The Ascension

Chapter 20 – Assassin’s Guild Penalty


"Sir, Assassin Bass has returned." The steward said. The Guild Master frowned.

"Only Bass?"

"Yes, sir. He doesn't look so good either. He's twenty hours behind his expected return time, and has many wounds." He was nearly a full day behind as it took him a while to get out of the area since he couldn't run on the ground like they did to get there. The Guild Master stayed quiet for a moment.

"Send him in." A few minutes later, Bass entered the Guild Master's office. "Bass, you look like you've been mauled by a stone bear."

"A storm wolf." He said and grimaced as he tried to straighten up.

"You're alone, and you're not reporting the success of your mission." The Guild Master said.

"Correct, sir. She knew where we were without even looking at us. Killed the other five while I notched an arrow. She didn't avoid it." He said. The Guild Master frowned. "She knocked it away without looking." The Guild Master let out a slow breath.

"You survived."

"She let me go to give a warning. She sees another assassin, and she will destroy the guild, and everyone inside it." Bass said. The Guild Master tapped his desk a few times.

"You think she can?" He asked. Bass knew it wasn't a threat directed, but a real question.

"She used death elements, and better than any necro in the kingdom. She choose not to send myself and my companions back to Aros as zombies." Bass said. The Guild Master nodded.

"I received a report after I sent the team out. She brought in three flame wolves, and a stone bear two days ago. She brought in an iron tusked boar yesterday. She can lift those rank threes like it's nothing." The Guild Master growled a bit.

"What should we do, sir?" Bass waited for another full minute, as it was his superior's habit to carefully consider his options, but make a firm decision after.

"A penalty of ten large silver for each lost man. Since the Inaris sent us on a suicide mission, they must pay the penalty." The Guild Master knocked twice on his desk. The steward returned a few seconds later.


"Write a bill. Ten large silver for each lost guild member, and deliver it to the Inaris clan patriarch. Warn them they have one week to pay, or Liam will pay the price, along with five elders." The steward bowed and left the room.

"Bass, go get some medical attention before you keel over."


* * *


The following day, after Aila beheaded the men she killed, she put their bodies on a large pyre.

"You were assassins, but you still deserve respect for following your orders loyally. If you were evil in nature, I would leave your bodies to the wolves." Aila bowed to the pyre and lit it up. "May your final rest bring you peace."

After that, she moved at high speed towards a large river that ran along an impossibly large mountain range.

Why did she come this way?  It was a whim as she wanted to find a place to fish.  Wolf meat was fine, as was bear or boar, but she had an indescribable tickle in her heart to taste something from her youth.  Fried fish.

"How strange."  Like a curious child, whatever craving pulled her in this direction was overridden by new sights and thoughts.  "This mountain almost looks artificial." She said quietly.

The mountains had uniform peaks, drops and cliffs, and seemed to follow a pattern. Sheer cliffs as though they were chopped with a blade. The peaks had the same angle, and the only difference between each peak was the size. In addition to that, some of the peaks seemed to grow out of the other one like they were a smaller brother.

"If this were a two dimensional map, it would almost appear to be drawn, rather than produced by tectonic plates moving against each other." Aila pursed her lips a bit, and sighed. "This world feels odd, as though the creator of it is still learning how to be a god."

Those were her random thoughts, but she discard that notion quickly.

"Maybe not learning to be a god, but learning to create?" Aila's thoughts were interrupted by a low growl. She turned her head, and smiled.

"Hello, you beautiful black panther. I bet you have a lovely beast core for me, don't you?"


* * *


Aila admitted that this battle was a bit more difficult than when she fought the boar, but that was due to the speed of the panther. She also allowed it to sneak up on her because she didn't pay attention to her surroundings.

The panther landed on its feet, but it landed heavily. Aila dissolved the tree it was perched on, which made it lose its footing.

Though the landing startled the panther, it quickly dashed away so it could launch another sneak attack. Now that Aila was aware of its presence, it could not hide, nor could its partner.

The one behind her dashed in to take a bite, but ran itself onto a stone spike that emerged from the ground. As soon as its mouth opened, the spike went into its mouth, and out through the back of its head.

The first panther lost its mind with anger and rushed in. Aila dodged as it slashed at her, and punched at the panther as it passed. Her fist struck its side, broke some ribs, and threw the panther several feet away.

"You were quite smart to attack me quietly, but too arrogant." She said, and frowned. "Or was I too arrogant and reliant upon my own strength? I really should not take this world lightly just because I've gotten stronger." She nodded to put a point on her words.

"Time to go home as I've found what I want." The two rank four black panthers were not easy targets, as their dark element core made them superior hunters. They could remain quiet, muffle the sounds of their own movements, and weaken their enemies with dark elemental essence.

Aila could carry each panther over a shoulder, but they were around six hundred pounds, and bulky. She decided to tie the two together, and carry them in one package.

"I can't wait to have your fur as my bed." Aila said as she lightly caressed the black panther's fur, and had an idle thought.

"Although, I wonder if she would like your fur?" For some reason, the deep brown eyes of the Black One flashed within her mind, and made her smile a little.

She wanted to meet that fragile young woman again.


* * *


"Patriarch Inaris, we have a guest." The Inaris clan steward came quickly into the office without knocking. When the patriarch lifted his eyes, he saw how disturbed he was.

"A guest? I take it this is important." The steward nodded quickly. "Show them in." He knew by the steward's hurried speech that he had no time to ponder, and he was not to be told until the person entered. When the person entered, the patriarch was quite disturbed.

"Steward Pern. I am surprised to see the steward of the Guild Master here." The patriarch stood up quickly.

"I am sure you are, Gard Inaris." The steward handed him a scroll. "Here is the bill for the assassins that Liam contracted to kill the person in the forest." The patriarch paled, and unrolled the scroll. He sat down heavily.

"I told that bastard to behave." He said quietly.

"He obviously has no respect for you, or for strength. Our losses are great, and will grow even larger should this person decide we serve no purpose." The steward said quietly. "You have one week. If the penalty is not paid, Liam, and five Inaris elders will pay the price with their own necks. Good day, Patriarch Inaris."

The steward left the clan's manor safely. Even though Liam was a complete fool, his father was not.


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