The Betrayed Hero and the Idol

Chapter 25 – Past Idol, Future Mother

----- Aqua POV -----

My world was falling apart.

Well... maybe that's a slight exaggeration, but still, the point stands.

But even my shock was nothing compared to my sister's.

While I could understand the emotional aspects of an adult and had long since lost the blind devotion I held toward Ai... Ruby... not so much.

Many of the fans seemed to have caught on to Ai's words as well and were similarly in a state of confusion mixed with worry.

While Ai was definitely nearing her twilight years, she was still the most popular idol in Japan, retiring out of the blue like that... it was unprecedented.

Most were just hoping it was a slip of the tongue, a little mistake caused by the anxiety of performing in front of such a large crowd... but I knew better.

But... why?

This is the prime of her career!

"Well... I guess, I don't want to deal with the fame anymore." Ai then says.

"But Mama-!"

Before Ruby can continue, Ai drops into a crouch in front of us both, her eyes mixed with warmth and firm determination, somewhat reminding me of that night on the roof of the hospital back when she was pregnant with... well, me.

Back when I made the promise I couldn't keep.

"Ruby, Aqua. Listen to Mama."

That seems to quiet my sister down as she focuses on our mother, her eyes barely holding back tears.

"I... really love you two, ya know. And I..."

Ai's mouth curves down into a frown as she struggles to continue, her lips trembling slightly.

Ignoring the warmth that grows at her words, I keep listening.

"...I've missed a lot."

She sounds so... vulnerable.

Nothing like the absolute confidence I'm used to.

It's a little jarring if I'm honest.

"I want to watch you two grow up, and I want to be a part of it. I want to go to your plays, take you to your friend's house, meet your teachers... I want all of it."

Ah, there's that confidence, although not as... sturdy as before.

But yes... I suppose that makes sense.

Although I've never had a child, nor was I famous, it's natural to want to be a part of your child's life.

In my days as a doctor, nearly every child I saw, and even some adults, had their parents there with them, supporting them.

"You've already grown so much from the little babies I held before, and I don't want to... I don't want to..."

She takes a moment to compose herself as she wipes her tears away, her breath catching with each inhale.


Ruby's eyes regain some clarity at her name being called.

"You're going to be an amazing idol when you're older. And I want to help you. Show you everything there is, give you all the advice I wish I had..."

Ai's eyes reveal a mischievous glint.

"...And maybe, once you're older, we can do a mother-daughter, show. Wouldn't that be nice? Ah, but I wonder if I'll still be pretty enough by then-"

"You'll always be pretty enough!" 

Ruby cuts her off, shocking Ai for a moment before her widened mouth curves into a loving smile.

"Mmm. Well, you better get to work then."

Giving Ruby a small kiss on her forehead, Ai then turns to me.

"And Aqua, maybe you'll be an actor. You were really special in that movie we did, after all. I want to see you on the screen again, and maybe we could do another movie together."

I feel my heartbeat quicken as I think over her words, not even realizing as she kissed me on my forehead as well.

"You two... I wonder what kind of adults you'll grow into. And no matter what, you two are my biggest sources of pride and joy. Haa, I've really become a mother, haven't I?"

Ai shakes her head while laughing quietly to herself before abruptly stopping and staring deep into my eyes, and then over to Ruby's.

"You can be whatever you want to be, but I'm not going to be watching from the side anymore. I want to be there, with you two, supporting you... and being able to introduce myself as Ai Hoshino your mother, not Ai the idol."

I can't form a reply.

Seeing such conviction... there's no way I'd argue any further, and from the looks of Ruby and Ichigo, they feel the same.

"B-But Mama, you're still famous anyways, right?" Ruby says, breaking the momentary silence.

"So it doesn't change anything, does it?" She asks, a little more hopeful this time.

Is she going to ask Ai to keep being an idol?

"Well, that's not necessarily true." It's Ichigo that responds this time.

"The entertainment world changes fast, and while some might keep being Ai's fans, most will move on to other idols or sources of entertainment. But... are you sure about this, Ai? Completely sure?" He says with a little bit of desperation.

Getting up to her feet, Ai sends an apologetic smile to Ichigo.

"Sorry, president. But I'm sure. Besides, you have Cas' band keeping you guys popular, and you've been talking about getting into the social media side of things."

Walking over to Cassius, she gives him a short kiss on the lips before breaking out in a beaming smile.

"Plus, it's about time I get a ring, don't you think?"


Shit. Now they'll be doing that embarrassing stuff in public, won't they?

But... acting, huh?

Ai wants me to be an actor?

Well... it wasn't the worst experience, being an actor.

But could I do it? 

Without the charisma Ai and Ruby seem to radiate with ease, could I really make it work in that industry?

It's not like I had to put any work into school, so... maybe.

Just maybe...

My idol wants to see me on the screen, after all, and no son wants to disappoint their mother.

----- Ruby POV -----

I could understand Mama.

Of course I could understand!

When that attack happened, I was really scared!

And as much as I love Papa, I've always wanted Mama to take me to school!

But still... her light... would it go away now?

...No, it won't.

If anything, Mama shines even brighter at home, even without trying.

So, as selfish as it was, this was actually a great thing for me.

But... what about others?

Others who were like me, alone in the darkness, wishing for that light?

Maybe they've already found it in Mama, but now it's gone, or maybe they were still searching for it.

So what about them?

If I hadn't found Mama... where would I be?

Would I smile?

Would I be happy?

Would I... have fallen in love with Sensei?

So, again... what about them?


Mama said I could become a great idol, right?

And it didn't seem like she was lying.

So... could that be me?

Could I be that light?

...It would take some time.

I'd need to get older, get better, get prettier... but I could do it.

Mama's the best idol ever, Ichigo is a really good manager, and Papa... well, he can help too.

He was a hero, right? He must be able to give off his own charisma in some way.

With them... maybe I could do it.

After all, that's always been my dream.

And I'm not stupid, or at least, not as much as Aqua thinks.

So I know, that when Mama stands on that stage and says 'I love you', it's a complete lie.

Although it felt a bit different today...

Either way, it's a lie, and no matter how amazing she is at hiding it, it's a lie. Always was, and always will be.

But when I go up there... would I lie?

No... I don't think so.

I would love my fans.

Not nearly to the extent of my family or Sensei, but I would love them.

After all, I was once a hopeless fangirl... or rather, I still am, although it's a bit different now.

So of course I could love them, or at least love the act of making people happy, love making my light and showing it off... spreading it to others...

So that's why such a delusional thought entered my mind.

That I wouldn't just replace Mama... but rather... 

I'd be better.

----- Cassius POV - 2 Hours Later -----

Who would have thought that 'Night's Ballad', the legendary sword echoed throughout the land as the greatest assassination tool, would be used to sneak past the security for an idol show?

I could picture the Royal spies of the present, future, and past crying out in sorrow.

Mmm... what a pleasant thought.

But putting that aside, there were more important things to discuss.

Although, maybe discussion isn't the right word...

Our mouths would be too busy to talk.

But first things first.

"So you really did it, huh?"

"Yep!" Ai says with a toothy smile, flashing me a peace sign.

Stretching her arms above her head, showing off her slightly toned arms in her black tank top, she continues.

"Haa... it feels like a weight just got lifted off my shoulders. I guess I didn't realize the stress of an idol until I retired." She says with a huff.

Folding the last of the laundry, I remember what I had been wondering since we got back, about the other B-Komachi members.

"So how did the other six girls take it?" I ask.

"Bitter-sweet. While they know the group's popularity will take a hit without me, they also finally have a chance to shine since they aren't in my shadow anymore." She responds cooly.

"Oof. Harsh."

"Meh, it's reality. A ruthless world, the idol industry is." Ai says with a shrug.

"Guess I'll have to prepare myself for when Ruby starts her career." I say, thinking about the determined look my daughter wore all the way to her room tonight.

"Yep. With a mom as pretty as me, you're gonna have to fight off a lot of boys when she grows older~" Ai teases.

"Or I could teach her how to do it herself."

"That's true..."

A comfortable descends as Ai walks behind me, wrapping her arms around me while leaning her head against my shoulder.


Her voice, a gentle whisper, while her warm breath tickles my ear and neck, a combination that leads me to shiver ever so slightly.

"...with me not doing any more shows, it's fine now if my dress gets stained or torn. Do you know what that means, Cassius~?"

Her voice, somehow even gentler.

Her breath, somehow even hotter.

A shock runs down my spine, making my toes numb and my senses sharp.


She presses her body closer to me, giving me an intimate whiff of her scent.

A mix of her natural sweetness, her coffee-scented shampoo, and her new fireplace perfume.

A combination that shouldn't work, but right now, there's nothing else I'd rather smell.

"It means you can do whatever you want to me~"


Okay, calm down Cassius.

She isn't even in her costume yet.

"Ai... Change. Now."

Shit, I couldn't stop myself.

But can you blame me?

"Fufufu~! Sure thing, Cassius~"

She then skips off to the bathroom, humming softly all the way.

The door closing behind her breaks me out of my trance.

...Fuuuck, I got it bad.

Am I that weak to idol dresses? Or is it just dresses in general?

Thinking of Ai in a pure-white wedding dress, lifting the ruffled skirt just enough to show off some skin-

...Yep, it's dresses all right.

I hope to every god in every world out there that the kids are asleep... for their sake.

Well, our bedrooms are on different floors, so we should be safe.

An unintentional benefit of a two-floor house.

Alone with my thoughts, my leg bounces against the floor in anticipation as I begin combing through my hair.

Finally, after an agonizing time of waiting, Ai exits the bathroom.

Not even saying a word, she bends over before blowing me a kiss and sending me a wink, before making her way into the bedroom, her hips swaying side to side, beckoning me to pursue.

An order I quickly follow.

Scrambling to my feet, I cast a quick glance to the front door, ensuring it's locked, before chasing after her shadow.

As soon as I close the door behind me, I turn to the bed, feeling my breath get caught in my throat as I take in the sight.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, with one leg pulled close, I trace my gaze up and down the dress I had seen her in on stage a few hours before landing on her face.

She's just as cute as always, and more genuine than on stage, but there's something else that's different about that smile.

Anticipation, desire... lust.

All those lecherous emotions were written clearly on her face and gleaming through her piercing purple eyes.

Another shiver gets sent down my spine.

"Cassius... I don't want protection this time." She then says, biting her lip and bringing her hand down between her legs.

"Huh? But we don't use it anyways." I say in confusion.

With solar magic, I was able to sterilize my... stuff, before it was launched into her, ensuring there were no accidents.

So there was no need to use any traditional protection when I already had a 100% effective solution without any discomfort of normal birth control.

Did she forget that? Or was she just trying to be seductive?

"No, Cassius..." Ai says while bringing her hand toward her stomach.

"I meant no protection." She finishes with a wink.


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