The Abnormal Life of the Summoner

Chapter 410

Chapter 402: Edge of the Devildom

In fact, Chen Xi didn’t need to ask the dragon, and knew what enemy it was, so instead of agreeing to Algert’s request, he directly dried it on the mountain without demons and left it in the lonely lonely mountain. “Love←Go÷Small?Speaking→Net.aqxs52o.”, provides you with wonderful novel reading.

Chen Xi touched the Tibetan lake shells. Since it is related to crystals, it must be the life extension crystal behind the supernatural game.

He took out a life-saving crystal from Zanghu Baili, his eyes flickered, and he looked carefully.

He has a debt, and he may be in debt in the future, but it does not mean that he must be the person who is being collected, and he may become a threat to the creditor.

He looked at the crystal in his hand with his level perception. The red crystal was a bit hot, but the temperature could not penetrate into his skin. The surface of the crystal had the soft touch of human skin.

Holding the crystal, he could carefully feel the faint breathing rate, very faint.

After thinking about it, Chen Xizhang, taking advantage of his own convenience in the wandering ray, openly used this crystal as a medium to summon things closely related to it.

“An unknown creature from an unknown world.”

“It has a huge connection with the crystal in my hand. I don’t know its shape and strength.”

“Respond to my call.”

“I will return this crystal to you!”

After reciting the summoning spell, the summoning array in front of him took shape, and the purple void cracked on it, and it was quickly locked to the relevant target.

This time he didn’t use anomalous ability. Using that ability would cause him to be out of touch with the wandering rays. Now he is relying on the power of a world-destroying behemoth to kill “people” with the sword.

Chen Xi’s consciousness was split, and he saw another time and space scene. It was a misty and foggy space. The surface was a deep black earth, and blood-red mud flowed through the deep-dug river, and there was an unpredictable head on it. Crystal behemoth.

To say that it is a giant beast, it is better to say that its body looks more like a huge planet made of crystal, and the whole is oval.

The crystal planet floated quietly in the mist. It was so huge that it was almost the size of the moon. The first time Chen Xi saw this giant beast, the first reaction in Chen Xi’s heart was-it really is!

The other party also recovered and received the summoning spell handed over by the summoning power.

“Chen Xi?”

Its sound is very strange, and it uses a certain kind of power to fluctuate. If it hadn’t been for the power of summoning, Chen Xi wouldn’t really understand it.

Chen Xi had played a supernatural game before, and it was one of the latter parts of the supernatural game, and he naturally knew his information.

Thinking of this, Chen Xi said: “I will return these red crystals to you, how about everyone’s grievances?”

When Chen Xi saw that the opponent was so powerful, he knew that he could not kill the opponent for the time being, and even if he brought it into the magic-free world, there would be a certain degree of danger.

After all, the Wandering Ray relies on its own strength to resist all the attraction of not falling, and as a world-destroying grade crystal beast, it should also have such a level.

Besides, the other party shouldn’t be the master who coveted these crystals. It’s probably because he couldn’t hold back his face and wanted to trample his ant to death.

Chen Xi lowered his body slightly, retreating as advance, while the other party seemed to be uncomfortable, and said angrily:

“Break the rules and affect the spiritual recovery process. You are dead, and sooner or later, a spiritual creature will kill you.”

There is no way to talk about this. It is not a matter of face, but a vengeance.

Chen Xi shook his head and shut down the process of summoning.

“I lost the spiritual recovery, those spiritual beings must hate me.” Chen Xi murmured.

The number of supernatural games involved behind the supernatural recovery is a full page, with hundreds of games. Although the number of games has not exceeded a thousand, there are at least dozens of difficult supernatural games, and those dozens should be extinct. Level creatures.

Thinking about it makes your scalp numb.

You owe too much debt, right?

Chen Xi suddenly felt that the hidden dangers of the summoning were nothing but these supernatural debts were really terrible.

“No, not necessarily all cross-border strikes exist, otherwise I would have died a long time ago.”

After Chen Xi calmed down, he felt that there was still a way out.

First of all, the existence of the gang of ghost games did not directly descend on the earth, and even the semi-finished evil **** was only revived through a certain legend.

The real big boss of the outside world has not yet arrived.

There is no need to worry about the little boss. The cross-border ability is too poor to kill Chen Xi. His defense focuses on the big bosses.

Those big bosses did not descend on the earth, nor did they directly descend to kill him with their true bodies in the space channel, indicating that they have inexplicable restrictions on their own, and they can’t make moves. They can only use some small means to rectify Chen Xi.

Chen Xi’s strength has risen to this level, his life-saving strength is strong, only the destination is disturbed when crossing, and other events that can threaten his life have not occurred.

Knowing that he still had more debts, Chen Xi was more eager to have strength, and there seemed to be a voice in his heart urging him to continue to grow stronger and not to stop.

He thought that that voice was probably the existence of the second real name.

Although the second real name will not affect him subjectively, there are still minor effects, presumably his courage to die is driven by it.

Having two real names is dangerous, and it may not be dangerous.

His second real name did not dare to be born. In order to not die, he did not hesitate to seal his memory, which shows that he prefers to be life-saving.

While saving his life, he also hinted that Chen Xi worked hard to be strong, otherwise he was too weak to die, Chen Xi expressed his understanding.

Chen Xiping regained his breath and continued to think about ways to become stronger.

Today, his physical fitness has broken through the limits of mankind and reached a level of continuous evolution.

According to the explanation of the wandering ray, his body has the potential to become a world-destroying creature.

As long as he continues to withstand various types of damage, and survives dying, he can evolve again and again without dying, until he grows into a real world-destroying creature, and raising his hand can hit a world-destroying creature. Big hole.

Chen Xi couldn’t think of it, so he asked how the wandering rays became stronger.

It said that it didn’t understand, it was very powerful in itself, and naturally became a big monster that crossed the void in the constant travel.

Chen Xi is a normal human being. Its growth mode is not suitable for Chen Xi. Chen Xi will not think about it for the time being, because the wandering rays have already crossed to the end of the starry sky.

“Here, a higher level of forbidden magic power domain.” Wandering Ray said to Chen Xi.

Chen Xi also felt that he seemed to have entered another world, and certain rules became stronger unobtrusively suppressed the movement of magic particles.

That was the suppression of magic power by the entire world, and the pressure was increasing, and even Chen Xi’s half-energy heart had intermittent stagnation.

If it weren’t for the characteristics of his heart and biological cells, it might have ended directly.

And his right arm plunged directly into an eternal stop. After all, it was an arm that was nearly fully energized. All cells in the right arm were energized close to 70 to 80%. Now the magic power is completely suppressed, and the entire human wall of the right arm is abolished.

“Is this the border of the magicless world?” Chen Xi asked.

“This is just the edge of the boundary.” Wandering Ray used the summoning contract to send a message, while his eyes flickered, trying to peek into the depths of the end of the magicless world.


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