The Ascension

Chapter 54 – Cursed


Aila had a general idea of strategy, and tactics, but she relied on the novels, and the authors of those novels, for what she knew. As she knew it wasn't experience, but the research and assumptions of people who had no military experience, she decided to analyze situations herself.

She sat in the tree and watched the path she took to the manor, but also knew that there was multiple ways to get to her manor. It was also the reason she decided to let others take care of the Black Guards. They wouldn't necessarily follow her path, even if it was the safest route.

"Hm. I should probably make a circuit of Aros and see if there are other trails." Aila jumped down and moved through the forest quickly, and without opposition.

She noticed ten Black Guards with shovels returning from the forest. They looked exhausted, and she knew why. They wanted to make a tunnel, but the pressure within the ground would make it impossible to build one quickly. They would need a large amount of resources to keep the tunnel clear, and keep it from collapsing.

"Where did you make the attempt?" Her eyes closed, and quickly found the anomaly. "A small hill, and a body. Idiots." She shook her head, but since they made the attempt, she would have to eliminate them, and weaken their numbers.

Aila was not a hero of a story. She was a woman who wanted to protect her lovers. She was someone who grew angry when she considered their attempt to sneak into her domain. She pulled her sword and didn't hesitate.

Even as their voices entered her ears, the rear guards were beheaded.


* * *


"Even the forest prevents us from getting our property back!" The leader said angrily.

"We shouldn't be doing this!" One said. "She's already angry at us, and if we try to agitate her, she'll come to kill us all!" The leader snorted.

"We'll get someone else to take over the position of Great Ancestor, and we'll see who dares to attack us." He said angrily. "Then they will be brought back, and we'll fuck them both until they are both pregnant and bare the next generation!" He stopped for a few seconds.

"Where..." he turned as he didn't hear any footsteps. His eyes registered shock. There were nine bodies behind him, all missing their heads.

"They knew you wouldn't leave them be." He turned as he heard the only voice that could send shivers down his spine. Flames outlined her surface.

He didn't even have a chance to cry out before he was engulfed in flames.

"May the wolves gnaw on your bones, and chase you into the underworld for your evil thoughts!" The ground rumbled as she spoke that curse.  Aila left for home, and a pack of storm wolves appeared from out of the forest.

Without a sound, the wolf pack descended upon the dead and gorged themselves until not even the bones remained.

The Black Guards had been cursed, and none would ever be able to leave Aros. When they do, they won't live for long.


* * *


"Master, Miss Nuri said you erected a memorial for Alara and Ivadra's mother, and their aunt?" Shaala asked.

"I did. I want to add all mothers to the memorial, if they have passed away. If they haven't, I want to know who they are, and why they sold their children." She said firmly. Shaala sighed.

"Our mother's name was Nyla. She died not long after she gave birth to us. Our aunt took care of us until we were five, which is when our father sold us." Aila looked at her carefully.

"He is an old man now, so I can not take revenge, if he's even alive." Aila said, and watched her lover's eyes. "Do you want to add your mother's name to the memorial?"

"Please, Master. We didn't know her as she died not long after I was born. My sister never blamed me either, and she was only born nine months before me." She said quietly. Aila frowned.

"Nine months? Of course she didn't blame you! Your fool of a father killed his own wife!" She said angrily.

"What do you mean, Master?"

"A woman needs to rest after birth. At a minimum of three months. Her womb never had a chance to rest. Back to back pregnancies probably stole all her vitality, and didn't allow her to recover properly." Aila walked over, hugged her, and to her embarrassment, she put her hand on top of Shaala's belly.

"In time, your own belly will bare healthy babies." Aila smiled softly, and giggled. "I'm going to be a happy momma when you and Kaa are swollen with child. Ah, I can't wait to see you nurse our baby!" She hugged her hips and nuzzled her neck.

"Our baby?" Shaala whispered. Not only did her Master sound happy when she thought about it, but she couldn't wait for it? She wanted her to have babies, and it was possible even this late in life?

"Master, is it possible at my age?" Shaala asked. Aila pulled back, but kept hold of her hips.

"Your age? Who said you're old? Your body was starved nearly to death! That froze your womb, and prevented it from dropping eggs! You still have about twenty years of possible pregnancies in the future, and you will bounce more than one baby girl on your knee." Aila said firmly. At the same time, she hugged her gently.

"Love, do you want to put your mother's name on the memorial? She gave birth to you and your sister at the cost of her own life. You should show her the respect she deserves." Aila said, and carefully searched her eyes.

"Okay, Master. Let me go get Kaa. We want to see you add her name." Shaala said, and sighed as a flood of life essence filled her body.

"Now, for the wind. My lover will grow stronger, and give me many babies." Her voice vibrated, and as when she was emotional, her eyes changed color. They were white this time, symbolizing the color of the wind.

"Many babies for me and my wives."


* * *


"For Nyla." Aila spoke as she carved the words into the memorial stone. "A mother who gave life to two wonderful children, at the cost of her own." Kaala and Shaala started to tear up at her words. When they looked at Aila, they saw her eyes turn gray, and start to seep a gray mist.

"May Imera remember the loss, and not forget the children left behind." As her voice vibrated, the ground rumbled in response.

"Master, Imera heard your words, and showed her acceptance of them." Kaala said tearfully. Beside them, Alara and Ivadra were also crying, but not as they were before. Their sobs did not break Aila's heart as now they were more muted. They could finally remember their mother, and acknowledge her existence.

"This Winter, I will teach all of you to read, write, and do math. Or when our activities slow down enough to allow us to breathe." Aila said. She looked at each woman carefully. "I also want those who had good mothers to make a memento for them. I will place it in a cache here in front of the memorial. When you are mothers yourselves, you can introduce our babies to your moms, and tell them the stories of how you met their mom." Aila smiled and started to glow with light and life elements.

"I can't wait to see all of you pregnant!" She said, but didn't tell them that as of this moment, she saw another image super imposed over their forms. Some were pregnant and heavy with child. Others held a child to their breast.

She also saw four more images of other women, each with different elements, and people she had never met before. It was obvious who they were though. This was an image of their future, and of the woman she would come to love.

Future wives for a god.


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