The Adventures of Rose Hood

Chapter 104: The Science of Magic

I entered the last class of the day, science.

No one I knew was in this class, but everyone knew me.

“Alright, so Ms. Rose, if you wouldn’t mind, since you are an unknown, would you be able to educate us on the biology where you come from?”

“Sure, why not?”

Then the teacher handed me the chalk and I smiled.

“If any of you have questions, please ask. Unless it’s sensitive, I will be fully honest.”

The teacher raised his hand.


“What’s the energy source where you come from?”

“Wonderful question. Well, how many of you like fantasy novels?”

A few raised their hands.

“Well, the system where I come from is magic based.”


“Yes, specifically Mana. Using this, we can influence the world around us. This place actually also has mana backing.”



“Can you do a spell?”

“Sure, what kind of spell?”



“Ah man…”

Another student raised her hand.

“Could you make a tree grow?”

“I could try. I’ve not really ever focused on nature magic.”

A girl brought over a sapling.

“I’ll make it a small tree.”

I reached out my hand, then I felt it’s system. It’s purity.

I spoke in the ancient language.

“Hello sprout. Please bloom into a small tree, so the others here may see my power.”

The sapling began to glow and grow.

It stopped at about 2 ft tall.


I had blown their minds.

The teacher was rapidly taking notes.

Then a student asked.

“Are there dragons in your home?”

“Yes, in fact I’m friends with a few.”

“Woah. Do they breathe fire?!”

“One does.”

“Can you breathe fire?”

“Yeah, but I don’t think that would be a good idea.”


“What kind of beast is the most dangerous?”

“Dragons, followed by the Whilders. Then after that hm… I don’t know, there are a lot of contenders for third place.”

“What are Whilderbeasts? Wait what? Why’d I say Whilderbeast?”

“Most people can only call Whilders that. It takes a Mythic level person to call them Whilders.”


“Yep, but to answer your question, they are the voice of the nature god, Nala, but corrupted to an evil that even she said to restrain them.”

“Wait, a god?”

“Yes, unlike this place, in my home we are fully aware of the pantheon.”

“Who is the strongest of them?”

“The world mother, also the current ruler of the nation I live in. Her name is Kala.”


“What’s the difference between dragons and Whilderbeasts?”

“Morality, while a lot of people would say intellect, both dragons and Whilders are quite intelligent. So, the main difference is that the Whilders don’t understand morality. They recognize strength and strength alone.”

I sketched a Whilder on the board. They looked at it.

“That looks kind of like a wendigo, but more beastlike.”

“Don’t know what a wendigo is.”

“Um, it’s a fictional creature that can resurrect the dead but in a distorted evil version of themselves.”

“So, necrosis? Huh, a creature that always is born with it.”

“Wait, there are creatures born with it?”

“Dragons all are born with a different element. One actually possesses the necrosis aspect. She uses it in tandem with her father’s life aspect and can fully resurrect people as long as they aren’t smited.”


“Ah yes. The gods are actually beings called deities. Very hard to kill, but they have a unique skill called Smite. It basically makes someone unrevivable, and it is almost an instant kill.”

“Has anyone survived it?”

“The flame dragon, but that’s only because she leveled up right after being smited.”

“What about with a deities help?”

“If you are possessed by a deity, you can survive it, but it’s still horribly painful.”


They thought about it and were taking notes.

“What’s the difference between human and… catkin, was it?”

“Catkin, yes. We have lighter bones, and our muscles are more suited for low jumping attacks.”

“So, you are agile.”


“Could you sketch a dragon?”

“Humanoid form or draconic form?”



I drew Thalia. I went into great detail.

“Woah, is she an elf?”

“Dragons typically appear as elves, but they can also show up as dragonkin or humans.”

“Do any show up as catkin?”

“Yes, in fact the World Mother’s body is that of a dragon. She appears as a catkin.”

“Woah, I would want to meet her.”

“Maybe when she comes to find me.”

“How can you be sure she will?”

“Because if there is one thing about her that even her enemies know. It’s that she will fight tooth and nail to save one person.”

“She seems to be a good person.”

“I suppose.”

“Are you an important person?"


“Like in that kingdom, are you important?”

“I… maybe.”

“Woah, are you like royalty?”

“No, not at all. I’m just one of the stronger fighters.”

“But you are so small.”

“Power doesn’t relate to size.”

“Ooh, speaking of, how big is the biggest dragon?”

“The World Mother, in her dragon form, is probably about a 10th of the size of New York.”

“That’s huge.”


“The city or the state.”

“The city.”

“That’s still massive.”

“Yeah, I know.”

“I wonder what her catkin form looks like.”

Then a boy.

“Probably hot.”

“I bet she’s tall.”

“Bet she’s even prettier than Rose.”

They didn’t know that said world mother was right in front of them trying not to blush.

“Well, uh, any more questions?”

“How does the world mother look. Could you sketch her?”

“Ap sure.”

I didn’t quite look like my body; I looked like a younger version.

“Dragon or humanoid.”



I drew the dragon form and was sure to add details to show the reflective nature of the scales, then I went to drawing myself. I drew it almost in a photographic manner.

“She looks kinda like you.”

“Really? That’s cool.”

“Yeah, she must have seen you and modeled herself after you as an adult.”

“Heh, that’s sweet, but I doubt it.”

Then the bell rang, and we said our goodbyes and the people thanked me for the lesson.

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