The Age of Elves: Starting from Mewtwo

Chapter 31 Didn’t I do this myself?

The shop owner even doubted for a moment - had he seen it wrong?

The black energy cubes in the glass jar in front of you are all well-proportioned and have no wear and tear on the corners. They cannot be manufactured without professional cutting and manufacturing techniques.

But these are only excellent features in appearance. In fact, they only make the cube look better and do not affect its actual function.

What really surprised him was that although the inside of these cubes were light black, it could be clearly seen that there was no other precipitation or impurities in them!

The appearance, purity, taste, manufacturing materials and actual effects of the energy cube all affect its actual price. However, even if such a cube can only fill the elves, it can be sold for more than twice as much as other cubes with the same function. price.

Moreover, the shop owner believed that this cube could never be just an ordinary satiety cube. Such quality was obviously made by a master, and such a master would not bother to make such low-level cubes.

At least they are all mid-level and above!

"What grade are your energy cubes of, and what are their specific effects? Where are the manufacturing materials?"

The middle-aged shop owner asked Mu Feng with a look of disbelief on his face, and he did not forget to murmur something like "Incredible...".

ah?Are energy cubes divided into different levels?

Mu Feng was confused when he heard this. There was no such statement in his mind about energy cubes. Naturally, he didn't know what grade the energy cubes he made were.

But it seems like this recipe has a name?Elementary ghost energy cube?

Just consider it a beginner level.

"Ah, this is the entry-level one. What's the price?"

The shop owner was stunned when he heard this. Is this really a beginner level?

Generally speaking, the level of energy cubes corresponds to the difficulty of making and the type of materials. Elementary cubes are usually just a mixture of one or two simple tree fruit materials, and there is no difficulty in making them. Anyone who is familiar with it can succeed. .

But just getting started is very demanding.

Which master made this batch of things in a bad way... The middle-aged shop owner was speechless for a moment.

"However, the effect of the blocks is there. It seems to improve the control of ghost elves on curse skills..."

Mu Feng seemed to have finally remembered something at this time. This kind of block was different from the electric ones. The additional effect seemed to improve the elves' ability to control curses?

He didn't take this matter seriously before, he just wanted to prepare something for Guisi to eat.

Judging from the results of the game just now, it seems that the effect of this block is quite powerful!

No wonder Guisi wasn't affected at all after using the curse... It should be because of the energy cube.

As soon as Mu Feng said the words, there was speculation in his mind.

But the next moment, the shopkeeper's eyes almost popped out of his sockets. He excitedly slapped the table and stood up, saying loudly:

"What did you say? You say it again?!"

Both Mu Feng and Mei Qiu were startled by his actions, and the former couldn't help but wonder, why was the shop owner so excited all of a sudden?

"Ah...this batch of energy cubes can allow ghost elves to improve their control over curse skills."

Although he didn't know what happened, he still told the story again honestly and blinked innocently.

Naturally, it was impossible for him to understand why his boss was so rude. There were actually a variety of reasons.

First, the positioning of curse skills. In this world, curse skills are not as shown in games or animations. The mechanism of this skill is very complicated.

To put it simply, this skill is only suitable for use by elves with extremely high talents in the ghost system, and it will not deduct half of the physical strength unconditionally like in the game. Instead, it will be based on the strength gap between the opponent and the elves who cast the curse, and the elves who cast the curse. The degree of control of this skill is calculated.

Just like in the battle between Mu Feng and Kona, the reason why Mei Qiu was not affected at all after casting the curse is precisely because Mei Qiu, as an elf with legendary talent, has an extremely high degree of control over curse skills. In addition, the opponent His strength is not that high, it can even be said to be about the same. Finally, with the help of this energy cube, he can cast the curse skill without any consumption.

Such complex and difficult conditions are precisely because the curse skill can be regarded as a magical skill of the ghost system in the battle between elves.

In this world, this extremely powerful skill cannot be blocked by mysterious guardians, and cannot be immune to guarding moves. Only elves of the ghost type can resist it.

As a relatively rare attribute of the ghost type, the cost of obtaining a ghost type elf is extremely high, let alone finding one with good talent!

Therefore, there are very few trainers who specialize in ghost type.

Among the remaining trainers, their elves' ability to control curses is difficult to practice and is basically determined by nature.

The reason is simple. You can slowly train other skills by yourself, but you cannot practice curse moves because you have no target to use them on.

If you take wild elves that are much lower level than yourself as a training target, there will be no actual effect.

If you take elves of the same level...some ghost-type elves with poor talents may fall first after using their curse skills.

This makes the magical skill of curse almost become the exclusive skill of the extremely talented ghost-type elves!

That's why Kona was so surprised to determine that Mu Feng was not simple, and why the shop owner was so out of his mind after hearing that the energy cube had this effect.

The second point is that elementary energy cubes are often simple to make, but the accompanying effects are not much better.

For example, this shop owner previously purchased a batch of elementary ghost-type cubes from a supplier. The additional effect was to slightly strengthen the special attacks of ghost-type elves.

And the effect is minimal, almost nonexistent.

Based on the above two points, the shop owner was so surprised by Mu Feng's words.

But soon, he realized that all this information was unfounded. Who knew if this kid was lying?

But he is not a professional energy cube master, and he does not have a ghost-type elf, so naturally he has no way to directly identify it.

He calmed down before continuing to ask Mu Feng.

"Can I ask which master made these cubes of yours? Do you have that master's seal of production?"

If what this young man said is true, it is probably because the family behind him paid a high price for him to buy energy cubes from a master for his novice elves to use.

Children from rich families are so happy, the boss sighed silently in his heart, and at the same time he was curious about which master made such a cube.

Unexpectedly, after hearing this question, the boy in front of him said something naturally that the boss would never forget.

"Ah? I made it myself."

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