The Adventures of Rose Hood

Chapter 107: The Supreme Arrival

Kalgero was far stronger than I was. Whenever I thought I had a blow, he’d rip off my arm. The moment I stopped regenerating I would die.

I had to spam life eruption.

He simply was that much stronger.

“Will you die already, irritating dragon?!”

“Nah, I don’t think so.”

“Then you will face more pain.”

“And? I’m not scared.”

He growled and impaled me before throwing me at the Brooklyn Bridge.

I knew I didn’t have enough mana to stop, but I couldn’t let them get hurt, there were so many cars on it.

Then something unexpected happened.

Wings flashed on my back. I stopped myself.

I realized something. My body had evolved, my soul as well.


I smiled and faced the man who could still demolish me.

“Do you think I will let more innocents die? I will save everyone that I can!”

My declaration caused him to consider me.

“A cornered beast with something to defend. That’s why you hold onto the little bit of HP you have left.”

“If you think that I will die just because you are stronger than me, you insult those who have already fallen. You insult those who you killed. [I swear on the name of Rose Hood, that I will not let a single person die to you here!]

My voice swapped to the system, causing him to look shocked.

“What are you?”

[A mere shard of the World Mother.]

I charged him, and he too stopped holding back as he charged.

Our blow emitted power before connecting, this blow would either be our salvation or our destruction.

It was blocked.

Not by Kalgero, but by a familiar man.

“Pardon me, but could you not destroy my Lord’s planet.”

“I-it can’t be you.”


“Hello Rose. How are you doing?”

“Um good?”

“Wonderful, now Kalgero, do I need to tell you why I am upset with you?”


“Wonderful, now I’ll give you 10 seconds to return to your little hole that I’ll patch.”


I couldn’t even see him leave, but when I looked at him, he was already gone.

“Well, this isn’t good. Now I have to do soooo much paperwork.”


“Oh no, Rose. You did good. You defended this world on sheer adrenaline alone and even evolved your soul… I didn’t even know you could do that.”

“You didn’t?”

“Oh, I may be a commander of the Lord’s army, but I don’t know all that He does. For example, until now, I couldn’t figure out why He was so interested in you.”


“Yeah, normally we of the Supreme faction don’t involve ourselves in minor faction wars, but he has now told me to defend you twice.”

“Is that odd?”

“First time it’s happened in all of history actually.”

“Could it be because I’m a reincarnation?”

“That’s another first I’m confused about.”


“There’s been summonings and even people being resurrected after dead, but Kala is the first total reincarnation.”

“What’s so special about her?”

“That’s what I’m trying to figure out. Frankly, if it’s related to what you were able to do, then I can partially understand His interest.”

“What was I able to do?”

“Kalgero can fight 600s on even ground, yet you were able to hold him back while little more than a tenth of your strength.”

“I guess…”

“No guessing about it, that was impressive.”

“But you made him flee.”

“And think about my level.”

“Yeah, it is high.”

“Yeah, past 600 the leveling qualifications for leveling become absolutely ridiculous.”


“Yep, I’m several times older than you.”


“What’s more, I was born as a 600.”


“Yep, angels are born as the upper class of higher beings.”


“That’s why people always say our recruitment requirement is level 600, because they don’t realize that’s what we are born at.”


“Yup, anyways, I’ll let you say your goodbyes.”


“I was also tasked with making sure you returned home.”

“Thank you… is the world okay?”

“Yes, the God Slayers focused on you, and Kala left everything to Dallel.”


“Yep, but how did I become a dragon in my soul form?”

“I… don’t know actually. It’s odd.”


“Well, go and say goodbye to everyone you want to. I’ll have to make building plans and figure out how to report this.”

“Thank you.”

I smiled. He smiled back.

“No problem.”

Then I saw the school people and went over to them. This would likely be the last time I saw them.

I landed in front of them.


“Hi, well that was interesting.”

“You’re the world mother, aren’t you?”

“I am a shard of her, yes, but I am Rose Hood a kind dragon.”




The students looked at me in shock, then Erica said something that made them look sad.

“You’re leaving, aren’t you?”

I nodded.

“Gabriel said he could open a gate to my world. I will be going through.”

Erica smiled, but I could see the small tears.

“Alright, I hope you have fun.”

“I hope you do as well.”

Then a voice shouted out.

“Take me with you!”

Amanda stood with minorly scorched skin.


“I don’t have much else in this world, and I want to help you fight the group that tried to kill these kids.”

“You can’t…”

“Why, because I’m weak? Didn’t you say that Amy got to the point that she could give even your world’s pantheon a run for their money? Why can’t I do the same?”

“It’s dangerous.”

“I don’t care, if I die helping stop a group that would do this, then I’ll die happy.”

“… Gabriel?”

“I don’t see a problem with it. Of course, that would mean more paperwork for me… eh go ahead. Not like you could stop her.”

“Then I’ll go t-“

“”“Absolutely not.”””

Erica tried to volunteer as well, but Amanda, me, and Gabriel all instantly denied it.

“You’re still too young to fight.”

“Aren’t you a dragon, don’t they train their young from birth?”

“Yeah, but our young can also walk, talk, and fight from birth. Humans take a bit longer for that. And even then, I don’t even like that practice.”

She relented and Gabriel opened the gate.

I could see Selethon’s capital beyond it.

Me and Amanda walked through the gate, then as it started closing, we heard something.

“Wait, STOP!!!”


I turned in time to see Erica doing an impressive dive through the closing gate. She did a summersault and stood up.

“I made it.”

She turned and saw my annoyed face.


“What part about ‘you can’t’ do you not understand?”


I sighed deeply and facepalmed.

“Well, you’re here now, I guess we could find somewhere for you, but I’m pretty sure Gabriel is going to be ****** off.”


Gabriel POV


I was ticked off. I couldn’t make another gate like that without the Lord’s help, so she was stuck there.

The school children were in shock at their friend who just dove through a portal.

“Um, Mr. Gabriel? Please don’t get mad at her.”

“Eh, there’s no point anyways. Frankly, I’m more surprised that she managed to time that so perfectly.”

“What do you mean?”

“A second earlier and I simply would have reached in and grabbed her. A second later and the top half and bottom half of her would be in different worlds.”


“Oh well, I guess now I have EVEN MORE PAPERWORK!!!”

I sighed.

“Don’t worry, I’ll send a construction crew, New York should be in working order by the end of the month.”

“Thank you.”

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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