The Abnormal Life of the Summoner

Chapter 404

Chapter 396: Melting the surface

The big lizard can’t break the ground, nor can Chen Xi’s fist break the ground.

Not to mention his magical power, he couldn’t mobilize the magical power of his body at all.

He touched the hidden lake shell and released a red shadow of the death of a top predator. As soon as it arrived, it was suppressed by infinite gravity, and the whole seaweed was lying on the ground and could not move.

It took a while for Death Red Shadow to adapt to the gravity here, the soft seaweed body stood up, and the soft blade became firm and sharp.

The appearance of the red shadow of death made the local natives amazed, and the zealots who were keen on fist and fist came to the field to fight against the red shadow of death.


A red whirlwind swept past, dozens of rough-skinned challengers were cut in half, and the bones and flesh were directly separated, showing the sharpness of the red shadow of death, and also showing the dominance of the top predator. That is far from advanced predators.

The dead man can’t be resurrected. This is a cruel world. The monsters who want to challenge are quiet, looking at their thick skin, thinking that they are invincible.

In this way, Chen Xi’s name was opened, because there were so many monsters beside him, all of them top predators.

Chen Xi was enclosing a certain area impermeable under a group of predators. He took out the giant stone man’s treasure core, which can melt through the rocky ground without any disadvantage.

Chen Xi put the gray giant stone man treasure core on the ground, and the ground under the treasure core seat immediately gurgled and melted through the stone surface.

“What is this thing, it can melt through the ground that can’t fall, it’s too powerful.” The big gray lizard spit out its long tongue, and it was full of awe at this precious core.

“This is the biological core of the rock race in the rock world.” Chen Xi briefly introduced.

The giant stone man’s treasure core is stone, and the ground is also stone. Stone versus stone, naturally, the stone understands their structure better, so it can melt through the surface.

However, the rate of melting was very slow, the ground was bubbling, and a cloud of gray liquid melted out of the hard ground, which was melting at a rate of one centimeter every five seconds.

A few minutes later, a small pit had been formed, and the surrounding top predators didn’t breathe for a moment. They scanned the surroundings, holding back all curious eyes.

Chen Xi wanted to see what’s inside the mountain. It’s not a good idea to let the group of guys watch. You must know that there are so many non-magic creatures on this mountain that it will cause troubles.

Chen Xi saw that the rate of melting was too slow, and took out the Giant Stoneman Core from the Lake Baili. Before, he could not control the Giant Stoneman core, but now his soul is strong and he can control all the Giant Stoneman cores.

He put the giant stone man’s treasure nucleus in his brain, all the treasure nuclei gathered together, the melting degree was raised to the extreme, and it melted directly one meter away in one second.

Ten seconds later, the sensitive Chen Xi once again found that the degree of melting slowed down.

The ground below ten meters is another layer of soil and rock, which is stronger than the rock on the surface, and the quality is extraordinary, which reduces the melting degree of the giant stone nuclei to half a meter per second.

The big grey reptile next to it showed expectation. It put out its tongue to probe the new purple-gray soil, and tasted a very sour taste.

“Good sour taste.” The lizard said that it was the most unpalatable soil.

“What do you usually eat?”

“Just eat the grass that grows on the mountain, it’s delicious, and it can grow meat.” The big gray reptile is a mountain tyrant that does not fall, and has a very good body. It used to be the top level among advanced predators.

Of course, it is now strengthened by perverted magic, and its arm strength is stronger than that of the top predator. It packs a ticket. As long as the powerful top predator fights with it, it will definitely slap the opponent into mud.

The process of melting is still going on. Chen Xi stared at the cave steadily. After tens of meters of melting, the degree of melting dropped again, turning into one meter per second.

The new stone layer of the third layer is pure black, but the black is not particularly pure. Some purple impurity stones can be seen vaguely, which is relatively soft, while the black stone layer is extremely hard and corrosion-resistant.

Da Mine Scorpion saw the black stone layer, felt the baptism of the age from the top, suddenly remembered something, and said: “Follow the mountain has existed for a long time, my ancestors have lived on the mountain for generations, and there are records of the age. The stone wall, this mountain must have a stone wall dating back.”

Chen Xi glanced at the melting stone cave and felt that the time was still too long, so he patrolled the mountain again with Big Grey Tin, and found the piece of dating in a few minutes.

It turns out that the thing that does not fall down the mountain is not a stone wall, but a tree stump that has been chopped down. The stump is very wide, and there are handwritings written on it by elderly non-magic creatures. It is written every other generation.

Because the tree stump has a slow self-healing ability, the engraving of a thousand years ago will disappear about every ten generations, so there will be no embarrassing scene of nowhere to engrave.

Chen Xi looked at the big wooden stake, saw a few weird patterns written on it, and asked the local natives. He didn’t know anything. Only a demonless creature that was about to die in a low voice whispered: “Buluoshan has existed for 10,000 years. ”

Ten thousand years, this is already a long time, and some historical events can be washed away.

There are also some major incidents left on the big tree stump. Chen Xi asked the local elderly creatures and learned that there were no major incidents on it. At most, there was too much entertainment. Tens of thousands of creatures died in fighting, and the whole place was young who did not fall. One generation was almost extinct, but fortunately it survived again.

Chen Xi went back to the sinking hole without detecting any favorable clues.* He couldn’t see what was inside, and it was completely dark.

Looking at the Giant Stone Man’s treasure core with the summoning contract, it was also pitch black, and I couldn’t see the real appearance. After all, there was no light.

He ordered Xiao Hui to sneak into the interior in a shadow state. After a while, Xiao Hui sneaked there. With the darker vision of the shadow creature, he saw that the soil layer below changed a total of five times.

The giant stone human treasure core has been unable to melt to the bottom, and the surrounding stone layer is absolutely pure black, without any impurities at all.

The giant stone man’s treasure core is a dead thing, and Chen Xi doesn’t know what stone it is. Since it is something that the giant stone man’s treasure core cannot melt, it must be an extremely high-end stone.

Xiao Hui swallowed all the treasure cores into his stomach and brought them back to Chen Xi.

Chen Xi prepared to use his summoning technique to summon a more advanced race of melting stones.

“From the rock world, it is the top creature of the melting stone clan…”

He meditated this kind of summoning spell in his heart, and the power of summoning immediately took it to search for creatures in the rocky world.

Soon, he found a very small stone creature. It looked a bit like a mouse, but its whole body was covered with stone skin, its head was very large, and its mouth had steel-colored teeth, indicating that its mouth had a huge bite. force.

That little mouse creature does not have eyes, or most of the stone creatures do not have eyes.


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