The Adventurer’s Academy

Midnight Maiden, Part Two

In theory, Rin shouldn't have felt too strangely about this. What she was doing tonight, after all, had been what took up most of her day for three years already. However, as Rin walked down a dark street, hearing cars in the distance and people talking to each other in the alleys, her heart was beating rapidly against her chest.

[Stay calm,] she told herself. [This is just... a trial run. Just walk over to the bar, sit down, have a drink or two, and see what happens.]

There were many things, of course, that she couldn't predict. She had no idea if she'd run into any girls who were looking for a good time, any girls who were interested in the same sex, or if she could even get them to pay to begin with. And yet, she still felt excited.

As her heels tapped against the concrete, Rin did her best to hold back the blooming smile on her lips as, eventually, she arrived at the bar, hearing upbeat music coming from a radio inside. From the outside, it looked less active than when she and the others had come to celebrate, with only a couple of small groups indoors, dancing, and a handful of people standing around outside, talking with drinks in their hands.

Rin put on a confident expression as she walked in, through the open space. She went behind the group of dancing customers and arrived at the bar, quickly ordering a couple of shots of liquor to get herself loose.

When her drinks arrived, sitting on a stool, Rin crossed her legs, let her right elbow rest on the counter in front of her, and turned to look at the crowd. Narrowing her eyes, she put her skills to the test as she tried to find any women of interest here. The problem, however, was that there weren't many options to pick from.

Ahead, there was one slightly short girl with curly brown hair and a dimpled smile, chatting it up with a few friends. Out of everyone in this place, she looked like she was the most excited to be here, constantly grinning and laughing louder than the others. To the right of her, there were a few middle-aged women wearing dresses that looked far too formal for this setting, and who looked quite drunk, dancing at the corner of the room, if she could call their wild moves "dancing", anyway. Finally, at the other end of the bar she was on, there was a girl with short black hair, pale lips, and a scar over her right eye. She was wearing a sleeveless black shirt and black leather pants with boots.

Most notably, however, she had a pair of wolf ears on her head. She was smoking and looked like she was in her own little world, as though everything else at the bar didn't exist.

[Okay... I think those are my only options here,] Rin thought. [Now... How do I do this?]

Looking over at each of her options, one by one, she tried to weigh a few different things at once.

[First girl... She looks like she's either excited to be here because of one of her friends or because she doesn't do this sort of thing often. If it's that second one, then, yeah, she's probably in an experimenting kind of mood already. Those ladies over there,] Rin turned her eyes over to them, [well, a lot of the female customers I got back at the Silver Rose looked like them. Worried that they're letting their best years slip by, and overcompensating for it by going crazy. But, how crazy would they be willing to get?] She wondered, finally turning her eyes to the girl at the other end of the bar.

[Hm... She doesn't look like she's interested in anything at all, so that's probably a no.]

Nodding to herself, it was time to try something.

Quickly deciding on a strategy, she let her eyes rest on the curly-haired short girl, hoping the girl would notice her gaze. She did, and she looked away from her friends and over at her, for a short moment.

[Okay, moment of truth.]

With her legs crossed, her heart beating fast, and trying desperately to look as sexy as she could, she smiled just a little at her, with half-lidded eyes.

And the girl just looked away, completely uninterested.

[... Crap.]

Dropping the small act she'd put on, she let out a long breath and nodded to herself.

[Alright, the first failure of the night is out of the way. I guess that's a milestone in and of itself.]

Indeed, she almost felt like some of the pressure on her shoulders had lessened when that happened. Noting that, she put this little moment behind her, and focused on the group of middle-aged women at the side of the room.

[Well, this is pretty straightforward, at least.] She put her shot glass down and stood up. [They're all probably drunk enough to go along with me here. It's more a question of, if any of them are gay or not, or if they're all just here to get away from boyfriends and husbands back home. Let's find out.]

Rin walked up to them then, as the music continued to fill the bar. Letting the rhythm sink under her skin, she tried to get a feel for it as she drew closer to them.

Then, she started dancing. Nothing too complicated, no wild motions or spins, but mostly just the same sort of casual swaying of the hips that they were doing.

For a couple of minutes nothing happened, but then, Rin felt one of them looking at her. [Oh?] Resisting the urge to grin, she looked back and their eyes met, and the girl quickly turned away, blushing a bit.

Rin let a smile blossom on her face as she kept dancing, minding her own business. The one who'd been staring at her was a lady with long, smooth dark brown hair, wearing a golden necklace around her neck. The more Rin looked at them, the more she realized what was likely happening here.

[So... These are probably just noblewomen who came down here to hang out in the "dangerous" parts of town for a thrill, right?]

She'd seen it happen a few times in Dren and figured it was likely the same sort of thing. If that was the case, then this was going to be easy, as those tended to be some of the customers who were most willing to experiment with her.

It happened again a couple of minutes later, that she felt the woman staring, only, this time, when Rin looked back, she greeted the woman with a knowing smirk, and that blush on her face intensified.

She felt like it was time to act, so, she stopped dancing and walked over to the woman. Her friends didn't even notice her as she went up and extended a hand. Somewhat surprised, the girl took her hand, and gently, Rin pulled her away from her group, to the middle of the room.

Then, she got back to dancing, and this time, the two of them were openly sizing each other up.

A few doubts crept into Rin's mind as the other woman's eyes roamed her body.

[... By the Divine, I hope I actually look good like this. I've been, literally, looking like a whore for a long time. Do I still look like one? What's she thinking right now? Are my arms too toned? Are my shoulders getting too big?] She wondered, but as they kept dancing together, Rin shoved those thoughts out of her mind and got closer to her.

She swore she saw the girl take a sharp breath as Rin approached, and, feeling like she was getting all of the right signs from this, she took the girl's hands and she tried to remember what things were like back at the brothel.

She'd seen Felix dance with his friends a few times. She tried to make the images of those instances play out in front of her eyes right now.

[I wish I had Xhez's memory right now,] Rin thought, holding back a chuckle. Then, she took a deep breath. [Okay... Maybe...]

She raised the girl's hand and the woman did a little twirl. Then, Rin pulled her a little closer, and their hips moved in tandem with each other, as Rin could feel the woman's breath on her skin. Smiling widely at her, trying to let her know that she was having fun, she saw the lady smile back, and Rin applauded herself in her mind.

But all of that concentration was nearly broken when Rin saw someone walk in. Someone she knew, who she'd actually just spoken to today.

Varyn, her beastborn classmate, walked in. Casually, he cut through the pack of dancing customers and went to sit down beside the other beastborn woman at the bar.

[... What the fuck?] Rin looked over at him, blinking twice.

He said something to the girl that Rin couldn't hear over the music, and the girl looked to be annoyed. Varyn sighed and continued speaking to her, looking like he was trying to convince her of something.

Eventually, the girl stood up, shrugged, and Varyn stood up as well. Then, just as casually as before, the two of them walked out of the bar together, all while Rin stood in a daze.

[What just happened?]

"Um, are you okay?" She heard someone say and realized the lady in front of her was asking that.

"... Yeah," Rin quickly shoved this moment out of her mind and leaned in, putting on a seductive smile, and lowering her pitch a little. "Hey, want to get out of here?"


Just ten minutes later, Rin was in an elevator, on her way up to a random hotel's third floor, with that brown-haired lady sharing the space with her.

The two didn't even wait until they got inside the room they rented before they began making out. She still didn't even know her name, but that didn't matter at all right now. Rin had the woman pressed up against the elevator's wall, with her knee pressing between the woman's legs, under her dress, and the woman grinding against it, as the elevator eventually stopped.

Rin broke the kiss for just a few seconds then as she pulled the woman out and to their designated room. In a hurry, she unlocked the door, opened it up, took the woman inside, and pinned her down on the bed, just as Sye had done with her.

The lady under her looked a little anxious, but mostly excited.

Rin raised her dress up and took her panties off then, spreading her legs wide as the lady's eyes remained fixed on her with a sense of lust and curiosity clear to see on her face.

[... Well,] Rin thought, [if there's one thing I was proud of during my time at the Silver Rose, it's the fact that I was probably the pussy eating champion back there.]

She knew that as a matter of fact because, on occasion, customers would leave glowing reviews at Jay's office praising her for what she'd done with them.

[So, time to show her what this tongue can do.]

Smirking a little, Rin traced a path down from the woman's raised thighs to her lower lips with her lips, peppering little kisses here and there, before she reached the main dish and let her hands rest over the woman's legs as she loomed over it.

[Here goes nothing.]

And, Rin stuck her tongue out, and as soon as it touched her, she heard the lady let out a low moan as the adventurer got to work.


"Ohhh goodness," the woman let out as she laid on top of Rin. "You... How... What...?"

"Easy, easy," Rin told her with a smile. "This sort of thing is supposed to make you feel better, not make your head explode." The girl giggled and Rin's eyes wandered the gold necklace she'd taken off before the two of them got naked earlier.

"I was... I thank you, for this," the girl stated then, suddenly, as she placed a few kisses on Rin's chest. She was all cuddles and smiles after what they'd done.

"Why's that?"

"Well, I, ehm," she looked away, taking a deep breath. "In the part of the city where I am from, this... this sort of thing is rare."

That had been exactly what Rin wanted to hear.

Suddenly, this little plan of hers seemed a lot more viable.


"Yes," the woman nodded, letting her chin rest on Rin's right tit. "You lose a lot of respect in people's eyes for doing this. It's... It's quite restraining, I must say."

"..." Rin looked at her for a few short seconds.

[Okay, if there's ever a time where I can say this, then... It would probably be now, right?]

"Well," Rin said. "There's no reason we can't do this again, can't we?"

At that, the woman looked surprised.


"Yeah," Rin said, lifting up a hand and running it down the side of the woman's hair. "I'm usually at that bar, every weekend or so. Maybe we could run into each other again. Coincidentally, of course," Rin winked at her.


She looked back at Rin with wide eyes, as though she was considering it, but heavily debating it in her mind.

"You said it yourself," Rin tried to persuade her with a slightly deeper tone. She took the woman's left leg and draped it over her own body, sliding her hand up the woman's thigh lightly, as she said, "you have to relax a little every now and then. I could help with that."

She felt compelled to add, "for a price", at the end there, but, she hesitated. Something told her that if she did that, this girl would put her clothes back on and run away in a heartbeat.

That was another problem in and of itself. Sure, getting laid was nice, but she needed to figure out how she could get paid for it, without there being a literal brothel around her. 

"I..." Her eyes remained fixed on Rin's, and then, she gulped and nodded. "Sure. H-How about this Friday?"

"Works for me," Rin said with a smile, and she leaned in to give her a soft kiss.

"... Goodness, I-I just realized I don't even know your name," she chuckled awkwardly.

"Oh, my bad," Rin laughed as well. "Name's Triss. And you?"

"Iris," she replied, smiling widely at her. "Iris Ta'lin."

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