The Age of Elves: Starting from Mewtwo

Chapter 70 Fatal Flaw

In the first round of Group B, there was no significant change in the strength of the two contestants.

If Mu Feng were to evaluate him, he would probably be just a little bit better than the previous trainers in the first round.

It was probably the difference between a level ten Rattata and a level fourteen Rattata... He didn't bother to take a closer look, so he simply released Charmander and chatted with the opponent about things to pay attention to in the next battle. .

"Your next opponent is a monkey monster who is good at close combat. Pay attention to the fighting skills I taught you before. Don't just compete with the opponent for strength."

"Your strength may be barely equal to the opponent's, but speed is your biggest advantage."

"come on."

Upon hearing this, Charmander also nodded heavily, indicating that he understood.


Not long after, the winner of the first round in Area B was announced!

Next it was Mu Feng’s turn!

"Let's go, Charmander."

He put Charmander back into the Poké Ball and walked towards the playing field.

After the referee handed over the elf illustration to confirm the identity, the second round of competition officially began!

"The players from both sides are already in place, please make a friendly declaration before the game!"

Mufeng looked at Wusuke, who was standing opposite him with a turban tied on his head, and gave a friendly smile.

"Mufeng, please give me some advice."

But this expression had a different flavor in Takesuke's eyes. This smile was due to his psychological reasons and seemed more like a provocation to him!

He hummed softly, clenched the elf ball in his hand, and replied to Mu Feng with a serious look on his face.

"Hmph. I'm Takesuke. Your Charmander is very strong, but I won't show mercy."

Mu Feng was stunned by what he said. This man felt a little rushed...

In this case, he put away the smile on his face and took out Charmander's Poke Ball.

"Now, both players release the elves!"

Accompanied by the referee's order, two red lights flashed, and Charmander's fighting eyes met the sight of the monkey monster who was also eager to fight.

Just like the previous battle against Squirtle, the atmosphere on the battlefield instantly became tense.

Looking at this scene, Mu Feng felt a sense of déjà vu for some reason...


The coin in the referee's hand has spun and landed on the ground, and the upward side represents the blue side of Mu Feng's side!

"Charmander will attack first and the game begins!"

"Little Charmander, use Grab!"

Now that he had the right to attack first, Mu Feng didn't intend to be polite and just let the little fire dragon charge forward!

In the case where Charmander is planning to hide his special and powerful flames, Charmander's attack methods can be said to be pitiful, a bit like Briquettes who could only rely on tit-for-tat counterattacks to win.

But after Charmander evolves, he can not only master a variety of long-range attacks, but is also good at melee skills!


Charmander's claws lit up with a brilliant white light, and his body exploded at a speed that was completely disproportionate to its appearance, and it rushed straight towards the opponent's monkey monster!

"Monkey monster, let's fight back with sonic punch!"

Takesuke looked at Charmander's figure flashing across half of the field in an instant, and couldn't help feeling a little sick in his stomach.

Are you a fighting elf or a monkey monster?Your speed is too unreasonable!

But in a pure competition of strength, Monkey Monster may not lose to Charmander!


Facing the attacking Charmander, the monkey monster's claws also began to gather moves, and rushed out equally quickly 1

But this is not the speed that the monkey monster itself can possess, but only the increase in speed from the moves.

Charmander is simply too fast, so he uses this ordinary skill like a flash of lightning!

The auditorium in Area B was also very lively at this moment, and the seats above the battle field were actually packed with people.

Although there are many people watching the game, there are actually many empty seats in each area of ​​the auditorium. Everyone watching the game can choose the venue and players they want to watch.

After Mu Feng's last game, rumors about an extremely powerful Charmander spread among the audience, so at this moment, the auditorium was almost full of people who made a special trip to see the Charmander.

Most of these people were not trainers. They were all people who were full of curiosity and desire for elves but had no training skills. After hearing that there was such a Yusanjia, they all flocked over.

After all, the battles in other areas are really boring... Just like the previous battle between the armored chrysalis and the iron-shelled kun, it makes people feel drowsy just looking at it.

"Look, that Charmander's speed is really ridiculous! Isn't he really flashing lightning?!"

"Nonsense, Charmander can't learn Lightning Flash, so it's just an ordinary catch!"

"But even though it is faster than the monkey monster, the latter's strength should not be weak. Can this little fire dragon really compete with the opponent?"

"I think so too..."

Amid the discussion and attention of the audience, the moves of the two elves have collided!

Two claws versus two fists!The most primitive close combat combat!

The light of the move dissipated, and the two elves were actually about the same strength, and they were deadlocked in place!

"how is this possible!"

"Holy shit! This little Charmander grew up drinking Moo's milk, right? Is he so strong?"

This scene also made people in the audience exclaim. As a common elf in the fighting system, the Monkey Monster, whether in its current form or its evolved form, the Fiery Monkey, is famous for its fiery temper and powerful fists!

"Monkey monster, seize the opportunity and use close combat!"

Wusuke also frowned when he saw this, how could it be possible?I thought that the power of Charmander should be slightly inferior to that of Monkey Monster, but why is it actually a tie?

But he soon realized that the monkey monster had many ways to attack, but Charmander had few melee attack skills.

Since you want to fight me personally, don't blame me for being rude!


The monkey monster gave up the confrontation and took half a step back. As Charmander leaned forward, he struck out with a heavy palm!

But Charmander seemed to have been prepared for it, he immediately stopped his strength and dodged the opponent's attack with a slight jump to the right!

Mu Feng had anticipated such a scene before the battle began. Charmander's lack of close attack methods was a fatal flaw that could not be made up for by speed alone!

But if you seize the gap between the opponent's attacks and counterattack, you have every hope of winning.

So the moment the confrontation between the two sides ends, it is the key to victory or defeat!

Faced with this situation, the little fire dragon, who had been warned by Mu Feng in advance, successfully stopped his forward attack and directly dodged the attack.

If you don't hold back your strength, you will definitely be severely injured by the monkey monster's attack at close range!

"Good opportunity! Grab him again on the waist!"

At this moment, the monkey monster has revealed a fatal flaw in its side. How could Mu Feng let this opportunity pass?


The white light of Charmander's claws lit up again, and he severely injured the monkey monster sideways!

The monkey monster's face was distorted in pain, and he howled in pain!

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