The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 71 Head-on Collision

Chapter 71 Head-on Collision

Ignoring the hysterical prisoner, Chraat focused on finding his invisible opponent. "Show yourself! You’ll regret your useless hiding!"

Jack crept back out of Byron’s cell, evaluating the situation and formulating his next move. Seeing that the neurotoxin has started to take effect, he wasn’t in a rush.

Chraat, on the other hand, felt the opposite. He could tell that whatever toxin was now in his bloodstream was quite potent. His high level helped him prolong the effects, but Chraat could feel that it was only a matter of time until the toxin affected more than just a leg.

Forcing himself to act, Chraat struggled to his feet. "Fine, hide all you want. Let’s see what you do when I have my way with her."

Slivia’s fingers dug into the wooden slats when she saw the troll limping towards her, sniffing in every direction while he did so. She understood that she was the bait to draw Jack out of hiding.

A mix of emotions washed over Jack. There was rage from Chraat’s threat on Slivia, lack of confidence from rushing an overpowering enemy, depression from the thought of what might happen to Slivia, and more that clouded Jack’s mind further.

"Just wait till I’m out of here! I’ll teach you to not threaten a Balt!" Byron threatened after finishing the first potion.

Unfazed by Byron’s meaningless threats, Chraat continued towards Slivia with full focus on his surroundings. Any change in his immediate surroundings would noticeable to him, cutting off the chances of another easy sneak attack.

Slivia hurried to the back of her cell as the troll captain neared the cell door.

Chraat could open the door and reach in, but why waste time crawling when he could easily smash the bars and reach in to grab her? Before, he only crawled to get a good look at Byron, like he was staring at a toy before playing with it for the first time.

With a possible threat at every step, however, Chraat was cautious and careful despite his arrogance. He proved that when he simple grabbed at Slivia’s cell door and yanked it off its hinges instead of giving another show of strength.

Jack had no more time to think. Lunging forward at the same moment Chraat yanked the door off its hinges, Jack swung his sword at the troll’s other calf. It cut skin but not as deeply as the previous attack. Also, the neurotoxin was practically gone from the first attack.

A large hand swung around and reached for the now-visible Jack. Instead of dodging, Jack managed to shove the vial that previously held the neurotoxin into the troll’s cut calf, shattering it inside the troll’s flesh.

"I’ve got you!" yelled the troll in fury as he felt something splinter inside his calf. Ignoring the pain and the poison, Chraat pulled Jack in close to his face. "So, you’re actually a weakling afraid to fight me? How disappointing, but I’ll give you credit for making it this far undetected. With your potential, you would’ve been a powerful foe in the future. "

"Why wait so long? Why not be a threat now?" taunted Jack, giving his best effort to not show fear and stall for time. He tried to wriggle himself free, but both of his arms were held within the clutches of Chraat’s hand.

"You’re a strange one, boy. Your name’s Jack wasn’t it?" commented Chraat as he glanced at the trembling Slivia. "Maybe I should torture you in front of her, breaking you bone by bone until you’re nothing but a pile of flesh?"

"No..." mumbled Slivia from inside her cell.

"Or maybe I should eat you instead? I’d treat myself to your arms first, followed by your legs."

"No!" Slivia yelled as she tensed up from the thought of seeing Jack in such a state.

"Oh? Then what do you propose I do with him?" Chraat smiled devilishly at Slivia, waiting for a reply.

Slivia mustered up all her courage and said, "Let him go!"

"Why would I do that? There’s nothing in it for me? You’ll have to try harder to convince me," said Chraat, implying that Slivia needed to try something else to persuade him.

"Let him go," replied Slivia as she dropped the coat to the floor, revealing herself willingly. "Let him go and I’ll... I’ll do whatever you want."

"Now that’s more like it!" laughed Chraat.

Hating himself for letting Slivia act this way for his sake, Jack retrieved a small knife from his storage. Jack quickly jabbed it into the troll’s wrist and attempted to twist it in Chraat’s meaty flesh.

Chraat looked back to Jack and chuckled, "That tickles. Don’t you know when you’re beaten? Your former party member has even offered herself to me in your place, you should just be grateful and accept this."

Just then, Chraat felt something familiar. His wrist grew limp and numb as Jack fell from his grasp and disappeared as he fell to the floor.

"You cowardly rat!" Chraat went into a rage as he threw both of his arms about in a hissy fit.

Jack had already rolled away and was doing his best to keep his breath silent. He went over the few options left in his head.

There was the option of activating his companion bloodline skill, but it would probably only prolong his defeat and he would instantly pass out afterward. He could try and contact the others, but they were busy based on the messages he had heard.

Deciding that it was best to stall for time, Jack hurried to the end of the hall, near the stairway. He didn’t bother stepping lightly, so the troll captain was easily able to hear footsteps retreating.

Jack then appeared with a sword in hand and yelled, "Here I am! Come and get me!"

Chraat smiled and replied, "Nah, you’ll just go invisible by the time I reach you. I’d rather enjoy this offering in front of me." The troll began to reach into the open cell with a perverse smile.

Not waiting for another second, Jack switched his sword for a bow and launched an arrow into the troll’s palm. "I’ll say it again. I’m over here, so come and get me. Or was Byron right about Chraat being the most cowardly troll?’

Angered by the arrow sticking out of his hand and the further slandering of his name, Chraat grabbed one of the heavy cross beams like a club. "Since you wish to forfeit your life despite her offer, I’ll be happy to oblige!"

Chraat rushed forward, being extremely agile for his size and forcibly working his muscles through the neurotoxin. His large body moved like a wall wanting to fall upon Jack and smash his flesh into paste.

Jack launched as many arrows as he possibly could, trying his best to slow and wound the unstoppable troll. When the arrows were mostly blocked by Chraat wielding the wooden beam, Jack stored his bow before his body began to glow red.

A heatwave swept over the dungeon, waking up every prisoner that was still alive and startling Byron and Chraat. In an instant, Jack’s form physically changed from flesh and bone into a living flame the same size as the charging troll. A rapier appeared in Jack’s hand, with a hilt designed to look intricately like a feather.

Instinct took over as the Jack met Chraat full force, stabbing forward with his red-hot rapier.

Chraat stutter-stepped as he parried with his club. He heard the wood sizzle on contact as if Jack’s sword was a bladed branding iron. With some caution, Chraat recovered the initiative to attack with brute force.

Slivia was astounded by Jack’s strength since the last time she asked he was only lv. 9. She understood that Chraat was weakened by what she assumed was the neurotoxin and had a basic weapon, however, Slivia still had to recognize that Jack had surpassed her.

Wanting to do something to help, she stepped out of the open cell and began to cast mana restoring spells on Jack.

If Jack was completely aware of his surroundings, he would thank her. Yet, he only recognized the threat in front of him and wildly attacked the handicapped troll captain.

Startled at the obvious growth in Jack’s strength and his sudden production of a flame body, Chraat was furious that he had underestimated Jack.

He was confident in his strength and never really treated Jack like a threat after feeling how weak Jack struggled in his large hands. But the Jack in front of him now was like the fire elementals in legends that would attack anything in the vicinity.

Wanting to take Jack seriously, Chraat’s necklace activated as he cocked back and retrieved a sword with a deep green blade from his storage space. "Just die already!"

As Chraat tried to swing the blade forward to slaughter his fiery opponent, he felt something holding it back. The troll glanced back in shock.

Blocking the green blade was a katana with a blood-red hilt. Holding that katana firmly in place was Byron. He quickly deflected the attack and slit Chraat’s unguarded wrist, the same that was previously stabbed by Jack.

With the tendons severed, the wrist went limp and released the sword, which Byron excitedly grabbed.

"I’ll be taking this back!"

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