The Beginning of The Beginnings

Chapter 5: The Dreamscape of Heaven

Amid the boundless Heavens, a quiet light glimmered through the ether mists, streaks of gold reflecting off seas of pure white. Time of peace and prosperity, the time when harmony rules all and divine balance is observed throughout every nook of this heavenly sphere. Even the music of the spheres danced to a melody created by the laughter of angels, reminding all creation in the vast universe that we are one.

In the very center of this tapestry would be the Ten Great Archangels, shining beacons of power and grace. The creators of the Ten Inner Existences, realms that were stretched, reaching not just across all, but largest and strongest throughout the Heavens. Even outside the countless layers of other realms, they were considered the supreme beings created by God. Each of the Archangels ruled over their domain, showing exactly how significant they were in the grand design.

The Ten Great Archangels were also not just kings, but protectors of Nature for the divinity in themselves so that the ethereal might of Heaven persisted. They were the vessels of love, strength, wisdom, and compassion—each a component in the intricate ballet of creation that characterized this divine realm.

Even as powerful as the archangels were, they knew that unity was their strength. They would often gather in the Golden Hall of Ascendants, where they pondered issues of cosmological importance. These heavenly walls pulsated with divine ideas in the form of cosmic symbols, inscribing and retracting to emphasize their meanings. They plotted, prepared, and reveled in the harmony they sowed so that they were the ones standing their ground as darkness approached. At one meeting, the air ablaze with hope, every Archangel told of visions of his land beautiful and victorious. The archangels grew restless as the talks progressed. Soft as the touch of a winter's breeze, whispers awakened the ancient seeds of darkness that had been planted years ago: Say low voices to remind even periods of calm were not safe. Of all archangels, only a single one sensed it. They could recall the barely perceptible stirrings of rebellion like a goddamn whisper in their ear, a far-off roar that threatened to shatter the blissful quiet they had struggled so hard to create.

Glances of concern and determination passed between the archangels. Having realized the nature of the precarious thread, they walked and committed to build a wall against any menace that would dare disrupt this unending equilibrium. The strength of every Archangel was put at stake, their unity sealing an unbreakable connection — a wall that could withstand the ripening hollering in the wings.

With the purpose hanging in the air, the archangels gathered for the Council of the Transcendent Spirits. The realms of the Ten Great Archangels were not only segments of space carved into the divine landscape, but were also reflections of their distinctive essences and divine attributes given to them by the Creator. Every single realm was a reflection of the purpose and responsibility taken on by its Archangel, serving as the bedrock foundation of divine order and hierarchy in Heaven.

Sarnel's Inner Existence, also called the Eternal Citadel of Divine Essence, was a great eternal realm bathed in golden light. The divine essence flowed there without limit, a stream never-ending across the expanse of time itself. In this place, one felt the heartbeat of creation, the echo of the unchangeable will of God. The shimmer of air with divine purity gave a deep sense of peace to all entering inside. It was a haven where the essence of existence flowed freely to nourish the spirit and was bound to stir within a person a deep feeling of connection to the Creator.

Contrarily, Helel's Inner Existence was a burden of bittersweet memories to the once Shining Radiance. It had been the most brilliant of all realms because it reflected how close the Archangel used to be with the Almighty. The great fall had passed, but fragments of its brilliance still lingered in the atmosphere, an echo of a long-forgotten song. The landscapes were filled with a haunting beauty, wherein light danced among shadows, reminding all who visited of the great love and light that once permeated this place. Those who came wandering here found themselves lost in contemplation, reflecting on the duality of existence and the choices that shape destiny.

Then came Michael's Inner Existence: the Citadel of Eternal Light. This was the place of most terrific strength, an emanation of the strength of God and the pledge of divine protection. In this place, Heaven's most trustworthy fighters were trained for battle, their souls inflamed with unyielding loyalty in defense of the divine order. Valorous scents and courage impregnated the air, the clang of training, a battle hymn. It was here that the will of archangels was forged, their spirits tempered in the light eternal, and where every angel came seeking to understand the sacrifice of self and the unification of the host.

And then there was the Inner Presence of Zarnasel, the Forge of Creation and Will. Immensity is abuzz with energy, wherein the very essence of reality is shaped and molded by divine will. It was a workshop of the cosmos, alive with the sounds of the hammering of ideas into existence, forging worlds, and birthing new realities. The angels came herein to witness in awe the creative process inspired by the work with the Divine Will that fueled their purpose.

The Inner Existence of Gabriel was called Harmony of Celestial Song realm, impregnated with divine melody. And herein, angels sang in unison as the symphony carried the true meaning of the heavens. It was a place of revelation and enlightenment, where melodies exposed divine secrets and celebrated the essence of creation with song. As such, they felt their souls up-lifted, their place in the grand design remembered by the harmonious vibrations within the air.

In comparison, the Ember Fields shone bright with the eternal flame of divine wisdom that was Uriel's Inner Existence. It was a place of kept knowledge, where angels went to seek enlightenment among the infinite number of embers that danced like stars. It was here that seekers looked into the mysteries of existence, with each member representing knowledge attained and each a truth uncovered. The heat of the flames lit a desire to understand and guide on journeys those who sought wisdom.

The Garden of Healing was the Inner Existence of Raphael's paradise stilled, wherein the rivers of life were flowing with charged, moving energy. Within there, time stood still, and thus the worn-out souls were washed by healing waters so that their spirits may be remade anew. The fragrance of flowers in bloom impregnated the air, and like a comfortable embrace, reminded all who entered of the tender grace of God's Compassion.

Meanwhile, the Inner Existence of Azrael was the Sanctuary of Twilight-solemnly revered. For in this sanctuary, there existed the souls that moved in transition between life and eternity. Here, peace was king, comforting those who had reached their earthly end. Tranquility was thick in the air as whispers of remembrance fluttered like soft breezes, guiding souls tenderly and gracefully onto their eternal destinations.

Cassiel's Inner Existence, the Tower of Time and Speed, was a place of intriguing design. Time flowed differently in this place, allowing the very manipulation and understanding of the gist of existence. This is the place where one can stretch a moment or compress it to show the beauty of every passing second. The angels studied the tides of time, learning to navigate its intricacies and to ensure each divine moment fell exactly into place within the grand tapestry of creation.

Then there was the Inner Existence of Jophiel-the Brilliant Garden of Wisdom. This shining garden was one full of verdant growth, where divine wisdom was cared for and tended. Angels converged here in search of insight from the Almighty and, in so doing, knowledge and perception were heightened. Their conversations against the garden backdrop, framed in beauty, each blooms a symbol of insight gained and lessons learned. It was an air vibrating with discoveries because angels shared revelations among themselves in an atmosphere of growth and illumination.

And as these archangels reflected upon their realms, the value of their functions became even more obvious. Each Inner Existence was not only a realm but also an organically connected part of the divine order dependent upon each other. They took up their roles with seriousness in this time of peace, knowing that they were the foundation blocks of the harmony that wrapped Heaven. The powers celebrated their strengths, but a lingering unease whispered among them about the delicate nature of the balance they relished and would have to be vigilant to keep.

The Infinite Inner Existences formed a vast, intricate network, each realm representing a unique layer of Heaven’s celestial hierarchy. Governed by the will of the Archangels, these realms varied in size and form, from sprawling universes adorned with stars and planets to intimate halls and corridors where angelic beings gathered for counsel and fellowship. This cosmic tapestry expanded endlessly, reflecting divine will flowing through every corner of creation.

Among these realms, the closer and strongest Inner Existences nearest to the Throne of God and True Heaven looked upon the farthest of the Infinite Inner Existences with a discerning eye. From their vantage point, these distant realms appeared less concrete, like illusions or faint echoes of reality. Though beautiful and aligned with the divine order, they seemed fragile, their essence weaker compared to the radiant strength that pulsated near the heart of Heaven. The strongest realms, bathed in the direct glory of True Heaven and the Throne of God, viewed these distant layers as shimmering mirages—potentially susceptible to instability or corruption.

The Archangels who ruled the closer realms understood that, despite their appearance, these farthest existences were still integral to the divine plan. However, their proximity to the outer boundaries of Heaven rendered them vulnerable, existing almost as reflections of the stronger realms. They were seen not just as distant but also as fleeting images, whose substance depended heavily on the strength and purity of the inner, more central realms. In the minds of the Archangels, these distant realms were like fragile dreams, illusions that could either flourish with divine purpose or wane under the pressure of external forces.

The Archangels, especially those nearest the Throne of God, took it upon themselves to oversee and guide these more vulnerable realms. They knew that their strength, anchored by their proximity to the Throne, had a ripple effect that influenced the harmony of the entire celestial structure. Vigilance was required, for the farthest Inner Existences, though part of Heaven’s divine tapestry, needed protection to remain aligned with the Creator's ultimate plan.

The interconnectedness of these realms was woven into the very fabric of Heaven. Vast hallways, luminous with celestial light, connected the layers like arteries transporting divine energy. These corridors led to chambers where angels gathered for reflection, sharing divine wisdom and communion. Meeting halls, filled with sacred symbols and majestic tapestries, provided spaces where Archangels and their followers discussed matters of cosmic importance. The air within these halls hummed with purpose, each gathering charged with the weight of their responsibilities to maintain the divine order.

As these gatherings continued, a shift began to ripple through the fabric of Heaven. The farthest realms, already seen as fragile, seemed to stir with an unfamiliar tension. Then, at a moment ordained in eternity, the voice of God echoed across every existence, from the most distant realm to the innermost sanctum of True Heaven. His presence filled the air, resonating through every corner of the Infinite Inner Existences, reaching the heart of every angelic being.

“My creation,” His voice boomed, both soothing and commanding. “The time is upon us to begin a new chapter. I shall now start the plan to create the Material Existence.”

His words reverberated through the layers of Heaven, filling the angels with a mix of anticipation and awe. The closer Inner Existences pulsed with divine energy, reflecting their intimate connection to the Throne of God, while the farthest realms trembled slightly under the weight of the Creator’s declaration.

“The Material Existence,” He continued, “will be a new reality, a foundation for life, where creation itself will unfold in ways never before seen. Prepare yourselves, for soon, this new world will come to be, and your roles in its protection and guidance will be vital.”

Excitement surged through the Archangels and their legions. This was not merely an announcement—it was a call to action. They understood that with the creation of the Material Existence, their responsibilities would deepen. As God’s plan began to take shape, the harmony of Heaven and the stability of these distant realms would depend on their vigilance.

And thus, the heavenly host awaited with bated breath, knowing that a new era of creation was about to dawn.

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