The Adventures of Rose Hood

Chapter 96: The Fall of Dominion

Regala was furious. Her nature magic was flashing, and her aspect was visible behind her.

On the other hand, I could barely stand.

“You killed her. You killed Ella.”

“She tried to kill me.”

“You killed her. DIE!!!”

She struck quickly and struck my stomach. I flew through a wall and smashed through it. She growled and instantly took a draconic form.

She bit my stomach and chomped me in half.

I coughed as she swallowed my lower half. I could sense her power increasing.

“At least she didn’t die in vain. Now I can kill you.”

My regeneration wasn’t working. I had no mana. The only thing keeping me alive was my divinity.

She cut down and chopped my arm off. I screamed and she looked at peace. She ate my arm as I tried crawling away.

She returned to her human form and stomped on my back. I heard a snap and felt a sharp pain.

“You are weak. Weak, I tell you. I will kill you and Thalia, and I won’t leave anything behind.”


“Oh? The dying weakling is still talking? No matter whether you are a divinity or not, I can kill you.”

She was bloodlusted, but her fury was great. I now understood how the others felt whenever I was enraged.

But I wasn’t done.


She crushed my throat. I couldn’t breath, but I wasn’t dead, both of us knew that.

But I had one last trick under my sleeve.

[Life eruption]

My arm regenerated and I tossed her off. She stood up to strike, but I finished first.

[Savage Beast]

Her eyes widened, but she remained bloodlusted as the smile, now more melted than ever, formed again.

I stood up, my armor was little more than scraps, but I kept a cloth made from my scales, so I could always regenerate that. So, I was still luckily decent.

She was furious, and I knew that if I made one wrong move, then I would die. I needed to stand straight so I could move at my top speeds.

I stretched my back and eventually stood straight.

[Savage Be Be Be Be Be Be Beast level 3]

The system still didn’t like it. No matter, I managed to level it twice in this battle.

“I don’t care if you can use that again, I will kill you here and now.”

She leapt, and we clashed.

Her bloodlust spilled over to me. I could feel her aura, it was huge. It was almost as though the world itself was quivering before her.

She cut my stomach and growled.

“I just need to cut that thread.”


She seemed as shocked as I was that I could speak in this form. I guess 3 is highish.

“You don’t need to know.”

I then noticed a thin thread that was wrapped around my neck and spiraled down to my waist.

“Why is it so complicated?”

I could see her calculating how to continue, then I realized what the thread was. A guide on how to kill a deity, and mine was too complicated.

“Can’t kill… can you?”

My smile deepened as I leapt at her. I slashed and she blocked. She slashed and I blocked.

We continued this back and forth for a while, then she kicked me, causing me to fly.

I crashed through a building and landed near my raiding party.


“BACK UP!!!”

Regala charged soon after, in full dragon form.

I also entered full dragon form, but with the mutation it looked… warped.

I had two pairs of wings, one was bent and twisted dragon wings, and the other was scrappy and feathery.

The melted smile melted on to the face to a disturbing point. It wrapped around me, replacing both eyes with abysses and my jaw was missing its lower half, but had a dark liquid dripping down.

My legs were dismorphed to a point halfway between talons and regular feet.

I certainly looked horrifying, but Regala, being bloodlusted, just continued her assault.

“I will kill you!!!”

She slashed at me, but I blocked and grappled with her.

While me and Regala wrestled, Thalia and the rest of our party was killing the remainder of the opponents. I saw several high-class bodies and realized that Dominion only had one 400 or up.

I not only killed someone that Regala considered a friend, but their strongest fighter too.

“There is nothing you can do!!!”

Unfortunately, I had exactly something I could do.

My power greatly increased against users of forbidden magic, so, with Savage Beast, I was as strong as I normally was.

We fought on par and breathed our elements at each other.

Reality and Nature clashed. The world shook, and I noticed an opening.

A single weakness.

I morphed into the decrepit catkin and used my maximum speed to get close to her before she could react.

She morphed back and slashed, cutting my head off. The Savage Beast ability wore off, but my adrenaline kept me from collapsing right then and there.

“You think I am that weak? I am the Nature Dragon.”

She began the spiral strike to kill me.

“Wind breath.”

I breathed a gale of wind and launched myself at her.

She looked up, and I bit down on her face.

She screamed and tried ripping me off.

After struggling for a while, she succeeded and threw me at my body, not thinking.

That allowed me to regenerate.

I spit out the blood that was on me and gave her a dark glare.

She flinched, and in that short amount of time, I made it to her and grabbed her arm.

“What are yo-“

I ripped it off causing her to scream.

“R-Rose, we can talk ab-“

“I’m done listening to you.”

Her eyes widened as I sealed her death.


The world shook at the unfamiliar deity who used a powerful spell like smite.

She screeched as the bolt struck through her core, killing her. She unshifted automatically, then the confirmation came through.

[You killed the level 399 dragon, Regala, and have received her experience.]

[You have leveled to 152]

[You have gained the title, Avenger, it makes each of your attacks to an increased amount of damage per ally your enemy has slain.]

Then a message that made me smile and everyone in the raid party cheer appeared in both the voice and in our eyes.

[SYSTEM NOTICE: The Minor Faction (Dominion) has been fully destroyed by the Junior Faction ruled by Rose Hood. Not a single Dominion member has survived.]

Then a message appeared before me.

[You have gained control of Falsel and its remaining inhabitants, would you like to build a bridge at the same place you entered?]


[Confirmed, please make an announcement to the people who live here.]

So, I stood and spoke.

[Hello people of Falsel. I am Rose Hood. If you have access to the system, then you likely saw what has occurred here. I now control this world, but I don’t seek to control you. Live as you want, but a gate has opened in the old Dominion Capital to my home world. If you need any help, or if someone is attacking you, please let me know so I can aid you.]

I walked back to my group and smiled.

“Let’s go home.”

Thalia nodded and picked me up, she instantly understood how tired I was. Elren had a request.

“Before that, I wanted to see the kin-killer’s castle and see if she had anything of use.”

“Of course. You can do that. It’s our territory now.”

He nodded and smiled.

“Thank you, Rose.”

That was the last thing I heard before the bliss of sleep took me.

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