhancing the growth of the hair follicles.

I also burned off any body hair once it became noticeable, allowing me to continue being the princess' body double even after puberty, the only problem being our height difference and builds, but puffy dresses were able to cover those up.

Glancing over at the monitor, I see that the initial startup process is finally complete.

"Well, time to see how this stuff works."

Unfortunately, even in my past life, I was never very tech-savvy.

It should be pretty straightforward though.


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