The Ascension

Chapter 43 – Improper


"What's a shower?" Alara asked, a bit confused. Elena grinned, and giggled.

"You'll see!" She ran over to Kaala and leaned down to her ear. Kaala nodded, smiled, and stood up. She tapped her sister's shoulder to indicate that she needed her help, and pulled Elena into her chest. Kaala was a bit taller than Elena, but no where near as tall as Nuri. As a result, Elena had to lower her face in order to get pressed to her chest like Nuri, but the girl complied eagerly.

"Can I sleep with you tonight? Nadya sleeps with Master tonight. Oh, we have to work Alara and Ivadra into the schedule too!" Elena said in a muffled voice. Kaala smiled at Elena.

"Of course. I wanted to snuggle with you for a bit. We'll talk with Nuri after they get their shower, and see where they can fit in." Kaala looked over at the two women, and saw how their eyes couldn't leave their Master's figure. "I'm sure they will not want to miss their turn." She turned, and stopped.

"Master, don't forget Alara's and Ivadra's bed, and furniture." Kaala said and walked into the kitchen. Nuri pursed her lips.

"She's right, Master. We may have enough beds for everyone to share, but it's only right for them to be included." Nuri said, and waited.

"I agree." Aila said. "When you feel a bit stronger, walk around the lower floor and check the rooms. Some will need repair, and I'll focus my attention there. We'll also discuss the upper floor, but I think I'll need to reevaluate how it's made." Aila sighed, but to her surprise, Nadya smiled.

"Elena already said the upper floor felt wrong. Like it was added later." Nadya said.

"She's right. It was added later, and didn't keep in mind simple construction rules. Such as load bearing walls. My father explained it to me once. If there is a wall on the upper floor, it has to be above a wall on the lower floor. If there isn't a continuous wall down, the second floor could collapse." She looked up. "It's been there for decades, but that doesn't mean it's right. I'll fix the errors before the winter snows hit." Nadya sat down beside her on the bed.

"Don't lose focus, Master." She said as she leaned in. "Alara and Ivadra still need a bed and a nightstand each." Aila stood up, and looked down at Nadya. "I'm sleeping here tonight. With you." She said with a soft smile.

Aila let her eyes travel down, but didn't miss the smile that spread on Nadya's lips. Not only did Nadya have amazingly large assets up top, but her wide flaring hips, and soft body made her quite easy to sleep beside. She had a nice hourglass figure, and a fair amount of muscle beneath that soft skin.

Aila walked away with a blush on her cheeks, and a soft chuckle in her ear. Nadya was still seated, but that chuckle was easy for Aila to hear, and enjoy. She was not only eager to enjoy Nadya's hug tonight, but possibly a little more.

Although Aila had not taken any of her girls yet, she had fondled a few of them already, and wasn't unwilling to take it further.

The only problem was that she was inexperienced, and didn't yet understand how to properly pleasure a lady.

"You teased her." Alara said quietly. Nadya nodded, but her smile disappeared. "That isn't your nature, Nadya. You are light based, and demure. Why did you tease her like that?" Nadya turned towards Alara, and sighed a bit.

"Because she was tense." She said quietly. Alara nodded.

"Don't change who you are." Alara said and reached out for Nadya's hand. "Master would be upset if you did. Our natures are light, and demure." Nadya blushed a bit. "I'm not reprimanding you. I was also a little tempted to flirt with Master, but it's against my nature." She said and stood up. "Come." Nadya looked up at the younger woman.

"Where are we going?" Nadya blushed brightly as Alara was quite attractive, and she felt some sort of connection between herself and this lovely young woman.

"To talk to our Master, of course."


* * *


Aila lifted her head from her work, and lifted an eyebrow as Alara walked forward with Nadya holding onto her arm.

"Master." Nadya said, and blushed brightly. "I'm sorry for teasing you like that." She said. Aila tilted her head.

"Why are you sorry?"

"I...forced myself to tease you like that. I wanted to kiss you, or to hug, but I chose to flirt." She blushed brighter. "Alara reminded me that it's not my natural way, and I realized that she is correct. It's not like me at all." Aila smiled.

"I didn't mind that you were affected by her sister." Aila said, and watched as Alara frowned. Soon, her eyebrows went up.

"She did it?"

"Unintentional. She hasn't learned how to control her dark elements yet. I'll teach her a bit tonight, when the sun goes down. Her passionate nature will infect people around her for a bit, until she learns to control it." Aila looked at Alara. "Or her sister remains in close contact to neutralize her leakage."

"But that means..." Alara looked back at the manor.

"She's behaving herself, but Nuri's natural life affinity will neutralize it. However, Ellie and Elena may become susceptible." She smiled. "Your bed will need to be on the outside, with Ivadra on the outside, and you as a buffer. Once she learns, it will be okay."

"Take Nadya with you and keep her boxed in." Aila smiled. "I'll help Nadya tonight." She licked her lips. "After I've tasted her a bit." Nadya blushed brightly.

"Master! Now you're teasing me! So mean." She whispered. Alara laughed in a way that showed she was not only happy, but shocked too.

"Oh my, I never expected this! My new family is so naughty!" Alara said and pointed at Aila. "Especially you, Master."

"I know." she grinned. "But it's all talk." Her cheeks grew red. "For all my talk, I am a virgin, and have no experience at all." Alara snorted, but then giggled.

"So improper, Master. You are going to pay for it tonight when Nadya gets a hold of you." Alara smiled, and took Nadya's hand. "She's not a virgin, and knows what to do." Nadya blushed brightly.

"Both of you are so bad." She said with bright cheeks. However, Nadya wasn't unhappy about being Aila's partner that night.

She was quite excited about being one of the first ones her Master was intimate with. She only wished she was healthier, and could enjoy the night for a lot longer than her stamina would allow.


* * *


"Alara! You have to try this!" Ivadra came out of the bathroom area, her hair shining brightly, while her skin glistened with moisture.

"Why are you wet?" Alara asked.

"Master made a shower! It's a way to wash and get clean!" She said with excitement. "Master is so wasteful too. She uses ancient spring water!" Alara felt shock run through her. Elena shrugged.

"There is a spring close by, and Master brings us water every morning to cook with, to drink, and wash up with. Master says it will make us healthy. Ellie feels better every day when she drinks it too. Why not use it?" Elena said. She took Alara's hand. "Come. Master said to wash, so it's time to wash. Ivadra, help your sister."

Nadya sat down on her Master's bed, and felt a little bit unsure. She was more experienced with sex, but she had never had a gentle lover before as she had always been a slave.

How would her Master treat her? Would she be gentle, or would she be demanding, and unkind? Nadya couldn't help but feel the tension grow in her body.

Nadya was as nervous as a newlywed bride.


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