That Time I got Turned Into a Dragonoid

Ultimate Skill : Absolute Offense

Tiathmet's POV :

The "Heart Pact" is a rare and special bond that only happens with succubi. It's a unique connection that forms when a succubus truly falls in love with someone. The moment this happens, a heart-shaped mark appears just below her abdomen, a sign of her pure, unyielding love for that person. This mark is like a gentle, burning reminder that her heart has chosen someone, even if she herself doesn't realize it at first. It's not something she decides; it just happens naturally when her feelings are genuine and deep.

Unlike normal pacts, where both sides must agree, the Heart Pact is entirely one-sided. It doesn't need the other person's permission or even their knowledge. It's a silent declaration from the succubus's heart, binding her to the one she loves. When she finally notices the delicate heart tattoo on her skin, it dawns on her that she has truly fallen for that person—heart, body, and soul.

Once the Heart Pact is formed, the succubus becomes completely devoted. Her body will only respond to the person she loves, and no one else can stir her desires. But what if that person doesn't feel the same way? What if they don't accept her love? The Heart Pact doesn't just tie her physically; it connects their souls, linking them in a way that's far deeper than any ordinary pact.

Through this connection, the succubus can sense everything about her beloved—their feelings, whether they are happy, sad, or even aroused. She knows their favorite foods, the things that make them smile, the colors they love, and even the smallest details about their likes and dislikes. This bond gives her the power to understand and care for them in ways no one else can, making her desperate to win their heart.

The Heart Pact is stronger than any other pact because it's not just an agreement—it's a total surrender of her soul and body to the one she loves. It's a bond of pure, selfless love, making it more powerful and enduring than anything else. This connection is both beautiful and tragic because it means the succubus has given everything she is to another, with no guarantees in return.

Before my sister and I were born, our mother had an unforgettable encounter. She was wandering through a quiet forest when she spotted a young, handsome human adventurer. The moment she laid eyes on him, her heart skipped a beat. It was as if the world around her faded, leaving only him in her sight. She fell deeply and completely in love with him right then and there. 

At that very moment, something special happened—a small, heart-shaped mark appeared below her abdomen. It was the unmistakable sign of the "Heart Pact," a mark that only appears when a succubus falls in true love. But along with this realization came a deep worry. She knew he was an adventurer, a warrior who might see her as a threat. She feared that the moment he saw her, he might attack.

But love gave her courage. Despite her fears, she gathered all her strength and stepped out from the shadows, revealing herself to him.

To her immense relief, he didn't attack. Instead, he listened as she poured out her heart, telling him everything, even showing him the mark of the Heart Pact as proof of her love. The adventurer, being both kind-hearted and knowledgeable, understood what the mark meant. He wasn't just a brave fighter; he was a man with a gentle soul. He accepted her love, and soon after, they were married.

Their love was pure and true, and in time, they were blessed with two children—my sister, Lunaria, and me, Tiathmet. This is the story our mother told us countless times, a tale of love that brought warmth and happiness to our early years.

But that happiness didn't last forever.

When we ventured outside, the world around us showed its cruel side. The villagers, filled with prejudice and hate, turned their anger toward us. They despised my mother for being a succubus and resented our father even more for marrying her. In their eyes, he had betrayed his kind by loving someone they saw as a monster. But deep down, we knew the truth—they were jealous. Jealous that someone as enchanting and beautiful as our mother could love and be loved by our father.

Day by day, their hatred grew. Whenever my sister and I went out to play, the villagers would throw rocks at us. They cursed us with cruel and vulgar words, doing everything they could to hurt us. The constant bullying scarred us deeply. It became so unbearable that we could no longer bear to look at anyone's faces. Instead, we began see their faces as white masks with black markings, masks that showed a bright, evil smile—a reflection of the twisted pleasure they seemed to take in tormenting us.

But even though they were cruel, they couldn't go too far, because our father was a strong adventurer. His presence protected us, keeping the villagers' hatred at bay. 

That is, until one day, When we became Sixteen year old, they went too far. They poisoned our father and took his life.

Even though my mother knew what had happened, she was powerless to stop it. The man she loved, the man who had accepted her for who she was, was gone. And with his death, our world changed forever.

After what happened to our father, the village was no longer a place we could call home. That very night, our mother gathered us up and fled before the villagers could do anything worse. She took us to her own mother's home, deep inside the demon realm, where she thought we would be safe.

But she didn't stay with us there. Instead, she told us that she had a mission. She spoke about summoning a powerful demon from hell, one who could change the world and put an end to the discrimination between humans and demons. She didn't want anyone else to suffer as we had suffered.

She left us in the care of our grandmother, promising that she would return when her mission was complete. We waited for her, day after day, but the place where our grandmother lived was difficult for us to adapt to. It was a part of the demon realm where succubi lived, and the atmosphere was unlike anything we had ever known. The air was filled with the constant sound of moans, and everywhere we looked, the succubi wore revealing and vulgar clothes. Every day, new men and women were brought into the area, and it was clear why.

Normal succubi are weak at first, and their mana recovery rate is very slow. To grow stronger and evolve, they need to extract mana and life force through kisses or semen. It was how they survived and became more powerful. But there were exceptions. The succubus queen didn't need to do this, and neither did we—Lunaria and I, Tiathmet.

Because we were half-succubus and half-human, we didn't need to extract mana or life force in the same way to grow stronger. As time passed, this difference became more and more apparent. We studied magic, trained hard, and slowly began to surpass everyone else our age. While the others relied on their traditional methods, we grew stronger on our own.

Then, one fateful day, a letter arrived. It was from our mother. She wrote that she had finally found an ancient book, one that would allow her to summon the demon she had spoken about. We felt a mix of emotions—happiness that she had made progress, but also sadness because she didn't say anything about where she was or how she was doing.

But that letter gave us hope. We trained even harder, determined to be strong enough to help this demon in any way we could when the time came. In just three years, our hard work paid off. We became the strongest succubi in our area, and on the very day we were declared as such, another letter from our mother arrived.

This time, the news was even more exciting. She had successfully summoned the demon and had also revealed her location. Our hearts were filled with joy, and we couldn't wait to reunite with her. We decided to leave the very next day to meet her.

But what we didn't realize at the time was that we should have left the moment we read that letter. It was already too late. 

When we finally arrived at the cave where our mother was supposed to be, we were filled with hope, but what we found shattered us completely. Inside the cave, there was only a corpse—our mother's lifeless body. The sight was gruesome, the scene horrifying, and it was clear that she had suffered. Around her were footprints, many of them, likely left by the humans who did this to her, probably adventurers.

They had killed our mother in the most brutal way possible. The unsightly scene was burned into our minds. We couldn't forget it, even if we tried. And the worst part? We didn't know what kind of terrible things they might have done to her before ending her life. The thoughts of it haunted us, filling our hearts with a pain we had never felt before.

But at that moment, not a single tear fell from our eyes. No, there were no tears—only burning anger. Our eyes were filled with a fire that wouldn't be quenched. We didn't just want to cry; we wanted revenge. We needed it. But there was a problem: we didn't know who those humans were. We couldn't even see any kind of faces to find a clue about who killed our mother. 

So, there was only one thing left to do. If we couldn't find them, we would destroy them all. The extinction of the human race became our only goal. If every human in the world died, then one of them would surely be the one who murdered our mother, right? That's why we couldn't lose. We had to win, no matter what it took, no matter the cost. We would have to evolve into a succubus queen and kill every last human on this planet.

These thoughts rushed through Tiathmet's mind, in just a matter of seconds. The need for revenge grew stronger with each passing moment, and the burning anger in our eyes seemed to reach out to the world itself. It felt as if even the heavens heard their plea.

Suddenly, divine lights around us began to fade away, slowly disappearing. Lunaria and Tiathmet, felt their bodies and souls merging completely. They weren't two separate beings anymore—they were one. As the merging process finished, a series of notifications appeared before them. 


<Notification: Merging Successful>

<Notification: Soul consumption successful>

<Congratulations: The user is going to evolve into a Succubus Queen>

The notifications continued to flood their vision, one after another.

<Name: Lunatic Shoreline>

<Title: Succubus Queen, The One Who Can't Be Blocked, The Passive Berserker…>

But as they felt the surge of new power, something unexpected happened. 

<Alert: Soul merging and Body merging is devolving>

<Notification: New Unique Skill Shape Shifting Gained>

Their old unique skills disappeared, replaced by the new Shape Shifting skill. For a moment, it felt like they had lost something precious, but then another notification appeared, this time bringing good news.

<Notification: Unique Skill Limitless Output and Unique Skill Limitless Force are merging>

<Congratulations: You have gained <Ultimate Skill: Absolute Offense>> 

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