The Ascension

Chapter 72 – Where There Is Smoke


Everybody went about their business in Aros, and the kingdom. The Assassin's Guild moved their headquarters into a quiet corner of Underground Black, and kept an office in its former location.

The new headquarters served as a training area, as well as a place to rest after a contract. Any contracts that appeared on their desk had to get approval from the Guild Master, so none slipped through that would target the manor.

Even if some had the idea, the guild was not foolish enough to take it.

The Mercenary Union also moved into Underground Black, and left the main door to the compound open. A few of the mercenaries opened stalls, and would either sell hides they got from a hunt, storm wolves mostly, or gear they had personally made.

Other mercenaries were always looking for gear, as it wasn't like a game where armor dropped from monsters or beasts. All gear had to be made, and sold to make a profit.

Rirn continued to do business, and Aros seemed to have a small influx of new visitors. Some wanted access to the luxury meats Aila sold to the butcher, and others wanted some of the high end leather from Toril.

Aila's three favored merchants had a special reputation within Aros, and the formerly powerful clan that watched over the town was displaced. The king even sent a token guard force to watch over the town, and help the Magistrate administer, as well as collect taxes.

Over that week, the new administration began to learn the depth to which the king's apathy affected the revenues of the town, as well as the taxes paid. They sent a letter back to the capital, voicing their concern over the sheer amount of losses the kingdom had absorbed over the years.

Things had seemed to go right for Aros for once. So why did it feel like there is an invisible pressure on the entirety of the area right now?


* * *


Elena was absorbing the elements in the courtyard, and focused on the earth elements. She pulled out the metal and left them on the surface for Aila later. Nadya and Alara were sitting in the corner memorial area, quietly absorbing the light elements.

Nuri shaped some trees into smaller items, mostly firewood, so she could learn to control her abilities. For a beginner, she was doing quite well. Compared to Aila, it was negligible, but compared to other elementalists not trained by their Master, she would be considered a monster on her own.

Kaala sat on the side of the manor that faced the mountain, as the others had taught her the basics. She absorbed the flame elements in the air, which felt richer in quality lately.

Shaala was upstairs, seated inside the alcove of a window, as she learned to suck up the elements. She hadn't gotten as far along as the rest yet.

"I did it!" Shaala cried out. She finally managed to move the elements, as it was only the day before that she learned how to see the elements.  Wind was one of the most difficult to detect at lower elevations, but within the forest, all the elements were a lot richer in quantity lately, which made it easier to detect, and absorb.

She looked to the sky when she heard Alara and Nadya in the backyard.

"Where did the light go?"


* * *


"There is a lot of light lately." Nadya said quietly.

"Yes. Master said that there is an abundance of elemental energy, but she's worried. We need to work hard, and help take some burden off her shoulders." Alara said quietly.

"Where is Master?" Nadya asked.

"In the ancient spring. She said she needs to balance out her elements." Alara said. "She's hiding something. She's balanced on the ones she possesses, but she's worried about something." Alara said.

"I feel it too." Nadya frowned. "Did the sun go behind a cloud?" Nadya opened her eyes. Alara did as well.

"Where did the light go?" Alara asked. "What is with all this smoke?"


* * *


Aila was deep within the ancient spring, far underground, absorbing as much water element as she could get, along with life, earth, metal, flame and light. Dark elements were deep within the soil, so it was easy to suck it up too.

The water element had surged lately, as did every other element she could sense. It had been a few months since she came to this world, and her people steadily grew stronger due to the ample amount of elemental essence available.

The questions within her mind were only piling up, and not reducing in the least.

Why were her people able to absorb so much while everyone else seemed to be so weak and needed filtering crystals?

Why did she have every affinity?

The worst one within her mind kept her awake at night now. What is the cause for the burst of elemental force within the forest?

Life burst out of the trees, which made it unnecessary to dissolve a tree in order to absorb life elements. Nuri and herself were able to suck in so much essence, they could easily heal others now.

Each element had its own side effect for everyone accept for Aila. Nuri grew taller. She was now seven foot tall, had become more proportional, but remained curvy and immensely buxom.

Nadya grew a bit taller, although not as tall as Nuri, heavy chested, and remained curvy.

Ellie became sinewy, lithe, and as agile as a snake.

Elena grew stronger, more durable, but more savage, and physically lustful. This was in opposition to her previously timid personality.

Kaala grew more aggressive, and frequently wrapped herself around Elena, eager for her teeth.

Shaala was growing into her channels, and slowly developing a core. She had a lot more speed. She could lighten her body enough to jump long distances and land lightly, not taking damage no matter how far she jumped.

Alara remained the same physically, but spent a lot of time in Nadya's arms. She seemed to hunger for the motherly devotion Nadya could give her. Her light nature fed off Nadya's, as did her affection, and seemingly pure spirit.

Ivadra was as lustful as Elena, and frequently mixed into the pile of flesh between Kaala and Elena. She was agile, almost as sinewy as Ellie, and until she brought Ivadra into Nadya's embrace, she was fearful of her light elemental nature. Light and dark were opposing forces, but when together, they balanced each other out.

With her stronger core, Nadya and Alara brought her enough balance to make it possible to mother her properly.

All these natures, and personalities, became stronger the more powerful they became. This would have been a problem if they were able to suck up the elements in the same quantity that Aila could.

Aila rose to the surface of the spring as she felt her girls become concerned.

"That's why. Fuck me." Aila looked to the sky and could see the thick column of smoke that trailed from the mountain.

There were only a few things that could make such a large column of smoke. A forest fire, which was unlikely given the nature of this forest. The worst possible scenario flashed within her mind.

"A volcano. Of all things. Why didn't I go to the mountain and search it to make sure nothing was wrong?" Aila lamented and cried out within her heart.  There was a possibility of there being a volcano in the mountains and it was already smoking.

Time was running out.


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