The Abnormal Life of the Summoner

Chapter 436

Chapter 428: The last photo

Chen Xi quickly found the recipient and secretly searched his memory.

In his memory, he walked to Yongcheng University and came to a 234 dormitory.

Yongcheng University is no longer the school it was eight years ago, but a newly renovated university of magic technology. The dormitory inside has also been renovated and turned into a very sci-fi blue floating door, layer after layer of dazzling. The light surrounds the door panel, which is prohibitive.

The recipient came to pick up the package. Before knocking on the door, he saw a young man standing at the door of the cool room.

The young man is about twenty years old, with an inch in his head, and he is a bit reckless—Luo Mang!

He stood there, his face was still the same as when he was in college, his face was still ruddy, and he did not have the gloomy temperament of being soaked in supernatural power for a long time.

But Chen Xi saw Luo Mang’s expression a bit stiff, and his eyeballs didn’t move either. His serious eyes seemed to have a ray of light, staring at the back of the courier’s head, as if looking at Chen Xi through his memory.

Chen Xi’s heart was stunned. Was this strange look deliberate, or did he really see him through memory?

He remembers that there was an existence in another world that could be realized through his own memory that others were peeping at it, but that existence should not be here.

Chen Xi finished investigating the memory of the recipient and began to ponder.

All of this points to the last supernatural game.

“Is this game for me?” Chen Xi had another thought in his mind.

If this game is a scam, everyone is trapped after playing the game, and only waiting for Chen Xi to save it, wouldn’t it be too despicable.

Chen Xi stood in a high-rise building in Yongcheng, took out the magic mirror from Zanghu Baili, and said, “The magic mirror, the mirror, I want to see the interior view of the 234 dormitory of Yongcheng University.”

The magic mirror knew it, and the black mirror surface immediately showed a vague halo, the halo changed from blur to clear, revealing the scenery inside the dormitory.

There is no one in the dormitory, but each bed uses a magic circle, which has the effect of hypnotizing sleep and concentrating magic power.

Looking at those objects again, they are all objects or books that contain magic, and the whole dormitory presents a blue sci-fi style.

Things are wrong, 234 dormitory is no longer the dormitory of eight years ago.

Chen Xi was a little emotional, and at the same time let go of a little bit of doubt, thinking that those who sent the photos of the dead are definitely not normal people, it can’t be them.

“If you guessed correctly, the next photo is Hu Jing’s photo.” Chen Xi murmured.

He shook the photo of Luo Mang in his hand, found a place to bury them, and didn’t touch them.

The matter was over, Chen Xi returned home and waited for the third photo to arrive.

According to the law, the photo will be taken from his family, relatives and friends. Chen Xi has a strong magical power, and at the same time sent dozens of magic puppets to monitor people related to him.

After a short period of surveillance, Chen Xi frowned and found that the other party did not look for his friend, but went directly to the door to find his home.

The enchantment tree shook, and it saw a man coming from a small road, with real flesh and blood on his body, not possessed by Yin Qi, and looked almost like a real person.


The knock on the door sounded in Chen Xi’s ear. Chen Xi moved his eyes and teleported to the door immediately, and saw his former companion-Hu Jing.

Hu Jing was once possessed by the Seagrass Eyeball Monster, and used various conspiracies against Chen Xi, and eventually he died.

Seeing Hu Jing, Chen Xi remembered the past. He looked at Hu Jing’s head in the flames with his eyes closed. He died peacefully. It was an expression of relief.

Hu Jing, who was standing in front of Chen Xi now, looked pained. He frowned and said to Chen Xi with an expression of inextricably uncomfortable expression: “Chen Xi.”

Hearing Hu Jing’s voice again, Chen Xi’s body trembles slightly. This voice is too similar to the familiar tone. He flipped through the memory of Hu Jing’s speech several times, and both the tone and expression were exactly the same.

“Hu Jing is dead, is it fun to fool people?” Chen Xi’s face was cold, and he was very angry.

Had it not been for him to investigate clearly, he would have slapped it long ago.

“No, I am not dead, my soul is trapped by them.”

Hu Jing shook his head and showed an expression of pain: “Too painful, boredom and darkness are with me, if you can, please come to rescue me, or kill me, let me liberate.” Hu Jing said.

Chen Xi secretly checked his body with super perception. It was a real physical body. The blood was swimming in his body. He really couldn’t find any fake ingredients.

“If you are not dead, I can summon you.” Chen Xi said.

Hu Jing opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but his body suddenly disappeared, leaving only two unfinished words: “Don’t come…”

After Hu Jing left, Chen Xi asked what he thought of the barrier tree.

“It seems to be quite a spiritual thing, I don’t know.” The barrier tree said that his top barrier did not prevent Hu Jing from disappearing.

In the face of things that it doesn’t understand, it thinks that the word “lingual” fits the situation at the time.

The disappearance of spiritual alienation, is that a power higher than the barrier tree?

Chen Xi picked up the photo of Hu Jing left behind. The person in the photo was also very lifelike, and those eyes seemed to be watching him.

Is Hu Jing alive, Chen Xi summoned with his own summoning power:

“The soul from the unknown world, related to me, the earthling who was once named Hu Jing, experienced supernatural events…”

After reciting the summoning spell, the power of the summoning is cancelled directly, indicating that there is no such existence.

After the incident, Chen Xi threw the photo of Hu Jing away and threw it to a distant earth mountain, buried it in the earth, and buried it.

Chen Xi returned home and continued to pay attention to the progress of the last supernatural game, and found that no supernatural incident of sending photos of his death had occurred, so he asked:

“Have you ever noticed an incident in which a dead classmate suddenly came to send a photo of his death?”

The post was published under his real name. Chen Xi’s reputation is very great. The post immediately caused heated discussions on the Internet. Countless senior fans of supernatural games answered:

“Yes I received three photos of my death today, urging me to play games, so I won’t play them.”

“The first wave of people who played games prepared their own photos. Those of us who are still on the sidelines have given away their photos. It’s a pit, so I won’t go.”

“Why didn’t anyone send me a dead photo?”

“The ghost is so terrifying, you actually want the ghost to come and send you a photo of your death, do you want to die?” Someone stared.

Chen Xi looked around, and indeed some people had received the photo. It seems that he was not the only one.

“As long as the photo is rejected, it should be fine.” Chen Xixin said.

When Chen Xi refused to take photos, the ghost world and the army that entered the ghost world in the second round united together, using the communicability of anomalous to catch the ghost talisman, and communicating with the information, to move forward to the location of high Yin Qi concentration.

As the people deepened, the ghost that went deep inside suddenly stopped, and the ghost symbol in the depths of the soul showed signs of trembling.

Chen Xi was located on the earth, and immediately noticed the trembling of the ghost-catching token, as if her ghost had encountered an extremely high-level spiritual creature, and the abnormal ghost-painted token was actually affected by the opponent.

What was born in the depths of the ghost world?


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