The Banished Son of a Nobleman Falls in Love at First Sight with a Barbaric Young Lady from the Frontier

Chapter 23

Episode 23: The Sun Shines After the Rain

In this country, there is a saying: “After the rain, the sun shines.”

Where there is hardship, there is also happiness. Where there is sorrow, there is joy. When the bad ends, the good awaits.

“No matter how many times I look at it, it’s magnificent…”

Throughout Rietberg Castle, weapons and armor are proudly on display.

Swords, spears, shields, helmets, and heavy armor—all are impressive relics from a family known for their bravery in battle. Although each piece carries age, they were never intended for mere decoration; they were used in actual battles by the lords of Rietberg and their sons.

When it comes to preserving vintage military gear, humidity is the enemy. One must ventilate frequently to prevent mold from taking hold.

Luke carefully dusted each piece, polished away rust, and made them gleam like mirrors.

Having always been good at chores, his skills had noticeably improved since arriving here.

Originally, he had learned floor polishing, carpet care, and tips for managing household items from the maids of the Valten family.

In comparison to his family’s extravagant decor, cleaning Rietberg Castle—plain and sturdy—felt like a walk in the park.

Though only weapons and armor were displayed inside the castle, the thought that these belonged to Alexia’s ancestors naturally instilled a sense of respect within him.

“I am truly grateful for such wonderful descendants,” he thought, polishing the armor with heartfelt gratitude.


His surprise was met by Marie, a maid passing by in the hallway.

“Luke-sama, you’ve grown taller again.”

“Really? Can you tell?”

Luke’s voice bubbled with joy.

“Yes! Not long ago, you had to stretch to wipe the armor.”

Nodding enthusiastically, Luke agreed.

Indeed, without needing to stretch, he could now easily reach the top of the helmet.

Since arriving at Rietberg four months ago, his growth had become apparent to the naked eye.

It wasn’t just his height—his strength had improved remarkably, too.

He could now lift water barrels and sacks of potatoes with ease, exchanging blows with knights like Julius, Klaus, and Marius, managing to hold his own rather well.

His abs had finally developed a six-pack!

Muscle had replaced the thinness of his chest and waist, becoming firm and toned.

It felt almost miraculous how quickly his body transformed, and he couldn’t be happier.

Every day brought newfound joy from his improving strength, making him even more motivated to train hard.

The castle residents recognized Luke’s growth and had come to expect great things from him.

With their expectations, he felt a desire to fulfill them. When he succeeded, their joy fueled his determination to do even better.

Goodness was some kind of cycle, and everything seemed to fall into place perfectly.

Again: “After the rain, the sun shines.”

Just as pleasure follows pain, joy follows sorrow. It meant that once the bad passed, good things lay in wait.

Despised as the illegitimate son of a baron, treated harshly compared to his younger brother, and even losing his fiancée to exile, Luke had endured an unrelenting downpour of hardship.

But after the rain, the sun finally shone.

Bright sunlight washed over the muddy ground, and the once-cloudy sky transformed into a clear expanse. Falling for a woman with eyes the color of that brilliant sky, her presence illuminated Luke’s life.

Marie softened her expression and pointed out the window.

“Look, Luke-sama. The mountains have completely changed color.”

“Wow! It’s breathtaking!”

When Luke first set foot in this area, lush green leaves filled the fields, but now autumn had brought a vibrant palette of reds and yellows.

Admiring the gorgeous gradient of the autumn foliage, Marie suddenly clapped her hands.


Grinning, she informed Luke that a festival was approaching.

“A festival?”

“Yes! It’s the festival in the Rietberg territory. Every year, it’s held around this time to celebrate the bountiful autumn harvest. Since this is your first, I think you should come and see!”

“Absolutely! I’d love to go!”

Luke responded with excitement, his heart racing in joyful anticipation.

“Then I’ll go with Emile and Lily…”

“I’ll take them! There are also friends of mine the same age in town, and I’ve made arrangements to go around with them.”

“Um… then…”

This left Luke wondering if he should go with the kitchen staff, or perhaps invite some knights who were off duty—when Marie, still smiling, chimed in.

“Luke-sama, please go with the young lady.”


“She looks forward to the festival every year! This year, she insisted on going incognito as well.”

Blinking his large, light blue eyes in surprise, Luke felt an overwhelming excitement.

Truth be told, he was absolutely thrilled! But with no time to prepare, his excitement left his thoughts jumbled.

(Is it really okay…?)

“Absolutely! I’d be honored!”

His mind and mouth, however, didn’t quite sync up at that moment.

Marie chuckled softly.

“The knights certainly seem a tad too rugged. They scream bodyguard, don’t they? If they surrounded her, she would definitely stand out, and considering how strong my lady is, she doesn’t really need a bodyguard.”

“Indeed, Alexia-sama truly doesn’t need one…”

After all, she was a lady capable of toppling even the knight commander! No matter who was assigned as her guard, they’d inevitably end up looking like they needed protection instead.

“Exactly!” Marie nodded vigorously.

“Thus, what we truly need is a caretaker. If you can keep an eye on her and ensure she doesn’t do anything reckless, it would be greatly appreciated.”

“To the festival… with Lady Alexia…?”

Luke’s heart raced wildly, his hand on his chest, nearly pounding out of his ribcage.

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