The Abnormal Life of the Summoner

Chapter 421

Chapter 413: Mysterious real name

Chen Xi did not directly use the summoning array, and simply used his own summoning power to make a second summon. The characteristic word was to use a mentally-enhancing swallowable thing, which needed to be made quickly, and the quality of the improvement must be large.

At the level of Chen Xi, it is difficult to summon useful mental power augmentation items. After a long search, no target was found.

At this time, Zanghu Bei said that the magical conch had awakened and was looking for questions from Chen Xi.

Chen Xi was stunned. He didn’t expect the magical conch to wake up at this moment. It was really a big help.

The conch he took out, the shell of the conch is still gray, very ordinary, without a bright color, maybe something at that level, ordinary is extraordinary.

He touched the magical conch and heard a loud crashing sound, very loud, asking him if he had any questions.

Chen Xixian told him about the recent bizarre events, such as seeing the Grey Mist, chasing him, crossing into the dark abyss, and being stared at by powerful dark creatures. Now he is blocked in the void and can’t go anywhere. He is very aggrieved.

After saying this, Conch said that he understood that the waves were louder and asked him to ask questions.

Chen Xi touched the opening of the magical conch and tapped it three times with his fingers. After he heard the same echo, Chen Xi asked: “Conch conch, how can I gain the power to sling those dark creatures right now.”

He didn’t ask how to summon powerful mental power items, nor did he ask if he could gain the ability to rule the world.

Because that kind of answer is too nonsense, Conch will definitely report a mysterious answer to stun him. After all, “Don’t Play Summon” once said that the magic conch may not be completely believed.

In short, when it is close to things within its power, the answer of Magic Conch is very high.

No, there is a surging sound of waves inside the conch, and some snail echoes are contained in the waves.

just listen to it:

“Summon it, you will easily solve the matter, its real name is…”

This is a very short pronunciation of the real name. It is only one minute in length. The length is almost the same as Chen Xi’s second real name.

Some creatures have shorter real names and some have longer real names, but most of the real names that Chen Xi has heard are more than four minutes long.

Thinking about it, it’s really scary. The shorter the real name, what does it mean?

Chen Xi felt that the real name that Magic Conch had reported to him was uneasy and kind, and it was strange.

This reminded him of the precautions for the magical conch in “Don’t Play Summoning”. One of the precautions is not to ask when the magical conch summons the legendary summon. Never use that legendary spell.

For the time being, I don’t know what the predecessor has in mind, Chen Xi is not in the mood to use it now.

After    Magical Conch finished reciting this real name, it began to sleep quietly, without any fluctuations in life, and did not listen to Chen Xi’s questions.

Chen Xi touched the magic conch, and wanted to ask if there was a problem with its short real name.

One more thing, how does Magic Conch know that real name? Has it been waiting for Chen Xi to ask such a question?

All kinds of questions lingered in Chen Xi’s heart. He recalled the real name he had just heard. It was made up of meaningless notes, and it was really short.

Do you want to summon a magical conch again?

Chen Xi just did it when he said it, after all, he is a profitable summoner, and he is not burdened by debts.

The magical conch comes from the world of the magical sea. It is the world coordinate that is not recorded in “Don’t Play Summoning”. Chen Xi once asked the world of the magical sea snail. Now he reads the world coordinates of the magical sea and then locates the magical sea snail.

Soon, his consciousness was divided, and his body seemed to be in the vastness, immersed in a pure sea, with thousands of stars shining on the surface of the sea and waves.

looked up at the sky, saw no stars, only a purple turbulence, and it seemed that the magical ocean lived in a void.

Looking down, the sea of stars rises and falls, full of mysterious and powerful aura, and all kinds of magical creatures wander on the bottom of the sea.

, who is particularly sensitive to the power of summoning, discovered that those magical creatures have very strong anti-summoning factors, which can be immune to the search of the power of summoning. Only when he descends into this world with the consciousness of the power of summoning can he see what he has overlooked.

And the power of summoning searched the conch, and indeed saw a few grey magical conch, but the conch refused Chen Xi’s call because they lived well here and didn’t want to go to the outside world.

There are very few conch shells that want to run out of the outside world. It was really good luck for Chen Xi to be able to summon two in series last time.

Chen Xi was not reconciled, and asked one of the magical conch: “What is the meaning of each word in the real name?”

He didn’t ask the meaning of the shorter real name, instead he asked the meaning of each word of the real name. This question is broader, and after understanding the definition of the real name, he can understand all of the real name, which can be said to be done once and for all.

The magical conch here is really friendly. Hearing Chen Xi’s question, I couldn’t help but fall into contemplation. The surging river swayed wildly, and the stars churned and whirled on the waves. The scene was very spectacular.

Magical Conch said that this problem is too difficult, so let it talk to a partner.

Only then did Chen Xi discover that the light of knowledge of these conch shells did not seem to be as powerful as the one in his hand, and the size was also half smaller. Maybe they were all minors, unable to answer the ultimate question.

Chen Xi still wants to ask other questions, but Magic Conch is not interested, but gathers together to communicate with each other with the light of knowledge and discuss the specific meaning of the real name.

Since this bunch of magical conch is not a bird, he has no choice but to wait, but after waiting for a long time without a result, Chen Xi can’t sit still.

“Come on again next time. This question involves the secrets of the world. Our level is limited and we cannot solve the secrets of the world. Maybe the seniors who have left the magic ocean can answer this question together. UU Reading “The young magical conch replied collectively.

It was the sound of the surging ocean waves. Every echo shook his soul, causing his soul to be shaken, and he was almost killed.

is really a terrible place, just the collective echo of the magical conch can deter the soul of the legendary level.

Chen Xi ended the power of summoning, thinking left and right, there are few powerful methods now, and there are no items that can promote Chen Xi’s spiritual growth. He intends to try to summon the real name given by the magical conch.

Of course, he didn’t intend to actually summon, but wanted to use the power of summoning to get a glimpse and see who the real name of the magical conch was.

The current crisis obviously comes from the Destroyed Level, and the real name given by Conch should also be Destroyed.

With this thought, he used the power of summoning to recite the one-minute real name.

Chen Xi’s consciousness is divided, and he sees another scene.

There is no bottom, no light, cold and fearful feelings hit my heart, making him slightly cool.

In the darkness, thousands of white round eyes emerged, densely packed, making people suffer from intensive phobia.

When he saw the dense white round eyes, he vaguely saw its shape. It was a tentacle similar to an octopus, and the white round eyes were its octopus suckers.


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