The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 57 Reaching the Goblin City

Chapter 57 Reaching the Goblin City

Jack and the others dashed through the third level of the mine under the light of their kari crystals and the guidance of Bowser. Since he was awake and aware of anything that neared them, the party was able to counter several goblin ambushes along the way.

Over two hours had passed when they defeated the last outpost. By then everyone had consumed at least two or three more elixirs to replenish their mana and the younger adventurers had finished one or two regular potions as well.

Jack was left with only one potion and two elixirs, making him wish he hadn’t been cheap when buying supplies back in town. Also, the party was very hesitant to take any more because consuming too many in too short a time would have negative effects on the consumer, stunting their natural health and mana regeneration abilities for a time.

The party’s impatience finally came to an end when they saw a spec of bright, blue light in the distance. Excited for the first time in a long while, they all quickened their pace and bolted toward the brilliant destination in front of them. Soon they deactivated their kari crystals, not needing their dim light in the face of the pure azure embedded across the goblin city.

"Is that..." Brunar was caught up in wonder. It had an unnatural beauty about it, seeing such harshly built edifices that mimicked cave walls and glorious azure clusters spread across the entire scene.

"Yeah, that’s got to be the city," answered Jack.

"Hmm, let’s circle the city and search for somewhere we can camp without being seen," said Rydel.

"You got it, Captain!" Jack’s unusual enthusiasm showed as he darted away.

"Hey, wait! Everyone let’s go," commanded Rydel as he and the rest followed Jack closely.

Eventually, they found a deep ditch about half a kilometer southeast of the main entrance. Based on the walls of the ditch it was most likely an emptied azure vein, but it offered the perfect hiding place for the party.

"We don’t have much time until we three need to rest. I’m guessing you two will be fine watching over us while we nap?" commented Jack.

Rydel and Maynard chuckled like it were too easy, not even worth answering verbally. Anyone over lv. 25 had enough strength and energy to stay awake for forty-eight hours straight if needed.

"Then let’s quickly go over the plan while we’re all still awake," said Jack. "There are some things that we’ll need to change obviously, with the city being bigger and more than likely containing more goblins than anticipated. While we rest, I would like to ask the captain if he could gather information on the city and leave Maynard here to guard us."

"I’d do that whether you’d like it or not," joked Rydel. "Anything, in particular, you want me to look for?"

Jack revealed a somewhat twisted smile as dozens of glass vials filled with a transparent liquid containing hints of purple appeared on the floor between Jack and Rydel.

Catching the hint, Rydel stored the vials. "Sounds easy enough. But if I’m the one doing that, I’d like some insurance, if you know what I mean."

"Take it for a spin," laughed Jack as he removed his resplendent bracer and held it out to Rydel.

"Don’t mind if I do." Rydel eagerly took it and instantly equipped it. The party captain disappeared for a couple of seconds and easily reappeared behind the others. "Wow, I could get used to this."

"That’s just a basic one, you should see the high-level blessings. They let you stay invisible while in combat and the highest level blessing even removes the sound of your movements," commented Jack.

Troni and Brunar were dumbfounded by Jack’s claims, not knowing whether Jack was being serious or not. Rydel and Maynard, however, had a glimmer in their eyes when they heard that.

"But you can only get that blessing as a devoted follower of a god; the higher your devotion, the higher the blessing given," Jack explained it more in-depth, letting them understand that these blessings weren’t free or easy to get by any means.

"Blessings of the gods?" Brunar trembled when he thought of the tales and legends of ancient Kartonia before the war of the gods changed everything.

"Seriously? That’s just legend," reasoned Troni, not wanting to get his hopes up and not believing in blessings of the gods without personally experiencing them as proof.

Jack shrugged his shoulders and returned to the topic at hand. "Either way, there’s a couple of other things we need information on. If you hear or find anything about any survivors from the missing parties, let us know. And if you can learn about the strength of the guards or their weaponry, that would be best."

"Consider it done." As Rydel nodded in acceptance of his assignment, he disappeared completely.

"You know an awful lot for a newbie," commented Brunar. "Why’s that?"

Jack sighed and waited a moment before he answered. "I won’t say at this time. You don’t trust me?"

"If Master trusts you, then I’ll trust you. I was irritated at you earlier cause you were just a lv. 1 newbie. But you level up faster than anyone I’ve ever met, so I now acknowledge you my greatest rival," said Brunar confidently.

"Is that so?" Jack laughed as he sat down on the ground with his back against the wall. "You’re weird, you know that?"

"So what? You’re weirder," Brunar replied with a grin.

"I can’t argue with that logic. Just cause you trust me doesn’t mean I have to tell you everything though. I only told you about Bowser because the association will protect him in case of any major issues and your master said you were trustworthy. Any more info about me needs to be earned."

Brunar showed a pensive face as he nodded. "Okay, so I just need to prove myself to my rival. That makes sense."

"And who said I was your rival? I’m a summoned hero and you’re—"

"You’re the only one our age that qualifies to be my rival. I’m twenty-four and haven’t yet met a single person under twenty-five worth my time. Not till I met you, my first real rival," stated Brunar. His simple, picturesque way of thinking got Jack to chuckle yet again. "I’ve made you my rival, now don’t disappoint me."

"Just don’t blame me when I leave you in the dust. If I told you everything about me, you’d need to change your pants," joked Jack.

Now even more curious, Brunar sat down opposite Jack and looked him square in the face, "I don’t know too much about you, but don’t take me lightly. Never take me lightly."

Seeing the arrogance return to Brunar’s eyes, Jack couldn’t help but have some respect for the young samurai. Jack now understood what kind of person Brunar was. Honest to a fault with no filter on his thoughts or words. As a fellow arrogant man, Jack could appreciate Brunar’s genuine confidence.

"Try not to get left behind. If you can’t keep up, then I’ll never acknowledge you as my rival," said Jack.

Brunar showed a toothy grin and extended his hand across the narrow passage. "Good, as it should be!"

Shaking his head with an accepting smile, Jack took Brunar’s hand firmly in his grip. "Then I’ll be expecting a lot from you."

While those two were chatting and bantering back and forth, Troni was at the side studying Jack and Bowser carefully.

"What’s wrong with ya?"

Startled to hear Maynard creep up from behind him, Troni answered, "Nothing, just trying to get a good feel for him."

"He’s unorthodox and weird, but he’s honest when you need him to be," Maynard stated his personal opinion of Jack. "Jack will be famous throughout the continent one day, so I would do your best to not get on his bad side. If ya manage to piss him off, not even I would interfere."

Astounded by his master’s words Troni flinched before responding. "Is that fox a Hell-flame Fox?"

Maynard’s gentle expression turned solemn and he peered into Troni’s eyes. "That fox’s identity is classified information among the association. If news were to leak out, the culprit will be dealt with by association headquarters directly."

When Troni’s eyes showed tension and mixed emotions, Maynard added, "Don’t even think about mentioning this to your family."

Troni stiffened when he heard that and immediately replied, "No, of course, I wouldn’t do that."

"I’m not accusing ya, I’m reminding ya. Let me remind ya of this also if you break my trust or the association’s, I’ll personally seek ya out like I said back when ya begged to be my student." Maynard’s voice was like a whisper from a death reaper.

"Of course I remember," stated Troni as he took a seat and closed his eyes pretending to rest.

Maynard shook his head and found a place to sit and meditate, hoping his warning didn’t fall on deft ears.

Brunar and Jack chatted for over ten minutes about random things with the occasional threat as a rival mixed in. Eventually, Jack stopped the conversation with the excuse that they needed to rest. He wasn’t lying, but he had something to check before he went to sleep.

After two hours of straight travel, Jack finally had time to check his remaining notification.

[Find a temple of Sterfen, the god of secrecy: incomplete]

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