The Ascension

Chapter 49 – They Will Run Her Ragged


Aila watched her lovers clean up the stairwell, and felt warm all over. When they started to stumble from exhaustion, she wanted to run down and carry them to bed so she could coddle each of them. Instead, she heard a voice of reason speak.

"Ladies, this is not proper." Nuri spoke gently. "Each of us are too tired to keep working like this. We shall take a rest, then half of us will continue. After that group gets tired, the second group will take over." Nadya pursed her lips.

"Although I really want to help from beginning to end, I also remember how sad Master looked when she felt how injured each of us were. Some are fully healed, but some still need time. Including me." Nadya sat down and let out a deep slow breath. "Damn this feeble body of mine." She said softly. Elena walked over and held her arm.

"Mom, don't get upset at how your body won't obey. Mine was in pain every day. If not for Master, I would still be in pain, and unable to do this without bleeding a lot." Elena said, and looked at Ellie. Her sister nodded, and took Nuri's hand to lead her to a bench.

"My sister is right, mom." Ellie sat beside her. "You need time to get better, and Master will be unhappy if you make yourself sick. Rest. When Elena and I have a short break, we'll continue for a bit. When your strength returns, you can continue to help. Hey!" Ellie was drawn into Nuri's arms and held in a deep warm hug.

"You're growing up, little one." Nuri whispered. "I really wished that I gave birth to you as I am quite proud of you, and how thoughtful you are." Ellie blushed.

"Mom, be good." She felt Nuri's hands cup her butt, and made the rest chuckle. She gave her a kiss on the cheek. "I'll teach you a lot tonight. Master is an amazing wife." Ellie ran back to the wheelbarrow, and Elena joined her. Shaala came out of the kitchen with a wooden tray, and several cups of spring water.

"Our girls are right. Rest, and recover, Nuri. Both of you as well." She pointed at Ivadra and Alara. "Master would be quite upset if you two hurt yourselves. You haven't worked like mules like us, and need to build up to it." Ivadra pouted.

"I'm still Master's wife, and so is Alara. We want to help too." She drank the water she was offered, and looked up at Shaala. "Ancient spring water? For thirst?" Nuri chuckled at her look.

"It's water, and it is well within Master's reach. If we can't use it, who should?" Nuri said gently. Ivadra closed her mouth, and thought for a moment. Slowly, she nodded.

"Yes, who should use the water that bubbles up close to Master's home? The people she loves, or the people who make her angry?" Ivadra said, and felt a poke in her ribs. "What?"

"She's been plenty angry at us before, and will be again. For not telling her what was going on around us, and when we cowered in our rooms." Alara said. Ivadra shook her head.

"She wasn't angry at us. She was angry over what happened to us. There is a difference. She might get angry if we injured ourselves, or hurt one of our sisters, but she would never be angry at us. Only at our actions." Ivadra said, and felt her sister's arms slide around her.

"Yeah." She said softly. "Can we...." Ivadra smiled, as she knew what she asked for instinctively.  Could they share the night with their Master?

"You're my other half. We have to do it together." Ivadra said softly.

Aila was quite satisfied with their behavior. That meant it was time for a round of gifts.


* * *


"Hello, young lady. I've sold the stone bear plates, and even sold the tusks." He placed thirty large silver on the counter, along with forty large beside it. She frowned slightly.

"Rirn, how much did you get for them?" She asked. "This seems like too much."

"No, it isn't too much. Instead of profit sharing, I'm buying them so that you don't take a loss. I still made plenty on the back end, and continue to make more as we have a profitable friendship." He said. "Tusks are bought for around two hundred a piece, and the plates at a hundred. They are rare in the market, so they sold really fast. You should also go over and see Toril. He can't stop giggling like a girl over all the silver he made on the materials you brought him." Aila smiled.

"Then I feel better. How are those dolls doing?" She asked.

"My wife is sewing quickly. She's got two done already, but they do take time since she doesn't want to do a poor job." Aila waved that away.

"I wasn't questioning the time it took. Just asking. Tell her to add two more to the quantity. I have two more in my home who need a doll to hug, and a pillow." She smiled and put one of the large silver down.

"By the way, do you know of any old mines that are too dangerous to get to? You know, because a stone bear turned it into a den?" She asked. She seemed casual enough with the question, so he didn't mind answering.

"I think Toril knows of one. That's why he was so glad to see those bones of the iron tusked boar. The local mine was overrun by wolves, and they were booted out by stone bears. You'll have to ask him yourself where it is though." He said.

"I will. On my way back, I'll pick up some more root crops, grains, cotton and fabric. Also, I want five thick quilts for Winter. Thick enough for Winter, but wide and long enough to fully cover a bed that is wide enough for three people." Aila said.

"Makes sense. Winters are cold enough that people often have to sleep in the same bed to stay warm. You might think about a large stone fireplace. In some places, the bed itself is built with a small fireplace under it. The stone warms, but doesn't get too hot." Rirn watched her eyes sparkle.

"I've read about those. I'll have to learn about how to make them. Maybe Elena can help. She's got the earth element affinity." Aila sighed. "Alright, fill my cart to the brim, and I'll be back." Rirn sighed a bit after she left for the opposite gate she normally left through.

"Those women will run her ragged, but I doubt she'll complain even once."


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