The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 59 Discussing the Gods

Chapter 59 Discussing the Gods

’What are you two talking about?’

Maynard was startled when he heard Rydel’s voice but was unable to determine where it came from. Jack laughed and didn’t even bother searching, knowing he hadn’t a chance of finding the stealthy hunter.

Rydel appeared within the emptied vein a meter away from the seated Jack. "What’s this about phase three?"

"While you and the rest distract the goblin’s main forces and those within the goblin palace, I’ll be busy rescuing any survivors," answered Jack.

"And you’ll let that fox pup wreak havoc in the meantime?" asked Rydel.

"Something like that, but it’s just to distract and lower morale. If a huge flaming fox can distract the front lines and split their attention momentarily, then our reliable samurais will be able to slaughter them easily."

"There are a few things I wanted to talk to ya about," said Maynard. "First, ya should’ve realized that there will be some goblins above lv. 30, how are we going to deal with them?"

"Why don’t you ask Rydel. Depending on how things went ’delivering’ that neurotoxin, we’ll have to adjust the plans." Jack redirected the conversation and attention to Rydel, who was now sitting down like the other two.

"About that," Rydel began to explain. "I had to make a decision. Instead of spreading the neurotoxin throughout the city, I made sure to contaminate every drop of water that the city guards could access." Like Jack, Rydel assumed that the majority of the goblin populace was around lv. 10, which he confirmed before acting.

Jack’s face twitched as he pondered Rydel’s decision and accepted it as the best option. "Then you and the others should be fine at the front gates. By the time anyone from the palace tries to stop you, the palace will be on high alert thanks to the captain."

Maynard lightly nodded and said, "I’m glad to hear that, but what about Rydel in the palace? Won’t ya be at a higher risk with them at full strength?"

Rydel didn’t turn his head but his eyes glanced to the side and met Maynard’s gaze. "Don’t worry about me. I was going to ask if I could use this new bracer to help make things much smoother. But I’m guessing that’ll be met with some opposition."

"Sorry captain but both me and Bowser need that bracer for our plan to work," reasoned Jack. "Right now, we’re just shy of lv. 15 and would struggle to do anything. Bowser can just ’Flame On!’ and he’ll be fine, but what about me? That bracer will let me slip into the palace while the palace guards are busy tracking you and will also help Bowser disappear from the goblins in his normal form."

"So, the rumors are true? Your items can affect the fox too?" deduced Rydel. "I understand and am willing to part with the bracer, but I do like it despite its low level."

’What if I told you that I could get you something even better?’ asked Jack telepathically, leading Rydel’s conversation like he would dangle a carrot in front of a horse.

’What’s better than invisibility?’ Rydel knew Jack was once an ancient hero but that wouldn’t change his opinion on the skill of invisibility. The hunter had always sought that ability, trying his best to erase his presence by improving similar skills.

He finally had a way to go completely invisible and there were no side effects. Rydel struggled to believe what could be more tempting than that.

’That’s just a basic blessing that any follower of Sterfen could easily request. You might be able to get an intermediate blessing, letting you attack while invisible,’ persuaded Jack.

’Go on,’ said Rydel, anxious to hear more.

’If you’re hit, then the invisibility will dissipate, but then you’ll become like many hunters in ancient times.’

’How do you plan to do that?’ asked Rydel.

Jack chuckled, ’Simple, we visit a temple of Sterfen, the god of secrecy.’

’Seriously?’ Rydel was amazed at how casual Jack had mentioned such a solution. ’It can’t be that simple, right?’

’Why not? All we have to do is locate and visit one of Sterfen’s temples. After that, it’ll be a piece of cake. Besides, you’re not satisfied with this level of invisibility, are you?’ asked Jack.

’Well...’ Rydel wasn’t able to refute Jack because deep down he felt exactly as Jack described. He wouldn’t be satisfied as a master of stealth until becoming invisible was as easy as breathing.

’Then how will we find one of these temples?’ Rydel mustered up the words to ask.

’The nearest temple of Sterfen that I can remember is in the...’ Jack paused as he stroked his chin in thought. Unaware that Jack was checking his system map, Maynard and Rydel waited patiently for Jack to continue. ’It’ll be in the newly formed Aazoon Kingdom.’

’In Aazoon?’ Rydel flinched when he heard that.

’Oh my,’ said Maynard, having some insight to Rydel’s past.

Seeing the shock that flashed by Rydel’s face, Jack guessed the reason, ’That’s where you first fled, wasn’t it? Where your dad died?’

’Yeah, that’s the place,’ said Rydel. His voice wasn’t shaky, just a little slower than usual.

’That’s where we’ll find the nearest temple I know of. Of course, there’s the chance that it’s been destroyed and ruined over the years, but it’s worth investigating,’ continued Jack.

Matching the flow of the conversation, Rydel returned to his usual self. ’Then we’ll head there on the way to Trodar, right?’

’Exactly,’ Jack answered with a nod.

’Umm, what about me?’ asked Maynard, not willing to be left out. ’I’m not interested in this god of secrecy, but there’s got to be some other god we can find for me, right?’

’I was about to mention that,’ stated Jack. ’Any requests or preferences?’

Maynard smiled and explained his desires, ’There’s a sword god, right?’

’There is, but,’ Jack had already planned this response in anticipation, ’I’m less confident in finding that temple in a functioning condition then I am about the other.’

’Really? Why?’ questioned Maynard

’Because of the war?’ guessed Rydel.

’That’s exactly why,’ agreed Jack. ’The twenty gods that fought in the war are publicly known yet no one has pledged to them nowadays. Why’s that?’

Maynard’s shoulders drooped, already realizing the answer. Jack continued, ’We can search for it if you want; there used to be a shrine for Tyres, the sword god in the Zuran Empire. However, looking over a map you’d see that it’s now in the Reinolt Kingdom. It’s not a temple, but it would be a good lead to see if a temple still exists.’

’Why would it be a lead?’ Rydel spoke up, curious about how Jack would find a temple through a shrine.

’There are plenty of ways to find things that are linked, especially places that share a strong connection, like a god,’ said Jack. ’I’d do the same with Sterfen’s temple, but the nearest shrine I can remember is equally distant as the temple itself.’

’And what if ya can’t find the sword god’s shrine?’ asked Maynard.

’Then we’ll have to find you a better god,’ said Jack nonchalantly. ’Don’t worry too much, I’ve got a backup in mind.’

’Really? What god is it?’

’Actually, I’ve been meaning to ask you this for some time. Who are the seven neutral gods? Are there any better than this Sterfen for me?’ questioned Rydel, striking while the topic was hot.

’We’re getting off track, how about we return to discussing the plan?’ suggested Jack.

Rydel and Maynard didn’t say anything, keeping their focus on Jack without wavering in the slightest. Their hungry stares proved to Jack that he had said too much to leave the topic open for the time being. Jack said, ’Fine, I’ll tell you about the seven neutral gods, but we need to finish discussing the plan immediately afterward. I still need to get my beauty sleep.’

The two veterans nodded and let Jack explain, ’Like the other twenty gods under Halmut and Skaryn, these seven gods were ranked among themselves by terms of power and influence. It’s not quite as accurate due to their differing natures, but that’s where I’ll begin.

’The lowest-ranked of the seven is Rikko, the god of sleight of hand, or the god of trickery as we called him. He was known to deceive everyone in some way, typically through his appearance or offering blessings for... unique missions and circumstances.’ Jack remembered some of the strange requests players would get, like stealing a king’s pillow or a queen’s panties.

’Next is the goddess of love, Dragas. She had the most followers of all the neutral gods but didn’t offer too many benefits in my opinion.’

’Really? How come so many followed her?’ asked Rydel.

Jack thought to himself about the typical NEET that would play "A Hero’s Tale." It was easy for him and every other gamer to figure out why so many shut-in players with little to no social life would be attracted to a scantily dressed goddess of love.

Sidestepping Rydel’s question, Jack continued, ’The god I was thinking would benefit you the most Maynard is the next on the rankings. He’s Jin, the god of discipline. Jin was known to reward his followers for demonstrating consistent discipline in their lives, no matter what it was for. Considering your passion for the sword and your upright character, I think you’d be a perfect fit.

Maynard’s face tightened as he heavily considered the offer.

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