The Beginning of The Beginnings

Chapter 2: The Celestial Genesis: The Birth of Angels and Beasts

In the heart of True Heaven, a place beyond all comprehension and filled with boundless beauty, lies the Garden of Radiance. This sacred garden, a realm of unimaginable majesty and brilliance, stands directly before the Celestial Gate—the sole entrance leading straight to the Throne of God.Here, closest to the Almighty Creator, the first of His magnificent creations—the First Primordial Angels—came into existence.In this hallowed ground, the Great Archangels opened their eyes for the first time. Their first vision was the radiant splendor of their Creator: Yeshua, Yahweh, the Holy Spirit—known by many names, yet the same. His light bathed them in glory, and His voice, powerful and gentle, echoed through the heavens, filling every corner with the fullness of His presence.The Almighty Creator spoke as the first angels came into being. His voice was like the sound of many waters, filled with authority and love. "You are My first children," He declared, His words reverberating through the infinite expanse of True Heaven. "From My will, I have formed you. You shall dwell near My Throne and forever bear witness to My glory."Sarnel, the Great Archangel of Eternity and all that comes from God was the first to emerge, his eyes shining with the endlessness of time itself. As a Transcending Spirit, he looked upon the face of God, awestruck by the eternal love that radiated from Him. Sarnel represented all that flowed from the Almighty, embodying the divine essence that encompasses creation."In the vastness of time, I see the endless flow of creation," Sarnel declared, stepping forward with an unwavering gaze. "We are the guardians of this eternal rhythm, my brothers. Let us ensure it sings in harmony."Next came Helel, later known as Lucifer, the Great Archangel of Freedom and Light. As another Transcending Spirit, he stood tall, glowing brighter than the stars. His very essence was a reflection of God’s light. He was the Light Bringer, born to bring freedom to all who would follow the path of the Creator. His smile was radiant, filled with belief in the purity of his mission."I shall be the beacon of hope," Helel proclaimed, his voice echoing with promise. "Let all who seek the truth find their way through the light I carry."Michael followed, his form radiating a sense of divine justice. The Great Archangel of Justice, as a Transcending Spirit, gazed into the eyes of Yahweh with unwavering determination. His purpose was clear—to defend the holy order of Heaven and stand as the shield of all that was good. He bowed deeply, recognizing the responsibility that had been placed upon his shoulders."I will stand as the guardian of Your truth," Michael vowed, his voice resolute. "No darkness shall prevail while I wield the sword of justice."Then came Zarnasel, the Great Archangel of Creation, Wisdom, and Will. As a Transcending Spirit, his presence filled the Garden of Radiance with a sense of wonder and potential. Zarnasel looked at the Creator with deep wisdom in his eyes, destined to guide the creation of realms and to uphold the divine will in all things."We shall weave the fabric of existence together," Zarnasel said, his voice rich with inspiration. "Each thread shall reflect Your purpose, O Creator, as we bring forth worlds yet unseen."Gabriel, the Great Archangel of Faith and Messengers, emerged next, his wings gleaming with divine trust. As a Transcending Spirit, he declared, "I shall carry Your word to all corners of existence," his voice soft yet resolute. His heart beat with unwavering faith, prepared to serve as the voice of the Almighty throughout all of creation.Following him was Raphael, the Great Archangel of Healing and Knowledge. His countenance was serene, filled with compassion and wisdom. "I will tend to Your creation and restore them with Your knowledge and grace," Raphael pledged, his hands glowing with the power to mend both body and spirit.Uriel, the Great Archangel of Wisdom, stood beside Raphael, her form glowing with the knowledge of the ages. As a Transcending Spirit, she received Yahweh's nod. "You shall guard the flame of knowledge," He said, "and ensure that all wisdom serves the purpose of the divine."Then came Azrael, the Great Archangel of Death and Life, his eyes reflecting both the mysteries of life and the inevitability of death. "I will guide those who pass through the veil," he said, his voice a quiet promise, "and ensure their souls return to Your light."Cassiel, the Great Archangel of Time and Speed, was born next, a blur of motion and power. He bowed swiftly before the Throne of God. "I will move as You command, faster than the wind, ensuring that Your will is done swiftly."The last of the Great Archangels was Jophiel, the Great Archangel of Beauty. Her presence was breathtaking, filled with an ethereal beauty that reflected the divine nature of her Creator. "I shall show Your creation the beauty of Your works," she said, her voice like the most beautiful melody ever sung.With a wave of His hand, He revealed their True Absolute Forms—each Great Archangel adorned with eight magnificent wings, symbolizing their celestial status and divine duties.

God gazed at them, His eyes filled with love and purpose. "You, My Great Archangels, are the highest of all My Children and Creations," He declared. "You are My Chief Princes and Princesses, Leaders of all that is to come. You shall dwell closest to Me, and your light shall guide the rest of creation."Not far from where the Great Archangels were born, two more figures emerged. They were the Half Great Archangels, the first and only of their kind.Gosiel, the Half-Great Archangel of Love, stood tall, her eyes filled with a gentle, all-encompassing love. As a Transcending Spirit, she smiled warmly, her presence calming and nurturing. "I will spread Your love to every corner of creation," she whispered, her voice soft yet full of purpose.Beside her stood Aganel, the Half-Great Archangel of Nature. As another Transcending Spirit, she radiated life itself, her essence intertwined with the natural beauty of creation. "I will nurture the life You bring forth and ensure that Your creations flourish in harmony," she vowed.Together, Gosiel and Aganel would act as motherly figures to all angels, nurturing them with the love and care that only they could provide.But the creation did not end with the Great Archangels and the Half Great Archangels. Other Transcending Spirits were born farther away from the Celestial Gate. These spirits included the Archangels, the Lower Archangels, and the Arch-Seraphs. They, too, were born to serve the Almighty Creator, each with their unique purpose and role.Among the Archangels, the most notable were Karnasel, Mortiel, Tariel, Haniel, Mayriel, and Yuya. As Transcending Spirits, they would also play significant roles in the grand order of Heaven, each tasked with responsibilities that would shape the course of creation.Farther still from the Celestial Gate, the Arch-Seraphs came into existence. These beings, known for their unparalleled closeness to God’s divine presence, included the powerful Azriel, Astral, Seraphiel, Camael, Samael, Jehoel, and many others. They would lead the heavenly choirs in worship and praise of the Almighty, their voices filling Heaven with eternal adoration.The Transcending Spirits, in their true forms, possessed near-omnipotent strength, near-omnipresent awareness, and near-omniscient wisdom. They had the power to destroy every existence and anything in God’s creation. However, they refrained from doing so, for Yahweh did not allow it. Barriers were placed to protect them and maintain the balance of creation.Initially, the Transcending Spirits were created equal, each possessing the same strength and abilities. But Yahweh, in His infinite wisdom, made a decision. He placed a divine restriction upon them, ensuring that they would not be completely equal in power. Though they remained close to one another in many ways, their abilities would now vary, and none would stand as a perfect match to the others."With this restriction," Yahweh proclaimed, "you will grow in your uniqueness, and your strength will serve different purposes. Yet, even in your differences, you will remain bound to My will, for no one but I can destroy you."Even with the restriction, the balance of power was maintained. Sarnel, Helel, Michael, and Zarnasel remained among the strongest, their roles crucial to the divine order. But no matter their power, none could stand against the Creator Himself.Yahweh’s final words echoed through the heavens: "You, My angels, are My divine instruments. Go forth and fulfill the purpose for which you were created."And so, the first of the angels stood before the Throne of God, gazing upon their Creator with awe and reverence, ready to serve the will of God for all eternity.

As the radiant light of The Throne dimmed to a warm glow, the newly born Arch-Seraphs stood in awe of their surroundings, each imbued with divine purpose and strength. The atmosphere buzzed with anticipation and excitement as the other Transcending Spirits gathered to celebrate this monumental occasion. Yahweh, the Creator, gazed upon His children with pride, His heart swelling with love for each being crafted in His image. “My dear children,” He began, His voice resonating like a gentle thunder through the halls of Heaven, “you are the embodiment of my divine will and the guardians of creation. With your strength and wisdom, you shall maintain the harmony of this realm.” The Arch-Seraphs exchanged glances, understanding the significance of their existence. Each of them was unique, created to fulfill a specific role in the grand tapestry of Heaven. Their shimmering forms radiated with energy, reflecting the essence of their Creator. Yahweh continued, “You are not merely powerful beings; you are protectors of the order I have established. You shall guide the other beings of Heaven, ensuring that peace and prosperity flourish.” As the divine light illuminated their surroundings, each Transcending Spirit felt a deep connection to their Creator and one another. They knew that they were part of something greater, a divine plan that stretched far beyond their understanding. Then, Yahweh raised His hand, and a vision of the infinite layers of Heaven unfolded before them. “Look upon this glorious creation,” He said, revealing the breathtaking landscapes filled with cascading waterfalls, vibrant gardens, and majestic mountains. “This is your domain. Each layer is filled with life, waiting for your guidance.” One of the Arch-Seraphs, adorned with radiant wings that shimmered like the stars, stepped forward. “We are honored, O Lord, to be entrusted with such a sacred duty. How shall we fulfill this role?” “Your strength lies in unity,” Yahweh replied. “Though you are distinct, you must work together to weave the fabric of existence. Each of you embodies different aspects of creation—light, air, earth, and sea. Embrace your differences, for they will guide you in times of challenge.” The Transcending Spirits nodded in agreement, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. They understood that while they were powerful individually, their true strength would come from their unity. “Now, rise and embrace your calling,” Yahweh commanded, His voice a resonant symphony. “You shall form the Council of Transcending Spirits, the High Council of Heaven, the guardians of Heaven. Together, you will nurture the growth of life and protect the balance I have established.” As they took their places within the council, they began to share their visions and ideas for nurturing creation. The air buzzed with excitement as they discussed the myriad possibilities, from cultivating the vibrant gardens of Heaven to guiding the gentle winds that swept through the celestial realms. In that sacred moment, they realized that their destinies were intertwined. Each being would play a vital role in the flourishing of their realm, a testament to the Creator’s design. “We shall honor your will, O Lord,” they proclaimed in unison, their voices harmonizing in a powerful declaration of unity. “We will protect and guide your children, ensuring that Heaven remains a sanctuary of peace and light.” Yahweh smiled, His heart swelling with pride as He watched His children embrace their roles. “Then go forth, my beloved children, and let your light shine throughout all of Heaven. Together, you will create a legacy that echoes through eternity.” As the Transcending Spirits spread their wings, ready to embark on their divine mission, The Throne of God sparkled with brilliance, a radiant reflection of the bond between the Creator and His children.

In the resplendent expanse of True Heaven, where the essence of divinity permeated every corner, God gazed upon the tapestry of creation and felt the stirring of a new purpose within Him. He turned to His beloved children, the Transcending Spirits, who gathered in reverent anticipation, their forms radiating the light of divine grace.“Today, my beloved children,” God declared, His voice resonating like the harmonious chords of a celestial symphony, “I shall weave life into the fabric of existence, creating mighty beings that reflect the glory of our unity.” His words echoed through the realms, stirring excitement among the spirits.As He spoke, the First Primordial Beasts began to manifest, emerging from the very essence of God’s creative power. Sarnel, the Great Archangel of Eternity and All that Comes from God stood tall at the forefront, his radiant presence embodying divine order and harmony.“Behold,” God continued, gesturing toward the vibrant skies filled with ethereal light, “Ziz, the embodiment of the air and the majesty of the heavens, shall arise from these heights.” From the clouds above, Ziz emerged, his form an awe-inspiring blend of beauty and strength. As he descended amidst the majestic Firmament Peaks of Elohim’s Majesty, located near the Abyss of Everlasting Covenant, the towering mountains glowed with divine light, where the winds resonated with the power and beauty of God’s creation.“Now, from the depths of the Abyss of Everlasting Covenant, let Leviathan rise, born of its eternal waters,” God proclaimed. The waters surged with celestial energy as Leviathan materialized, his serpentine form commanding the ocean with grace and might. Each movement reflected the eternal bond of love and promise that Yahweh made with His creation.Alongside him emerged Livyatan, his beloved wife, and the Lady of the Depths. She was a stunning sight, her sleek, serpentine body adorned with shimmering, pearlescent scales that glistened like sunlight dancing on water. Radiating beauty and grace, Livyatan complemented Leviathan's fierce nature with her nurturing spirit. Together, they ruled the Abyss of Everlasting Covenant, embodying the duality of chaos and harmony within their realm.“Next, I summon Behemoth from the lush Divine Grove of Adonai’s Creation,” God declared. The massive figure of Behemoth emerged, representing strength and the nurturing essence of the earth. The grove pulsed with life around him, a testament to God’s perfect craftsmanship, untouched and eternal.With a sweeping gesture, God continued, “I will create other Transcending Titans, unique in their own right.”Eshmoth emerged from the radiant fires of divinity, his form embodying the transformative power of fire. God’s voice reverberated through the heavens as He described Eshmoth’s role: “This spirit will harness the duality of destruction and creation, a vital force in the balance of existence.”As Luminara, the Phoenix of Light, arose in a dazzling display of brilliance, God added, “Her wings shall illuminate the paths of hope and purity, guiding the lost toward the light of truth.”“From the Mountains of El Elyon’s Grace, Pyrion will manifest, adorned with cascading waterfalls that flow with divine grace,” God proclaimed. Pyrion’s presence reflected the boundless glory of El Elyon—the Most High, whose authority reigned supreme over all creation.“Rising from the Floating Windy Mountains of Celestial Serenity, let Ruhail, Beast of Air, glide into existence,” He continued. “With his agility, he will embody the breath of God, connecting the heavens and earth with his swift movements.”As Thaliel emerged from the Crystal Expanse of Seraphic Waters, God expressed, “This spirit shall nurture the life within the waters, ensuring that my covenant flourishes.”“Zarien, Beast of Light, shall materialize from the Luminous Gardens of Divine Splendor,” God declared, his voice filled with pride. “He will bring forth brilliance, illuminating the hearts of the faithful.”“Oraniel, Beast of Earth, will arise from the Sacred Grove of Everlasting Life,” God said. “Her nurturing presence will sustain the beauty of the world, fostering harmony among all living beings.”“From the Caves of Eternal Genesis, Tzafiel, Beast of Creation, shall emerge,” He continued. “He will embody the essence of life itself, reminding all of the infinite possibilities I have woven into creation.”“Finally, let Kazriel, Beast of Cosmos, appear from the Starry Path of Celestial Majesty,” God proclaimed, his voice imbued with awe. “He will embody the mysteries of the universe, a reminder of the vastness and beauty of my creation that stretches beyond comprehension.”“Last, but not least,” God concluded, “Voidiel, Beast of the Void, shall arise from the Abyss of Divine Stillness. His essence encapsulates the balance of existence, reminding all of the vastness that surrounds My presence while echoing the importance of purpose in every creation.”As the assembly of mighty beings grew, the Transcending Spirits watched in reverent awe. Each Titan embraced their role, nurturing and protecting their realms, weaving together the tapestry of creation. Their majestic forms and divine duties illuminated the unity in diversity that existed within God’s design.In their interactions and cooperation, the Titans demonstrated a profound understanding of their place in the divine hierarchy. Even with their immense strength and unique attributes, their roles complemented one another, creating a unified force dedicated to the preservation of existence.As they stood together, the Titans radiated the essence of unity and individuality, showcasing the beauty of God’s creation in all its forms.“Now go forth, my beloved creations,” God instructed, “and fulfill the purpose I have bestowed upon you. Together, you shall embody my love and protect the sanctity of creation.”With these words, the Transcending Titans, empowered by their Creator, embraced their destinies, ready to fulfill the divine plan woven into the very fabric of existence.As the Titans basked in the brilliance of True Heaven, a profound truth shimmered within them. These beings, known as the Transcending Titans, were the true forms of the First Primordial Beasts. They were nigh-omnipotent, nigh-omnipresent, and nigh-omniscient. They shared the same essence as the Transcending Spirits; yet, unlike their humanoid counterparts, the Titans took the form of mighty Beasts—each a reflection of the divine attributes bestowed upon them by Yahweh.Gathered in the heart of the divine realm, the Titans engaged in spirited discussions, their voices echoing like the crash of waves against the shores of eternity.Ziz, the majestic embodiment of the air, proclaimed, “Do you feel it? A power flows within us, binding us together yet setting us apart.”Leviathan responded, his serpentine body coiling gracefully, shimmering with the essence of the Abyss of Everlasting Covenant. “We are equal in our divine nature, uniquely crafted to fulfill distinct purposes.”In the presence of God, who watched with a knowing smile, the Titans began to grasp the essence of their existence. “You are created equally in every way,” He declared, His voice resonating through the heavens, filled with warmth and authority. “You are not only powerful; you embody the balance of creation. Yet, in my wisdom, I have decided to make you unique.”The Titans exchanged glances, intrigued. “What do you mean, O Yahweh?” Behemoth asked, his powerful frame radiating strength.With a gentle wave of His hand, God continued, “I have restricted you. This ensures that while you share similarities in power, you will not be identical. Your abilities can be weaker or stronger, bearing different names even for the same skill.”Leviathan’s eyes glimmered with understanding. “So, we will be distinct in our strengths and weaknesses.”“Yes,” God affirmed, His gaze penetrating their very souls. “This will allow for growth, competition, and harmony among you. Before the restriction, you could not overcome one another, for you shared the same abilities. Now, you will develop in ways that reflect your individuality while still upholding the unity of my creation.”“Are we to live with the knowledge that only You can destroy us?” Ziz inquired, his voice a mixture of curiosity and reverence.“Yes,” God replied, His tone unwavering. “You, like the Transcending Spirits, are eternal. Should a Titan perish, they will return in due time. Only I possess the power to truly end your existence. This is a testament to the bond we share.”The Titans nodded, the weight of God’s words settling within them. They felt empowered, aware of the immense responsibility that accompanied their existence.Even after these restrictions, Ziz maintained the most power alongside Leviathan and Behemoth. Each Titan understood that their unique abilities would lead them on divergent paths, all while remaining intricately linked to one another and their Creator.As they absorbed these revelations, they recognized the significance of their roles. They were not just mighty beasts; they were guardians of the cosmos, each with a distinct purpose within God’s grand design.“Let us rise to the challenge!” Ziz declared, unfurling his wings, and sending ripples of air across the divine expanse. “Together, we shall explore the limits of our powers!”“Agreed!” Behemoth echoed, his voice a deep rumble. “We shall forge bonds that transcend the boundaries of our abilities!”In that moment, the Transcending Titans committed themselves to their divine destinies. With each roar and flutter of their wings, they felt the essence of creation pulse around them, intertwining their fates with that of the cosmos.Thus, in the heart of True Heaven, the Transcending Titans solidified their place as champions of Yahweh’s design, ready to fulfill their roles as guardians and nurturers of existence, forever vigilant in the face of the unknown.The Transcending Titans embraced their divine roles, their forms radiant under the heavenly glow that surrounded them. They were not just symbols of power; they were living manifestations of Yahweh's will, each uniquely crafted to embody the principles of existence itself.Ziz, the Majestic Bird of the Heavens, soared high above, his wings unfurling like a celestial banner. Each feather sparkled with hues of dawn, casting brilliant shadows that danced across the landscape below. He was not merely a guardian; he was a harbinger of hope. With every flap of his wings, he set the sky ablaze, illuminating the paths of those who dared to dream.His wings, expansive and powerful, could cover the very stars like a sunlit veil, each movement orchestrating a symphony of light that banished shadows from the cosmos. The heavens themselves bowed to his will, and even the most formidable storms stilled in his wake, leaving only the gentle caress of a warm breeze. Ziz was a true protector of the skies, his very being a testament to the beauty and majesty of creation. In the hierarchy of existence, he stood equal to Helel and Sarnel, embodying the pinnacle of celestial might.Meanwhile, Leviathan stirred from his slumber, his immense form undulating like the ocean’s waves. The sheer might of his six dragon-like wings stretched across the horizon, creating currents that churned the waters below. With scales that shimmered like gemstones, he commanded respect and fear in equal measure. Leviathan boasted multiple heads, each crowned with fierce eyes that glowed with the intensity of a deep fiery glow, reflecting both the calm and tempest of the ocean. These heads, each capable of roaring with the force of thunder, symbolized his dominion over the chaos of the sea, ready to unleash both wrath and wisdom as needed.As he moved, the seas responded to his presence, the waters roiling and swirling around him in a rhythmic dance. He was the guardian of mysteries, the keeper of secrets that lay beneath the surface. Whenever danger threatened the sanctity of creation, Leviathan was there, a mighty sentinel ensuring that the forces of chaos did not overwhelm the world. He stood as an equal to Behemoth, Michael, and Zarnasel, embodying the fierce power of the oceans.Beside him, Behemoth stood resolute, his colossal form a mountain of strength and stability. Each step he took echoed through the land, a reminder of the powerful foundation upon which life thrived. With skin as tough as the earth itself, marked with the rugged texture of ancient rocks, and eyes that glimmered with ancient wisdom, he embodied the nurturing spirit of creation. When he grazed upon the verdant pastures, flowers bloomed brighter, and the air was filled with the sweet scent of new beginnings. Behemoth's presence instilled peace in the hearts of all living creatures, a reminder that strength could coexist with gentleness. His massive tail swept across the ground, nurturing the soil and promoting growth wherever he roamed. He was the embodiment of stability in an ever-changing world, standing equal to Leviathan, Michael, and Zarnasel, a dual force of nature that complemented and balanced one another.Together, these three Titans formed an unbreakable bond, their strengths intertwining like the threads of a magnificent tapestry. Each day, they ventured across their domains, fostering life and ensuring balance in their respective realms. Their collective essence resonated through the heavens, the depths, and the land, creating a harmonious symphony of existence that echoed through eternity.As they fulfilled their divine purposes, the cosmos shimmered with their combined light. They stood united against any darkness that threatened to encroach upon the peace of creation, their spirits intertwined in an everlasting dance of guardianship.In that sacred moment, the Transcending Titans became not only protectors but also symbols of the divine interconnectedness that permeated all of existence. They were champions of balance, their destinies entwined, ever vigilant, and ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.And so, they soared, roared, and thrived, champions of a world woven from the fabric of the divine, guided by Yahweh’s eternal vision.

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