The Ascension

Chapter 56 – Pursuit Curse


Aila had seen the two ladies through her senses, as she had closed her eyes while she licked Alara's button. She saw Alara in pure light elemental essence, as well as Ivadra in dark elemental essence, and only thought it was their inner body reflecting the elemental essence in an odd way.

She didn't hear them speak to each other, or know that they felt the physical sensations while their consciousness was awake as a separate entity. It was a unique experience for the girls, but one that would become more common in the future.

It was also one that would become common among her wives, but each one would have to endure the awakening process themselves.

"Don't worry, mom." Nadya looked down at Elena.

"Don't worry?" She asked the girl as she grinned and dipped her lips down to her massive breast, and her large nipple. She licked it slowly, and deliberately.

"Your night is tomorrow. You'll have Master to yourself, won't you?" She asked. Nadya blushed.

"No, baby. It's Nuri's night, as I already had mine.  We talked about it, as we are still physically weak, and wouldn't last that long. We'll have our night with Master together, so we can still take turns and have a much longer night together with Master. Just like you and Ellie." Nadya watched the girl blush brightly.

"You should feel bad for Shaala and Kaala. Their injuries prevented them from enjoying Master's touch. Master healed ours enough to allow us to enjoy it longer." She felt Elena's hand slowly glide downward. "Baby, may I ask you something?"

"What, mom?"

"She healed you, but didn't kill Liam. Are you mad at her?" Nadya asked. Elena quickly shook her head. "You're not upset?"

"Master already arranged for someone to take care of him." Elena said. Nadya looked into her eyes in surprise.

"She told you?"

"Not at first, but I know Master. She hates what that person did to me and Ellie. She knows we were scared we would return to the clan. Of course Master loves us, and would make sure that he was no longer around to hurt us." Elena smiled and shrugged.

"It's Master. That much was obvious when she looked so relaxed when she came home that day." Elena said as though that much was expected. Nadya clamped her arms around Elena, and forced her right into her soft flesh. "Mom?" She felt a little confusion over the firm hug.

"You're right. She arranged for the Assassin's Guild to kill him, but slowly. She wanted to do it herself, but she would tear his arms off and he would die only a few minutes later." Nadya said, and Elena nodded. She bit a mouthful of Nadya's flesh, which forced her to open her arms.

"Too tight, mom. I couldn't breathe." Elena lightly licked the area she just bit, and gently kissed it. She laid her cheek against Nadya's upper breast, and sighed. "Mom?"

"Yes, baby?" Nadya asked her, and held her firmly in her arms so she couldn't squirm and escape.

"Does it bother you?" She asked.

"That we're so close? That we enjoy each other?" Elena nodded. "No, baby. I am your mom, but all of us are Master's wives. If I was your mother, I wouldn't be Master's wife too." Nadya sighed, took Elena's hand and put it on her belly. "If you came out of here, things would be very different between us." Elena sighed.

"Yeah. It still feels like something is missing when I call you mom. It's exciting when I kiss you, but it doesn't feel like when I kiss Ellie. Ellie and I have a close relationship, and we probably go too far, but it doesn't feel as naughty between us as it does between Ellie and I." Elena sighed again. "Complicated."

"A little, baby. Ellie is your sister. You already know this, so it feels naughty when you kiss her. She was the only one there for you, so that barrier is already gone." Nadya turned a bit more towards her, and used her lower legs to pull Elena in deeper. "We didn't have that barrier, so even if I baby you, and comfort you, mom is a title you give me. It's not who I am to you." Elena nodded again.

"Master is still loving them, mom." Elena said quietly, and without waiting, she pulled Nadya's threadbare shirt up and off her chest.

"Then show me what Master showed you yesterday." Nadya said warmly. "I'm quite eager to understand a bit before she teaches me a lot more tomorrow night." She lowered her lips and started to gently suck on Elena's neck.

Gentle kisses turned passionate quickly, and Nadya's tongue invaded her mouth eagerly. Her plump lips easily encircled Elena's nipples, one after another, and gently bit the little pert buds. Although Elena was just as strong thanks to her growing pool of earth essence, Nadya's hunger had her on top, pursuing the younger woman's pleasure.

There was no bed that was quiet that night.


* * *


"The second squad we sent out has not come back yet." The vice captain said. He put a report on the captain's desk, and watched the man grumble.

"Weren't they only going out to check why they were so late?" He asked. "Did the gate guards say anything?"

"He only said there were howls of wolves in the forest, and the squad that went out, they did not return." He said and folded his hands behind his back. "The scouts went out to check, and the gate guards said they heard screaming, and wolf howls. I think they agitated a storm wolf pack in that area." The captain growled.

"That was supposed to be the safest route next to the straight one! If we use her route, we'll die before we even get our property back!" He said angrily. "Now, we're down by fifteen men, and only have seven squads of five left!" He started to slump in his chair. "This is the lowest Underground Black has fallen in centuries."

With the Black One being healed, they might have had a chance to grow stronger, but things changed too fast to adjust. Their Great Ancestor, an undead lich, was easily killed by the one who healed the Black One. They didn't dare act against her as her strength was far beyond the strongest personage of Underground Black.

Once she found out how they treated their charges, it was too late to change. Their traditions dictated how to treat the Black One and Seer, as they were the source of the next generation. Now, it was too late.

They had no access to the two women, and their numbers dwindled quickly. Either they were attacked as soon as they left the town, or they abandoned their posts.

"Sir, should we make a final all out attack?" The Vice Captain asked. The Captain looked at him strangely. "Either we give it our all, or we wait for the inevitable." He took several seconds, but it was obvious that he had already made the decision, but hadn't said anything.  He stayed quiet, but didn't appear to be thinking.  The captain made it appear that the choice was theirs, but the vice captain knew better.  They had no other choice.

"Send the word around. Have the squad leaders discuss it with their members. If we reach a consensus, we'll give it one 'all or nothing' push."


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