The Betrayed Hero and the Idol

Chapter 20 – Pool

"Honey! Babies! I'm home~!"


With Ai's energetic entrance, Ruby was quick to hop off the couch to greet her.

Scooping her daughter into a hug, Ai swings her back and forth a couple of times before setting her down.

"My sweet Ruby! What did you do today?" 

"Cassius was looking over dance places with me!" Ruby responds, pumping her fist all the while.

"Aww, but you know, Mama can always teach you!" Ai says.


"No, she can not."

Ichigo then walks in, closing the door behind him while also shattering Ruby's short-lived dream.

"You know you can't go to a dance studio with her, Ai. Plus, while you are a good dancer, I would rather not see how you do as a teacher." He says.

"Mou! President, that's mean." Ai responds.

"Yeah! Meanie~ Bleh!" Ruby also joins in, making sure to stick her tongue out to accentuate her displeasure.

"Yeah yeah, I'm the worst of the worst. Anyways, Cassius. I need to talk to you."

Waving off the two girls' complaints, Ichigo then stares at me.

"Sure thing, boss." I respond playfully.

"Haa, just call me Ichigo."

With Ai going into the bathroom to clean up and change, and Ruby deciding to steal- ahem, 'borrow', my phone to probably watch Ai's performances, I was left alone with the president.

"Where's the other one?" Ichigo asks.

"It's Aqua, and he's napping in his room." I respond.

"Oh, yeah. Sometimes I forget that they're three years old."

Well, they are pretty mature for their age.

"Anyways, you wanted to talk to me about something?" I ask.

"Yes, but before that, we should talk about what a musician like yourself does, both for music production and performances. While we've never had a pure musician in our group, it isn't that different from idols."

Understanding the seriousness of the conversation, I focus on his following words.

"With social media, music advertising has become much easier but is also filled with more competition. And unless you have your own home studio, renting a recording studio is best for production. As for mixing, if it's as simple as putting the recording together to sound nice, like you, most recording studios can do that for you."

"Uh... alright. So, what does this have to do with me?" I ask, slightly confused at the influx of information.

"Basically, write music, practice at home while recording demos, and then go to a recording studio to complete the album. For music production, that's all you have to do while I will finish the rest. B-Komachi has released a bunch of albums, after all, so I'm quite experienced with that side of things."

Ignoring his smug smile, I internalize what he spoke to me about.

So, basically, my job is relatively easy? 

Since I didn't have to worry about recording, which was my main problem, I could now focus on writing.


Ichigo then continues.

"As for my contacts, they also offered me some advice for performances, but that's more my side of things, and also something for the future when you have a fanbase. As for the advice they offered you, well, they said your songs were quite good, fantastic even. And while your vocals and guitar were good, your drum skills were..."

"Subpar." I finish his words for him.

Well, I just learned how to play a couple of weeks ago, so you can't blame me.

"Yes, and considering live performances, and the fact your songs also have a bass and second guitar part, they strongly suggested you get some help."


Well, shit.

I wasn't really looking to start a band.

"Don't look so down. You see, there's a bunch of musicians that are extremely good at playing an instrument, and playing it live too, but simply don't have the creativity to be in a band, unless it's a cover band. But for you, with you already making all the parts, it's a perfect match!" Ichigo says while standing up, arms spread wide eccentrically.

Giving him a deadpan stare at his enthusiastic words, I gently rub circles against my temples

"So, let me get this straight. My job is to continue writing songs while recording shitty demos, and when I have enough for an album, record them professionally. And also find some musicians for recording and live performances?" I ask.

"At least for now. And don't worry about that last point, I can handle the hiring process for that. Although you'll need to meet to see if you guys click." Ichigo says while sitting back down on the sofa.

"I'll leave that to you. Ai did say you started your company as a recruiter." I say.

Even though I knew it was the norm, recruiting 12-year-olds for a job, especially as an idol, felt... weird.

At least I knew Ichigo was a good guy with Ai's best interests at heart.

"Haha, more like I was the only employee! But yes, and as for deadlines, since you'll be making a small salary with royalties, it's mostly up to you."

Just as Ichigo finishes his words the bathroom door opens revealing Ai, who promptly comes running over to me before landing on my lap.

"Cassius~ I had such a long day at work, I need cuddles~"

Snuggling her head closer into my neck, she softly hums as I scratch around her ears.

"Ahem! Anyway, I'll be going home now. I'll see you tomorrow, Ai."

I guess our affections were too much for Ichigo, as he quickly stood up before heading toward the door.

"Bye president~ Make sure to lock the door behind you~"

"Yeah, yeah."

And so, with Ichigo taking his leave, I was left with my beautiful and cute girlfriend.

"So... how was your work?" I ask.

"Ah, it was just practice, so nothing special." She responds while taking out her phone.

"I was thinking, with tomorrow being mostly a free day, we could do another family outing?"

Raising her head, her purple eyes meet mine, shining in obvious excitement.

"Really!? Where to!?" Ai asks.

"Well, I want the kids to be able to swim, and I'd love to see you in a swimsuit, so..." I say.

"A beach!?" She exclaims.

"Close. A private pool." I retort.

"Umm, isn't that expensive?" She asks.

"Not with the time we'd be renting. Don't worry just leave it all to me."

Leaning my head down, I gently trace my lips along her cheek before meeting hers, planting soft kisses across her silky skin all the while.

Her hands reach to grasp at my hair as our kiss deepens as we begin using our tongues, and just I lower my hand to her ass-

"Mama! Guess whAAT!?"

We're interrupted by Ruby, who quickly covers her face with her hands upon witnessing our... affections.

Separating, Ai goes over to hug her daughter, not before whispering into my ear.

"Continue this later, okay~?"

Yes Ma'am.

----- Aqua POV - 1 Day Later -----

So, here I am, dressed in my plain blue swim shorts ready to tackle a new experience in this life.


Considering my name that I've come to tolerate, or rather, my nickname, it should be easy.

Plus, I was a great swimmer in my past life, so yeah, this won't be a problem!

Ruby, on the other hand...

"M-Mama, will you hold me?"

"Don't worry sweetie, I won't let you drown! We'll stay in the shallow end, okay?"

My twin sister had her jaw clenched while her knees wobbled, hands clamped onto Ai's in fright.

She really wasn't active in her past life, huh?

Probably just sat around watching idols, specifically Ai.

I wonder if there's a reason...

"Guess Ruby's still a bit scared. What about you, Aqua?"

Looking up at Cassius, who was wearing a pair of black swim shorts that showed off his otherworldly physique, I meet his eyes that are trying to not look over to my mother.

Well, it's to be expected.

Ai in a swimsuit is something that really heals the soul.

"I'm fine."

"Ooh~ So brave! Well, do you want me to help you learn?" He asks.

"No, I don't need that." 

I then walk over to the edge before promptly jumping in.

Ah, the perfect temperature~

Warm enough to be comfortable and cool enough to relax the body.

But, wait.

Why am I sinking?

I-I'm treading water, right?

Damn this stupid toddler body!

Flailing my arms in an attempt to keep my head above water, I feel myself get picked up with a gentle grasp.

"Hahaha! A little too energetic, weren't you?"

I get turned around to see Cassius wearing a smirk, with his eyes laden with mirth.

Fucking dammit.

"Aqua! Are you alright?"

Hearing Ai call out to me, I let out a deep sigh before responding.

"I'm fine, Ai."

This feels so embarrassing!

Especially with Ruby laughing to the side!

"Anyways. How about we head over to the shallow end, I'll make sure you don't drown while you get used to the water."

Nodding at Cassius' words, I get pulled along to the shallow end as Ai and Ruby step into the pool.

----- Cassius POV -----

Lifting Aqua by his stomach as he kicks along in the water, I can't help but look over to Ai who is doing something similar with Ruby.

A frilly red two-piece bikini that perfectly accentuates her, ahem, 'assets' and thighs with her hair tied in a ponytail with a matching ribbon, slightly off to the side.

While I had already seen the entirety of her body, and had the privilege to snuggle with it every night, it was still incredibly enticing to see her like this.

"Okay~ Now try on your own~!"

"Wah! Mama!"

Ai then releases Ruby from her hold, causing the girl's eyes to widen in fear as she continues paddling with her arms and legs.

Under my watchful eye, her panicked gasps soon turn into carefree giggles as she makes her way over to Aqua and me.

Holding her hands out, I scoop her up with my free arm as she latches on.

"I-I did it!"

"That you did. Good job, Ruby."

Giving her a gentle smile, her face lights up in happiness.

A wide smile... eyes that seem to pull you in... 

It's just like her mother.

Add her dancing to that, it seems like she's going to take the idol world by storm in a few years.

Feeling a smack against my arm, I look over to Aqua whose face is stern in concentration.

Ah, sibling rivalry, huh?

And to see Ruby succeed after nearly drowning...

Good luck, Aqua!

Letting him go, I walk in the water next to him with Ruby still in my arms as he eventually reaches Ai.

"Well done, Aqua!"

"Thanks, Ai."

He then looks over to Ruby giving her a smug smirk, causing me to nearly break out in laughter.

For a kid that always acts so mature, he can be pretty childish and petty at times, huh?

The two kids continue practicing the swim while Ai and I watch over them, with both of them getting the hang of it pretty fast, especially Aqua.

Well, they're smart kids, after all.

It doesn't take long for them to not even need us anymore, although Ai makes sure they both wear a floaty to not, you know, die.

Not that I'd let them drown anyway.

Watching the two race to see who could lap around the pool first, I feel Ai lean her body against mine.

"They picked up swimming pretty fast, huh?" I say.

"Mmm, they're my babies after all."

Turning around, she plants a kiss on my nose before wagging her eyebrows playfully.

"So~? Do you wanna race too?"

Sinking my hands into her sides, my eyes meet hers as she gives me a challenging grin.

"Sure. But I think you'll find yourself out of your league."

After all, I've got quite the competitive streak, and I never back down from a challenge.

I'll hold myself back to human standards though.

"Okay! First to the other side! And no magic!"

Cracking her knuckles, or at least trying to, she sets her feet against the wall while setting her arms in a breaststroke position.

"Are you ready, Cassius?"

Oh, my poor child.

While I was by no means an expert, swimming was one of the best exercises we knights used for conditioning, an exercise we did many times.

So prepare for your reality to be shattered!


Seeing both kids floating near the side of the pool while watching us with interest, I set myself in a similar stance to Ai.


With a shout, we both dive into the water, each kick sending a spray into the air.

Water churns as I quickly make my way forward, and in no time at all, my fingers brush against the other end.

Lifting my head to breach the water, I shake off the liquid covering my eyes, before looking at Ai, seeing her just crossing the halfway mark.

"Y-Yay Cassius..."

With Ruby's words accompanied by slow applause, Ai notices her loss, pausing her swim to give me a large pout.

"I said no magic."

"Oh, honey. That wasn't magic. It was these babies!"

Lifting myself to sit on the edge, I flex my arms and chest, causing Ruby and Aqua to give me an unimpressed glare and Ai's cheeks to flush.

"I-I see... but still! You were way too fast!"

Isn't that the point of a race? To go fast?

Paddling her way over, she rests her head between my legs which are still dunked in the water.

"I'll make it up to you tonight, okay?"

Hearing my whisper, Ai's face gets even redder before she lightly smacks my leg.

"I-Idiot. I have dance practice early tomorrow."

"And I have healing magic. But if you want to go gentle, I'll relent."

"O-Okay... good."

Falling into a comfortable silence, we both look on as Aqua and Ruby return to the water, this time throwing a ball back and forth.

"So, while not as good as me, you were quite fast. It surprised me." I say, breaking the quiet.

"Hmph. You could've left that first part out. And I was a pretty good swimmer back in middle school. It was a good distraction..."

I didn't have to ask what it was a distraction for.

"But it's fine! Actually, swimming like that is quite fun!"

Seeing her head bob side to side, I can tell there's truth to her words.

"Do you wanna go again?" I ask.


I'll be sure to go slower this time.

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