The Adventures of Rose Hood

Chapter 89: Kin-Killer

When I returned, I saw Dallel standing with a clipboard.

“Hey, what’s happening?”

“Oh, perfect, we need to know where to put the altar.”


“Even if you entered the system or used to be a human, right now you’re a deity, meaning you get stronger with worship.”

Then Dallel noticed the dragon in the room.

“Who’s that?”

“Leader of Dominion and my sister, Regala.”

“A dragon is a faction leader?”

“Apparently, but listen, I really don’t have any preferences with altar placement.”

“Okay, now for another question. Do you prefer lamb blood or pig blood as a proper sacrifice?”


“Celios said that animal sacrifices are great source of power.”

“I don’t need sacrifices.”

“Okay, so no preference.”

“Wait. That’s not what I-“

“Next question.”


“Do you have a specific day that you want separated for no work?”


“Amy said that’s what Earth’s ruler did.”

“I know, the Sabbath, but I don’t need one.”

“Okay. Next que-“

“Who’s Amy?”

Dallel gave a glance of minor annoyance to the ascended dragon, before ignoring the question and continued.

“What is the punishment for theft?”

“Um, return the item and fine them a 10th of the item’s cost.”

“Okay. What about murder?”


My immediate response shocked both of them.


“If they commit murder and kill another, they should be executed. If it’s a smite death, then smite them, if it’s a regular death that we can revive, then let them stew in death for two days then revive them.”

“That seems harsh.”

“I don’t want killing to be entirely normalized to the point that we don’t care, that’s how we lose our morality. A fear of death is still prevalent, despite Elren’s ability. If we aren’t harsh on unrightful killing, then we will lose ourselves and become as bad as those who took our friends.”

Dallel seemed to understand, but Regala had another question.

“Elren can revive the dead?”

“As long as they aren’t smited.”

“Interesting that Greeny got that strong.”

Dallel had an odd look.

“I still can’t believe that King Elren used to be named Greeny.”

“King Elren?!”

“Yeah, he now rules the elven nation.”

“That’s awesome, I thought only Onyx became a ruler.”

“Another fun thing, Dallel here is Elren’s brother-in-law.”

“That is cool.”

“I guess, why are you here though, if you don’t mind me asking.”

“I just really want to see what went on during my absence.”

“Fair, I guess. Anyways, Rose, I have a few more questions…”

So, the first hour of my return was spent answering questions about laws.



Thalia saw Regala and smiled before tackle hugging her.


Regala was pinned.

“Oh, dear sister, it’s been so long since we last spoke.”


Regala was trying to wriggle, but Thalia was hugging too tightly.

“Rose, you gonna help her?”

“I’m just happy I’m not on the receiving end of the hug this time.”

Thalia kept hugging, so I stepped in.

“Thalia, she can’t breathe.”


Regala was dazed. Then Dallel walked in on the scene.

“Dang, I didn’t expect Thalia to be able to take down a faction leader that easily.”


Everyone except me froze.

Then Regala, still dizzy from recent lack of air, said.

“Good to see that Cri- I mean Thalia hasn’t changed all that much.”

Thalia had a question.

“You’re a faction leader?”

“Yes, I am the leader of Dominion.”

Thalia smiled; I knew that smile. All of our siblings did.


And once again, I had to pry her off of the poor dragon.


“So, you’re a higher being?”

“Level 268.”

Regala was still out of breath, but she was open to talking.

“I thought… nevermind. How did you become a faction ruler in 90 years?”

“Dominion needed a ruler, so after I proved my metal by becoming a higher being in only 50 years, they made me leader.”

“What’s the usual timing?”

“It normally takes 1000 years after entering the system to become one.”

“I think Rose may beat your record.”


“Nah, I bet she’ll get it in one year.”

“I’ll admit, 38 in two months is impressive, but that’s a fluke.”

Mammon snorted.

“People said that when she became a B rank in record time too. Then in less than a year she became an S rank.”

“That’s different from becoming a higher being, dwarf.”

“How so?”

“You need only strength to become a high adventuring rank, to become a higher being, you need to not only be strong, but also kill those stronger than you. It took 50 years of not only training, but I had to hunt higher beings constantly. I had to battle more level 200s than there are people in your kingdom.”

“Then I’ll hunt 400s.”

Everyone turned to me.

“I need to become a higher being as fast as I can to make sure these people stay safe, so if you could get it in 50 years by hunting 200s. I’ll get it in 1 by hunting 400s.”

Regala started laughing.

“Please, even I can’t beat a 400 at this point, there’s no way that you will be able to hunt them. Sal was among the weakest of the 400s due to his sparing killing, and even he demolished you.”

“Then I need to get stronger.”

“You really are insistent on this.”

Thalia laughed.

“I’m not the only one who hasn’t changed.”

“You’re right. I know it’s a fool’s errand to try to dissuade you once you’ve made up your mind.”

Amy walked in. Regala immediately took notice.

“You’re from Earth.”

“Uh…. Okay? Yes, I am.”

“Amy, this is Regala, my sister and leader of Dominion, a faction.”


“For a human from a world unfamiliar with magic, you are quite confident.”

Regala seemed shocked that no one here was at all scared of her.

“Well, I know that God will defend me from all problems.”

“So, are you a member of the Supreme Faction? No, too low a level.”

“I’m planning on joining Heather’s faction when it gets made.”

“Who the **** is Heather?”

“That would be Kala’s name when she was human.”

“Huh, so this person knew her.”

I got a sense of danger and tensed unnoticeably. I knew something was odd.

[Motive changed; would you like to see the new motive.]


Regala seemed to assume that I answered her and continued to chat.

[The new motive of the Dominion Leader is to make sure this world cannot ascend into a capital. Hostages may be taken. Do you wish to revoke access?]

“Rose? What’s that look for?”


It seemed I was the only one who could see motives, likely due to my nature.


Then the system spoke from the sky.

[Notice: Due to hostile motives, the leader of Faction (Dominion) has had access revoked from Rose Hood’s Capital world.]

“What?! Why?”

Regala acted like she was hurt, but Thalia, Dallel, and Mammon focused on the reason.

“Hostile motives.”

Thalia immediately moved in front of Amy.

Then the confirmation came in.

[The pact between the Junior Faction, and Dominion has been violated. Violater: Dominion.]

Then Ausar charged in.

“Rose, there is an army of higher beings out there.”

“Any deities.”

“Not that I could see.”

“Good, so we can fight more ferociously.”

Regala realized that her plan contained a flaw. As long as we weren’t smited, we would live, and she didn’t bring anyone that used smite.

Her mask fell off, and she grimaced.

“I guess I’ll simply have to kill you to prevent your ascension.”

She charged me, but I blocked.


“Please, I am uncheckable.”

Then to her surprise, I saw her skills.



Level: 398

Race: Mature Nature Dragon

Age: 763


Nature Divination: Max

Army: 3

Hunter: 9

Ascender Killer: 5

Sword King: 7

Evolution: 6

Forbidden Divination: 8


The Betrayer, Kin-killer, Kin-eater, Hunter, Undiscovered Killer[NOTICE: REQUIREMENTS GONE. TO BE REMOVED], World Breaker, Eternal Slaver, Ascendant Dragon.


“How did you do that?”

She spat. It seemed that I removed one of her title’s by simply analyzing her.

I smiled.

“Don’t underestimate us lower beings.”

Then I grimaced.

“Which one did you kill?”


Thalia looked at me confused, it turned to shock when Regala laughed darkly.

“Shade, he didn’t want to submit. His materials were useful for this armor.”

“And for your food?”

Regala simply smiled. Thalia’s expression turned to absolute horror.

“You ate our brother?”

“Please, I needed to level the forbidden magic. I learnt that dragons could escalate their growth through eating one another. There is a reason that I became so strong.”

“You are revolting.”

“Please, we are beasts. Trying to ignore it doesn't change anything. All we have is increased intellect. We get stronger by eating our kin, so what? It’s natural.”

Thalia snapped and charged Regala in a rage. Regala blocked and threw Thalia into Mammon and Dallel.

“Careful, she’s a 398.”

Regala laughed.

“So, what if you removed my strongest title, I’ll kill you and regain it.”

I laughed. Regala had a look of confusion.

“Two levels lower than what I wanted, but I suppose that dragons would give me more Xp.”

Regala’s eyes widened at my words.

“You’ll be my first killed in my hunting of the 400s, Kin-killer.”

She didn’t deserve her name.

Regala snarled.

“You think you can kill me? I am the ruler of Dominion. I will kill all of you.”

“Tell me Murderer…”


“Do you remember the consequence I stated.”

Regala smiled at my challenge, but I simply continued.

“Murder will be punished by death.”

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