The Arcade Series

Chapter 19- Back to the day job

I walked through the empty caves in the dungeon with a smile. I was smiling because as I walked, I was looking at a system screen that was showing my rewards for this dungeon delve.

Native Universal Leveling System #273 Status

Level: 5-9

EXP: 0/90

Native Universal Leveling System #273 Skills: None

Main Class: Combat Sorcerer of the Dungeon (Legendary): You have used freeform magic in combination with your own hands, using the abilities of a dungeon core to amplify your effectiveness in combat.

+2 intelligence, +1 willpower, +2 mana, +1 strength, +1 dexterity and +3 Free Stat Points, Per level

Secondary class: Locked until level 10

Tertiary class: locked until level 50


Dexterity: 15-19

Strength: 20-24

Constitution: 25

Intelligence: 30-38

Willpower: 30-34

Mana: 44-52

Free Stat Points: 15-27

I was level nine now! Honestly I could feel the effects while I was inside the dungeon, but it was different when I wasn't trying to sneak around in the caverns that made up the dungeon. I had those twenty seven free stat points that had went unnoticed during my hunt to assign as well.

Hunting with my material manipulation/dungeon power stuff was surprisingly easy once I got a hold of how it could be used and what it could be used for. I managed to delve into the bat zone again before I turned around, though I didn't spend as long wandering around the various paths as when I went inside the first time. I went mostly down the straight path that seemed to lead into what I was calling the Spider Zone and eventually led to where bats started appearing, which I called the Bat Zone.

Of course, just like with the rats, they were a bit different then the normal animals. For example, there were two types of spiders. The hand sized ones that probably had venom going by them being green, and the dog sized ones that looked like they could maul you to death. Yes, they both creeped the hell out of me. The bats were slightly better, as they only had a slight size increase, turning to about the size of a hawk.

As for my hunting method with these abominations, it was basically the same as with the rats with the squished to death via floor tactic, but I had to make sure that the spiders didn't notice first, because those things were unreasonably fast, especially the smaller ones.

The bats posed a particular problem though, as I couldn't really trap them for a few reasons. First, I had to move the actual ceiling to try to cover the bats so it allowed more room for their escape via just dropping to the ground. Secondly, they knew what I was doing almost as soon as I started and I wasn't quick enough to actually catch them. They probably used echolocation and saw the ceiling move around them, but I wasn't sure. All I knew is that my current tactics and speed basically stopped me from killing the big bats.

That was a later problem however, one for me in a few days according to my new schedule. Today was a making new spells day, then going to incinerate a bunch of things in the dungeon after I close up the Arcade tonight.

I walked back through the city, feeling light on my feet with the new increase in my stat points. I was definitely faster, though I looked about the same as before, and I couldn't help but wonder which stat made me feel so light and fast on my feet. Physically, leg strength was basically most of what determined the speed something could go and some coordination. But typically in video game logic, strength does not equal speed, dexterity or an equivalent does. I could see some logic in that, as being deft and sure in your steps was definitely necessary to go fast, but that logic never really stuck with me.

In this world, it seemed that the strength stat point represented the mussels in the body, and from what I could tell dexterity increased the connection between brain and body. I wasn't exactly sure of the sciences or biology behind what I was thinking, but I read that the body's reaction time and dexterity was a bit limited by the connection between brain and body.

Whatever was actually going on behind the scenes aside, I felt great. I was sure that I was almost in super human territory judging by how I was feeling, but that was based on my old earth standards. I was not even in the double digits in my levels yet, and I got that far in two dungeon delves so it was fair to assume that someone that trained themselves in this world for their entire life could potentially be well into the hundreds. And that was terrifying. It was likely that I would be going against these higher level people if I want to keep my Arcade running and save this town, and I couldn't help but feel like it would be like going up against an army of demigods.

But what could you do? Not fight against the necromancer army that was trying to kill everyone in the city that you happened to temporarily live in now? I couldn't run, so I would at least try. Worst case scenario, I die and get sent back to hell to fight for the rest of existence. Or I could potentially be summoned back from the dead, as they were necromancers, and just end up trying to kill the necromancers again.

I guess that I would just keep on living until then, then. Who knows, maybe I will get lucky and someone will show up to save the town before I get turned to a zombie?

I chucked at my thoughts as I rounded the corner of the street my Arcade was on. It was relieving in a way, knowing what the afterlife was like. Even if it sucked, knowing that I could survive and potentially get out again really took away the intellectual fear of dying. I was still sure that I would die screaming in terror, but that is for the future.

But all that aside, I unlocked and opened my arcade and stepped inside to start working.

Quite a few hours later, I sat behind the counter of my empty arcade and scratched off a name on a short list after dispelling a bunch of my mana back into my mana core. “Nope… Lasers are a bust…” I murmured, a little disappointed at the lack of a usable spell from the usage of most of my supply of light mana. I hadn't got a lot of usable spells from my testing time, though I didn't try very hard to get them all to work either. I found out that I could make a small rock from a larger collection of mana and then hurl it through the air though, along with a few other little spells.

Honestly, I think that the quick tests are worth it more than taking longer to figure out how to get them to work. It gets me easier spells to work with, and it was fast.

I was interrupted while I was looking for the next spell on the list by the bell on my door ringing through the shop. I looked up to the door quickly, only to see that there was an older man that I didn't recognize, looking around my own (Physical) age, standing in the doorway. Someone new? Maybe Terance and his two friends started to spread around the word about the Arcade faster than I thought.

“Hello!” I called out cheerfully to the man, smiling warmly. Honestly all the spellwork has been a bit mentally tiring so I could use the distraction that this man presented.

“Ah, hello.” The man responded with a smile of his own as he walked in with a look of interest in his eye as he looked over my shop, taking in everything. “I don't suppose you know who I am?” He asked me after making his way to the counter, his smile staying in place as if he found everything here to be a great big game that he was enjoying.

His question had me taken aback, and I frowned for a second trying to think if I had met him before, but nothing came to mind. “No, I don't believe so.” I answer his question with a peculiar look. This man didn't seem like the bad sort, but I have had a few problems with some Karen's back on earth and his opening line sounded quite similar to their battle cry.

I needn't have worried however, as the older guy just gave a brighter smile at that. “Well, introductions then. I am Guild Master Augman of this branch of the adventurers guild, and I heard a rumor that you might be a god come down to earth.” He told me, with a grin. Now THAT, made me lean back in shock. Really? Where did someone get that- Oh. OH!

“Terance…” I muttered, halfway between feeling amused, horrified and stupid. Of course, this was a world without technology… they wouldnt understand what virtual reality was! He must have thought that I created another world or something. No wonder the first thing he did was go around telling people that I was a god…

“Yes, quite.” The old man told me with an even wider grin as he watched my reaction. Then he unexpectedly burst into laughter, causing me to look on with a confused smile. “You must have found yourself quite something if you got a boy running around in a panic because he thinks that you are a god!” He told me after laughing for a bit, looking at me in curiosity. “Quite an achievement for a level nine shopkeeper.” He told me, looking honestly impressed.

I didn't really react to the ‘level nine’ drop, honestly I wasn't that surprised that someone had a skill or something that let him identify me as a level nine. I gave a smile at his complements, though they felt a little hollow, mostly because I haven't really worked for any of this. This was all the Arcade System.

“I believe that I have gotten quite a bit of good stuff.” I told the guild master, “I could show you some of my Arcade games? They are quite good, and rather new. You could try to win yourself an Artifact while you are at it.” I continued, giving what honestly felt uncomfortably like a sales pitch. Though sales pitch or not, this was definitely an important moment for everyone. If I get his support, and possibly the guilds as well, then this could be monumental for both my income and for a good increase in ability through more artifacts in the militia that terance was a part of.

“Ah, yes of course.” The guild master nodded, as if that was a given. “But first, I got a rather strong recommendation for something pizza with coffee.” He told me with an amused smile. I of course smiled too, though probably for different reasons then him.

We spent a few minutes going over his order after that, though he didn't seem very particular about his food which I took as a good sign in terms of personality. He seemed genuinely interested in me and my arcade, as well.

“Come, grab something for yourself. We should probably talk.” The man suggested, though seeming rather forceful he didn't seem to really be rude or demanding with a pleasant look on his face. As if I were an old friend or acquaintance that he wanted to catch up with.

“Sure, that would be good.” I told him and grabbed some pepperoni pizza and a coffee of my own and walked to sit down at the nearest table with him. Truthfully, I needed to have a talk with him, and I was suspecting that he probably did too.

“So, what are your thoughts on my little shop?” I asked as I sat down heavily and took a sip of my coffee. He took a similar sip, then to my amusement he gave a light grimace and put the cup down onto the table before he answered. “I have to say, a place like this would have cost quite a bit. Enchanted lighting from the looks of the mana, glass and high quality paper practically everywhere. You must have had quite the backer for a place like this, even one in this section of town.” He answered carefully, and looked at me curiously.

To that, I nodded along. His reasoning made sense, and that is probably what I would have thought too, but really my ‘backer’ was a bit more than what he was probably thinking.

“Quite.” I responded genially with a nod, acknowledging his reasoning with a smile bordering on smirking.

“And this backer of yours, I suppose that they also have to do with your supply of Artifacts that the boy was talking about then? Also your games?” He asked me, with a look of interest and I could practically see the wheels turning in his mind as he asked.

“That would be correct as well.” I acknowledge him with a smile. I know how important I could be, I got a taste of it when I saw Terances and his friends' reactions. And that was just talking about the value of my Artifacts. In the future, I could purchase more prizes than Artifacts, though I haven't really looked into that yet. I had a feeling that they would be quite a lot more than I can afford.

“And I dont suppose that you could put me into contact with this backer of yours? As the head of the Adventurers Guild in this city, I have access to quite the sum of money that I could offer in exchange for a supply of these Artifacts?” The man asked, seeming to have finally come around to his offer at last.

I took a bite of my pizza just then, thinking about my response. Of course I would have to deny him about putting him in contact with my backer, seeing as it was basically my personal system, but I could use this to my advantage.

“I am afraid that my backer only works through me.” I respond, as I straighten up in my seat, “But I think that we could arrange a deal between us that would be just as beneficial.” I offered the other man quickly so as to not let his hopes up.

“And what deal would that be?” The Guild Master asked me with a look of interest, not even bothering to hide his emotions at all, so I gave a light smile. “There are some rules that I have to stick to, like the fact that all Artifacts have to be earned in the Arcade, and I am not able to just give them away. That is not something under my control.” I started off, laying the ground rules that the system imposed on me.

“But, I am able to offer heavy discounts for your guild and the members of your militia for the time being and I am willing to earn. I would also be willing to give away a tier four Artifact through my own time and effort, though I am afraid that the last part will take time.” I started off, giving the grounds for our deal.

He took a bite of pizza while considering my words, looking at me with a look of deep thought.

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